Interviewee: SabrinaBlackburry [REPOST]
Interviewer: strayinspace
Sara: What's your pen name/name?
Sabrina: Pen name: Sabrina Blackburry
Sara: What inspired you to write?
Sabrina: I think like most writers I got inspired to write when I really got into reading. I guess it was maybe late elementary school when we started getting assignments in English class that were something like 'write a short story' and it clicked. Oh, I like reading stories, now I can make one!
Sara: What type of books do you write? Why?
Sabrina: It's hard to pin down what kinds of books I write. I've tried to push my boundaries and jump into themes and genres I wouldn't have considered before, so if you ask me what genres I write it's a little bit of a lot of them. But I will say that most commonly my books have fantasy elements in them. I like the unknown, the magical, the mysterious. I like to add a spark of magic into this world with my stories if I can. Our lives are already hard enough with reality pressing in around us, why not put a little magic in our reading?
Sara: How do you come up with your stories?
Sabrina: I don't have any special method for coming up with my stories. They usually either hit me out of nowhere or I see a problem with a trope that I like and try to fix it. For instance, I like the mate trope but I hate how the guy acts so entitled towards the girl. Let's fix that. Or I like stories with love in them but why does it always end with romantic love and no other love? Love of family, friends, siblings, self. Let's write a story that emphasizes all of them and not just romance, shall we? Things like that.
Sara: I agree. Some books tend to lack creativity and seem to have repetitive plots, characters...etc. Props to you for reaching beyond your limits, I find it difficult myself to not stick to my old genres and what I'm used to! It's always good to add creativity to your works and be unique with your plot. All plots, ideas, characters...etc have been thought of before, but it's how the author puts their own twist on it that really makes a book memorable!Who are your favourite authors on and off Wattpad?
Sabrina: Off of Wattpad my favorite authors are J R R Tolkien and Tamora Pierce. One gave me a thirst for adventure and the other inspired a generation of girls to be brave.On Wattpad, it's hard to pick a favorite because there are so many good books on here and they are all different with different strengths. I might give it to ZeroWineThirty for opening my eyes to the possibility of a genre and EmilyLK who sadly is not on Wattpad much anymore since she left to publish her books, but she deserves a shoutout for being the first on here to really and truly surprise me in a story. I loved reading both of these fine writers the first time, and I still do now.
Sara: What's your favourite part about the writing process?
Sabrina: A favorite part of the writing process? Hmm. I guess I enjoy the initial plotting quite a bit. The possibilities are laid out endlessly before you and your story can go anywhere you're willing to follow it. I also like making character sheets and adding to them as I learn more about the characters!
Sara: When did you start writing? How old were you?
Sabrina: I don't remember an exact age when I began writing for fun, but I definitely remember writing in my notebook on the playground at school, which makes it sometime in elementary school. But if we're talking about writing a little more seriously, I'd estimate that closer to NaNoWriMo 2013 when I finished my first novel sized work.
Sara: Is writing a hobby for you or do you wish to become a published author in the future?
Sabrina: I've always thought that would be a grand thing to be. A published author. But I never really saw it as something I could achieve. I thought writing would be a hobby just because I wasn't good enough. Because the market is so hard to break into. But when Wattpad reached out and invited me to the Paid Stories program I thought 'oh hey, maybe I could do this'. At this time I'm actively working on publishing as a goal, I don't think I would have considered that without my Wattpad readers' support and the confidence I've grown here.
Sara: Awe that's wonderful! I hope you reach your goal! What made you start wanting to publish books on Wattpad?
Sabrina: Well, I had been writing for myself for a few years and I decided I didn't like that no one would ever read my work. When I found Wattpad it felt like the right thing to do. It helped me get over that scary first step of showing strangers my writing, and it helped me with feedback from people commenting. I'm glad I took that leap and published on Wattpad!
Sara: How do you get motivated to write and continue to write on or outside of wattpad?
Sabrina: My motivation is from my readers. I know they expect an update on the schedule I've laid out for them, and I haven't missed that yet. Not once. When I wrote for 'me' I'd have long periods of writers block or I didn't feel like writing anything. Now I write for 'us' and all day at work I think about the people who are excited for my words and I want to do right by them and put out work for them. There is no 'writers block' or 'don't feel like it' anymore. I mean, I feel that way sometimes, but I don't let myself take a day off of writing just because I'm not feeling it or I'm not inspired. I just do it anyway.
Sara: Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?
Sabrina: I'm from Missouri, and like much of the American Midwest there isn't much to do around here. It probably helped lead me to books in the first place. But it did give me an appreciation for the outdoors, and I love fishing and camping. If I can't be outside, I'm at home probably cooking (which I enjoy) or sewing. I'm a little but if a foodie and I try to be adventurous with it. I'd love to eat my way around the world someday, we'll see.In my more everyday life, I like to spend time with my family. My husband and son, the light of my life. I'm also very close to my sister. I'm more likely to spend time at home than in a crowded place though, so chances are we're hanging out and playing games at the table or watching a movie or grilling in the backyard. I try to take pleasures from the simple things around me every day. I would rather feel blessed for what I have than spend time worrying about what I don't (other than basic needs that is). Finding magic in the little things has influenced my writing heavily, and I hope I can bring some of that happiness to others.
Sara: Are the books you write based off real experiences?
Sabrina: I don't really base my stories off of experiences but I'll sometimes base them off of lessons to learn. Especially lessons I'd wished I had learned earlier than I did. Things like how to love yourself, or the importance of all kinds of love, not just romantic. Things like that. But I do have a book or two that are just pure fun and enjoyment or me to write, no life lessons or experiences.
Sara: Which book of yours is your favourite? Why?
Sabrina: Which of my books is my favorite? Oh that's a tough one. I think it might have to be Half Wylde. It holds a message I wish I could have told my younger self about love, but buried under a pile of high fantasy and magic haha.
Sara: Which one of your characters do you relate to the most? Why?
Sabrina: I think I relate to Thea from Dirty Lying Faeries in a lot of ways. We had a different home life growing up, but when the story starts she's a young 20 something with money and job struggles. She only sort of knows what she wants to do while her best friend seems to be already successful in life. I think most of us have been there, I know I have.
Sara: What's the most difficult part of writing for you?
Sabrina: I have a hard time making myself write when I'm uninspired. But I know myself, if I only write when I feel like it it would take me several years to finish one book! Sometimes it's about sitting down and just making yourself put something on the page, and that's a part I struggle with often.
Sara: What has writing, in general, or writing your books taught you?
Sabrina: Writing has been a journey of confidence and growth. It has taught me to value the time I put into something I spend hours on. It has taught me to be proud of where I am in my journey, and that there is no shame in being where I am as a writer. Everyone starts in the same place, and no one is ever really done growing.
Sara: Do you have any advice for writers trying to write a book on Wattpad?
Sabrina: I love seeing eager new writers on Wattpad! So first of all, I'd say please back up your work! It's always a good idea to have it in a couple different places. So even if you write on Wattpad, please save yourself a copy on your computer or in Google Docs or somewhere else too. Next I'd say to not give up. I know it's discouraging to be so very brave and put something out for the world to see. It's a huge step for a writer to say 'hey! I wrote this, everyone can see it!' and Wattpad is a great platform for that. But I've also seen a lot of writers get discouraged by no one commenting or voting on their work. If you keep at it, it will come with time. I remember the long stretch of being my only reader. It wasn't until the story had a bunch of chapters that other people were willing to check it out. And after I hit that 'complete' button, that's when the reads really came in. So be warned that it's a slow and long road to put that first work out on Wattpad, but be gentle with yourself. It's going to take time, but it's well worth it the first time a reader gives you a vote or tells you that your story made them happy.
Sara: When you are not writing, what can we find you doing?
Sabrina: When I'm not writing I'm still a total homebody. I like to sit on the porch and read, I like cooking, and I like to sew. Actually, I sew costume pieces and sell them at the local renaissance festival twice a year haha. The fantasy nerd in me just can't express herself through books alone. I also have two cats and a son who is the light of my life. He's two and he's so curious about the world around him. I hope someday my writing can give us enough support to fill his childhood with fun experiences. I do like traveling to new destinations, I just haven't gotten many chances yet.
Sara: Do you plan out your stories or do you just write based off idea/plot of the story?
Sabrina: I have a loose plan before I start writing, but honestly I'm really somewhere between a planner and a pantser. I think most writers are really. Not that I don't find writers who are one or the other, but I've met an awful lot who are somewhere in the middle. I kind of know how I'm starting, how I'm ending, and maybe a couple details in the middle but that's about it.
Sara: Do you ever experience writer's block? If so, how are you able to get rid of it?
Sabrina: I do get writers block, but I guess I try to power through it. I just start writing. I may end up throwing away most of it, and I might hate what I write, but at least I tried to write even when I had no ideas or motivation. Just sit down and try it. Even writing down a scene you didn't think would be useful can be good for getting those juices flowing again.
Sara: How did you find out about Wattpad?
Sabrina: I think I heard about Wattpad on the NaNoWroMo forums haha. I wish I had found it sooner too, Wattpad made me improve my writing quite a bit!
Sara: With the amount of readers you have, do you feel pressured to update?
Sabrina: I do and I don't. On the one hand, it would kill me to let them down, so I've never missed a weekly update. On the other hand, I get excited to write for them, so it's not hard to keep that schedule up.
Sara: What would you like to say to your fans/supporters?
Sabrina: To anyone who has given me a chance and read my work, thank you! I t was YOU who made me think I could write for other people's enjoyment. It was YOU who motivated me to release more stories, more frequently. Never forget the power you hold as a reader. With a comment, a vote, a read, a PM, you can change a Wattpad authors day. You all have made me so excited to write for you, so thank you
♤ ♤ ♤
Thank you to Sabrina who took time out of her day to do this interview with me! If you love well-written fantasy books full of adventure and romance, then I highly recommend heading over to SabrinaBlackburry 's profile and showing her some love!
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