One Wrong Step Part 2
AN: So it took longer than a few days. Hey, just be glad I got through it and gave you the rest. Unlike my other attempts. So all I can say this is messy. And it is going to be. The whole situation is really. I hope you enjoy.
TW: Mentions of suicide again, the infidelity thing, anger issues, separation anxiety, brief panic attacks, and slight character defamation (?)
Scott always hated being put on the spot like this. He and Mitch couldn't tell Jonathan and Esther about what happened. Not without handling the elephant. The only issue is that Mitch wanted to be there for the conversation. "Mitch, this is between me and him. I don't want him attacking you in any way."
Mitch rolled his eyes at Scott's concern. "I was there for way too many blow ups between you and Alex. Besides, I am a part of this, too. I am not going to just leave you to face him alone. And....," Mitch drifted off as he looked down at his hands, "I don't want to be away from you ever again. These past few days were torture."
Scott's eyes watered at the admission. "Oh baby." He grabbed Mitch's chin and brought his face up. He leaned over and kissed the lips he thought he would never touch again. Mitch took no time in deepening the kiss. He turned his head and opened his mouth allowing Scott's tongue to slip in. Mitch carefully slipped his arms around Scott's neck as they poured out the love they had. His heart fluttered at the feeling of Mitch's fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. He wanted to never stop but he couldn't continue. The pain was surging everywhere. He lessened the intensity until it was small pecks. Their lips separated as Mitch unlatched his own from Scott's bottom one.
Mitch looked so beautiful and sexy. His eyes swirled with passion and lust. His cheeks were tinted pink. And his lips were this gorgeous shade of reddish pink; swollen, and glistening. Scott wished he could feel below the belt. But only pain radiated from his hip. "Scott....". He reached over and put his hand over his heart. His mind was in a love filled haze.
"Mitchy...the button," he forced out. Mitch's eyes widened and turned around to grab the button that released the medicine. He hurriedly pressed it. They looked down at Scott's right hand where the IV was set. The medicine flew from the bag and into the needle sticking into his vein. "Ah....that feels better. Mmm, medicine is nice."
"I'm sorry. I needed the touch. I've been without you for nearly a week. Now don't go overboard and get addicted to this stuff." Scott simply snorted at Mitch's words. Mitch was such a wife.
"It's okay. I needed it too. And I promise. That's why you are here. To make sure I be good." Mitch shook his head as he fluffed his pillows and made him lay back again.
"I have to be. Otherwise you'll abuse the button and the fact you are laid up in here. Comfortable, honey?"
Scott nodded. "Yeah. Thanks, sweetheart. Now don't think that little moment made me forget what we were talking about." Mitch scowled. "Mitch," he said warningly. He may not be able to spank that ass but he could make sure Mitch knew he meant business.
Mitch huffed and tucked his legs under him. "You aren't changing my mind. You aren't in any position to deal with a broken hearted overemotional ex anyway."
Scott couldn't help to roll his eyes at the dramatics. "What, you think he's going to crazy on me and try to attack or something?"
Mitch shrugged. "I don't know. But it is better to be safe than sorry. Now stop stalling. We need to get through this so we can explain to Jonathan and Esther." Scott groaned and threw his head back on his pillow. "Hey! Be careful! You don't want to rattle your head." Scott rolled his eyes.
"Yes, mom."
Mitch glared at him. "Don't get snippy with me Scott Richard. You are still healing." Mitch was poking him to get the point across. He could imagine a little nail mark on his chest because of how hard Mitch was stabbing his finger.
"Fine," he huffed out. "I'm sorry. I just hate being stuck in here. And I know you want to get this conversation over with but it isn't that easy. He won't taking this lying down." Mitch looked pretty pissed at this truth. He sighed and ran his hands through Scott's hair.
"Well neither am I." Scott really hoped he wasn't about to be front seat to a fight between his boyfriend and the love of his life.
It was finally happening...albeit a few days later than originally planned. He was finally going to talk to his boyfriend. He really felt sick to his his stomach. There was no way to make this go quickly. His heart seized in his chest when he saw the man come into the room. He looked so innocent and confused. He kept looking between him and Mitch, still sitting on his right side, as he took a seat. "You wanted to talk to me about something? Uh....is Mitch supposed to be here? Dr. Ramirez made it sound pretty urgent."
He felt Mitch stiffen next to him at the question of his being there. Scott put his hand over Mitch's left as a small sign of comfort. "I do. And he is. This is about....how I was acting before the accident happened."
His boyfriend sat up at that. He was focused on him while sneaking glances at Mitch warily. "Okay....? Scott, what does that have to do with anything?"
Scott wouldn't be surprised if he gave himself an ulcer with all this stress. He grit his teeth, preparing to twist his boyfriend's world upside down. "Everything actually. We didn't just end up on the roof. It was deliberate." Mitch nudged his side. He looked over at him to see what it was. "Oh. Right...should kind of lead into that. Well....I am sure you noticed I have not been as....there....I guess for a while."
He saw a flash of hurt on the Asian man's face before it was gone again. "Y-yeah. You uh....", he looked down as he seemed to gather himself again. "You were out more and didn't want to do things together as much. I felt pretty alone in those moments." Scott could read all the sadness on his face. Scott hated doing this to guys. But living a lie was something he couldn't do anymore. He wanted to be true to himself, 100%.
"Right...do you remember when I started acting like that?"
His boyfriend's head tilted just a little. "Mmm....uh....the beginning of February, if I am not mistaken. That's weird because it was also around the time that Mitch....broke up....with....". The lightbulb obviously went off in his head. "Scott....what are you trying to say?"
Mitch was holding his hand as tight as he could. Mitch could feel the nerves coming off of him. "Do you remember when you met us?" His boyfriend nodded. "I told you that Mitch and I were a package deal. That wherever I go, he goes and vice versa."
His boyfriend nodded, thoughts whirling behind those brown eyes. "...Yeah. You were obsessed with each other. But...that was almost two years ago. Things change."
Scott glared at his boyfriend for trivializing his relationship with Mitch. He didn't take kindly to anyone downplaying Mitch in his life. "No. They don't. Mitch comes first."
He felt Mitch pinch the inside of his wrist. He wanted him to calm down. "What Scott is trying to say is that we are there for each other. And after the break up....I wasn't in the best of moods. Scott wanted to make sure I was okay. But I needed more than some reassuring words."
Mitch was quiet. He looked like he wanted to hide. Scott wished he could move his left arm more because he knew Mitch needed that physical comfort. "It's okay Mitchy, I'm here," he whispered.
Mitch sniffled. "But you weren't before." Scott's heart stopped for a second. Mitch wasn't accusatory. Just stating a fact. It was still like a slap in the face. That Mitch needed him but he wasn't there. Mitch was now focused on some spot on the wall, tears running down his face. "Near the end of the relationship, it was just bad. My ex told me that he would hear me muttering in my sleep. That I would cry. He said I would call for Scott. Once....I woke up so terrified. And he was trying to calm me down. I just begged for Scott."
Scott's heart twisted at the pain Mitch felt. "Mitchy....why didn't you tell me? Why would you keep that from me?" Mitch shook his head as his face screwed up in agony.
"Because I didn't want to ruin anything for you. I thought I could handle it. That I wasn't so needy or dependent on you." Scott could care less about his boyfriend when Mitch was in despair. Nothing mattered more than Mitch's well being. His mental and physical health came before all else. He would have been there at whatever time of night for Mitch. That was the truth.
"You don't get to put yourself through that and think it's okay or brave. You know what happens when you do that." Scott stared down Mitch. The brunette certainly remembered his dark days of yesteryears. Scott kept him from doing the worst. Mitch looked away and back at the spot on the wall.
"I know, Scott. Trust me. My ex....he couldn't handle it. He said that I seemed in love with him when my eyes were open but as soon as they closed I belonged to you. He said he couldn't love someone who was in love with someone else. So....we broke up." Scott could tell Mitch wasn't heartbroken over his ex but of another failed relationship and hurting someone unintentionally. He always put his all in.
The room was silent as they let Mitch's words sink in. "Okay so you were spending more time with Mitch.....".
The bandaid was coming off now. "Yes. We wanted to connect again. And in the process we talked about things. Things we hadn't really let ourselves think about for a really long time. The cruise was great for us because it took us away from everyone we knew...well almost." He couldn't help the slip. And it did change their dynamic just a bit. Mitch didn't go all out and be as wild and free as he usually was with Scott. His boyfriend flinched at the slight dig. "Last Friday....Mitch and I planned to go out alone. We wanted for it to be just us. There were some personal things to decide."
His boyfriend's face had been growing paler and paler as he kept speaking. "B-but you didn't. Y-you changed your mind." It seemed he was getting an inkling of where Scott was headed. Scott hated crushing guys' hearts like this.
Scott shook his head. "No, I didn't. I felt sorry for you. When I told you I was going out, you got so upset. I felt that I had to be a good boyfriend to you. So I cancelled my reservation at this restaurant and that's how we ended up at that club.....When you told me to come back soon, I was conflicted. I hated lying. Instead I said nothing at all."
Mitch decided to pick up the story from there. "He was mentally checked out when he walked up to the bar. I was sitting there hoping for the hours to pass. I hated being there but didn't want to be away from Scott. I was afraid if I left....that he would throw away what we talked about and....". Mitch stopped and sucked in a shaky breath. Scott saw the signs of his depression clinging to him. He put his hand on Mitch's lower back and rubbed softly, putting pressure in the right spots to keep Mitch held together. He watched his face as he readied himself to speak again. "I told Scott that I wanted to get away from everyone. I suggested we go to the roof. We sneaked up there with a bottle of wine....".
Scott remembered it all as if it just happened. That night was imprinted in his brain, the good and the bad. "Yeah....we decided to have our own night. We ended up talking about those personal things after all. We agreed on what we wanted. Everything matched up in our thoughts and goals. I was supposed to talk to you the next day....".
His boyfriend's face was ashen and his lip trembled. "Tell me Scott! Stop trying to be gentle about it!" Scott sighed and looked over to Mitch.
"We decided to really go for it this time. To be together. Scott said he was going to end things with you. We were talking about how long we would wait before going public when my foot slipped.....". Mitch started hyperventilating, his pupils shrunk in fear, and his body trembled violently. He thought he was falling again.
"MITCH," he called, pulling the brunette from his inner darkness. He turned Mitch's face to look at him. "Hey, I've got you," he whispered. He bumped their noses together as he touched Mitch's forehead to his own. He could feel Mitch's breath evening out and the slight thump of his heartbeat. They pulled apart, Mitch's eyes fixated on his own, tears coming out.
"Scott....". He gave his angel a smile, letting him know he was alright.
They were broken from their bubble at hearing sobs. They looked over to see Scott's boyfriend falling apart. "N-no! Y-y-you c-can't," he cried out. "We're together! Y-you said you l-l-loved me!"
This was why he stalled so long on the break up. He hated putting someone through this. He especially hated how he wasn't more effected by the tears and begging words. His heart, mind, body, and soul would be past things. Being in a relationship just to be in a relationship was unhealthy. It was hard to grasp that. Now he was dealing with the ramifications of his fake happiness. It was jarring to say the least.
Watching someone lose it was horrible. "I do love you. But there is not just one kind of love, one level of love. You are so good and willing. Having you by my side was comforting. I didn't feel so alone and broken. It was fun and easy. I didn't have a care. It was like all was bright and happy. I could sleep at night with someone who was there for me. It was like a dream."
His words only made his boyfriend cry harder as pulled at his shirt, completely anxious. "Then why? W-w-why would you do this?" Mitch tried to hide sucking his teeth. Scott knew that Mitch was just as done with being so accommodating and polite about anything. He pinched Mitch's wrist to get him to control his "bitchy" attitude. Mitch looked over at him and rolled his eyes with a small smile.
Scott returned his eyes to the upset man before them. "Like I said, there isn't just one love. You are too willing. There is no resistant, no push and pull. You'll stick by me without any question. I can't handle someone hanging on like that. It feels like I have no space or am valued as me. I can't be single for too long. I hate being alone. I begin to hate myself. You are there. So I have something to keep me from all the self loathing and wanting to do anything to stop it. I'd rather have any body next to me, if it means I am not alone. You weren't apposed to doing anything. You let me do whatever. And you are so nice. I can stand being around you just enough. We never really had any issues with anything. It was too perfect to be real. People may say that is great but I like knowing that I have differences with my man. I felt like I wasn't really living my life. It was like I was in some doll house with a Ken doll boyfriend. I was able to sleep but my mind was never settled by your presence. Just the outer surface of who I am. But I let myself take it. I convinced myself that it was okay. I love you. I do. But I am in love with Mitch," Scott finished looking over lovingly to his other half.
Mitch gave him a small smile as he squeezed his hand. "And I'm in love with Scott." Scott's now ex jumped up from his seat in hysterics and ran out the room without another word. Scott pursed his lips as he looked at the door the man left through. This was going to get uglier before it got better, he was sure of it.
Scott's relaxing with Mitch was abruptly ruined by their two managers stomping in, absolutely furious. "Okay, I need to know why a certain Filipino man is sobbing on poor Kevin and saying that God was punishing you for cheating on him!" Jonathan was not in the mood to play games it seemed. Scott and Mitch sighed in unison. "Don't Scomiche me! Explain! NOW!"
"We told him what happened that lead to the accident. He is taking things a little hard is all," he answered.
He saw that Jonathan and Esther didn't seem to believe him. "Really? And what was that exactly?"
Scott looked over to Mitch. He rolled his eyes and addressed their managers. "We went up to the roof to escape from everyone. That night was supposed to be our special night. Scott got guilted into changing our plans because of his relationship. He was just mentally done with things and so was I. While up there we had some serious talks and got more drunk. I was on the ledge and.....".
Scott saw the pain on the two older adults faces. "....You don't have to say anything else, Mitch. Now how does that tie into you being "punished" and a "cheater"," Jonathan asked.
Scott just wanted this to be done already! "He is saying the accident was God's way of showing I am a horrible person because I am in love with Mitch and not him."
Esther pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to stay calm. "Okay I need clarification here. Does he think you are in love with Mitch or....? And what were these serious talks?"
"No. That is what I told him. I told him I'm in love with Mitch. And we talked about us....our history, everything that has been happening recently, what we wanted now and in the future, just all the nitty gritty that we haven't had a chance to really get into."
Jonathan was rubbing his temples now. "You can't be serious right now. You actually told the guy you have been with exclusively for the past five months and collectively closer to two years, who you live with, that you wanted to end things by telling him you are in love with someone else! And that someone else is right next to you!"
Scott wished he could get up to curse Jonathan out right now. "It's not like I was not going to tell him otherwise! If the fall didn't happen I was going to tell him the next day! And I wanted to tell him alone but Mitch insisted being with me! I wasn't going to tell him no after all that I put him through!" He was heaving now and his chest was burning with pain. Mitch was gentle with settling him back against the bed and pressed the button for his meds.
Jonathan looked truly livid that that. "Put him through," he roared, pointing at Mitch. "What about your boyfriend who is in love with you and was beside himself for DAYS, scared about if you would make it or not! Does he not get the same consideration!"
Esther wasn't even stopping Jonathan's rant. She simply stared coldly at Scott. "As hard as it is to believe, the world doesn't revolve around you two. We all worked to be there for both of you. But all you care about is each other. The rest of the population can die but as long as you have each other, you could care less. How could you be so callous to him?"
"You are lecturing us like we were going to do it this way the whole time. I spent days not knowing anything about how Scott was. But his boyfriend did. Do you think that I felt good about that? That I was okay? I wanted to end it. All because I didn't have Scott there. I was so alone. None of you said anything. You claim it was to keep us focused on our own healing but it was so you could have your own peace of mind."
Jonathan glared at Mitch. "None of this would have even happened if Scott had just owned up to things. You would have not been on that roof that night."
Scott shuffled to sit up a bit more. "I thought you were OUR managers, OUR friends! Why are you acting like we are the ones in the wrong!?"
"BECAUSE YOU ARE," Jonathan exploded. "You put your very lives in danger! For what? Because you wanted to go fool around with Mitch behind your boyfriend's back," he hissed out venomously.
Scott's heart stung at Jonathan's response. "Jonathan is right. You two are so impulsive. I can't understand why you did that. If you were as serious as you say about wanting to change things, you wouldn't have cowered on the roof instead of confronting your boyfriend head on."
"Why are you laying all the blame on Scott? I'm the one who came to him in the first place saying I wanted to talk about us. I am the one who started all this."
Esther rolled her eyes. "What would that achieve? Besides enraging Scott and causing him to hurt himself in the effort to come at Jonathan and I. You are untouchable. We all know that."
Mitch huffed as he settled back against his side. "So, what? You don't want us to be together? You think I should have stayed in a sham of a relationship? Cause the way you two are making it seem, you prefer my ex over Mitch."
Jonathan screamed as he pulled at his hair. "NO! That is not it at all! It was the way you went about it. You had multiple opportunities to break up with your ex but you didn't. You kept dragging your feet. And then this happened." he exclaimed as he waved his hand over at the two of them in the hospital bed.
Scott groaned at this merry go round. "It's not like we wanted this to happen. It was a freak accident."
Mitch tightened his hold on Scott's hospital gown. "It was my fault about the fall." The anger flew from the room and a pained silence replaced it. Scott stared at Mitch. He didn't believe that. "Scott told me to be careful but I didn't listen. I was too tipsy and thought I was more coordinated than I actually am. I gave him sass for being worried about me. I was so stupid. I should have gotten down but I thought I knew better. I am so sorry I put everyone through this," he sobbed out.
Scott pulled Mitch into his good shoulder as he let out his tears. Jonathan and Esther ran to Mitch's side to comfort him better. "Don't say that Mitchy. It was just how things happened," Esther soothed, stroking the top of his fluffy head. Scott kissed his left temple and nuzzled his nose into his hair. His baby didn't deserve any of this guilt.
"And for the record, we don't like anyone better than Mitch. He's our sweetie pie. But you brought this man into our world. He isn't going to leave so easily. You have to figure out how to settle this fairly."
Scott sighed. "What am I supposed to do? He's going to want to cling on."
Jonathan looked over at him sadly as he rubbed Mitch's back. "That is for you to decide. We don't need any bad publicity coming out about you or any of the band over this. And....I'm sorry I made it out to be that you only wanted to get some with Mitch....I know it's not just a sexual thing with you two. Your ex....he really knows how to get to you. And with the way you've been acting....".
Scott looked down, ashamed. He hadn't exactly been himself these past few days. "I...I know. I was so lost and hurting....I felt like everyone besides Mitch was against me. Esther...you're right. We do tend to only think about each other. It's always been us weathering through it all. I never imagined Mitch not at my side or me at his. Before we met any of y'all...when the trio was going our separate ways...it messed us up bad. When The Sing Off opportunity came around.....we promised each other that we would never let ourselves lose each other again. That no matter what, we would never have that gaping hole in our hearts and bodies. These relationships....and then seeing Mitch fall.....I thought I was really going to lose him completely. I love him so much. I can't live without him," he cried.
He felt the two older adults wrap their arms around him and Mitch. The four cried together. There was a lot of hurt and anger still, but they could make it better. They had to.
Since the blowout between the managers, Scott had been told that he was getting to go home the next day. He was more than ready to go. He had been speaking with all his friends and his parents as they came to drop by. After Mitch's mini breakdown, he had been forced to go back to the psych ward to be taken care of. His absence was so apparent. Thankfully they were able to FaceTime each other so he didn't feel as alone without his other half.
Right then Dr. Ramirez was checking his vitals again. "You are looking really good. Everything is looking in order. Your bones seem to be healing nicely so far. The screws are holding you together well. And the swelling is going down as well. I am surprised given how much you gave us a scare with your heart. I really do suggest you try not to put any more strain out it than necessary. We want you back to full health sooner rather than later."
Scott rolled his eyes at his doctor. "Got it, Doc. Even with a few floors between us, Mitch still watches me like a hawk and makes sure that I take care of myself. My parents are even worse with it, possibly."
Dr. Ramirez laughed. "Well I should thank Mitch and your parents. I am done for today. I will do one last check up on you before you are released tomorrow. Oh! That reminds me. When I was about to come in here, one of your friends really wanted to speak to you. I told them that they can come in when I'm done. I hope that's okay."
Scott perked up at the news. "Of course. Thanks again for putting up with me this past week. I know I can be a handful. My parents often say they don't know how Mitch deals with me."
Dr. Ramirez shook his head. "On the contrary you are probably the most entertaining patient I have ever had. There is never a dull moment with you. And I am sure Mitch doesn't mind how you are. He seems to relish in taking care of you."
Scott smiled, thinking about his love. "Yeah....".
Dr. Ramirez grabbed his paperwork. "See you tomorrow, Scott."
"You too, Doc."
When Dr. Ramirez said that a friend wanted to speak to him, he wasn't expecting Alex to walk through the door. The dirty blond looked more tan than the last time he saw him. It was kind of surreal. Alex took his seat. Scott stared. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Don't act so excited to see me," he replied with an eye roll. Scott glared at the man he had broken up with three years before. He had made it a point to avoid him and not talk to him for a reason. "I came to see how you were doing. Been coming every day."
Scott arched his fair brow. "Really?" He'd sooner believe that Avi wanted to bring back the original band than Alex wanted to see him willingly.
"I can't stand you after breaking up but that doesn't mean I want you dead...most of the time."
Scott shook his head. "Thanks," he said sarcastically. "You know Mitch would not take too kindly if you did."
Alex's lip quirked at the mention of the short brunette. "I'm sure. He is very particular when it comes to you not dying on him." It felt good having a common understanding. But that still did not ease Scott's mind about his ex's presence.
"Okay, you've come by but why did you actually have to see me? Privately at that."
Alex sighed and squeezed his hands together. "I wanted to know how you are taking all this. Especially the break up. Since uh....yeah...he hasn't stopped cursing you out."
Scott bit on the inside of his cheek as he thought over this information. "It's been....trying. And I wish the break up didn't happen the way it did but the overdramatics aren't appreciated. He knew something was coming. He was in denial. I am tired of sugarcoating things to make someone else feel better. I have been dead inside for much too long."
"Can you blame him, though? He thought he "won". I mean he was able to get you to live with him without Mitch there, too. That's something that I was never able to achieve. I tried to get you to move in together and you stonewalled me. He's going through it right now. I figured if there is anyone who knows how much it hurts when you choose Mitch over them, it's me."
Scott sighed and looked down. Choosing Mitch wasn't the official reason of the break up but it was certainly the thing lurking in the back of his head when he did end things with Alex. He wasn't going to leave Mitch behind. Mitch was the one who decided for them to be separate and "individual".
"I don't get it. It's like when I decide to date someone they get it in their head that it's forever or something. You take the break ups so hard. There are so many other guys out there. What's so special about me?"
Alex rubbed his temples, groaning. "Scott you are an amazing guy. You are so nice and go above and beyond. Not to mention gorgeous and an incredible lover. We get sucked in by your spell. And it's hard to break free. I mean we see how you are to Mitch. You treat him like an absolute queen, you know. But none of us get that same treatment. That blind devotion and intense love. We only get a sliver of that. And....and we thought it was okay. I was okay with knowing I had to share you with Mitch. I knew that you loved Mitch more than me. But then things had changed....".
Scott didn't even need him to elaborate. He still felt the pain of Mitch not putting back on the bracelet. That bracelet was a symbol of his love. Mitch taking it off and then the relationship crap....it hurt. "I get it. I tried. You know I do. But none of you know the depths of my love for Mitch. I would do absolutely anything for him. When we started talking about everything after his break up last month....I knew that I couldn't put others before myself. I have always cared about others to the point that what I wanted didn't matter. I wanted to do something for myself."
Alex nodded. "You have every right to feel that way. You don't think about yourself. You take on others and let what you want take a backseat. You even do it with Mitch. The issue is there is no balance between you and everyone who isn't Mitch. You two have a give and take. You are equal and you know that. With me and the other guys that have been in your life, it isn't. There has always been something off."
Scott sighed. As much as he hated to think it, Alex knew him more clearly and truthfully than any other boyfriend besides Mitch. Alex had been there for so much. He truly knew what it was like being in between him and Mitch. "It's true....and I tried to be there. I wanted to be the best boyfriend I could be. Except I knew I was not, on the inside. I let all my anger swarm me. Maybe....karma is real? What if God did punish me because I was not true to myself?"
He felt all the mental struggles hit him full force at the admission. His throat grew tight and his eyes stung. He kind of wanted a puke bag with the way his stomach was churning. Alex's pupils were smaller than usual and his skin had lost all its color. He honestly looked like he was staring death in the face. "How could you ever think that!? Scott, you didn't deserve what happened to you. Mitch didn't either. No god would be so heartless. I know that you've gotten a lot of crap from everyone about the accident, but don't think that it is some punishment. I couldn't....I couldn't imagine this world without you in it. You are meant to shine a light in this bleak world. That's what you and Mitch and everyone in Pentatonix is for. I know you feel horrible for so many reasons right now, but I promise I will try to help just a little."
Scott remembered why he had lasted as long as he did with Alex. Alex had heart. He had a stubborn drive. He, in some ways,....made him think of Mitch. He was a good person. He just wasn't right for Scott. "What do you mean by "help"?"
Alex gave him a small shaky smile. "I'll speak to your ex. I'll help him calm down. We have a lot in common when it comes to dealing with you. You...you just worry about taking it easy until tomorrow. Tell Mitch I hope he is doing well. And that I am glad he is so sweet. He'll know what I mean." Alex got up and walked to the door. He looked back over at Scott. "I'll see you around, Hoying."
Scott smiled at the dirty blond. "You too, Kirk."
"Ugh! I hate that I have to get a mental health check up right now," Mitch whined over the FaceTime connection.
Scott couldn't resist his little snicker at Mitch's words. "You know the doctors want to make sure you are okay to go home is all. Just think about it this way, we have only six more hours to go. Then we are home free."
Mitch's eyes sparkled through the screen as he smiled at him. "I like the sound of that. I just want to be in your arms and kiss you. I guess that will be my reward for making it through this."
Scott laughed at Mitch's pout. He wanted to bite that bottom lip. "Trust me, I want to kiss you too. You have to be patient though Mitchy. Just a little longer."
Mitch groaned. "Fine. I am at least happy that I can wear real clothes for once. Austin is a godsend."
Scott took a moment to admire the blouse Mitch had on. It was more form fitting and really flattered his hips and waist. He couldn't see much of his pants. "Lucky you. Stop cheating on me with Austin. It's rude," he joked.
Mitch rolled his eyes. "You know I only want you." Scott was pretty sure his insides turned to mush. God, what that beautiful being could do to him....
"Yeah," he said, knowing he was probably looking at Mitch with the heart eyes again.
Mitch bit down on his lip with the cutest faint little blush. "Yeah...mmmm." Mitch's eyes were so bright and he was simply the most radiant he had ever seen him. "Oh! I hear the doctor coming. We have to cut this short, Daddy. I love you!" He blew him a kiss.
"I love you, too," he replied and kissed the screen of the iPad.
He couldn't help smiling as Mitch waved at him before ending the FaceTime video. Man...he really hoped these next few hours flew by because he wanted Mitch to wheel him home already. Yeah...his hip was still out of commission so he wouldn't be walking around yet.
He heard his door open. His head snapped up to see what it was and was faced with the last person he thought of seeing. The man was awkward as he moved to sit down. Scott just watched him with a frown on his face. "Why are you back? Come to tell me that I will burn in hell?"
The Asian man flinched at the accusation. "N-no. I uh....know that I may have overreacted for that."
Scott hoped his eyes conveyed how furious he was. "Ya think!? You cursing me out to my friends and family....do you think that wouldn't get back to me?"
His ex looked properly chastised for his action. "I-I know. I was wrong. And I'm sorry for putting Kevin is such an awkward position. He was worried that you'd hate him for betraying you or something."
Scott internally smiled at that. Kevin had always been a loyal friend. Scott had made it clear from day one when it came to valuing someone who would be there for him and for Mitch. It was kind of sweet how he was worried that comforting Scott's ex was bad. He was such a good soul. He only wanted everyone to be safe and happy. "He's alright. There's no issue there. Now why are you back?" He was not going to let his ex try to distract him.
His ex shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "I talked to....Alex. He and I talked about the break up. He explained to me that it wasn't my fault. That it had nothing to do with me as a person. That you and Mitch have been at the edge of things for a long time. He said that I, like him, was simply caught in the crossfire. He said that I didn't really get it because I wasn't in the thick of it like him. He said he knew that there was history between you two but truly didn't understand how serious it was until you all lived together. And that it actually tore him apart. He said that he came not even second or third to you. That everything else came first. And that...he was so swept away by your smile and how pleasant you were and being able to sleep with you....all the red carpets and exclusive parties....that he didn't really get how bad it was until you were gone....like always....working....and with Mitch....".
Being reminded of 2015 was hell. It was full of so many highs and so many lows. "Yeah...we did a great job at pretending everything was fine. We never talked about things. We just lived every day. The band was so busy, you know. We were gone for weeks or months doing touring or promotion. And sometimes instead of being with him....I would sleep with Mitch curled in my arms. I just didn't want to deal with it. Mitch was my safe space away from it all. Alex wanted it to be just us together except I didn't want that. I wasn't ready for what he wanted. I didn't want it.....not with him. In my head, it was Mitch first."
His ex looked conflicted. "But we had that. It is just us. So what went wrong? I thought we were building something."
"It wasn't my choice to end up with my own place and with you," Scott snapped in anger. His ex jumped back at tears were brimming at his eyes. "If it was up to me, it would have never happened. I never meant for things to turn out this way. Mitch....I don't know why....it's like he can't be with someone while we are so close. The last relationship he had....he did the same thing. He lived with the guy. And....it was hard. Then Alex came along and it was just a bit better because I wasn't single and pining....".
His ex swallowed thickly, trying to not cry. "Now I get what Alex meant. Scott you said you loved me. You moved me into your place. You took me everywhere. What was that to you?"
Scott promised Dr. Ramirez he was going to take it easy on his heart. All these conversations were draining though! "I do love you. I never lied about that. You were new and easy to be around. You have this positive energy. You don't question or argue with me over anything. We....compromise. And I loved knowing that you didn't doubt things. It felt stable. And it was a decent relationship. But.....when I think of being in love and love in general....I see Mitch. A-a-and it's been that way since I can remember. I can still remember the moment I first saw Mitch....". He closed his eyes as he saw that short boy with the beautiful smile and the ridiculous cowboy hat. He opened them again, the emotion whirling inside. "....and I knew that he was special and I was obsessed immediately. I didn't realize it until years later but I fell in love at first sight....". He could tell his voice was very quiet and soft. Mitch always managed to do that to him.
His ex nodded somberly. "I see now. He's The One to you."
Scott watched him to see if he was going to burst into tears again. "He is. When we met, what did you think would come of it? Did you really see anything substantial?"
He knew that he had his ex on the ropes with that. They met almost two years before when he, Mitch, Esther, and Nicole went to Coachella. It was only because they all lived in LA that anything happened at all. Scott wasn't a long distance kind of person. "Never. It never crossed my mind."
"Exactly. The only reason it got this far....Mitch wanted to do his own thing. And I wanted to be wild. It was never you. It was all on me and not dealing with things with Mitch. Waiting has always been my downfall."
His ex played with his hands. "Oh. Did you two know that you wanted to be together this whole time or did you realize it over the past year or so?"
Scott was struck dumb with that. It was such a hard question to answer. "I....don't know how to....we knew subconsciously that it was going to be us at the end. We did. But we didn't know how to handle it. We had so many dreams for ourselves together....and with the band....we couldn't think about ourselves. So....we stopped I guess. It was a matter of living life. Doing our own things. Except....we knew that there was something so deep between us."
His ex wiped at his eyes to keep from really crying. "I feel so broken right now. But I guess I really didn't know how deeply this effected you. I am crazy about you. Alex said that obsessive feeling will go away soon. That I am just stuck in your orbit. He said it will go away when I am not with you. And that you...you are already set ahead. I guess I had to learn the hard way. When I started getting to know you back then, I heard others say it was a bad idea. I was told that it would only lead to heartbreak. I thought I knew what was going on. I didn't. Alex told me to completely block you from my life. That if I don't, it will only hurt more when I see things about you and Mitch. He said he saw how happy you were together. How it stung when he saw photos or heard about dates....".
Scott really had to give it Alex. He really was able to get through to his ex. But Alex was that way. He had a way with words. "Well so do I. Welcome to the club. Alex is right. Seeing the person you're in love with....seeing them happy with someone else is heartwrenching. When Mitch started dating someone I made the mistake of introducing him to....I wanted to curl up under my sheets in the dark and never come out. You are lucky because you don't have to be around me like I had to do with Mitch. You'll be set free."
His ex tried not to laugh at his horrible joke. "This hospital has turned you into a cynic. So...this is really it. What...are you going to do about the house?"
Scott wanted to rub his forehead at the ache that came on with the mention of the house. "Well I guess you can get Kevin and Matt to help with your stuff. But I think I'll rent it out for now...with my hip, I can't really be going up and down stairs. Mitch and I will live in his house for now. After the first leg of tour....I think we'll either rent out his too or sell it and get our first real house together. Also I know this sounds extreme but Jonathan is going to have you sign an NDA about the accident and all the stuff with us being in the hospital. This is kind of super private and we don't need other people learning about the ins and outs of this."
His ex seemed okay with this. "Well I guess I'll go to the house now. I get why he wants me to do that. Your brand is important. You don't need to get slandered.....I hope you and Mitch have a happy life together."
Scott smiled. "Eh. Mitch will likely try to kill me almost every week for driving him up the wall but I think I'll make it. And....I hope you find what you are looking for. Goodbye, Mark."
He saw the tears starting to come down as the man got up and left the room. That was one chapter of his life over with.....
"Okay just hold onto Avi. Steady. Relax your back against Austin's hand, babe," Mitch directed as he tried to get Scott into these soft linen shorts. He was having trouble moving his hips to slide them on though. Beads of sweat ran down his face as he tried to keep a hold of his friend.
"You got it, Scott. Just a few more inches forward," Austin encouraged. He wanted to get them on but his hip was on fire. He groaned and almost fell back completely. Austin barely held him up. "Warning!"
He heaved out a few breaths as he tried to collect himself. "I can't do it. It hurts too much. Can I just stay in my hospital gown? Or how about I go Scottish?"
He saw everyone turn their head. "Yeah. No. We'll just have to find a different way to get your shorts on. This was so much easier with the button up," Mitch said. He looked at Scott for a second and then at their friends and family gathered there. "I think I have an idea."
Yeah...Scott soon found out what Mitch's idea was. He wasn't so sure that Austin, Avi, Mitch, and Luke were going to be able to pick up his lower half without causing him pain and Esther and Kirstie get his shorts on. "Babe, it will work. With all our weight and placement, we'll have enough balance to make this work," Mitch tried to soothe him.
"You know I am starting to get why you always questioned my ideas, Mitchy. Are you insane? I am dead weight here."
His boyfriend rolled his eyes. Boyfriend....he liked that. He really liked that. "I trusted you when you said for us to go ATVing up a mountain in Iceland. You will trust me on this." Considering they had to sign a form saying they would not sue if injured or someone died....this was about on equal footing, probably. He nodded nervously at Mitch. Mitch smiled comfortingly at him. "Alright, on my count boys," he called to the others.
Avi grumbled. "Why aren't Kevin and Matt here for this?" Avi had been crushed under Scott a time or two and wasn't looking forward to that again.
Austin glared at Scott. "Scott lent their services to his ex to move out of the house. They are still on their way back." Scott wished he cared right now but he was too drained to put in the effort.
Luke shook his head at the other two men. "Let's get this done already. Ready when you are Mitch."
Mitch nodded as he stood on Scott's right side with Austin. "On the count of three. 1...2...3! Lift," he instructed. They all grabbed a part of his sheets to maneuver part of his body in the air. "Kirst, Es, now!" The two women were fast in getting the shorts on. Scott watched Mitch leading everyone. It was so hot and sexy. "Avi, you and Luke shift him onto his good side. Jonathan, how far out are Kevin and Matt?"
Everyone worked together so fluidly. It was kind of a miracle to be honest. "They are parking now. Mario and Bram are keeping the paps away. Darien is getting the paperwork for you two." Mitch nodded as he kept Scott settled on his right side.
"Good. Hon, just stay there. Darien is coming with the nurse to bring the wheelchair for you."
Scott felt pretty good considering he had several broken bones. Kevin and Matt had been amazing in getting him in his wheelchair. It was all soft and squishy to help him sit well. And he had a blanket that a fan sent to the hospital. Right now Jonathan was going over everything to expect when getting out of the hospital and what was going down for the next few days. "Now, we have two vans coming to get us. There is one that will have Scomiche in it. Kevin and Matt, you'll be with them to help Scott. Austin, Esther, the parents, and Jessa will all be with them as well. Security is coming momentarily to help get you out in one piece. The second van will have myself, Bram, Mario, Kirstie, Darien, Luke and Jake. All the gifts you two have collected will come with us. We don't need extra stuff in your way when transporting. When you get to Mitch's, Kelly, Nicole, Jordan, and Candice will be there. They are setting up the house for Scott to be able to move around. To minimize any following, we are splitting up. You will leave five minutes before us. You are taking the highway. We will take the back roads. Any questions?"
Jake raised his hand. "Uh, yeah. Why are Scott and Mitch going together? Shouldn't we put them in separate vans to keep the paps on their toes?"
Jonathan just narrowed his eyes at him for a second. "We don't know how long it will take for us to get there compared to the first van and it is Mitch's home after all. Besides, that's why we have Luke with us instead of Scott and Mitch's van. He is a perfect decoy. Mitch will be going out in disguise when leaving. We have extra security that will be at his house as well. And a new state of the art alarm system was put in yesterday. We are not taking any chances here."
Scott really loved all his friends and family for going the extra mile for him and Mitch. They had created this really elaborate plan to make sure that they weren't harassed and were able to be safe. He remembered why he became friends with all these people over the years. They were ride or die. Even when they were at each other's necks, they loved each other like family at the end of the day. At times in their lives, they were each other's only family even.
"I look so basic in this," Mitch complained from above him. He looked up and his jaw dropped. Forget the Dickie pants and the USC sweater! Was that what he thought it was on Mitch's head!?
"You kept the mom wig from the Stranger Fruit video," he screamed in laughter. He wished he could fall over in laughter. This was too funny.
Mitch just flipped him off as he fixed the wig. "Oh fuck off. This was the most realistic one on me." He then put on a pair of dollar store shades to complete the look. "Sexy, right?" He posed for Scott.
Scott had to fight not to keep laughing. Mitch looked so ridiculous in the get up. He looked like he had a pair of Austin's boots on actually. So he looked really inconspicuous really. "You look good in anything, babe. But you better have on some hot underwear to make up for this one."
Mitch scowled at him. "You are lucky you have a fractured hip and are out of commission already otherwise you'd get none." Yeah.....The best he was going to be able to do in the coming weeks is let Mitch take charge. Which he wasn't that upset about. He liked his boss babe.
He heard everyone groan. "Yup...this is what we signed up for. You two being that couple. Well...at least group dates will be fun," Kevin grumbled out.
Austin was moody as usual. "Try not to say anything when we are getting out of here, big mouth."
He looked over to his and Mitch's parents. They were shaking their heads. "...That's our son in law Nel."
Rick and Connie didn't look too happy either. "I'm not sure if we got the better end of the stick on this," Rick said aloud.
He and Mitch scoffed unison. "Right here! Hello," he exclaimed to his parents.
Kirstie just rolled her eyes at her them. "Can you blame us? You two are just....ugh!"
He saw everyone nod at Kirstie's sort of statement. "Exactly. Imagine how difficult it was trying to take photos of them. You don't know if you want to scream in frustration or coo at how cute they are," Luke added.
"So true," Avi agreed.
Before they could have the rest of their friends and family go in on them, there was a knock at the door. Jonathan peeked his head out. He looked back over his shoulder at him and Mitch. "The security team is here for you. Are you ready?" Scott looked up at Mitch. Were they?
Scott was pulled back to the treatment room at the physical therapy center when he heard voices outside the door. He looked over from the wheelchair when he saw his physical therapist, Carter come in with Mitch. "Okay I got it. I will keep that in mind for the coming sessions." He turned to Scott. "Sorry for the wait. We were just discussing things you needed to work on to get ready for tour in a couple weeks. Let me get everything set up. It'll only take a few minutes."
It was a miracle to him how he was still able to go on tour as scheduled after that crazy incident. Not to say it was going to be like how they had planned it originally. They had to do a lot of maneuvering around with recording and everything for it to all work. The weird upside of the incident was that they were basically sold out for every show. Apparently him and Mitch scraping death was a real boost in their popularity and everyone wanted to see the famous couple who did it. Even if he still had screws in his shoulder and a few braces to hold himself together.
Mitch walked over to him. "I made sure Carter knew how you've been doing with every day movements the past few days so he can get a feel for how to work out this new part of physical therapy. I know it's tiring but it is helping. I'll see you in three hours. I am going to look through the list of potential renters for the house. I love you." Mitch leaned down with puckered lips.
"Mmm love you too, baby," he responded and connected his lips with his boyfriend's. "Text me any renters that look promising. I'll see you later, hon."
Mitch smiled as he ran his hand through Scott's hair. "I will. Bye, sweetie. Be nice to Carter." Scott chuckled as Mitch walked away in his Balenciaga heels and his purse on his shoulder. He'll try but it wasn't guaranteed.
Carter looked over at him. "Okay. Time to work out."
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