I walk to where Phoenix's cage is so I can say goodbye to him before I leave to head home. Once I get to the gate I whistle and soon the leaves on the trees ruffle and Phoenix runs out of the trees towards me.
I smile at him, reaching my hand through the bars once he stands in front of me, feeling his rough skin against mine as he rubs his head against my hand. " Yeah, I missed you too, bud."
He lets out almost a whine like sound as he looks at me. I sent him a small smile. " I know, I should come visit you more often, I'm sorry. But, you know I love you right?"
Phoenix steps back from me letting out a snort and turns to the side. I roll my eyes and bring my hand down back to my side. " Okay mister, are you jealous that I spend more time with the girls and Owen? I hang out with you everyday." Phoenix looks back at me then turns around and runs off behind the trees.
I sigh in annoyance. " Love you too." I say sarcastically and walk out of the Raptor paddock. I walk towards the garage I was working in earlier today and walk inside.
I smile as I look at the jeep I've been working on. I was able to keep this jeep after I fixed it whenever it broke down one day and Claire thought she would be nice and let me keep it although I think she only let me keep it because it needs more work and she said it ' matches my personality ' which I took as a insult but I took the jeep anyway since I didn't have a car yet.
I open the door to the jeep and climb in, getting the keys out of my pocket I put them in the ignition as I close the door behind me. " Alright, please work you piece of junk that I love." I pleaded as I turned the keys.
I let out a, " Yes!" whenever the engine roared with life. I guess all that worked paid off. I put my hands on the steering wheel. " I appreciate you for working." I mumble and press the button on the remote to open the garage door.
I pull out of the garage, closing the garage door before I left and I drove to my bungalow. I roll down my windows all the way and crank the radio up, singing along with the words to the song that was playing, nodding my head along with the music.
" I, I'm hooked on a feeling. I'm high on believing -" I didn't even realize that I had already drove up to my bungalow until I heard someone else's voice finish the verse. " That you're in love with me."
I immediately step on the brake which made me hit my head on the steering wheel because of how hard I stepped on the brake and I groan. Someone laughs and I look over across the yard towards Owen's place to see that Owen was leaning against his motorcycle with his arms crossed and a amused look on his face. " That, was very entertaining."
I roll my eyes and turn off the music. " What? Seeing me in pain? Some friend you are." I mumble as I rub my forehead.
Owen walks over to me and pouts. " Hey, why'd you turn the music off? That song is my jam." I narrow my eyes at him and turn off the jeep.
" Move out of the way before I hit you with the door or actually, just stand there." I tell him and he raises his eyebrow. " Why the attitude sassy pants?"
Instead of answering him I put my hand on the handle of the door and look into his eyes. " Okay, I'm gonna hit you with a door now." I say calmly as I open the door and he lets out a grunt in pain as I step out of the jeep.
I laugh as he rubs his side. " You were suppose to move, stupid."
Owen glares at me. " I didn't think you'd actually do it. " he says as I close the door to the jeep.
I turn my gaze to his bungalow that was a few feet in front of mine and saw the motorcycle it looked like he was working on. " Finally working on that piece of junk?" I nod towards the motorcycle.
" You finally got this piece of junk to work?" he asks in response, pointing to my jeep that was besides us.
I glare at him. " A simple no would've been a great answer." he shrugs his shoulders showing that he didn't care. " So I'm actually asking this time, you finally got this jeep to work? You've been working on it for weeks now."
Owen looked over at me and I nod. " Yeah, I finished working on it this morning." he smiles at me. " That's great. I know how much you wanted this to work."
I smile back at him and grabbed the rag he was holding. " What are you doing?" Owen asks with a raised brow as I gently hold the left side of his face and bring the rag up to wipe grease off his forehead. " You have grease on your forehead." I tell him. As I rub the grease off his forehead we lock eyes and my heartbeat speeds up at realizing how close we are." Oh um, thanks." Owen finally says after a moment of silence.
We jump apart hearing the sound of a car driving up and I put my rag back in my jeep, stepping away from him. I glance over my shoulder and I sigh heavily seeing that it was Claire.
" Look who showed up to the jungle." I joked and Owen rolled his eyes but I saw that he was trying to hide a smile. " I'm surprised she didn't get lost." he spoke up and took the rag back from me and I nodded in agreement.
Dressed in an attire that screamed she was better than everyone else and proudly announced it to the world the director of Jurassic World walked up to us.
" Hello, Mr. Grady. Ms. Mitchell." Claire politely said and I roll my eyes.
" Claire. Were family. Stop calling me that." I say to her rather harshly. She looked offended, why? I have no idea and I don't care.
" Mr. Grady?" Owen repeated, confused at why Claire was greeting that way.
I scoff at the obvious fake smile Claire presented. " Owen. Alex."
" How can we be of service to you?" I ask sarcastically. Claire looks at me with confusion, probably wondering why I was acting this way towards her.
" Every time we've unveiled a new attraction, attendance has spiked." Claire told us and I'm pretty sure she rehearsed it multiple times in front of a mirror.
" A stupid attraction really." I comment, knowing what she was talking about and she ignored it, the only way she acknowledge it was by sending a glare my way.
" What're you doing out here?" Owen asks, bunching up the rag he held in his hands.
" Mr. Masrani wants you two to inspect the new dinosaur's enclosure before the exhibits opens," Claire starts to explain.
" Again, this is a stupid decision you made." I mumble and Claire rolls her eyes.
" She was genetically engineered in our labs." Claire finishes.
" You just went and made a new dinosaur?" Owen asked.
" Yeah, it's kind of what we do here," Claire said as if that was obvious and acted like Owen was an idiot and I glare at her. " The exhibits opens to the public in three weeks. Mr. Masrani wanted me to consult with the two of you."
" You wanna consult here, or in my bungalow?" Owen asks and I couldn't tell if he was asking it in a sarcastic way or in a flirty way but either way it made me feel jealous for some reason.
I know that he and Claire had a date in the past and it didn't go well but, still I couldn't help but be jealous. I didn't blame him for breaking up with her. She is controlling and I still don't understand how were family. Okay, were technically not biologically family, but still family. The Mitchell's adopted me whenever I was 6 years old. My parents were close friends with them but they died in a car wreck one stormy night and the Mitchell's were the closet thing I had as family. I was so thankful they took me in so I didn't have to be sent to an orphanage.
Claire shook her head and she looked uncomfortable. " That's not funny."
Owen's shrugs. " It's a little funny." he says, a smirk toying on his lips and I smile a bit, knowing Owen disliked her just as much as I did.
" We would like you and Alex to evaluate the paddock for vulnerabilities." she said and turned back to head to her silver colored car. I stare at her with a surprised look that she said my name and not ' Ms. Mitchell '.
" Why us?" Owen said, stopping her from walking any farther.
" I guess that Mr. Masrani thinks, since you both are in control the Raptors - " Claire begins to say and my blood starts to boil.
" Listen here, Ms. Dearing," I say in a mocking voice. " We don't control the Raptors." Owen nodded in agreement.
" It's a relationship. It's based on mutual respect." he continues for me. " That's why you and I never had a second date."
" Ooh, want some ice for that burn?" I mumble and I was surprised that she heard me. I knew she heard me because she glared at me.
" Excuse me," Claire scoffed. " I never wanted a second date." she glared at Owen.
" Who prints an itinerary for a night out?" Owen challenged.
" Wait, are you serious? You got to be kidding me. I can't believe your so controlling you printed out an itinerary for a date. No wonder he doesn't want a second date." I say not caring about that she was glaring daggers at me. Owen sent me a look almost surprised that I said this but then an amused smile formed on his face.
" I am an organized person!" Claire defended herself.
" And what kind of diet doesn't allow tequila?"
" All of them, actually." Claire rolls her eyes. " What kind of man shows up to a date in board shorts?"
" All of them, actually." I mock her and she shoots a glare my way.
" It's Central America." Owen shrugs his shoulders. " It's hot."
Like you. I thought and I look at anything else but him.
" Okay, okay." she sighed as she looked down at her phone. " Can we just focus on the asset, please?"
" ' The Asset '? Seriously?" I mumble and roll my eyes.
Owen sent me a look almost as if a warning for me to calm down since I guess he could tell how angry I was.
" Look I get it," he begins. " You're in charge over there, you gotta make a lost of decisions, it's probably easier to pretend these animals are just numbers on a spreadsheet. But they're not. They're alive."
" I am fully aware that they're alive."
" I don't think you are." I tell her and cross my arms.
" You might have made them in a test tube, but they don't know that," Owen said and took a step forward. " They're thinking; I gotta eat. I gotta hunt. I gotta..." I cover my mouth with my hand to stifle my laughter as he punches the air as he references to sexual activity. " You can at least relate to one of those right?"
" Meet me at the asset's enclosure in twenty minutes." Claire told us before storming off to her car. I let out a sigh of relief as we watch her car drive away.
" I apologize that you're family with her." Owen mumbles.
I laugh. " I'm just glad were not blood related. I feel bad for the boys."
Owen raises his eyebrow at hearing that and suddenly becomes interested. " Boys?"
I look at him, tilting my head to the side wondering if he was jealous. " Yeah, Zach and Gray. They're my brothers." Owen nods and honestly he looks relieved. " Ah, okay. I didn't know you had brothers. How old are they?"
" Zach's in high school and Gray's in middle school. They're actually here visiting." I tell him.
He smiles. " Well, I hope I can meet them sometime. If they're anything like you, I'm sure they're great."
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