3) Family
⚠cussing, crying, talk of abandonment⚠
The two looked through Jack's phone for a long time, learning that he had two moms, as well as two younger siblings. One was named A.J. and the other was named Jazzalyn.
After a while, he put the phone down and turned to look at Aiden once again.
"What if they don't like me now that I don't remember who they are?" He asked, his eyes showing how truly terrified he was at the thought of not having anywhere to go.
"They will still love you, I bet they'll do everything they can to help your memories come back," Aiden answered as he looked at Jack.
His eyes grew damp as his hands shook subconsciously.
"Hey, even if they don't like you then we'll be put in the same place together. We'll still be in the same boat together, I don't have anyone so if you're moms don't accept you they sure as Hell won't accept me. It's going to be okay, we'll get through this together." Aiden reassured as he gently held Jack's hand with one of his own, his other hand gently wiped the tear that fell from Jack's eye.
Jack smiled softly at him, silently thanking him for the kind gesture.
"So we agree to stay together no matter what? Promise we'll go through everything we can together?" Jack asked as he linked his fingers with Aiden's.
"Promise," Aiden promised; he figured that out of the two of them, he would be more scared because he doesn't know anything about anything. Jack knows his name and his family yet he still wants to stay with him?
"I know we don't know each other but I feel like I can trust you. I feel like we knew each other before we lost our memories. I don't know for sure though, sorry if that's weird." Jack said as he took his hand out of Adien's grasp, instead rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment as his face flushed.
"It's not weird, I feel the same way," Aiden admitted with a slight blush of his own.
Before either of them could continue their conversation, they heard a group of people yelling Jack's name.
They both looked at each other before standing up, instantly being met with the sight of a bunch of police officers scanning the field they were sitting in.
"JACK!" One of the kids yelled before sprinting over to him, startling him and everyone else.
They all looked toward A.J. before looking at where they were running.
The rest of the family began running to him as well before they all tackled him into a massive bear hug.
He stumbled backward, nearly falling over as he tried to hug them all back.
They all were sobbing as they held him tightly in their embrace.
He tried his best to hug them back but quickly grew uncomfortable with all these strangers hugging him.
Once they eventually let him go they began asking them questions.
"Where have you been?"
"Are you hurt?"
"Did they do anything to you?"
"What did they look like?"
"I'm so glad you're safe now." Were all things being said, quickly overwhelming Jack and making his head spin.
Aiden noticed this and gently pulled Jack behind of him in a somewhat protective manner.
Everyone seemingly just now noticed him and quickly grew confused by the action he made.
"Look, I know you guys are his family but." He paused turning to Jack now to ask him "Do you want me to tell them?"
He gets a nod in response as Jack looks down at the ground in disappointment and embarrassment.
"Neither of us have any memories as of right now. The only reason why we were able to call you is because Jack had a phone and it had one of your contacts labeled as Mom. His contacts also had his name in it as Jack Jane so that's how we know his name. I have no clue what my name is or who my family is and neither of us knows how we got here. So I know he's been missing for some time but maybe give him some space because you guys are basically strangers to us both." Aiden explained making all of them have tears beginning to form in their eyes.
"I'm sorry, I wish I could remember you or anything for that matter but I'm not getting anything by seeing you," Jack says as he looks at the group of people that are supposed to be his family.
"It's okay, let's get you two to the hospital to see if there's anything they can do to help you, and if not you still need to be checked over to make sure you're both okay physically," Amy says breaking the heavy silence.
Cassie talks to the police officers and they set up a time tomorrow for the boys to come in and get questioned to help find out where Aiden's parents are and what his name even is.
After that they all get into the car, it's rather large and has three sections in it, the front, middle, and back. Amy and Cassie sit in the front, Aiden and Jack sit in the middle, and Jazzalyn and A.J. are in the very back.
"You can ask as many questions as you want to about anything you want to. Either of you, we will try our best to answer and show photos if we can." Cassie said as she turned in her chair to look back at the two boys.
"What are your names?" Jack asks as he plays with his fingers in his lap, clearly feeling guilty for having to ask the people that are his family this question.
"My name is Cassie but you normally call me mom," Cassie answered with a soft smile.
"I'm Amy but you call me Mum, you can call us whatever you're most comfortable with now," Amy said as she began driving them to the hospital.
"I'm Jazzalyn, you're little sister and this is A.J., they are your little sibling," Jazzalyn said quietly, knowing that if she spoke much louder then her voice would crack.
Jaz introduced A.J. as well because she could tell A.J. was about to cry and if they tried to introduce themself then the damb would have broken.
"How old am I?" Jack asked as he looked out the window, doing his best to look at anything but the other people in the car.
"You're seventeen, almost eighteen," Amy answered as she kept her eyes on the road.
"How long have I been gone?" He asked getting a choked response from Cassie.
"Two years." She said as her eyes watered.
His eyes widened at the answer. These people still loved him ever after he lost his memory and has been gone for two years?
"Do I have my own bedroom or do I share my room with someone?" He asked, now looking down at his feet instead of out the window.
"You have your own room, though you might have to share the room with your new friend here," Amy answered, glancing at Aiden in the mirror before looking back at the road.
"So you mean he can stay with us?" Jack asked, his head snapping up as his voice filled with hope.
"Of course, he can, if you want him to and he's okay with it along with his family being okay with it once we figure out who they are," Amy answered when she heard the hope in Jack's tone.
"Thank you!" Jack said with a large smile before looking back at Aiden, making Aiden smile softly back at him.
"Yes, thank you for letting me stay. I'll try my best to not be a bother." Aiden said to the woman in the front of the car.
"Of course, if Jack trusts you then we trust you too," Cassie said with a small smile of her own.
"Thank you again," Aiden said with a small nod before Amy asked him a question.
"I know you don't know what you're name is but what would you like us to call you? Just referring to you as 'the boy' or by pronouns won't do in the long run." She asked making him think about it for a second.
"Um... I'm not sure, what do I look my name would be?" He asked, not wanting to come up with his own name.
"You look like a Seth to me," Cassie said with another small smile.
"I could see it but you look more like a Cory to me," Amy said, glancing in the mirror before looking back at the road.
Jazzalyn and A.J. stayed quiet, silently crying that their big brother didn't remember who they were or even who he himself is, the questions having gotten to them.
"No, I think I know your name. I mean I feel like I should know it for some reason." Jack said as he looked at Aiden, his gaze intense and seeking.
"I think it starts with an A." Jack said after a minute before googling "Guy names that start with A" and scrolling through the results before stopping at a name.
"Aiden? Yeah, I think that's right, I think your name's Aiden." Jack stated, his eyes sparkling when he looked up at Aiden again.
"You think so?" Aiden asked with a small smile.
"Yeah! I mean I'm not positive but I think I remember calling you Aiden before. I don't know, I only kind of remember seeing you in a dark room. It was really, really dark and my memory is super foggy but I think you said your name was Aiden K something but that's all I can remember." Jack stated, trying his best to remember but it was still mostly a blur.
"This is great! You're already remembering things!" Amy exclaimed as she pulled into the ER parking lot.
1,612 Words!
I am starting school very soon plus I'm trying to update my "smut & fluff one-shots" book while writing this so if the updates are super slow then I'm very sorry!
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