Omega Verse Part II
Just some info; this is taking place immediately after the last part. If you haven't read that, GO READ IT BEFORE THIS. I know I said I wouldn't make a second part to this but so many people wanted it so yeah. NO SMUT IN THIS YA HORNY BASTARDS. Also, don't miss my ideas and the next stories on my discord!
Todoroki's P.O.V
I take the test out of Izu's hands and examine it. He has a worried look on his face. I couldn't contain myself. I smile so wide, I was scared my face would stay like this. I walk up to Izuku and take him in my arms, hugging him like it's the last time we'll see each other.
"I can't believe it. We're going to have a child!" I spoke with so much enthusiasm that it scared Izu.
"Y-you aren't mad?" Izuku asks, still shocked.
"Why would I be mad when I get to be the father of a beautiful baby. I get to watch them grow and give as much love as I can to them. I've always wanted to be a father to prove that I won't be my father." I speak, rubbing Izuku's back.
"That reminds me!" Izuku gasps. "How are we going to tell our parents? Your father won't like this, my mother should be fine with it. What about our friends? What about wo-" I cut Izuku off with a kiss.
"No matter what they say, we are having this baby together and raising them together."
Time Skip (If you see Month and then a number, that is a time skip to that month of the pregnancy) Month 1
Midoriya's P.O.V
I look in the mirror and see the tiniest resemblance of a baby bump. I smile and place my hand on it. "You are going to have such loving parents. We won't ever give up on you, love," I whisper to my stomach. I pull my shirt down and get back to changing for work.
After changing, I climb in my car and drive to the café. I keep my smile on as I put on my apron and start taking orders.
Time Skip (Same Day)
As I was taking orders, a familiar face walks in. I watch as Shoto comes up with a tired smile on his face.
"Hey, babe. Can I get my usual?" He asks in a groggy, tired voice. I smile and nod, turning around to make his coffee. I make sure it's perfect before handing it to him.
As Shoto was about to take out his wallet, I stop him. "It's on me," I speak, smiling brightly. Shoto smiles and lets off a little laugh.
"I need to pay for my drink once in a while, babe. I can't just let you give it to me for free all the time," He speaks with a small laugh. I let out a small giggle and go back to work.
The next customer was a quite tall man with stubble and a raspy voice. "So we call you babe and get a free drink? So, how 'bout it babe? Give me coffee and your number. Better yet, give me your body." The man speaks. I start feeling gross and look around for Shoto but he must've gone back to the office.
"I-I'm sorry sir, but it doesn't work that way," I speak in a whisper, terrified of him. I hear him grunt.
"Did you just tell me no? Did you just tell me no? No one does that," The man says, grabbing my arm and pulling me over the counter. I start screaming and flailing my arms. I suddenly smell something horrible like cigarettes and burnt weed. Don't tell me he's going into his rut!
"Let me go! Stop!" I continue shouting. Everyone else is on break and the only people here are customers who don't care. The man drags me outside and I see the building Shoto works at. I inhale sharply, getting as much air as I can in my lungs, and shout as loud as I can muster.
Todoroki's P.O.V
I'm on one of the top floors but I hear my name being shouted. I look out my window to see Izuku being dragged by a stranger. This fills me with rage. I drop all of my work and run through the office. People try to stop me but I don't listen. I make it to the steps and run down as fast as I can.
Once I reach the bottom of the steps, I swing the building door open and go to the scent of my omega.
Once I see Izuku, I go up to the man. "You smell amazing, babe. Man, am I gonna have fun with you," I see the man unbuckling his belt and that's all he can do before I punch him across the face.
"Shoto?" Izuku questions timidly. I walk up to him and hug him close.
"It's me, baby. No need to fear. Go get to the police. And whatever you do, keep our child safe," I speak seriously. I watch the man start to get up. I punch him again.
"What the fuck is your problem? I was just spending time with my boyfriend. Is that so much to ask?" The man speaks, lying straight to my face.
"My fucking problem is that you think it's fine to stick your dick in MY pregnant boyfriend!" I shouted, punching him even harder. I hear sirens and see Izuku running up to me. The police take the man in and let me off with a warning.
Month 2
Midoriya's P.O.V
My bump has gotten slightly bigger but no one would notice. Even if people did know, they probably wouldn't see it. Shoto walks in while I'm looking at my stomach. He gently pushes me on my bed and kisses my stomach.
"Hey, baby. It's me, your father. I can't wait to meet you. I don't want to wait for 7 more months to pass. I just want to hold you," Shoto kept kissing my stomach and whispering to it. I started to tear up from how beautiful it was.
"Thank you," I whisper. Shoto gives my stomach one more kiss before looking up at me confused.
"For what?" He asks, holding my hand.
"For staying here with me. You didn't leave and you love me. Thank you so much for that. I wouldn't know what to do if you left," I speak, a tear running down my face.
"There's no need to thank me. I love you too much to leave you with our child. I love you so much, Izuku," Shoto speaks, kissing away my tears.
"I love you, too Shoto."
Time Skip
Shoto and I are going to our first appointment just to make sure our little bundle of joy is safe. "Ready?" I ask Shoto as I slip on one of his hoodies. Shoto just chuckles and nods.
"Yup. Let's get going," Shoto speaks, locking the front door and hopping in the driver's seat. We start driving to the doctor's office, chatting about random topics on the way.
Time Skip
I'm waiting in the waiting room with Shoto. I was watching the television which had on the news. I was interrupted by my name being called. We stand up and follow the nurse to a small room with a bed, a few chairs, and some counters with medical objects on them.
"Go ahead and take a seat on the bed and your husband can sit on one of the chairs. I'll go get the doctor," The nurse speaks with a calm and happy voice before walking off. I slide up onto the bed and get comfortable. I think back to what the nurse said about Shoto being my husband and start to blush furiously.
"What's wrong, babe?" Shoto asks.
"Didn't you hear what she said? She called you my husband," I whisper, darting my eyes away from Shoto out of embarrassment.
"What's so wrong with that? I wouldn't mind being your husband," Shoto states, shrugging his shoulders. I blush and was about to speak when there's a knock on the door. The door swings open to show a male doctor with brown, short hair and a goatee.
"Nice to meet you, Izuku Midoriya. My name is Doctor Anthony Chopperfield (Please get the reference) and I will be your doctor through your pregnancy. Now, if you please lie down and pull your shirt just above your stomach," The doctor instructs and I lie down, pulling my shirt up enough for him to do what he needs to do.
"I'm sorry, but this is going to be cold," Dr. Chopperfield apologizes before squirting a cold gel on my stomach and rubbing it around. I wince at the sudden chill but get used to it. He, then, takes a wand-like object and rubs it around the gel. Dr. Chopperfield is looking at a screen next to him intensively before smiling wide and turning the screen to show a small blob.
"Well, there's your child. They're doing great and seems to be healthy," The doctor speaks with a gentle smile. Shoto stands up and walks next to me, holding my hand and taking a glance at the screen. I watch his worried face ease and a beautiful smile takes its place.
"Amazing," Shoto whispers, memorized by the screen. He stares down at me and kisses me gently.
"Would you like a CD of the ultrasound and some pictures?" Dr. Chopperfield asks. We both nod with smiles on our faces.
Time Skip
Shoto and I set down the photos and place the CD next to them. Shoto walks up to me, picks me up, and gently spins me. "Our baby is going to be beautiful just like you," Shoto speaks, kissing me.
Month 3
"Shoto, we need to tell them before they feel like we didn't care!" I argue with my boyfriend. "They might think we didn't care enough to tell them when the baby's born."
"I know, but I'm scared! What if my parents meet you and they don't like you nor the fact that we're having a child?" Shoto asks with a quivering voice. I make my way over to Shoto and comfort him.
"I know it's scary but we need to tell them. I'm terrified of telling my family, too. My stepfather isn't the most accepting man. He got mad when he found out I was an Omega and when I told him I was gay." I speak, reminiscing on the times he would shout at me whenever I went into heat. He overall wasn't a great man.
"How about we tell my parents first so we can get the worst out of the way," Shoto suggests. I nod my head and he takes out his phone, dialing a number. "Hey, Fuyumi. I was calling to ask if you could gather the family for dinner tonight. I have some news," Shoto instructs over the phone. He listens for a moment before bidding goodbye and hanging up. Shoto stands up and helps me up. My bump has started to grow more and is starting to pop out.
"My sister says we can meet them at Le Français S'embrasser at 8," Shoto informs. I nod and walk upstairs. We decided to move in together to make life easier for both of us.
Time Skip
We reach the restaurant around 7:30, making sure we can check-in and make sure everything is ready. We sit at the table, waiting for Shoto's family. I watch Shoto's pretty face turn to disgust when his father walks through the door. I look over at Endeavor and stare in shock at the height of him. He seems to be about 6'7 and TERRIFYING. I feel weak in his presence.
"We're here. What do you want Sho-Why is that boy here?" Endeavor asks in disgust when his eyes meet mine. I can see so much anger and hatred looming in them.
"He's here because we have some news," Shoto speaks, his glare taking over his face. Endeavor gives a questioning face, telling us we can go on and tell him. Shoto sighs and grabs my hand underneath the table. "We're expecting."
"WHAT?!" Endeavor shouts, causing everyone to turn to us. He turns to me and he has a murderous look on his face. He starts marching over to me. Shoto quickly pulls me close to protect me.
"Dad st-" Fuyumi starts but is soon shushed by Endeavor nudging her to the side.
"Don't you dare go near him," Shoto warns, standing up in front of me. He turns to me with a gentle look on his face. "Please, get out of here."
"No! Leave that punk here. That child should never live!" Endeavor threatens the life of my child and that breaks something in Shoto. He walks up to Endeavor and before I can watch anything else, Natsuo and Fuyumi are rushing me out.
Shoto's P.O.V
I stand in front of Endeavor and punch him in the face. "Don't you DARE threaten the life of my child ever again!" I rage with pure hatred. The old man pushes me back, walking towards the way Izuku went. I run over and push him to the ground.
"Get off me Shoto! I don't want you with that boy. And I don't want you to have a child with that faggot!" The old man shouts. I continue punching him until I am pulled off by the police.
"Arrest him! Take him away!" I shout. "He tried to kill my child!" I continue. We were both pulled out of the restaurant to be talked to. They let both of us off with a warning.
Month 4
Midoriya's P.O.V
I observe my bump in the mirror and notice something. "Shoto!" I call. In less than a second, Shoto comes running in.
"What's wrong?! What happened?!" Shoto asks in a frenzy. I point to a spot on my bump to show a small purple mark. Shoto looks at me, puzzled.
"My first stretch mark! Our baby is growing!" I exclaimed, excited that our baby is on its way. Shoto chuckles and gently pushes me down to the bed. He climbs on top of me, being careful of the bump, and starts kissing all around my face.
"You are so adorable. You are so beautiful. You are so amazing. You make me explode with happiness I've never felt before. I love you," Shoto praises, his kisses only stopping to praise me.
"I love you too, Shoto. Thank you for giving me this baby," I speak, blushing at the end. This causes Shoto to blush slightly.
"It was a two-person tango. We both did our part," Shoto informs with a hint of a smirk on his face. I blush even more and bury my head in his shoulder. Shoto rolls over and spoons me, our hands intertwining on my bump as we both drift into a peaceful sleep.
Time Skip
"Hey, Sho?"
"Can we tell my parents today?" I ask, turning around in our bed. "Because she said she wants to see me for dinner, saying she hasn't seen me in a while," I inform. Shoto stretches, his bones popping into place.
"We could do that. But I would feel uninvited," Shoto says. I nod my head and grab my phone.
"I'll shoot her a quick text," I speak, informing my mother that I'm bringing a plus one (technically plus 2 but shush) and to make another dish for him. I lock my phone and stand up, waking to the shower. I undress and walk into the shower. I hear a door open and clothes dropping. The curtain opens and Shoto walks in.
No smut ya horny bitches
Shoto hugs me from behind, continuously rubbing my bump. "I want to meet you," Shoto whispers, keeping his hands on my bump. I lean my head on his shoulder, smiling at this perfect moment. We continue like this before starting to actually wash up.
We both get out of the shower and get ready to visit my mother. I pull on a black polo and slip-on Shoto's light gray cardigan to cover my bump. I grab a pair of jeans and slip them on. I struggle a bit and give up before grabbing some maternity leggings that Fuyumi gave me. I slide on my converse and turn to Shoto. He is wearing a blue turtleneck and black skinny jeans with some black dress shoes. I smile and walk over to him.
"Ready?" I ask. Shoto nods and we leave, driving off to my old apartment.
Time Skip
I walk into my old home, smelling the fresh scent of cooking. My mother is a chef and makes the best dishes I've ever had. I usher Shoto in and have him sit on the couch. My mother walks out of the kitchen and greets us with a warm smile.
"Hello, Izuku and you must be the plus one. I'm Mrs. Midoriya and this is my husband Kiyoshi. Welcome!" My mother speaks with a gentle voice. Kiyoshi walks in and rolls his eyes when he sees me.
"So, you must be the one who can actually tolerate the disgustingness of Izuku," Kiyoshi speaks with anger as he looks at Shoto. I start to tear up at this.
"Shut it Kiyoshi. Be nice," My mother says glaring at Kiyoshi before walking back to the kitchen. Kiyoshi notices me tearing up.
"What, so now you cry like a girl? What's next, you're gonna get pregnant?" Kiyoshi asks with a grimace. Shoto does not like this. He stands up and comes face to face with Kiyoshi.
"Shoto, do-" Before I can stop him, Shoto starts speaking.
"Yes, in fact. He is pregnant. And you are going to accept him. And if not, too bad. That baby is not going anywhere. I love Izuku and our baby. There is nothing you can do to make me stop nor get rid of the baby," Shoto defends. This causes my mother to come out of the kitchen to see what the commotion is all about. Kiyoshi looks over at me.
"You're pregnant?!" Kiyoshi shouts with anger. I nod while looking away. Kiyoshi doesn't say anything but walks away. He opens the door and leaves, not bothering to close the door. I look out the door to see Kiyoshi beating up a tree, shouting 'Stupid Faggot' over and over again. I turn to my mother with tears in my eyes.
"We didn't mean for you to find out like this," I whisper looking down. I feel shocked when I feel my mother hugging me.
"I'm so happy for you Izuku, I love you, baby," My mother speaks, kissing my cheek. I smile and she turns to Shoto. "As for you, please take care of Izuku. He is my only child and I would do anything for his happiness. Just watching him smile makes my day. Please don't be with him out of pity. Please love him," My mother pleads. Shoto nods his head.
"Don't you fret, Mrs. Midoriya. I love Izuku more than anything. I agree with you. Every time he smiles, I feel my day become better. I'm overwhelmed with happiness with every kiss. I love him too much to ever leave him," Shoto reassures, staring at me with a look of pure love in his eyes. I smile and wipe my tears.
"Well, Let's eat!"
Month 5
"Welcome back!" Dr. Chopperfield welcomes, pulling out his equipment. "You know the drill," I lie down and pull my shirt up, my bump even bigger. Dr. Chopperfield squirts the liquid, spreads it around, and looks for the child. He writes something down in his notes and turns the screen towards us.
"Would you like to know the gender?" Dr. Chopperfield asks. I turn to Shoto who nods his head and I nod my head at Anthony and he writes down more notes. "Okay, so your child is going to be a girl," Dr. Chopperfield informed, a smile forming on my lips. I look down at my bump and smile wider. I wanted a boy but a girl is also perfect. As long as they're happy, I'm happy.
Shoto comes over and holds my hand. "I'm so happy," Shoto speaks, a tear falling down his face. Dr. Chopperfield wipes off the gel and Shoto helps me up. We walk outside and start heading home.
Time Skip
Shoto is in the kitchen making lunch so I sneak upstairs and pull out a box. I open the box and pull out a scrapbook. I flip through the pages and make a page for my 5th month. This is a gift to Shoto for his birthday in a few days. I glue a copy of my ultrasound to a piece of paper and draw a pink cradle next to it. After, I put it in the scrapbook and hide the book.
"Lunch is ready, babe!" Shoto shouts up the stairs. I carefully walk down the stairs to see some beef stew cooling in a bowl.
Time Skip
Today is Shoto's birthday and all he wanted to do was stay in and cuddle. That's all we did. We ordered take-out, watched movies, and slept. Shoto was about to order a pizza when I stopped him.
"I know you didn't want anything big but let me do something for you tonight," I say, going to the kitchen. I walk downstairs and go to the cooler with ingredients for my mother's famous Manicotti. (Kind of like a rolled Lasagna. I thought of the idea from my Nonna) It is the main dish at her restaurant.
"Let me help you," Shoto says, trying to help me.
"Nope! This is for you so you don't have to lift a finger," I instruct, pushing Shoto out of the kitchen. I go back to cooking, making sure everything is perfect.
Time Skip
My hands are covering Shoto's eyes so he can't see what I planned. I had to get Uraraka to help me out. There was a square table to seat two with a pure white table cloth gently blanketing it. The chairs were a smooth wood with a light blue cushion on the seat. I set up a canopy with a screen-like curtain around it. On the outsides and insides of the canopy were fairy lights lighting our dinner. There were two white candles on the table, a glass vase in the middle with a rose, and plates with a metal dish-serving cover over them. I had the present next to my seat so I could give it to Shoto after dinner.
I uncover Shoto's eyes and he gasps at the sight. I smile as he walks around. Shoto comes back and hugs me. "This is beautiful, Izuku," Shoto compliments, kissing my lips. I smile into the kiss and hug back. We sit down at the table and start eating.
As we're eating and talking, I pull out the present. "I made you something," I inform, handing Shoto the present. He takes the box and opens it, his eyes widening when he sees the book. Shoto takes it out and flips through the pages, a smile brimming on his face.
"Thank you, Izuku. This is amazing. We can add to it, right?" Shoto asks. I nod my head with a smile.
Month 6
Todoroki's P.O.V
Izuku is out with Uraraka like I planned. I take my phone out and call Momo. "Come over. He's out."
Time Skip
The doorbell rings and Momo is standing there with a bag. "Ready?" I ask. inviting her in.
"You know I am," She replied, opening the bag to show pink streamers, pink confetti, pink cups, pink plates, and a small gift wrapped in pink wrapping paper. "Let's get going!"
Time Skip
After putting up all the decorations and throwing glitter at each other, we finished the baby shower. I hear a knock on the door and invite in the shower guests. There was Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Sato, Iida, Tsu, Ashido, Mrs. Midoriya, Fuyumi, Natsuo, my mother, and Hatsume. Uraraka is going to be here with Izuku in about 10 minutes.
"Okay everyone, hide and don't come out until Izuku comes back," I instruct, waiting by the door to invite in Izuku.
Soon, I hear chatter from outside and the doorknob turning. Izuku walks in and notices the glitter on me. "My god, Shoto! Why are you covered in craft herpes?" Izuku asks, wiping off some glitter.
"Craft herpes?" I ask while laughing and Izuku joins in.
"Yeah. It gets everywhere and will stay for years and years," Izuku defines, still laughing. Izuku finally gets a look around, putting two and two together. Before he can speak, everyone pops out and yells 'surprize'. Izuku stands there in shock before going up to everyone and hugging them.
Time Skip
Midoriya's P.O.V
I was sitting at the head of the table surrounded by presents. I grab the first one and open it. It's a cute onesie that says 'Trouble Maker'. I laugh and put it in the box for clothes. The next gift was a mobile with elephants hanging from it. I turned it on and it played a gentle tune sounding like a music box. I smile and put it in the box for nursery items.
Time Skip
I opened all of the presents and thanked everyone. Soon, it was time to leave. I was about to start cleaning up before Shoto grabs the broom from me. "I wanna help," I whine, feeling useless.
"Don't stress too much, babe. Keep our baby girl safe, please," Shoto pleads, making me sit and jokingly mope. my bump keeps growing and growing. We need to think of a name for this joy. Joy. I like that.
"Shoto?" I ask, getting his attention.
"What's up, babe?" He responds, looking up from the dishes.
"Um, I was thinking of names and I have one in mind," I state. Shoto stops washing dishes, dries his hands, and comes over towards me.
"I've also had a name in mind," Shoto informs, rubbing my bump. "How about we say it at the same time?" Shoto suggests. I nod my head and we both say the name we like.
Month 7
I was standing in the nursery, folding the baby clothes. Shoto was doing all the building, saying that I could hurt Joy if I lift more than 20 pounds. I was feeling useless. I just want to help with the nursery.
"Shoto, can I please help? I'm feeling useless," I confess, putting the last onesie in the top drawer of the dresser. Shoto stops what he's doing and comes over to me, placing his hands on my bump.
"You are doing more than enough. You are carrying our baby. You're the reason we are building this nursery. I want you to sit back and relax so Joy will stay healthy. I would kill myself if either of you two got hurt," Shoto says, kissing me. I smile and nod, sitting down in the rocking chair. Everything was peaceful.
Shoto finishes with the crib, pulling out multiple cans of baby-pink paint. He opens the paint, mixes it up, and starts painting. I grab a paintbrush and start on the other side. Before Shoto can protest, I speak up, "I can paint a wall perfectly fine. As long as I don't bend down, I'll be fine. I can leave the low parts for you," I proclaim, starting to paint. Shoto starts laughing.
"You got me there. I'll follow you to paint the lower parts of the wall," Shoto informs, coming right next to me and starts painting. We continue this for a while, getting paint on each other.
After the wall is painted, I stick my hand in some white paint and place my hand on the wall where the crib will go. Shoto follows suit, placing his hand right next to mine. I smile at how perfect this moment is.
Time Skip
Shoto is pushing the crib up against the wall. He still won't let me help. He only lets me do little things. Every time I tell him I feel useless, he reminds me that I'm carrying Joy. Every time, I remember that I am making all of this possible.
Shoto finishes with the crib and stands up, staring at the work we did. He walks up to me and hugs me from behind, our hands resting on my bump. All that mattered at this moment was Joy. She was the light in our life that we needed.
Month 8
I'm so big now. All I wear now are lounge clothes. I started my maternity leave to give me a month to prepare and just in case Joy decides she wants to meet us early.
Shoto planned a date for us. It was just a fancy dinner at our house, which is perfect. I was getting ready, wearing the best clothes I could.
Shoto came out of the bathroom wearing a suit. I felt self-conscience wearing just sweatpants and a t-shirt.
"Babe, I don't care how you look. As long as we're together tonight, I'll be happy," Shoto comforts, holding me close. I smile and kiss him. Shoto helps me down the stairs and leads me to the back porch where there were a table and rose petals. I smile as Shoto helps me into a seat.
I turn around for a second to make sure I'm comfortable and when I turn back, Shoto is in front of me, on one knee with a beautiful ring. I gasp at the surprise of it all.
"I've wanted to do this when we first met. I knew you were the one for me. I love you, Izuku. I want you to be my husband. Will you marry me, Izuku?" Shoto asks, hope in his eyes. I nod and start crying.
Time Skip
"Okay, that's the emergency back-up plan for our back-up plan?" Shoto asks. I nod and look over our back-up lists in case something happens too early, too late, or just on time. I know it's excessive, but I want Joy to come to this world peacefully. We have multiple emergency contacts and a can of gas in the garage in case we run out when Joy comes.
We planned out some basic details of the wedding. We know we are waiting until Joy is born but I think we might wait a little while after that as well. We're waiting to do more planning until Joy is born.
"Wanna get some pizza for dinner?" Shoto asks, closing the fridge.
"Joy seems tired of pizza. Every time we have it, she starts moving around a lot and hurting me. Maybe she loves it and just dances to it but it hurts and is a little uncomfortable," I explain, wanting pizza so bad. "Maybe some burgers?" I suggest, standing from my seat. Shoto nods and we make our way to the closest burger joint.
Time Skip
Joy has been squirming a lot recently, making me concerned. She wakes me up every night and fusses when I move during the day. I don't know how she'll act when she's out but I know for sure she won't be a quiet baby.
Shoto has been helping me feel more relaxed recently. He found out that stress could cause premature birth and major health conditions to the baby during pregnancy. Shoto has been helping me a lot recently with bathing eating, dressing, and getting me to sleep. I just want Joy out of me already. I want to hold her and cuddle her.
I start crying at the fact that I still have to wait to hold Joy. This causes Shoto to stop what he's doing and rush over to me.
"What's wrong, Love?" He asks with pure horror.
"I just want to hold her!" I cry, shoving my face into Shoto's chest. He sighs and holds me close.
"I know, babe. But we need to wait. Just one more month. You can make it one more month, right?" Shoto asks. I nod, knowing I'm doing this for Joy. I'm doing it for Shoto. I'm doing it to start our beautiful family.
I wake up feeling more pain than normal. I shrug it off before climbing out of bed and gently walking downstairs. I walk to the couch, ready to sit down when a sudden pain shoots through me. Now I know something is up.
Just as I was about to walk upstairs to wake up Shoto, I feel another jolt of pain and water run down my leg.
"SHOTO!" I shout at the top of my lungs. In less than a second, Shoto is down here, wide-eyed and in shock.
"What's wrong!?" Shoto asks in a burst of worry.
"M-My water broke," I whimper out, in too much pain to do anything. Shoto nods his head and rushes me out the door, grabbing the bag by the door for the hospital.
Shoto steps on the gas, rushing us to the hospital. Red and blue lights start flashing behind us and I start freaking out. Shoto groans in frustration and pulls over. He rolls down his window as a police officer walks up.
"Do you know how fast you were going?" The police officer asks with a deep and rough voice.
"Yes. Now, let me leave so my pregnant fiance can make it to the hospital!" Shoto shouts, pointing to me as I was panting and in pain. The police officer's eyes widen and he lets Shoto off with a warning. Shoto starts driving again, going a bit slower but still going fast enough to make it there on time.
Time Skip
Shoto helped me out of the car and ushered me into the hospital lobby, calling out to the doctors and nurses.
"Help, he's in labor and his contractions are 3 minutes apart, lasting 45 seconds," Shoto explains. The nurses nod and get a wheelchair, bringing me to a delivery room.
Time Skip
"Push!" Doctor Chopperfield shouts. I start pushing as hard as I can, holding Shoto's hand. I can see he has a look of pain on his eyes from how tight I'm squeezing but he did this to me so he can face a little bit of pain.
"I can see the head!" The doctor shouts. "Push on the next contraction, Izuku. You're doing great," Dr. Chopperfield speaks, grabbing a flashlight when I push. I'm confused at first before Dr. Chopperfield speaks up.
"I'm making sure the umbilical cord isn't wrapped around her neck," He explains, instructing me to push again. I push harder, still having a death grip on Shoto's hand. "Here's the hardest part," Dr. Chopperfield warns. I know this is the shoulders. I push as hard as I can, Shoto now turning red from keeping in his cries of agony. I scream as I feel the shoulders come out.
"This is the last bit. I need you to push one last time," The doctor instructs. I nod and push again, feeling Joy come out. I sigh and slam my torso back on the bed, letting go of Shoto's hand.
"Would you like to do the honors, Mr. Todoroki?" Dr. Chopperfield asks. Shoto nods and cuts the umbilical cord. After a few minutes of rest, I feel a small weight on my chest and look down to see the nurses placed Joy on my chest. I smile wide and stroke her hair, her cries filling the room.
"Do you have a name for her?" The nurse asks. Shoto and I both nod and I respond.
"Welcome to the world, Joy Todoroki."
I DID IT. IT WAS 5934 WORDS. SO DAYS SPENT ON IT. Don't forget to join my discord server so you are the first to know when the next will be out! Later fam.
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