Life is Not a Game of House
Hiiiiiii! So, this story was suggested on my discord which, of course, you guys should join! This story will be in Todoroki's p.o.v
Midoriya called me into his dorm after classes. We haven't talked since the incident at the school dance. Midoriya kissed me and took me back to his dorm where we Midoriya was too embarrassed to even talk to me for a while so why now? What happened?
As I continue my thoughts, I almost pass Midoriya's door. I break thought and knock on his door. Midoriya answers and looks away, making room for me to come in. He doesn't make eye contact as we both sit on his bed.
"So," I speak, breaking the silence. "What did you need to talk to me about?" I ask.
"Y-You r-remember th-the dance, right?" Midoriya stutters. I nod, urging him to go on. "W-Well, I-I just found o-out that I-I'm p-p-pregnant," Midoriya mumbles, looking away with tears flowing down his face.
"I-" before I could finish, Midoriya cut me off.
"I-I know we're too young, b-but I don't want to lose them. So, i-if you don't w-want to be part of the b-baby's life, th-then fine," Midoriya proclaims, crying much harder. I ignore all of what we just said and hugged him close. My brain can only process one thing right now; Midoriya needs my support and I will give it to him.
"I won't ever let you go," I whisper into his ear. "I will love both you and this baby for as long as I live," I speak, rubbing his back gently. I feel Midoriya's body jerk and sobs start coming from his throat.
"Thank you, Sho. I don't know if I could do this without you," Midoriya spoke, calling me by a cute nickname. I smile down at him and kiss him gently.
Time Skip
Izuku has been feeling all the pregnancy problems. He is in pain from getting sick every morning and eating the weirdest of things. Last night, he wanted celery with peanut butter on it, topped with chili. I feel horrible for him. He's in so much pain all the time. I just want to take the pain from him and give it to myself.
"Shoto?" Izuku gains my attention. I look up from my phone.
"What's up?"
"Well, we ran out of Oreos and I wanted so-" Before Izuku could finish, I stand up and run out to the store. I don't know what happened. I sort of just did what Izuku wanted.
I arrive at the store and grab a few packs of Oreos along with some cupcakes. Izuku has a huge sweet tooth and I want him to be happy.
"$13.47, please. How would you like-" The cashier stopped talking and looked up at me. "Well, if it isn't Shoto Todoroki," The cashier spoke. I take a close look at the cashier's face and notice it was Naomi from my childhood. We used to spend every day together until my father pulled me away for training. I smile up at her. "How have things been?" She asks, giving me a quick hug. I hug her back and catch her up with life and Izuku's pregnancy.
"We're a bit young for children, Shoto. How do you expect to raise them and have money?" She asks, trying to be polite as possible and avoiding being offensive.
"I know we're young but I don't want Izuku to raise a child by himself. He wants to keep the child. I still have my dad's credit card so money won't be an issue. Plus, I want to get a job anyway," I inform. Naomi's eyes widen.
"You could work here!" She shouts with glee. "We've been understaffed for a while. This would be perfect," She proclaims. I ponder the invite for a moment. It's a part-time job. I can make some more money in case my father decides to cancel the credit card. The only downside is that I will be spending less and less time with Izuku. I think this will be for the best.
"Where do I apply?"
Time Skip
I arrive back at the dorms and walk into my room. Izuku moved most of his stuff into my dorm and is practically living with me.
Izuku didn't hear me open the door so I was able to catch him mid-ramble. He was saying stuff that scared me and made me want to comfort him all night long. "What if he realized that we're too young? What if he found someone better? What if he fakes loving me and just left to get away from me? What if he's trying to kill the baby?! What if-"
I cut Izuku off by hugging him from behind, the bags still in my arms. I feel Izuku jump. "You scared me, Sho," He spoke, turning around awkwardly and hugging me back. "You didn't happen to catch any of that, did you?" He asks. I sigh and hold him closer.
"I could never leave you, sweetie," I spoke with a gentle smile. He smiles backs and feels the plastic bags crinkle with every movement. He grabs the bags and looks through them
Izuku gasps at the contents of the bags and pulls out the many packages of Oreo's and the case of mini cupcakes. A small piece of paper falls from the bag and he picks it up, curious about what it is. Izuku unfolds it and sees the training guide for a cashier for the Mighty convenient store just down the street.
"Did you get a job?" Izuku asks, clearly not knowing how to react. I just nod and he continues examining the paper.
"I think you should do it, " Izuku speaks after a while. I look down at him with a questionable look.
"You think I should?" He asks. I nod in response, holding him close. "But what if you need me? What if the baby needs me? What if you go to labor?" I start rambling with absurd questions. He cuts me off with a kiss.
"First of all, I have all of 1-A to help me. Second, I won't be doing too much work so the baby will be safe. Third, I'm one month pregnant. If I suddenly give birth tomorrow, I'm in trouble. You have nothing to worry about. Sure, I will miss cuddling with you all day, but we can cuddle when you come home from work. Plus, you won't be working every single day of the week," Izuku states factually. I sigh in relief and pull Izuku close to me.
"What did I ever do to deserve you. You are a gift from the Gods, Izuku," I speak. I feel Izuku tense up and I know he is flustered.
"D-Don't say things like that! Y-You know that I get f-flustered easily!" Izuku shouts, fighting back a smile. I laugh and kiss him, hoisting him onto my hips. I lead us to the bed and I lie on my back, Izuku on my chest. We stop kissing and just cuddle until we both fall into a relaxing slumber.
Time Skip
Izuku is about 3 months along and is starting to feel self-conscience about himself. I think he looks adorable with a small baby bump. Sadly, he thinks otherwise.
Today is our end-of-the-trimester doctor's appointment. Izuku has gone to a few on his own while I was at work.
We walk to the dorm parking lot and get into my Tesla. I bought it with my father's money but he doesn't care. The drive there was comforting and smooth.
We pull into the parking lot at the hospital and check-in, waiting patiently with different types of patients. There are pregnant patients, patients with arms or legs in casts, patients with masks over their mouths to protect others from their sickness, and tired parents with their crying children. I sigh, knowing that will be us in a few months. But the pros outweigh the cons so I'm happy. As long as Izuku is happy, I'm fine. (This is not during Covid so no masks)
The nurse calls Izuku's name, breaking me from my thoughts. We both get up and follow the nurse to the back and show a room to stay in until the doctor joins us. Izuku gets up onto the table while I sit in one of the chairs. I can tell Izuku is nervous by his fidgeting in his seat and playing with his hands and clothes.
"Izuku," I speak, gaining his attention. He looks up at me with a hum, still, not all focused on me. "Everything is going to be fine. Just relax," I reassured, reaching my hand out to grab his. Izuku gives me a gentle smile and takes a deep breath. I smile, knowing I was able to calm him down.
A soft knock was heard and the door swings open, revealing a short, middle-aged man with thick glasses that are covered by his soft blonde hair. He looks up from his clipboard and introduces himself.
"Welcome back Izuku. Ah, I see you brought the father, I presume. My name is Dr. Joseph Hillip," Dr. Hillip introduces, sticking his hand out towards me. I take his hand timidly.
"I'm Shoto Todoroki, Izuku's boyfriend," I reply, letting go of his grasp. The doctor walks over to his desk and signs in, filling in some charts and data tables.
"So, you're here for your end-of-trimester appointment, correct?" Dr. Hillip checks. Izuku nods his head and the doctor continues to type away at the keyboard. Dr. Hillip gets up and grabs some tools from the cabinet, placing them on the tray just above Izuku.
"So, this is going to be cold. This is your first ultrasound so just relax. I'm going to put the gel on your stomach and use the wand to find the child, alright?" He reassures, squirting some of the gel onto his gloved hands. Dr. Hillip rubs the gel on Izuku's stomach and he winces and shivers.
Dr. Hillip swirls the wand on Izuku's stomach, looking at the screen. All of the sudden, he stops. He presses some buttons on the machine and a small pounding is heard in the room. Dr. Hillip smiles, recording the ultrasound.
"Well, there is your child. It is still too early to tell the gender, but that pounding sound is the baby's heartbeat. Looking at the charts and the position of your baby, they look as though they will be born healthy," Dr. Hillip reassures. I couldn't focus on what he was saying, though. All I can hear is the heartbeat of my child. I watched as the fetus moved around on the screen. I smiled and walked over to Izuku, holding his hand. Izuku was crying tears of joy at the beautiful blob on the screen.
"I can't believe it," Izuku said, eyes still on the screen. "Look at what we created, Sho," Izuku spoke, squeezing my hand gently. The doctor cleared his throat to get our attention.
"Would you guys like a recording of the ultrasound?" Dr. Hillip asked. Izuku nodded rapidly and the doctor left to get some paperwork and the recording.
"I can't wait to meet them," I speak, caressing Izuku's hair.
"Me neither," He replied.
Time Skip
I was called into work on my day off and Izuku is pissed. All he can do is complain and gently punch my arm. I know he won't hurt me so I'm allowing him to let out his anger.
"I planned a full day for us! Why do you have to go in?!" Izuku shouts. I sigh and grab his arms carefully, causing his gentle hits to stop. Izuku tries to escape but ultimately gives up.
"Look, Izuku," I speak, causing Izuku to look up with tears in his eyes. I feel my heart shatter at his face. "I don't want to go in, but I have to. We need the extra money. I promise we will do something on my next day off," I speak, kissing his cheek. Izuku cuddles into my chest.
"Okay. I love you," Izuku spoke in a daze. My eyes widen as I watch his face turn pale. I guess he didn't know he would say that. Izuku stiffens and I kiss his lips.
"I love you, too."
Time Skip
I place my drawer in my register and prepare for the stressful day ahead of me. I hear an object placed on the belt and I look at the singular item.
"Well, if it isn't Shoto," I hear a too familiar voice speak. I look up and see my shitbag of a father. I glare at him and take his item.
"What the fuck do you want?" I ask, knowing my day is now ruined.
"I just wanted to buy something. What are you doing here? You clearly don't need a job since I know you took my credit card. And why would you work at this shit hole?" The douche asks. I sigh and scan his item, taking his card from him.
"Well, if you must know, I just want to make some more money and I-" I get cut off by him.
"Cut the crap, Shoto. What is the real reason you have a job? Is it that slut child of All Might?" Something in me just snapped. The old man can insult me, insult my job, insult my strength. But when he says even one bad thing about Izuku, I know that he crossed the fucking line.
"You bitch!" I shouted, punching him in the face. A few customers look over and start whispering to each other. I walk to the breakroom to calm down. If I do any more damage, I know I'm getting fired.
"Shoto Todoroki to the front end, please," My name over the intercom fills the store.
"Shit," I walk out to the front end and see my manager with my father. So he pulled a Karen. Great.
"Shoto. I'm not firing you since you are new here and we know how horrid your father is. But one more bad thing and you are out. Got it?" My manager speaks sternly. I nod and walk back to my register.
Time Skip
Finally. My shift is over. I clock out and walk to my car, ready to see Izuku. All I can think about is how lonely he must've been today. I can't wait to cuddle with him, feeling him hold our child. God, I love that boy.
I start my drive home, starting to speed up a bit. My anger distracted me from the road. If it wasn't for my Tesla, I would've been dead.
A car stopped short in front of me and the Tesla used automatic breaks to stop me from crashing. I was jerked forward and my seatbelt caught onto my neck, choking me slightly. I took a deep breath and sat back in my seat. I just saw my whole life flash before me.
Being too shocked to drive, I put the car on autopilot and set the destination for the dorms. I can't do that shit again.
Time Skip
I pull into the parking lot and park, done with life for the day. I walk into the building, ignoring everyone. There's only one person on my mind; Izuku. I run up the stores and into the dorm room. Izuku is there, sadly hugging a pillow.
His head snaps up when I close the door. He turns his head towards me and I see his beautiful smile, the sad glint in his eyes replaced by a joyous shine. Izuku stands up and runs up to me. He jumps into my arms, wrapping his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck. I hug him close to support him up. I gently spin him then look into his eyes. I see his face turn to a small blush as he leans in for a kiss. I decide to be a tease and move my face so he kisses my cheek. I chuckle as Izuku gives me a cute pout. I hold him close and kiss him on the lips. I feel Izuku smile into the kiss. I bring him to the bed and leave him on my lap. We make out for a while, roaming our hands all over each other.
I pull away so I don't die even though kissing Izuku would be the best way to go. Izuku is panting, holding my face in his hands. I smile and place my forehead against his. I give his lips one last peck before speaking.
"I love you Izuku," I whisper, not wanting to ruin the moment. He blushes madly and buries his face in my chest. He mumbles into my chest, his voice and breath tickling me slightly. Izuku then looks up at me and smiles gently, face still red.
"I love you too, Shoto."
Time Skip
Izuku is about 5 months along. Uraraka came with us to the doctors and found out the gender so she could throw a gender reveal party. That was where Izuku and I were heading. She wanted to do something big but changed her mind after she found out about the California fires. It's now going to be small but still fun.
We pull up to the park. It was summer so school was out. Everyone was there and plenty of water balloons were in giant bins. Oh no.
Uraraka ushered me over and gave me a white shirt. I change into the shirt, noticing Izuku staring at me. I smirk and give him a sexy wink. It drives him crazy and I love it. He's so cute. I just want to shower him with love for the rest of my life. I love him so mu-
"YO!" Uraraka shouts, gaining everyone's attention. "So, we are going to get in a line and grab a water balloon. We throw them at Todoroki to see what gender it is. Only one balloon has the color. I will sit out since I know which one it is. GO!"
Immediately, people start lining up and throwing balloons at me. The water is cold and my t-shirt is now soaked. After a few rounds, Izuku is up. His face turns a bright red, seeing me in my wet shirt and I smirk at him, giving him a wink. His blush deepens even more and he throws the balloon at me. I close my eyes as the balloon comes in contact with me, only opening them when I hear everyone gasp and cheer. I look down at my shirt and see pink all over it. My smile grows wide as I run to Izuku.
"Oh my gosh! We're having a girl!" Izuku shouts. I hug him and spin him gently, my smile never fading. I soon put him down and kiss him gently.
"I love you both, so much," I speak, kneeling and kissing Izuku's growing bump. I hear cheers and screams when I do so. I smile gently and stand up, hugging Izuku close. I pull away and giggle at the pink on his outfit. He looks down and laughs, hugging me again and not caring for our clothes.
Time Skip
I'm finally visiting my mother today and telling her about our child. The whole school knows and almost everyone is supportive. A few were being rude to Izuku before I beat them up and put them in their place. Izuku's mother knows but I haven't told any of my family. I blocked out my father ever since he called Izuku a slut. I still have his credit card and I'm still working so money really isn't an issue. The issue is telling my mother and when Izuku goes into labor. We're only 3 months away from meeting this little girl and I could not be happier.
I drive to the hospital my mother is at. Izuku decided to stay in the dorms and sleep. Our little girl has been kicking him a lot recently and waring him out. I just want to take his pain and give it to myself.
I pull into the visitor parking lot and check in, nervous about what my mother will say. We haven't spoken in a while and we have sort of drifted apart. I want to amend that. I love her dearly and I want her to be a part of our child's life.
Snapping myself out of thought, I reach my mother's room and knock, hoping she wants to see me
"Come in," I hear her voice ring through the small room. I sigh and turn the knob, pushing the heavy door open. I look my mother in the eyes and see her face soften once she sees me.
"Shoto! It's so good to see you," my mother states, standing up and hugging me. I hug back and sigh, preparing myself for what's to come. "I love seeing you but what's up? You seem worried."
"U-Um. I have some important news to tell you," I state, focusing on the ground. My mother places her hand on my shoulder and smiles at me, urging me to go on. "So, you remember me talking about Izuku, right?" She nods, curiosity filling her face. "Well, I meant to tell you earlier, but Izuku is pregnant. He is about 6 months along," I inform, feeling a weight come off my chest. My mother is in shock and tears brim her eyes. Her hands cover her mouth and I can see a smile form.
"Oh my goodness, Shoto! I can't believe it! Tell me everything!" She shouts, hugging me again. I smile gently and hug her close. We pull away and sit down.
"So, we found out we are having a baby girl. We haven't discussed names yet but I like Akira. I overheard that Izuku likes the name Emi. From Izuku's progress, it seems as though she will be born healthy which is all I care for. As long as she's healthy and happy, I'm happy," I state, my smile never fading.
"Oh, Shoto. I'm so happy for you. Please introduce me to Izuku soon. And your child once she's born," She says, tears brimming her eyes.
I smile and nod, "Of course. I would love for you to meet your granddaughter."
Time Skip
The girls insisted on having a girl-only baby shower. They planned everything secretly with Izuku. So, here I am. Sitting in my room, alone. Now I know how Izuku feels on my days off. I miss him so much. Even though he's been only been gone for an hour. They said the shower should end by 4. Currently, it's 1. I just want to hold him.
My thoughts are cut off by a knock on my door. "What?" I shout, not in the mood to see anyone except for Izuku.
"Dude, chill," I hear the voice respond. It's Kirishima. What does he want? "U-Um. I need to talk to you." I sigh and call for him to enter.
"What do you need?" I ask, hiding my lack of caring. Kirishima is sitting there, finding interest in the hoodie on the floor. He's twiddling his thumbs and blushing. This is so unlike him. He's usually very upfront and energetic.
"W-Well, how did you tell Midoriya that you like him? How did you guys start dating" He asks, finally looking up. His questions caught me off guard and I think back to how we started dating. He initiated it by kissing me out of the blue. I clearly showed that I liked him that night by making him scream. But we never talked after that out of embarrassment. I only started dating him when I found out about our child. I, of course, am not dating him out of pity. I truly do love him.
I shake out of my thoughts. "Well, Izuku was the one to initiate things with a kiss. to know more about each other that day and just didn't talk afterward. I honestly regretted not talking to him after. But we eventually talked and started dating without noticing, really. Once he told me about my child, I just knew I had to be there for him and our child," I inform, taking in a deep breath. Kirishima has a small blush on his face.
"So, you weren't the one to ask him out? Man, this makes things harder."
"It makes what harder? Why did you need to know?" I ask, now interested in his situation. I mean, everyone loves some good tea.
"Well, I was planning on asking Bakugou out. I thought that if I knew what you did, I could figure out what to do," Kirishima informs, now looking sad.
"Just do what feels right. Take him somewhere he likes. Do something he enjoys. Show that you take interest in his hobbies. Once you find that place that you guys connect in, it should be able to flow out easily," I suggest. Kirishima's eyes are filled with stars as he runs out with a loud 'thank you'. I sigh and envelope myself in the lonesome dark, the only company being my thoughts. Soon, I drift into a deep sleep.
Time Skip
I wake to gentle pressure on my face. My eyes flutter open to see Izuku standing over me, poking my face with a wide smile. I smile up at him and gently pull him down onto me.
"Sho! Let me go!" Izuku giggles, kissing my face. "I don't want to crush you," he whispers with a sad tone. I sit up and hug him close. "I'm sorry if I hurt you. I know I'm big."
"Baby," I respond, kissing Izuku's head. He turns towards me and shows me his big emerald eyes that shine with his forming tears. I kiss his tears away. "I don't mind. I can hold you. Plus, you're big because you've created life. And that is an amazing thing. I love you so much, Izuku," I proclaim, kissing his lips. I feel him kiss back and taste his salty tears.
"I don't know why I'm so emotional," Izuku says with a chuckle as he wipes his tears. "Must just be her."
"That reminds me. We need a name for her," I inform. Izuku nods. "I was thinking maybe Akira. Or maybe Kyra. Lucy, Sasha, and Charlotte also sound good," I speak, stroking Izuku's large bump and smile.
"Maybe Emi? Kyra also sounds nice. That was the name of my younger sister. Sadly, she was stillborn and never was able to experience life," Izuku whispers, his tears returning. I wipe them away and move his head to face me.
"Kyra would be a perfect name," I respond, hugging Izuku close. He nods into my chest. "Then it is settled. She will be named Kyra Midoriya-Todoroki," I state. I feel Izuku shake his head and he looks up at me.
"Just Todoroki is fine. I, myself, would love to become a Todoroki," Izuku gushes without realizing. Suddenly, his face becomes a deep red. "I-I d-didn't m-m-mean th-that, Shoto!" Izuku suddenly shouts, flustered. I just chuckle and kiss him.
"Then, I promise you will," I reply, causing him to blush even more.
Few months time skip
Izuku has been worrying all week. Kyra's due date was a few days ago but she's still staying put. He won't stop pacing around the room.
"Izuku, calm down. Once she's a week late, we will check in with a doctor," I reassure but that does nothing.
"W-What if she has some health condition? What if she's not developed yet?" Izuku panics. I walk over and hug him, causing his pacing to stop.
"Don't worry. She probably doesn't want to come out yet. I know I sure didn't," I speak with a smirk. Izuku pulls away and smacks me on the arm. I deserved it though.
He continues his pacing and mumbling. "What if she got caught on the umbilical cord? WHAT IF SHE DIED?!" Izuku shouts and falls to his knees, sobbing. I run to him and fall to his level, pulling him on my lap and hugging him close. I turn him so he's facing me.
"Don't you EVER say that. She will be fine. A lot of children are late. Please, don't stress out. I'll be honest; I'm scared. I'm also new to this. We will get through this," I calmly speak, kissing him gently.
"Okay," Izuku sighs."Thank you, Sho. For everything. Staying with me, loving me, helping me, and comforting me. You have made my life better. I love you,"
"I love you, too," I speak and kiss him again. Suddenly, I feel a wet feeling on my pants and Izuku's grip tightens on me. I groan in pain as he lets out a scream through his teeth.
"Sh-Sho," Izuku whimpers. "I-I think it's time," He cries. I sit there for a moment in shock before Izuku shouts again from the pain. I stand up and hold him bridal style. I use my feet to grab the hospital bag and use my ice to bring it up to my arm. I run out the door with Izuku and take the elevator down.
"Hey, bro! You're advice wo-Midoriya?!" Kirishima starts but soon interrupted himself when he saw Izuku. "Is he going into labor?!" He shouts again.
"YES!" I shout in anger, clearly upsetting Izuku. I kiss his forehead and bring him out to my car. I place him in my backseat and quickly hop in the driver's seat. I book it to the hospital, my hand in Izuku's. He's squeezing my hand hard but I couldn't care less.
I finally pull into the hospital and park, carrying Izuku into the hospital. I run-up to the front desk. The receptionist looks up, clearly not interested in her job.
"Help," I pant out. She looks me up and down, noticing Izuku. She sighs and talks into the intercom.
"We need a doctor to the Delivery Room and a nurse to come to the front," she speaks, placing the microphone back down. "They'll be here in a sec," the receptionist speaks, playing on her phone. I groan and adjust Izuku.
"Sh-Sho, please. It hurts," he whimpers out. I sigh and kiss his forehead.
"I know, baby. I know," I reassure. I look up to see a nurse walking towards us with a wheelchair. I place Izuku down into it and follow her to the delivery room. The nurse hands me clothes for me and Izuku to change into. I change him first, struggling due to his belly. I, then, change into my clothes and lift Izuku onto the bed. He whimpers and holds onto my shirt tightly.
The doctor knocks on the door and comes in when we are ready. She looks down at Izuku and up at me. "Nice to meet you two. Dr. Hillip is out today so I will be covering for him. My name is Dr. Scalve," Dr. Scalve speaks and gets right down the business. She sits down and lifts Izuku's gown. Not long after, a nurse comes in.
"Nurse, write down Patient Izuku Midoriya. Male. Pregnant. Dilated 3 centimeters," Dr. Scalve states as the nurse quickly follows orders. She stands up and removes her gloves. "I will check back up on you two in about an hour. He still has 7 centimeters to go."
I watch as Dr. Scalve and the nurse leaves. I turn my attention to Izuku who is currently panting. He's gone through so much pain today. Suddenly, Izuku grabs onto the rails of the bed and groans out. After a few seconds, he goes back to panting and turns to me.
"Sh-Sho. The contractions hurt. I just want her out of me," Izuku whimpers. I give him a sad smile and walk up to him. I grab his hand and kiss his forehead.
"I know, baby. But we will be able to meet Kyra soon enough. Just a little while longer," I reassure, kissing his lips. Izuku smiles at me, playing with my knuckles.
Time Skip
It has been about an hour and the doctor comes back, the nurse not far behind. Dr. Scalve sits down and checks on Izuku's progress. "Nurse, write down that patient Izuku Midoriya is 10 centimeters dilated. Ready for delivery," Dr. Scalve informs. The nurse scribbles down the information and leaves to prepare the room. "I'm going to need you to move Midoriya to the wheelchair," Doctor Scalve instructs. I nod and carry Izuku back into the wheelchair. I start following her to the delivery room, Izuku now groaning in pain constantly. I kiss the top of his head to calm him down.
We finally make it to the delivery room. I carry Izuku to the bed and place him down, giving him my hand. He looks up at me with tears and a worried expression on his face.
"Shoto, I'm scared. Please don't leave me," Izuku whimpers out. My heart shatters at this. I lean down and kiss him gently.
"I will never leave you nor Kyra. I love you both so much," I inform, kissing his cheek. Izuku gives me a sad smile, soon replaced by a painful look as he screamed. He grips my hand tightly and I suffer in silence.
"Okay, Midoriya. We need you to push on the next contraction," Dr. Scalve instructs. Izuku nods and suddenly starts pushing, screaming. My hand starts turning red and I bite my lip to keep in my scream.
"AAGH!" Izuku screams and slams his torso back onto the bed. He pants out, tears streaming down his face.
"You're doing great, Midoriya. One more push and the head should start crowning," Dr. Scalve informs, and Izuku nods. His face scrunches in pain as he pushes yet again, his torso lifting off the bed.
"Amazing job, Midoriya. The head is crowing," Dr. Scalve says. I look back down at Izuku and he looks back up at me, tears streaming down.
"Sho, it hurts," Izuku whispers out, pain lacing his voice. I lean down and peck his lips.
"I know, baby. Almost there," I say, rubbing my fingers over his hand.
"Another push, Midoriya. The head is almost out," The doctor says. Izuku nods and pushes on his next contraction. My hand is turning a purple color from Izuku's squeezing. His panting becomes deeper and struggled. I look down to the doctors, seeing a flashlight turning on.
"Alright, everything is all set. Another push and the head will be out," Dr. Scalve reassures. Izuku pushes hard again, letting out a scream. My eyes go from the doctors to Izuku, thoughts flooding my mind.
We're almost there. Kyra's almost here. I can't believe that it's been 9 months already. I can't wait to smother her in love. God, I just want to marry Izuku right now. He's doing such a good job. He's made this all possible. Without him, I don't know what I would be doing with my life. He's an Angel, creating another beautiful form of life. What did I ever do to deserve him?
My thoughts are cut off by Izuku's louder screams. His hand starts gripping harder. I hear a small crack and I bite in a scream.
"One more push and then she's out. Good job, Midoriya," Dr. Scalve praises. I smile gently, knowing we're almost down.
Izuku gives off one last push before panting hard and slamming his body back onto the bed. I hear a snip and beautiful cries. Dr. Scalve stands up with the child and takes her into another room, coming back after a few minutes. She walks over and places Kyra on Izuku's chest, her cries dying down.
"Oh my God. She's so beautiful," Izuku speaks through tears, his smile never fading. "Hi, Kyra. I'm your mom. God, you're so precious."
I kneel and get a good look at her face. She has Izuku's cute button nose and freckles. She has Izuku's green hair with stripes of white and red. Her eyes gently open and I gasp. She has my exact eyes; a snowy grey on the right and a turquoise blue on the right. I always hated my turquoise eye but seeing Kyra with it, I can see the true beauty of it.
Izuku hands me Kyra and I cradle her in my arms. "Do we have a name for her?" Dr. Scalve asks. I nod and kiss her forehead.
"Kyra Todoroki," I state, my eyes never leaving her. I sit in the chair next to Izuku, kissing him gently.
"Welcome to the world, Kyra."
I FINALLY finished! I've been writing this for months but kept forgetting about it. Sorry it took so long. Join my discord for updates on this and other stories!
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