He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
HEYYYYYOOOO! This is an angsty oneshot. Some background info is that Midoriya is in an abusive relationship with Bakugo and meets Todoroki. They talk outside of Midoriya's house when Bakugo lets him out. Join my discord! https://discord.gg/PzxEEdj
WARNING: Mentions of rape and abuse
He Loves Me (These are time skips to the person)
Midoriya's P.O.V
"And that is why the Todoroki family is kicked out of Victoria's Secret," Todoroki states. I start laughing, trying to stay quiet as we are in a café. Todoroki and I meet here once a week for an hour. He has been my rock through my relationship with Katsuki. I can be myself around him.
"Anyway, how has your week been?" Todoroki asks. I open my mouth to answer, but my alarm goes off. My eyes widen and Todoroki's face falls. I give him a sad smile and stand up.
"Well, I have to go. I'll see you next week," I exclaim, hugging Todoroki close. I feel him hug back, all of my tension going away.
"See you next week," Todoroki starts. "Be safe."
"I will."
He Loves Me Not
"K-Katsuki?" I stutter out as I open the front door. I sigh, knowing I made it home before him. The last time I was home after him, he beat me up and raped me, telling me how useless I am.
I walk over to the kitchen, getting started on dinner. I boil the pasta and heat the leftover sauce. I serve the pasta in 2 bowls, ensuring Katsuki gets more than me. He hates it when I take all the food, saying how I don't need to gain any more weight.
The doorknob jiggles as I place the last few items on the table. I gasp lightly and clean up, making the place look nicer.
"Hey, bitch," Katsuki calls out. I look up at him, hiding my fear. "What's for dinner?" He asks, throwing his blazer and tie onto the couch.
"P-Pasta with sauce," I respond, pouring him a glass of red wine. Katsuki sits down and looks at the pasta.
"Again? We always have this fucking shit. It isn't even that good," Katsuki complains, throwing the bowl at me. I squeak as it hits me, the bowl shattering as it hits the ground. I look down at the broken bowl and splattered pasta.
"Well?" He asks. "Aren't you going to clean that up?" He continues. I nod and get down, cleaning the glass. Katsuki watches me and I hear him groan. "Why are you taking so long? I'm still hungry," I freeze for a moment before speeding up, cutting my hand in the process. I throw away the trash and pull out some chicken and rice. I see Katsuki nod and I heat it, making sure it is still more than the pasta I had.
"Finally. Took you long enough," He snarls, slapping my ass after I place down his plate. I squeak again and sit down, picking up my fork. Katsuki takes the fork out of my hand.
"No. You don't deserve food after that shit you pulled today with dinner. Go into the bedroom and get ready. Don't keep me waiting," Katsuki instructed. I nodded and went to the bedroom, crying.
Time Skip to After
I'm laying in Katsuki's arms, his cum running out of me. I cry silently, looking at all the bruises and burn marks he made on my body. I rise out of bed and wobble to the bathroom. I grab some clothes and put them on. I walk downstairs and sit on the couch, crying. I hold in my sobs so I don't wake Katsuki up. Everything has been horrible. Katsuki was so nice when we started dating. But then he started saying that he owned me and started to use me. I hated it and I still hate it. I just want to get out.
I gasp as I hear footsteps. I quietly run to the kitchen and grab a glass, filling it with water. I start sipping it as the steps grow louder.
"Deku? Is that you?" Katsuki asks, turning the corner. He sees me and glares at me. "What are you doing out of bed?" He asks, this time coming closer and grabbing my shoulder.
"I-I-I just n-n-needed s-some w-w-wa-" Before I could finish, the glass slips out of my hand, shattering on the tile. I squeak as Katsuki's grasp becomes tighter.
"You clumsy bitch! Look what you did!" Katsuki shouts, pushing me down onto the glass. My knees fall directly on the shards and I whimper, feeling the glass in my knees. "You are always so careless! You're a horrible slave!" Katsuki yells. I stiffen at his words. Slave? Does he think of me as a slave? I mean that little to him?
"Get to cleaning!" Katsuki demands, kicking my head to the floor and into the glass. I let out a sob from the sudden pain. "I hope your attitude changes by tomorrow or else punishment will be much worse, slut."
He loves me
It's been a few weeks since the incident with Katsuki. I've been planning my escape but I always find a flaw. He's taunting me.
"Izuku?" Shoto snaps me out of my thoughts. I shake my head awake and give him the best smile I can muster. "Are you alright?" He continues. I nod my head.
"I'm fine," I lie, hoping he will be satisfied with my answer. Sadly, he saw right through it.
"No, you're not. I know you're not. You can tell me. Please. Izuku. Are you okay?" He asks again, more care evident in his voice. My smile falters and my lips start to quiver, tears streaming down my face.
"I'm sorry!" I cry, hugging Shoto close. "I'm not okay. I'm not fine. I'm scared," I confess, still sobbing. I feel Shoto hold me close. I feel him grab my chin and pull my face up.
"What happened?" He asks, still holding me. I let out a shaky sigh.
"K-Katsuki has been much harsher with me. It hurts. H-He always tells me I'm h-his slave. I-I'm starting to believe it. And I-I can't escape. I've tried. Shoto, I'm scared," I speak, sobbing into his chest. I feel his hand stroke my hair and I hear him whispering soft nothings in my ear.
I look up at him a give him a small but genuine smile. "Thank you, Shoto," I speak. I see red start rising to his cheeks as he reciprocates my smile.
"Of course, Izuku."
Time Skip
Shoto had me in the front seat of my car, driving me somewhere. "C'mon Sho. Where are we going?" I whined. Katsuki started tracking my phone so I left it at home to sneak out.
"It's a surprise," He taunts, giving me a cheeky smirk. I jokingly sigh in frustration and pout. "Oh, grow up, you sourpuss," Todoroki continued taunting me. We both laugh as we pull into the parking lot. I look up at the Italian restaurant.
"Incontro's? Isn't this place really expensive?" I ask, looking back at Shoto. He lets out a shy chuckle.
"It's nothing my dad's card can't handle," He responds, opening the door for me. I giggle and give him a dorky bow.
"Thank you, good sir," I say, still in my dorky bow. I hear Shoto laugh and bow back.
"Anything for you, m'lady," He responds, laughing. We look at each other and break out laughing. We stand up and go into the restaurant.
I'm ending this here for now. Comment if you want part 2! Don't forget to join my discord and leave suggestions!
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