Christmas Day
This is a Trans!Midoriya story. He is a trans male (Which means he is a girl to a boy). Happy holidays to those who celebrate, happy Tuesday/Monday to those who don't. BTW they be in college together
Todoroki's P.O.V
"You will NOT see that girl tomorrow! It's Christmas, so you will spend it with family, not some retarded fag who thinks she's a boy." The old man rants. He pushes me back into the wall. "You know what? You will never be able to see that girl anymore." He states. This breaks something inside of me. I push him back and make him fall.
"If I were to spend Christmas with family, it wouldn't be with you. I barely consider you a father. How can I consider you family? If I were to spend Christmas with family, I would spend it with him because he's the only one there for me." I spit back. The old man stands up and grabs me by the collar of my shirt.
"Fine. If you love her so much, then leave this place, you fag. No one cares about you anyway. You can spend Christmas with that dumb bitch. She probably won't want to spend it with you, anyway," He spits, throwing me out into the cold snow. "Don't come back." He slams the door. I weakly stand. Once I'm up, the door opens behind me. A bag hits my back, knocking me back down. A slam is heard behind me and a bunch of snow tumbles down on me from the roof. I lie there for a while, crying. I stand again, fumbling with my bag. At least he was nice enough to pack my-never mind. I look into the bag to see a pair of pants and a shirt that were in my hamper.
"Great. Just great." I mumbled underneath my breath. I start slowly walking away. The sun had already set and the lights have been on for hours. The snow crunches beneath my feet as I slug my way to find an alley to spend the cold, night. An ideal alley pops up and I settle down without a second thought. I use my bag as a pillow and my clothes as a blanket. The night was long, but it passed.
Time Skip
The sun shone right in my eyes as I crack them open. I gather my clothes and store them in my bag. I place my bag on my back and start walking to Izuku's house.
Midoriya's P.O.V
I jump out of bed as my alarm rings. It's Christmas! I grab my binder and slip it on, fixing my pajama top. I run to the tree and look at the marvel beneath it. Presents wrapped in shiny wrapping paper and done so neatly. I was about to go get my mom when the doorbell rings. I wonder who it is. No one should be coming over today. I walk to the door and crack it open.
"Shoto? What are you doing here?" I ask my boyfriend as I hug him close to me. I pull away when I didn't get an answer. "Shoto? Are you okay?" I ask. He looks at me and starts crying. He buries his face in my hair and sobs.
"I'm a disgrace. I was kicked out of my house for being with you." Shoto mumbles into my hair. I tear up at this. He would rather be with me than be in a house with heat and food. He gave up everything to stay with me.
"Why would you lose everything just to be with me? I'm not worth that much. I would never want you to risk your comfort and life to be with me. I'm not that great or precious." I speak truthfully. Shoto did not like that. He looked at me with this glare mixed with a sad frown.
"You're right. You're not worth my life." He speaks. Called it. "You're worth so much more than that. I would give up the world for you. I will NEVER leave you. I needed to get out of my house anyway. I can get a job and snatch an apartment." He continued. I can't have him living in an apartment while working a lot.
"No," I argue. "Don't get an apartment. Move in. Move in with me. Then, you won't have to work ridiculous hours and we can spend more time together. My mom loves you and would be happy if you moved in. So please, move in with me." I persuade him. He looks shocked, then softens his face and nods. He gives me a peck on the lips. I move out of the way so he can get in.
"Honey, are you out here-Oh! Shoto! Welcome! Why are you here today? Shouldn't you be with your family?" Mom asks. Shoto tenses up. I don't want him to feel uncomfortable, so I drag my mom away to explain everything.
"Mom, Shoto was kicked out of his house for dating me. He was going to get an apartment, but I offered a room here. Is it okay if he stays here so he doesn't have to work all the time?" I question, nervous she will say no. She looks shocked. She's silent for a moment before she looks up at me.
"Of course. You know how much I love Shoto. He's like a son. Of course, he can stay." My mom says with a smile. I hug her tightly as a thank you. "Go tell him." She urges me.
"Hey, Shoto?" I get his attention. He looks up from his phone and smiles at me. "Want me to go show you where you're staying?" I ask. He smiles wider and nods. There's this guest room my mom had, but no one ever visits. "Here," I say, gesturing to the neat, blue guest room. I'll give you time to settle in while we get breakfast going." I say. Shoto nods and walks into his new room. I walk out to the kitchen with my mom and start the waffles.
Time Skip After Breakfast
Shoto sits next to me while my mom sits next to the tree. I put my few presents to Shoto under the tree earlier this morning. We open them one by one, music playing in the background. I got some of the new All Might figures and posters, but nothing could surpass what Shoto got me. My mom left the room to put her new necklaces and flowers away. Shoto pulled out a felt box and bent down on one knee and opened the box to reveal a beautiful ring. It was a silver band with thin green silver in the middle, leading towards a diamond heart. The vines outlined the heart. I was awestruck at the ring. Tears filled my eyes as I looked at Shoto.
"I could never imagine a life without you, Izuku. You have made my life so much better. I care too much about you to ever leave you. So, Izuku Midoriya, will you make me the happiest, or gayest, man in the world and marry me?" Shoto asks so beautifully. I start to actually cry. I nod my head rapidly.
"Yes! YES! YES! FUCK YES SHOTO! I WILL!" I shout at the top of my lungs, not scared of waking anyone up. Shoto stands up and places the ring on my finger. I look up from my ring and look Shoto in the eyes. Shoto leans in and kisses me.
"I love you, Izuku Midoriya. Or should I say, future Izuku Todoroki." Shoto says. I like the sound of that Izuku Todoroki. Fitting. I smile up at him.
"I love you, too, Shoto Todoroki. Merry Christmas."
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