Chapter 3
"Alright, Merlin. Do you want to see Camelot?" Arthur asked as he started to put the toys away.
"Yeah! I can do that." Merlin's eyes flashed gold and all the toys magically went into the trunk.
"Merlin. You cannot use magic. Okay? You were right the mean king is here and I don't want you to get caught." Merlin nodded and said sorry.
Once the two were outside of the castle it was fun. Merlin was in awe the whole time. There were dancers and puppet shows and musicians. To Merlin, this was all new.
"Arthur I'm hungry. Can we please have something to eat?" Arthur looked down and smiled at how polite he was.
"Yes. But I have to do something really quick. Then we can go back to the castle. Okay?" Merlin sighed but nodded all the same.
Arthur walked up to a booth that sold pins.
"Hello, your Majesty. What can I do for you?" The teller asked.
"Hello, I would like that pin please." Arthur pointed to a golden pin with the Camelot crest on it. The lady handed him the pin and he placed it in his pocket. He smiled in thanks and turned around. But Merlin was gone.
"Merlin?" Arthur called only a little worried.
"Merlin!" He shouted.
Merlin, while Arthur was buying the pin, was getting pushed around by all the people. He wasn't strong enough to reach Arthur. He could hear Arthur shout his name but he wasn't loud enough for him to hear. Then Arthur walked away in a hurry.
Merlin started to cry. He was sobbing. He was lost in Camelot. Home of the evil king. Soon he would lose control and he would die.
"Hello there." Merlin looked up to see a knight with curly brown hair.
"My name is Leon. What's your name?" Merlin sniffled tears still coming out of his eyes.
"Merlin." Leon's face looked shocked. But Leon quickly composed himself.
"Alright, Merlin where are your parents?"
"My parents are back in Ealdor. I can't find Mr. Arthur. Do you know where he is?" Leon picked him up.
"I don't know. But I think we can find him together." Leon said and started to look. Leon looked around and saw Arthur about a couple yards ahead of them.
"Arthur!" Arthur turned at the sound of his name and saw the still crying Merlin. His face visibly relaxed.
"Oh thank goodness." He breathed as he took Merlin in his arms.
"Thank you, Leon." Leon nodded and left.
"I thought I lost you." Merlin sobbed.
"I know. I know." Arthur whispered as he held Merlin tight and put his head into Arthurs' neck.
"You want to get food now?" Arthur could feel Merlin nod his head.
Once the two had eaten they spent the rest of the day playing. They played many games. They played save the princess, they played kill the dragon, and they played with wooden swords.
The two were sitting and just talking when a messenger came from Gaius that Arthur and Merlin were to head to his chambers immediately.
"Okay, I have finished the potion. Merlin, I need you to drink this." Gaius handed the warlock the drink.
"So you grow big and strong. " Arthur said. It was meant to be sarcastic but it came out more encouraging.
"Oh. Okay." Merlin drank the potion and stuck out his tongue.
"That was gross!"
"Now Merlin, go into that room back there." Merlin walked into the room a toddler and walked out a man dressed in his normal outfit.
"My head hurts. " Merlin mumbled and walked over to the shelf of remedies. He took one down and drank it.
"Then I suggest you head off to bed. He may not be at work tomorrow depending on his condition." Arthur nodded.
"Alright but I want you there the day after." Arthur smiled at Merlin, who returned it.
"Night. " Merlin mumbled and walked back into the room.
"Rise and Shine!" Arthur opened his eyes to see Merlin opening his drapes.
"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in bed?" Arthus asked sitting up.
"Nope. I feel fine. Great actually. Thank you by the way." Merlin added sheepishly.
"For what?" Arthur was now standing and putting his shirt on.
"For giving me some amazing memories. It felt like I had a fa- friend. Yeah, friend." Merlin corrected himself. Arthur smiled. He was happy that his friend got that. Once he was fully dressed Arthur put his hand on Merlin's shoulder.
"I had motherly figures in my life after I lost my mother. I had nannies and there were maids. They never replaced her but they were enough. I had someone to sing to me when hurt, someone to care for me when sick. I realized that your mother was all you had. So after a lecture from Gwaine and Lance, I figured that I would be a 'fatherly figure' because you were the brother figure I never had." Once Arthur was done Merlin's eyes were getting watery. Merlin quickly looked away.
"Thank you. Honestly. It was the best two days of my life."
Arthur pulled Merlin in for a hug.
"Anytime mate. Anytime."
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