Chapter 1
"Merlin run." He said softly. Causing them both to book it. Merlin surprisingly wasn't that slow. Almost keeping up with the Pendragon. The sorceress used magic to jump in front of them. The three stood there waiting for someone to make a move.
"Do you really want to do this?" Merlin asked.
"Do you really want to kill him? You know the future kingdom he shall create. And people like you are just making it harder for me to get him there." Arthur was confused. What was happening? Why was Merlin talking to her like he owned Arthur?
"I am positive I want to do this." She snickered.
"Why? Killing Arthur will only make the magic laws worse."
"Who said I was killing Arthur?" She shook her head. "Never judge before hearing the whole story first."
"Arthur Pendragon!" He stood up straight. "This is a test that the Druids have sent to see the type of king you shall become. To see if you will be better or just like your father."
"I command you to stop!" Merlin said in his 'lord of the Druids' voice. What power did Merlin have to command?
"I am sorry Emrys but not even you can stop this test." The enchantress shouted words of the old religion and was off.
Arthur looked down to see him completely fine. He laughed and turned to look at Merlin, to tease him, to see that a little boy was in his place, clothes far too big.
"Merlin? He questioned the boy. Suddenly a bag appeared beside him. With a note saying: 'You shall be needing these.' The bag contained children's clothes.
Arthur was looking in the bag when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Arthur went to grab his sword and turned in one swift motion.
He saw the small child wrapping Merlin's shirt around his body.
"Hello. I'm Merlin. I don't know where I am. Do you know where Ealdor is?!" The little child smiled.
"Your names Merlin?" Arthur said slowly.
"Yes. I'm Merlin! Like the bird. My Mommy a little Merlin!" Arthur chuckled.
"Alright. Well, Ealdor is really far away. So we are going to see Gaius."
"Uncle Gaius!" Merlin shouted excited.
"Uncle?" Arthur hadn't known they were related.
Arthur put Merlin in the clothes from the bag. And set off for Camelot.
"Gaius?!" Arthur called when he entered the physician's chambers.
"Sire? What's wrong?" Gaius walked in from Merlin's room.
"Uncle Gaius!" Tiny Merlin shouted and ran to him.
"What happened!?" Gaius shouted as the small boy. Arthur then told him the story on how the sorceress had said it was a test for Arthur and whatnot.
"Well, what are we to do with him? I cannot take care of a young child at my age." Gaius asked once Arthur had finished. They both turned to Merlin who was running around while waving around a block of some sort making noises like a dragon.
Merlin was about to fall down when Arthur caught him. "You okay there?" Merlin nodded and continued running.
Arthur chuckled. "He can stay with me until you cure him. You can cure him? Right?" Arthur hadn't thought of that. What if Merlin was stuck like this, forced to relive his life. What is he going to tell his mother?
"I believe I can." Arthur sighed in relief. "But I will take me at least a day or two days to make the potion to reverse it." Arthur paled and Gaius laughed.
"At least he isn't a baby." That was true. Arthur maybe, on some luck, handle a child. There is now way in heaven or hell he would have been able to watch a child.
"Okay, Merlin. You and I are going to go meet my father. Okay. We're going to see if you can stay with me for a while. Then I'll show you around Camelot." Merlin stopped running and looked at Gaius with scarred eyes.
"Did I do something wrong?" Gaius quickly got on his feet.
"No Merlin. You did nothing bad. I promise you." What did Arthur say to make the small child panic? Did he not want to leave Gaius?
"Then why am I going to Camelot? Mommy said that when people like me go to Camelot they die. I don't want to die. Is the mean king going to kill me." Arthur was shocked. People like him? Die? The mean king?
"Merlin. You aren't here to die. Arthur brought you here to-" Gaius started to explain to him but stopped when he saw the boy shaking. Gaius hugged the boy as he started to cry. Arthur looked at Gaius and Gaius just gave him a look that said 'You do something!'
"Merlin? Can you come here?" Arthur asked quietly. Merlin slowly walked over still sniffling and looking at the ground.
"Merlin, why do you think you are going to die?" Merlin looked up at him.
"Because of how I was born. The mean king doesn't like people like me. Or anything magic." Arthur stared shocked and confused.
Did Merlin just say that he was born with some sort of magic? No. No, he couldn't have.
"Gaius. Did Merlin just imply what I think he implied?" Arthur slowly looked up at Gaius. Who was at the moment speechless. After a moment of staring, Gaius nodded. Arthur looked at Merlin disgusted.
"He was born with it sire. Never had a choice. He hated lying to you. All he wanted was for you to acce-" Arthur looked back at Gaius.
"That's it! They want to know how you judge Merlin. Whether you let him live or if you ki- Um... you know. They want to see if you are as merciful as Merlin says you will be."
"Merlin said I was merciful? He also said that the kingdom I build will be great. Was that a lie?" Gaius shook his head.
"No. Merlin would die for the kingdom you will create. Almost has, many times." Arthur looked back at Merlin. Who was now back at playing with the block.
"I'm not going to kill him. I couldn't even if I wanted to. He is my best friend. I know he is loyal to me and always will be."
"Come on let's go see my dad. I'm sure he would love to meet you." Arthur uttered sarcastically.
Arthur walked to the throne room with an awestruck Merlin.
"Father?" Arthur entered the room to see Uther pacing the room, thinking. Uther's head shot up with annoyance when he heard his name but smiled when he realized it was Arthur.
"Arthur! How was your hunt?" Uther said walking over to Arthur. Arthur pulled Merlin out from behind his back. Uther froze.
"My man-servant Merlin went hunting with me you know. Well, we were attacked by a sorceress and she made Merlin become a child. Gaius is already working on a potion that will take a day or two, and since Gaius can't take care of a child at his age, I figured I could watch over Merlin. With your promotion of course." He quickly added just to be safe. Merlin walked into full view and walked up to the King.
"Hello. My name is Merlin!" Uther's stern face slowly turned into a small smile of amusment.
"Hello there Merlin. My name is Uther. It is wonderful to meet you." Merlin smiled and ran back to Arthur, who instinctively patted his head.
"Yes, you can watch him. Shall I be sending of a temporary man-servant?" Arthur nodded and excused the two of them. Arthur began talking to Merlin. Merlin, he found, was an odd child. Merlin loved magic and magical things.
Once they reached his room Merlin's eyes popped out of his head. "This is your room. All of it! This is bigger than my house!"
Arthur chuckled. "This'll be fun."
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