Thanksgiving Disaster
(a few weeks later)
(in konan and pain's room)
(9:00 am)
Konan=pain what type of thanksgiving dinner should I make?
Pain=...You want to cook thanksgiving dinner?
Konan=for every holiday we never eat as a family I want to leave a good impression on itachi.
Pain=you never cook thanksgiving dinner let's do what we normally do order pizza a couple of wings and watch football.
Konan=no starting today I will cook thanksgiving dinner and we will eat together as a family!!
Pain=there you go with that fire in your eyes.
Konan=yes I know I vow I will make the best dinner ever!!
Pain=okay fine but we will still watch football.
(beep beep)
Konan=time to get the day started.
Pain=lets go.
(in itachi's room)
Konan=wake up itachi time to start the day off.
(konan picks up itachi and lays him on the changing table and pulls off his pajama pants)
Pain=so are you serious about this thanksgiving thing.
Konan=more serious then I ever been.
Pain=he fell back to sleep.
Konan=come on itachi wake up sweetie.
Itachi=(rubs eyes)(yawn)
Konan=anyways like I was saying having everyone eat together is a fun idea and it make us look like a real family.
(konan took off itachi's diaper and started to sprinkle powder on him)
Konan =here take care of this for me.
(pain puts the diaper in the diaper pail next to the changing table after that konan put's itachi in a new diaper and she picked him up)
Konan=alright I 'll get started on breakfast.
(in the kitchen)
(konan put's itachi in his highchair and she places a sippy cup of milk on the highchair tray)
Konan=will that work.
(itachi pick's up his sippy cup and start's drinking from it)
Konan=itachi you're drinking without a bottle the day is already getting better.
Deidara=hey mom.
Tobi=hi mom.
Konan=morning you two breakfast is almost done also did you notice something different about itachi.
Deidara=something different.
Tobi=let me see.
(both tobi and deidara looked at itachi real close)
Deidara=he is not using a bottle.
Tobi=oh you're right he's using a sippy cup.
Deidara=hey good job itachi.
(deidara ruffles itachi's hair)
Itachi=heh heh.
Konan=alright here's breakfast omlets for my two boys and scramble eggs for my baby boy.
(konan set's the food in front of her son's and they started eating)
Deidara=awesome cooking mom.
Tobi=your cooking is the best mama!
Konan=thank you boy's.
(konan sets her plate on the table and she sits down and started to eat)
Pain=alright I just got finished assigning mission's so what's for breakfast konan?
Konan=omlets your's is in the microwave I also made coffee.
Pain= I would love some.
(pain poured himself a cup of coffee and he grabs his food and sit's at the table)
Pain=so did your mother tell you two what we are going to be doing.
Deidara=what are we doing?
Konan=we are eating thanksgiving dinner together.
Deidara=sounds fun.
Itachi=mommy up.
(konan picks up itachi then he fell back to sleep)
Pain=huh I guess he wasn't ready to wake up.
Konan= I 'll put him back to bed.
(twenty minutes later)
Konan=alright he fell asleep so I am going to get started on the food....Oh wait I need to buy the turkey and those usally take hours to make thank god it's morning time so we can get started hey pain do me a favor and buy a turkey and some good stuffing too.
(pain then leaves)
Konan=alright I guess I can do the seasonings and some side dishes till nagato gets back.
Deidara=well have fun mom.
Tobi=bye mama.
Konan=where do you two think you are going I need some help.
Tobi=oh tobi wants to help!
Deidara=what do you need help with?
Konan=hmm peel the potatoes and tobi you can mix the spices but you need to do it by hand so go wash them and mix the spices for me.
Konan=here is some potatoes and the peeler and make sure you put the peeled potatoes in a bowel of water.
Deidara=got it.
(so tobi and deidara went to go do their respective job's)
(in the nursery)
Konan=hey sleepy head...(sniff sniff) somebody needs a diaper change.
Itachi=daipy icky.
Konan= I can see that.
(after konan changes itachi's diaper)
Konan=there now you are all clean now.
Itachi=heh heh.
(in the kitchen)
(konan set's itachi in his highchair)
Deidara=look who's awake.
Tobi=hey tachi you were asleep for a long time.
Deidara=why is he so sleepy for?
Konan=he is a little sick so rest has been the best thing for him.
Deidara=is he feeling better.
Konan=yeah some cough syrup fixed him right up.
Deidara=okay..Oh yeah I finished the potatoes.
Konan=great chop them up and put them in the pot tobi have you finished the seasonings.
Tobi=here you go mama.
(tobi handed the bowl of mixed seasonings and spices to konan who pours the seasonings into a separate pot that has been filled with different sauces)
Konan=yes itachi.
Itachi=me wan do dat.
Konan=you want to help itachi
Konan=but you are to young to use any of the utinsels how about you just sit there we got it don't worry.
Itachi=b bud(sniff)me wan do dat.
Konan=oh umm.
(tobi grabs a bowl and fills it halfway with water and grabs a spoon)
Tobi=here tachi help us stir this up and we can make soup.
Itachi=yay otay obi!
(when tobi placed the bowl of water on itachi's highchair tray tobi gave itachi the spoon and itachi instantly started stirring and hitting the water with the spoon while getting himself wet in the process)
Konan=wow tobi good thinking.
Tobi=thank you mom.
Deidara=that will keep him busy for a little bit.
Konan=alright now there is nothing else we can do we just have to wait till pain comes back with the groceries.
Konan=you know what else you can do for me.
Tobi=oh tell me tell me I 'll do it!!!!
Deidara=don't you think you're a bit to excited for this.
Konan=now you both can give itachi a bath.
Konan=then after that you both need to take your baths too because we're going out in a little bit to go shopping for some last minute item's.
Deidara=got ya.
(in the bathroom)
(deidara and tobi were currently bathing itachi)
Deidara=so any idea on what these last minute item's are.
Tobi= I bet it's pie delicious pie.
Deidara=you always think we're getting sweet's.
Itachi=me wan dat.
Deidara=what pie?
Itachi=obi say id yummy.
Deidara= I guess it depends what flavor you like.
Tobi=tobi love chocolate pie it's very very good.
Deidara= I am more of a caramel person.
(after itachi was had his bath tobi deidara took a quick shower and they got dressed)
Konan=good now are you guys ready to go?
Pain=you guys taking off.
Konan=yeah now remember the turkey will be ready in exactly two hours so watch the timer and make you keep the pies in the freezer and baste the turkey with the sauce in the fridge every thirty minutes.
Pain=don't worry I got it now you go get those last minute item's.
Konan=and remember this is itachi's first thanksgiving so we have to make it special.
Pain=it will you can count on us.
(konan kissed pain on his cheek)
Konan=see you later.
(before konan completely closed the door she poked her head out)
Konan=also if you guys make this thanksgiving a disaster.
(konan scratched the door leaving deep claw marks)
Konan=the consequinces will be quite dire.
Konan=your fear sustains me.... Later.
(konan closes the door)
(konan got itachi in his carseat while deidara sat next to him and tobi was in the front seat so with everybody situated she started driving)
Konan=yes itachi?
Itachi=me haf dweam gan.
Konan=a dream what dream are you talking about?
Itachi=bout big bwudda.
Konan=about tobi and deidara.
Itachi=(shakes head) sake.
Konan=sasuke what were you two doing in the dream.
Itachi=he pway wif me.
Konan=he played with you.
Itachi=uh huh.
Konan=well that's good.
Tobi=yeah tachi.
Itachi=oo ou mommy an daddy.
Tobi=my real mom and dad... Hmmm I dunno.
Itachi=oo ou mommy an daddy.
Deidara=they died a long time ago itachi.
Itachi=oo my mommy an daddy.
Konan=you know what we need music.
(konan turned on the radio to radio disney)
Konan=hey itachi do you want to watch beyblade.
Itachi=yeah yeah beybade beybade.
Deidara= I got it.
(deidara lowered the tv screen in the middle section of the van the one itachi was sitting at and he put the beyblade metal fusion dvd inside the built in dvd player)
Deidara=nice save.
Tobi=why did he start asking all these questions?
Konan=who can say...But for now let's just focus on today.
(after a hour of driving konan arrived at a walmart)
Konan=okay boy's wake up.
Deidara=huh oh we're here.
Tobi=(yawn)that was a good nap I had this awesome dream about santa claus and the great pumpkin.
Deidara=two different holidays tobi.
Konan=itachi baby wake up.
Itachi=(yawn)(raises arm's)
(konan picks up itachi she then grabbed a shopping cart and she placed itachi in the baby seat)
Itachi=mmm(rubs eyes)
Tobi=what are we getting again.
Konan=well we need some pies.
Tobi=told you.
Konan=also we need to get a good lay out of the place because you know black friday.
Deidara=can we go this year.
Konan=no because it's too dangerous for you guys especially itachi.
(so konan started buying different pies and drinks for the thanksgiving dinner)
Itachi=me hungwy mommy.
Konan= I am to how about you guy's?
Deidara= I can eat I am kind of hungry.
Tobi= I want pizza I love pizza.
Konan=that's gonna be hard considering that it is thanksgiving now thinking about it there is surprisingly a good amount of thanksgiving items here.
Deidara=that's good right?
Konan=very good now let's take care of shopping first then we can eat lunch.
(after doing the necessary shopping konan stopped at a pizza place on the way home)
(inside the pizzeria)
(konan ordered one big pepperoni pizza)
Konan=alright let's eat.
Deidara=it's been awhile since we had pizza.
Konan=yeah it has it's kind of weird to we usually buy pizza a lot for dinner.
(konan took a slice of pizza and she a piece of pizza and started feeding itachi the individual pieces)
Deidara= I hope dad and the other guys can handle being by themselves for this long.
Konan=they can handle themselves don't worry and besides they know how important this for me and especially itachi this will be his first thanksgiving so I cannot stress this enough it is very important.
(konan picked up picked a steel ornament that was on the middle of the table)
Konan=this is cute it's a little steel turkey.
Tobi=mama what if dad and the others mess up the house.
Konan=well like I said before we left I said the consequences will be quite....
(konan squeezed the steel ornament till it crumbled in her hands)
Konan=but I trust them completely and besides what's the worst that could happen maybe the base is a bit dirty I can clean that up in no time.
Deidara=umm can I be excused to the bathroom.
Konan=sure go ahead.
(deidara walked to the men's restroom)
(in the restroom)
(deidara pulled his phone out of his pocket and he called pain)
Deidara=dad make sure everything is perfect for today mom is gonna rip all of you guys balls off if anything is ruined today.
Pain=thanks for the heads up son but everything is just fine.
Deidara=okay good because I was worrying about you guys.
Pain=thank you son everything is fine.
Deidara=okay well bye.
(deidara hanged up his phone and he left the restroom)
Konan=hey deidara we're all set ready to go?
(everybody got inside the van and left)
Konan= I think the turkey should be ready tonight.
Tobi=it's gonna be really good.
Itachi=wat dat.
Tobi=what's what tachi?
Konan= I think he means turkey.
Tobi=well turkey is this meat that grows on a meat farm.
Deidara=wait that's not right turkey is a bird.
Tobi=shhh he doesn't have to know that.
(twenty minutes later)
(konan and her three boys made it to the base)
Deidara=you smell that it's kind of like burnt pie.
Konan=they probably tried to bake a pie but that's okay I bought all of these pies for this reason.
(when konan and the boys entered the house saying it was a mess does not even cut it)
Pain=hey honey... Now before you say anything we can just order out.
(The base was a mess the turkey was charred and stuck to the ceiling there was hidan shape indention several holes and a crater on the roof and floor and the kitchen was black and burnt the tv had the remote impaled through it and the male akatsuki were bruised and their clothes we torn covered in burn marks and some blood from each other and the akatsuki members were briused hidan was missing a arm and to top it all off the base was in shambles it looked like a hurricane ran through the base)
Pain= I ...I.
Konan=all I wanted was a day special day for itachi a thanksgiving where things can be normal no problem you said.
Konan=two hours me and the boys were gone two f****** hours and you guys destroyed the house you know how f****** long it took me me to do all of this I am the only woman with sense here and to say again the only woman here among the dumba** men here!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kisame=konan how about we all just calm down.
Konan=calm down how can I be when you grown men destroyed our home I hate men I wish you all would just die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(konan ran to the master bedroom and slammed the door and locked it)
Deidara=itachi don't cry.
(deidara picked up itachi and tried his best to comfort his baby brother)
Deidara=let's go tobi.
Tobi=are you guys happy with yourselves because mama hates us now.
(tobi said that with every ounce of venom he had which isn't much so with that said he left with his two brothers)
Kisame=dang guys we really messed up this time.
Hidan=yeah no joke we kinda f****** this one up.
Kakuzu=it all went wrong so fast.
Sasori=we all had a part in this to and the situation is really bad when even you have tobi chew us out.
Pain=no it cannot end like this we have to fix this not only does itachi deserve a proper thanksgiving konan does to.
Zetsu=you're right so what should we do.
Pain=kakuzu and hidan hunt down a turkey and prepare it for dinner.
Hidan=yes sir.
Hidan=this is serious business.
Pain=kisame and sasori I need you to clean up the kitchen and fix the busted gas that was broken during our little incident.
Kisame= I clean the kitchen and fix the appliances.
Sasori=my metallic sand can mend the pipes back together.
Pain=zetsu me and you can do the proper repairs to the base.
Pain=good I am gonna make coffee it's gonna be a long night.
(the next day)
(9:00 am)
(in the master bedroom)
(konan threw on her bathrobe)
Konan=man I may have overreacted yesterday just a bit I should make a big breakfast as a apology to everyone.
(knock knock)
Konan=come in.
Deidara=hey mom.
Tobi=hi mom
(itachi toddled to konan and he climbed on the bed and he hugged her)
Itachi=me sowy mommy me be goo boy me don wan mommy mad ad tachi.
Konan= I am not mad at you itachi.
Itachi=me no wan mommy mad.
(itachi then started crying then tobi and deidara,all three boys hugged konan as they cried they're pain away konan herself started tearing up)
Konan= I 'm so sorry boys I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Itachi=mommy say no wuv tachi an daddy an an.
Konan=shh I know I know I don't hate you guys mommy was just mad.
Deidara=(sniff)me and tobi should have stayed home so we can tell them what to do.
Konan=no it was my fault my expectations were a bit high.
Tobi=(sniff) well they did destroy the house.
Deidara=yeah they did do that.
Itachi=mommy tummy talking me hungwy.
Konan=yeah breakfast sounds good.
(konan picked up itachi and deidara and tobi followed them out the door)
Konan=hey you guys smell that?
Tobi=yeah it smells good.
Deidara=kinda like...Turkey.
(in the living room)
(all of the akatsuki men were asleep pain was asleep on floor with a hammer in one hand and nails in the other zetsu sleeping on the couch covered in wood shavings while hidan and kakuzu were covered in feathers and they were sleeping in the kitchen kisame was covered in flour and spices sitting in a chair his head resting in a bowl of batter which caked his hair sasori was covered in pie batter and flour and was sleeping on the kitchen floor)
Konan=oh my god they fixed everything.
Pain=(yawn)oh konan morning.
Hidan=we worked our a**** to the bone to fix this place.
Kisame=man what a night.
Pain=so do you like it we even fixed the turkey and everything.
(konan started tearing up)
Pain=crap she doesn't like everyone we have more work to do.
Pain=yes de-.
(before pain could respond konan kissed him)
Konan= I love it!
Pain=we did it.
Kisame=the turkey should be ready at 7:00 pm.
(in the living room)
(8:00 pm)
(everybody was sitting on the couches and some on the floor eating turkey and watching football)
Konan=itachi really likes turkey.
(itachi was shoveling the turkey slices he had into his mouth)
Itachi=me wike tukey(gulp)
Pain= I 'll bathe him later.
Konan=thanks again pain I love what you did for me and itachi.
Pain=no problem me and the guys worked hard.
Konan=well I shall give them a reward I will buy a brand new tv maybe one of those plasma screen one's and pain you don't need a prize.
Pain=hey I worked hard to maybe even more.
Konan=for you I have something else.
(konan whispered into pain's ear)
Pain=erm well everyone me and konan is gonna go to bed early tonight see you tomorrow.
(creak creak creak creak)
Deidara=what's that sound?
Sasori=.....It's nothing really it's nothing.
Hidan= I wish I had a girlfriend.
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