New life
(in the shopping center)
Kisame= I will buy the baby stuff you get the clothes.
Deidara=yeah what ever.
Kisame=hey kid remember you are only 12 so no cursing or destruction like you always do.
Deidara=huh wha I could not hear you over the fact of how awesome I am.
Kisame=just buy the clothes.
Deidara=fine come here itachi.
Deidara=now what to get you.
Itachi=this I wan this one.
Deidara=huh whats that.
Itachi=it look like yours I wan be just wike you and mommy daddy to.
Deidara=awwww..Thank you.
(deidara then hugs itachi)
Itachi=wuv you.
Kisame=hey you two bonded.
Deidara=what no I was just umm.
Deidara=wha I mean yeah he was choking on candy. Kisame=sure anyway got the baby stuff I going to get some little silver ware and toys I will be back here is an diaper put it on him before you dress him.
Deidara=got it see ya in a little bit. ...Thanks little brother.
Itachi=heh heh we tricked him.
Deidara=yes we did now all I have to do now is get you more clothes.
(29 minutes later) deidara=there now time to get you dressed.
(in the dressing room) deidara=how do I put an diaper on let see oh I know I can see how to do it on youtube okay how to change an diaper thank god I bought this galaxy phone it can load up so fast.
Video=first get the tabs that look like this.
Deidara=tabs okay found them.
Video=get the front of the diaper and attache the tabs to it.
Deidara=wow that was easy.
Video=congrats you changed an diaper.
Itachi=yay dei did it. Deidara=yes.
Deidara=what the hey get out I am just changing my little brother diaper for the first time.
Itachi=yea he say.
Girl=aww cute.
Girl 2=the blond is hot though .
Deidara=hmm yeah thats right I just take care of him our family is an big ninja family so they are always on mission so I just you know look after him.
Girl=how sweet here is my number I can help.
Girl=yeah here is mine to.
(23 minutes later)
Kisame= I am back and deidara why do you have so many numbers.
Deidara=this kid is an genius he gets me lots of girls together with his cuteness and my flawless looks and charms we can not be beat.
Kisame=yeah I could not hear you over the fact how stupid that sounds.
Deidara=shut up.
Deidara=lets go home I am tired to plus my feet are killing me.
(at the hideout outside)
Deidara=we should wake him up he wont be able to sleep if he naps to long.
Itachi=me awake.
Kisame=oh okay then lets go inside
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