Kisame=itachi stay in your playpen for an little I will get you some juice okay.
Itachi=okay daddy.
Deidara=bring me an soda while you're at it.
Itachi=wat dat thewe.
(Point's to deidara's eye)
Deidara=it helps me aim plus my eye is gone.
Deidara=yeah itachi I got an surprise for you.
Itachi=wat is id.
Deidara=you will see.
Kisame= I am back here you go itachi.
Itachi=thank you.
Kisame=and deidara here.
Deidara=thanks shark boy oh yeah itachi here(hands fox plush doll)
Itachi=huh oh thank you!!!!
Kisame=so you do care.
Itachi=wets go umm oh sazh.
Deidara=is he from final fantasy.
Itachi=me board daddy pway wif me.
Kisame=not now itachi I am busy.
Itachi=oh...Big brwudda pway wif me.
Itachi=(humph)you meanie. Deidara=so.
Kisame=play with him deidara.
Deidara=what why. Kisame=everybody is taking care of itachi so your helping to.
Deidara=fine itachi I will play with you.
Itachi=yay wets pway umm car you this one me this one.
Itachi=heh heh vroom vroom.
Deidara=well he is kinda cute.
Itachi=daddy look. Kisame=yeah I see its an car I bought for you. Itachi=(stomach growls)daddy my tummy talking me hungwy. Deidara=yes dinner I am starving.
Kisame=yeah lets go besides konan is cooking.
(in the kitchen)
Kisame=hey konan whats for dinner.
Deidara=sweet. Kisame=deidara put itachi in his high chair.
Itachi=whoa me high.
Konan=heh heh he so cute.
Pain=alright everybody make their plates kisame where is the little silver ware for itachi.
Pain=here you go itachi. Itachi=thank you other daddy.
Pain=your welcome.
Hidan=finally the ***** took you so long*****.
Kisame=(chops head off)watch your mouth around itachi.
Hidan=hey man why you do that*****hey body I am right here cold hot cold hot hotter . Itachi=(whimper)waaaaaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaah waaaaah waaaaaaah waaaaah waaaaah waaah.
Pain=hey make him stop. Kisame=why is he crying. Deidara= I guess the part you cut his sister head off.
Kakazu=(grunt)make him stop.
Tobi=tobi got it(put pacifier in itachi mouth)
Itachi=mmmm. Hidan=finally(head falls off)****** itachi=waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaah waaaaah waaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaah waaaaah waaaaaaah!!!!!! Konan=(ugh)you guys can not do a thing(picks up itachi cradles him)shhhhh itachi its okay mommy here do not cry. Itachi=(sob sob hiccup)
(sniff sniff).
Konan=hey watch out what you do around itachi control you violent urges. Konan=itachi you want eat dinner in your playpen.
(in the livingroom) konan=there want to watch tv.
Itachi=daddy scawie daddy huwt sister.
Konan=do not worry hidan is okay he was cursing and cursing is bad plus sister can not die he is immortal.
Itachi=all done.
Konan=okay time for an bath and you can go to bed.
(in the bathroom) konan=wait here I will get your toys.
(in the hallway)
Kisame=okay I will talk to him.
Konan=you should he scared really bad.
(in the bathroom)
Itachi=is daddy bad he huwt sister he coming me scawed.
Konan=here is your toys. Itachi=thank you.
Konan=also somebody needs to talk to you.
Kisame=hey there itachi. Itachi=(hides face under wash towel).
Kisame=hey itachi I ’m sorry that I hurt hidan next time I will just talk to him okay.
Konan= I will leave you two alone.
Kisame=itachi I am sorry I didnt mean to scare you.
Kisame= I will just let you think okay.
Kisame=okay(walks out bathroom)
Itachi=you stop huwt sister.
Itachi=prwomise. Kisame=promise.
Itachi=pinky prouwmise(hold out pinky)
Kisame=pinky promise. Itachi=otay(holds out hands)
Kisame=okay(picks up itachi).
Itachi=wuv you daddy(hugs kisame)
Kisame=love you to now lets get you all clean.
(8 minutes later)
Konan=bathtime is over oh hey kisame.
Kisame=oh hey me and itachi work everything out. Konan=great alright itachi bath time is over. Kisame=itachi let your mom dress you.
Konan=(puts itachi on changing table)now for an diaper now for these footies there you look so cute.
Konan=lets get you in your crib.
(in itachi room)
Konan=good night itachi.
Itachi=night mommy.
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