CHAPTER TWO: lost girl
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THEY WALKED THOUGH THE BUSHED AND TREES OF THE LAND. Hook and Alister speaking into leading the way, while David was ahead, following the directions, but using his sword to cut down any vines that connected and blocked their ability to follow the path. He held a lamp to light the way.
"The ridge is just a few hundred paces up ahead." Hook speaks.
"You really think we're gonna be able to see Pan's hideout?" Emma inquired of, behind Regina, who was behind Jason, who was behind Hook.
"From there, we should be able to see everything, including where he's keeping your son." Hook answered Emma.
"You know, I could have just poofed us up here in an instant." Regina says.
"Where? Have you any idea what's up here or anywhere? There are dangers all about. Only we can guide us past them." Alister spoke up, at the end of the large search group.
"He's right. They've lived here before. If he says hiking up is the best way, then we listen." Emma speaks.
"Here. You need to stay hydrated." Mary Margaret gives Emma some water.
Alister paused in his step, before advancing farther a head.
"Thanks, Mary Margaret." Emma accepted the canteen of water.
"You know, "Mary Margaret" is a bit formal. You could call me "mom" if you want. You've done it before." Mary suggested.
"That was...back when we--"
"...we were about to die. Oh, no, I get it." Mary played it off, as if she wasn't hurt. Before the two woman catch up with the rest of the group
In the lead, David is cutting down branches blocking their pathway. He sees a patch of thorns and moves to slash them. When, Hook grasped his arm, stopping him. "No. No!"
"I can handle a couple of thorns." David looked to the man In disbelief.
"That's dreamshade. It's not the thorns you have to worry about. It's the poison they inject you with. This plant is the source of the toxins I used on the Dark One." Hook informed.
"That-" Jason gestured to the plant. "Is what had Gold accepting people's help?"
"The poison that almost killed Gold?" Emma asked.
"Indeed. I used a concentrated dose. In its natural form, death would be much slower and far more painful. I suggest we go this way." He gestured to the right of the plant.
"We'll go this way." David turned to the left path of the plant. Which, had lead, for Regina to follow, giving Hook and annoyed look. Mary followed behind.
"Your brother in-law a distrustful fellow." Hook tells Jason.
"He's just not used to working with the bad guys." Jason shrugged.
"I can assure you, on this island, I am not the bad guy." Hook says.
"Your father is a distrustful fellow," Alister tells Emma.
"He's just not used to working with the bad guys." Emma reasoned.
"In this island? I'm basically a hero, compared to everyone. I'm not a bad guy in this island."
"Yeah, well, Pan's not supposed to be one either." Emma says.
"What possibly gave you that idea?"
"Every story I ever heard as a child."
"Well, they got it all wrong. Pan is the most treacherous villain I've ever faced. Tell me something, luv. In these stories...what was I like? Other than a villain. Handsome, I gather."
"If waxed mustaches and perms are your thing."
"I take it by your tone, perms are bad?"
"Up here! We made it." David called out.
"Pan's lair should be just...right..." Hook examined the entire jungle, pausing a moment.
"Where? All I see is jungle." Regina snapped impatiently.
"Aye. The Dark Jungle." Hook takes out his telescope to survey the land. "It's, uh, grown so much since I last stepped foot in Neverland."
Alister had removed his telescope, also looking for the section. Hoping that with the two of them, they would be able to find it.
Regina sighs. "So this nature hike was for nothing."
"Hook may have led us astray, but at least we're in a good position to start combing the jungle." David speaks.
"Not exactly. The Dark Jungle's the last place you wanna set foot. We'll have to go around it. In order to do that, we're gonna need our strength. I suggest we make camp." Hook speaks.
"You wanna sleep while my son is out there suffering?" Regina asked on disbelief.
"If we want to live long enough to save the boy...Yes."
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Eros White kneeled on the cold, hard ground, tears in his eyes as he stared at the glass coffin, not wanting to believe his sister was gone.
He heard the familiar set of horse hoofs, racing towards them. It was only a single horse.
"No. No!" Charming yelled as he mounted off the horse, and ran towards the coffin. "Open it."
The dwarfs opened the coffin, Charming leaning over to kiss her.
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"The Evil Queen murdered my father," Snow stood on a make-shift platform, speaking to the towns people. "Put me under a sleeping curse." Snow has no clue what she had planned for Eros, considering Snow, before eating the apple, had confessed it has been her to tell Regina's mother about Daniel and Regina. That she had no clue that Cora would kill Daniel. Snow doesn't know if Regina believed her. "but I am not the only one she has made to suffer."
"Yeah." The crowd agreed.
"She's terrorized us for far too long!"
"This kingdom doesn't belong to her. It belongs to us!"
"So who is ready to stand beside me and fight for what's rightfully ours?!"
At that, no one spoke up, terrified at the idea. For a second, there was nothing by silence.
"Quite the courageous army you're building." Regina's voice comes from behind the townspeople, causing for them to quickly run.
"They may be afraid of you, but we are not." Snow tells her.
"Why? Because you and the shepherd broke my sleeping curse?"
Snow White and Prince Charming draw their swords at her. Eros pulled an arrow, shooting it at her throat. The Evil Queen magically binds Prince Charming with a rope. And the arrow dropped to the ground, as in a puff of smoke, she switched places. "Lucky for you, I didn't come here to fight. I came to offer you a deal. Consider it an engagement present."
"Snow, don't listen to a single word!" Charming yelled out. He was cut off as a rope tried to his mouth.
"Are you really gonna marry that?" Regina asked.
"Fuck you-" Eros begins, offended for David.
"What do you want?" Snow questioned.
"I want you to give up your claim to the throne. If you declare me the rightful ruler of this land, I'll let you, your brother, the dwarves, and your so-called prince escape back to the sheep farm he once called home."
"Exile?" Snow questioned, breathing out.
"Well, I've tried to kill you. I've tried to curse you, and none of its worked. But then I realized I was going about it all wrong. You need to be alive. You need to be awake. So you can spend all your days knowing that I have taken everything that was supposed to be yours. Now get down on your knees and swear on your father's grave that this kingdom belongs to me."
Eros has been trying to release the rope from David, it not cutting as easily was it should. Regina had casted a spell to make it stronger , when she tied it around David.
"And if I don't?" Snow asked.
"Well, then someone will pay the price." Regina uses her magic to lift up one of the female villagers; choking her.
"Stop!" Snow yelled out, jumping off the platform, she ran at the woman.
Eros shot another arrow. But once again, Regina disagreed in a cloud of purple smoke. Eros ran at the girl that Regina had been chocking, barely catching her from hitting the ground.
"Is she okay?" Snow questioned.
"Yeah." David answered, whose binds can undone.
"Next time she won't be. You have until sundown tomorrow to give up the throne. And for every day that you defy me, I will kill one of your loyal subjects. Stop denying who you are, Snow White. You may have been a princess, but you will never be a queen." Regina says.
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Emma had apparently woken up while the others slept. And had spoken with Pan.
"He so likes his games." Hooks says.
"What game? There's nothing there." Regina speaks
"If he said there's a map on this parchment, then there is." Alister tells her.
"Great. So if I just stop denying who I really am, whatever that means, then we'll be able to read this thing." Emma sighs.
"You do t have anything to tell us, right, Emma?" Jason questioned, tilting his head with an amused smile.
Regina rolled her eyes. "But how do we know Pan won't use it to lead us straight into a trap?"
"Because he doesn't need to. This whole island's his bloody trap." Hook answered.
David and Mary Margaret come back from searching the jungle. "There's no sign of him anywhere." David announced.
"Any luck with the map?" Mary asked.
"Don't hold your breath."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Emma asked in offense.
"Don't you see what he's doing? Every second we spend talking about this is another second we're not looking for my son." Regina snapped.
"You got a better idea?" Jason asked.
"Magic. If there's a lock on there, I'll find a way around it."
"Pan said it had to be me." Emma sighed, staring fine at the map.
"I'd listen to Emma, love. Breaking Pan's rules would be unwise." Hook says.
"Sadly, I agree with the pirate," David spoke:
"I'm winning you over. I can feel it."
"And your magic doesn't exactly have a gentle touch, Regina." Mary says.
"Use it on the map, it might blow up in all our faces." David says.
"Well, that's a risk I'm willing to take."
"And, if the map gets damaged, we have no way of actually finding Henry. But, yeah, Regina, go on, break the rules of magic." Jason sarcastically speaks. He sighs. "Look, you, better then anyone should know the way magic can be used to manipulate and turn it against the person who broke the rules of magic. Or whatever. Basically what I mean; if Emma doesn't do this, the way Pan said to, who knows what will happen. The map could, like David said, blow up, and we won't find Henry."
"If I'm the one who's supposed to figure out this thing, I need to do what Pan said." Emma says.
"Great." Regina huffed.
"She'll get there. Hey. Don't give up. He's playing a game. You can win." Mary smiled at her daughter.
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They had sat at a lake, speaking of the decisions that they had.
"We can't win. We have to leave the kingdom," Snow tells her closest friends and family.
"How can you even consider giving in to that witch? When you're gone, do you think she's suddenly gonna stop menacing this land? And who will protect the people then?" David asked.
"Did I protect them today? I couldn't even help that poor girl. And don't kid yourself. She isn't gonna stop with the peasants. She's going to come after the people who are closest to me." Snow turned to David.
"I will stand by your side no matter what." Grumpy says.
"Even if it means our death." Happy continued.
"Which it probably will," Sleepy replied, which lead for everyone to look at him in bewilderment.
Eros sighed. "Look, Snow, you know no matter what we do, if we truly did leave, there is no telling she will abide her word. She tried to kill you, multiple times."
"You can't let her get into your head." Charming tells his wife.
"She has a point. I'm no queen. I'm no leader. I'm just a girl who lost her parents, ran away into the woods, and became a bandit." Snow says.
"Because she lead us to run." Eros tells her.
"You're Snow White." Charming says.
"Yes. And the truth is, I don't even know who that is. But I know what I don't wanna be, and that's alone." Snow replied.
"That's never gonna happen." David says.
"Snow," Eros speaks in a soft tone, placing a hand onto his sister's shoulder.
"You're right. If we take her offer, we can all live together in exile, but at least we'll be alive. We should leave tomorrow." She gets up to walk away.
"Snow!" Charming moved to follow.
"Let her go." Grumpy begins.
"This is her kingdom. We can't just let her walk away from it."
"Why do you suddenly care so much about saving Snow's kingdom?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, if you have true love, what difference does it make whether you live in a castle or on a farm?"
Eros looked to Grumpy, realizing the implication. But, if that was even a possibility in David's head, the kiss of true love wouldn't have worked.
"Wait. You think I'm in this for her crown?" Charming asked in disbelief.
"You said it, not me." Grumpy replied.
"Okay. Okay, I get it. I'm new. But trust me. I want what's best for Snow."
"Look, handsome, she may love you, but that chiseled chin ain't foolin' us. We got our eyes on you."
"Grumpy, I get the distrust. I didn't trust him either, granted, that was because he strung Snow and I up in a net," Eros tilts his head.
"Are you dwarves with me or against me?" Charming asked.
"I think Grumpy was pretty clear." Sneezy speaks.
"Sorry brother. Snow's already made up her mind, so if you're looking to change it, you gotta do it without our help." Grumpy spoke.
"Then I'll find another way." Charming turned, hopeful look at Eros.
Eros sighed. "Once my sister makes up her mind, it's practically impossible to change it. But, fine. I'll help you."
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"You are the dumbest prince in the entire fucking world," Eros sighed.
"Why did you come if you're just going to insult me?" David asked.
"Because you, my friend, are in a suicide mission." Eros says, as then begin to get closer to the castle.
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"You again? Didn't I just help you wake your princess?" Rumplestilskin asked, sitting at his spinning wheel.
"Now I need your help once more. Long ago you made Snow remember who she was when a spell blinded her. I need you to do it again."
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"You must have something that can change Snow's mind," Charming tells the Dark One.
"If she doesn't wanna fight the Queen, there's nothing I can do to change that." Rumplestilskin replied.
"I just need a way to make her believe in something that I already know. That she can face Regina and win." Charming explained.
"Magic can't make someone believe, dearie. It works the other way around. Belief must come from within. You know, the Queen's offer was a fair one. Do yourself a favor and take it. Ruling a kingdom ain't all it's cracked up to be. Just ask your dear old brother. Oh, wait. He died. You see my point." He giggled.
Prince Charming reached over to stop the man. "No. I didn't come here to take "no" for an answer. Now you must have something. You always do. Just name your price."
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Eros hadn't known if he should or shouldn't go with David to tell Snow about everything. David had, later told him that he shouldn't go. Just in case it didn't go the way he hopes. There was no reason for Snow to be upset at Eros.
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Jason clicked his tongue, fiddling with the ends of the sleeved of his shirt. A habit he had picked up as Jason Buchanan in his twenty eight years a being mind-wiped, and apparently was unable to get rid of the habit. It's why he typically kept his bow and arrows with him, or his sword.
"My name is Emma Swan," Emma speaks, looking down at the map.
"I'd wager the solution to Pan's riddle is a bit more complicated than that," Hook speaks.
They heard a creature howling in the distance.
"Don't hold anything back." Mary speaks.
"I'm Henry's mother. I used to live in Boston, and I was a bailbondsperson. I'm now the sheriff of Storybrooke." Emma quickly lists off.
"That election was a sham. Are we really doing this?" Regina asked.
"Says the one who tried to ridge it in the first place," Jason rolled his eyes. "Or should we talk about how you manipulated a whole town, to see them as someone you weren't?"
Regina opened her mouth to reply.
"Enough." David says.
"The two of you. Don't start." Mary told, before she turned to Emma, her tone soft as ever. "Don't you think maybe you're leaving some things out?"
Emma cleared. "I'm the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, which apparently makes me the product of true love. I was born in the Enchanted Forest and I was sent through a portal in a tree so that I could break a curse."
"And you were able to break the curse because you're the..." David stands up.
"Come on. You don't need to be embarrassed to say it." Mary smiled.
"Say what?" Alister asked.
"The "s" word." Regina seemed annoyed.
"I'm the savior." Emma lets out. "The parchment is still blank. "I don't get it. I said I'm the savior. There's nothing I've denied more than that."
"Okay. So, I was just going earlier but-" Jason begins
"I am not gay!" Emma looked up from the paper to her uncle.
"You could be bi. Or-"
"I am not interested in woman at all!"
"Okay! I'm just suggesting things people are typically in denial about! Really, the only other thing that comes to mind is, like, being diagnosed with a deadly virus or illness."
"Jason!" Mary scolded.
"I'm just-"
Mary turned to Emma. "it's okay. We'll figure it out."
"No, you won't." Regina grabs the parchment, right out of Emma's grip.
"Regina!" Emma says in offense.
"But I can. I'm beginning to think there isn't a map on here. That doesn't mean it can't lead us to Henry." Regina held her hand above the paper.
David pointed. "I thought we decided that using magic was a bad idea."
"For once I agree with the prince." The Jones brothers spoke, causing for David looks at them.
"Well, I told you we're getting along." Hook smiled.
Regina uses magic on the map.
"What the hell are you doing?" Emma asks.
"The locator spell. This parchment belonged to Pan. It'll lead us to him." Regina says, as the paper begins to levitate, floating in the air.
"So it appears we will be venturing into the Dark Jungle after all." Hook gestured.
"You mean the place you told us never to set foot?" Jason questioned, sarcastically.
"That's the one."
"Well, Emma, you said you wanted to be the leader. Lead." Regina spoke.
Emma followed after the map.
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Emma and Regina were at the head of the group, following closely the floating parchment. Behind them, a foot or so, was Mary and David. Though, Mary was closed to Regina and Emma than David, by a few steps. Behind David was Jason, Hook and Alister.
"Ready to thank me?" Regina questioned.
"Actually, yeah." Emma speaks.
"If you'd let me do it sooner, maybe we'd have found him by now. Wait. He's there. Pan. I can feel his smugness." Regina says.
David pulls out his sword. "Shall we? While we still have the element of surprise on our side?" He stepped ahead of everyone else.
Regina and Jason followed after.
"Careful. He may look like a boy, but he's a bloody demon." Hook warned, walking along side Jason.
"The way everyone's talking about him, maybe we should cut off his head when we find him," Jason says, not knowing if everyone was being dramatic. He did think Hook and Alister oils be dramatic. And Rumplestilskin has his moments of being dramatic, but, never would be dramatic about this type of thing.
"Hey. We can do this. You can do this." Mary smiled at Emma.
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Eros hadn't gone with Snow and Charming to find the weapon. Mostly, because, if anything, if they truly did need to leave. He would be helping the dwarfs pack. Or, if Regina attacked the twin again, he would be there to defend the townspeople.
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"No one's here. Maybe your spell was wrong, Regina," Mary says.
"Yes. Blame me...again."
Jason sighed. "We weren't meant to cast a spell on it. Or, at least, you weren't. And Henry isn't here-"
"Guys...Hold on. Is that..." Emma interrupted, catching a sigh of a boy, wearing blue jeans, and black jacket. The same outfit that Henry was wearing when he was taken. "Henry!"
Everyone runs forward, only to come to a complete stop when seeing it wasn't He Ty. But, another boy. Although most hadn't recognized him, it was easy to know who he was. Peter Pan. "Hi, Emma."
"Where the hell is Henry?" Emma asked, angrily.
"You broke the rules. That's not fair. Bad form. I expect more from you, Captain." Pan says.
"Aye, and you'll get it." Hook ground his teeth.
"Give Henry to me." Emma demanded.
"Sorry. Can't. Don't you know? Cheaters never win."
The Lost Boys come from behind Peter Pan shooting and whooping. They surround the group armed with bow and arrows. Jason lifted his bow and arrow, Regina has made it appear to him after the got of the ship.
"Watch out for their arrows. They're laced with dreamshade." Hook warned.
Both Snow and Eros put an arrow into the quiver, while David, Alister, Hook and Emma took out their swords. Regina had lifted her hands, ready to cast any spell at any moment.
The arrows flew at them.
Hook ran forward, blocking the arrow coming at Jason, while Jason aimed an arrow at a lost boy. He glanced at the arrow, before turning it slightly, aiming at the tree next to the lost boy. The arrow sunk in the tree at an angel, the metal section, departing and exploding. The section of the tree exploded, the two lost boys near dunked, splinters flying and sinking into the side of thier faces. The boys clamped a hand around their face.
David deflected the arrows from Mary.
"Mary Margaret!" David yelled, shoving Mary so she wasn't hit with the arrow. Immediately, Jason pulled another arrow in the bow, who yelled out when the arrow met his hand, dropping the bow and arrow.
"David!" Jason called out.
"I'm good." David called back.
"Behind you!" Hook yelled, pulling Jason and hitting the arrow away. Jason aimed another boy, then turning to continue shooting arrows.
Alister glanced over, seeing Felix slash a sword at Killian, who caught the sword with his hook.
"It's been a while, Captain." A boy says.
"Not long enough."
Jason turned, an arrow ready as the two began to fight. Hook blocked every hit with either his own sword or his hook.
Jason turned to see Emma tackled, then switching to pinning the boy on the ground. "Where's Henry?" Emma yelled, but received no answer.
She sat up.
"Emma, are you alright?" Mary questioned.
Pan whistles and the Lost Boys assemble.
"Remember what I told you. That map will show you where Henry is...only when you stop denying who you really are. I'll make sure to send Henry your regards."
Jason pulled an arrow, aiming it at Pan.
"Don't," Hook reached out, pushing Jason's hands down.
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Snow and Charming had returned. And in so, the dwarfs, Snow, Charming and Eros gathered to protect the townspeople. Snow had received a sword, apparently told legend only a true leader could ever remove it from the rock of which it was embedded in.
"The Queen! She's coming!" A townsman ran, quickly trying to hide behind the White siblings and David, along with the seven dwarfs. The Evil Queen's carriage approaches the village. All the commoners run to hide.
"Ready?" Charming asked Snow White grabs the sword of Prince Charming.
"What exactly were you two up to today?" Grumpy asked both Snow and Charming.
"You'll see. I hope."
The carriage stops and the Evil Queen steps out. She takes a few steps away dkm the carriage, pausing when seeing Snow, David, Eros and the seven dwarfs. "Well, dear, have you packed your bags."
Snow White glances at the sword and then steps forward. "I thought about your offer. And everything you said was true. I could go off with Charming and the Dwarfs, and we could find some lovely corner of the world to live out our days, and it would be a wonderful life. But I can't leave my people,"
"Well, in that case..." The Evil Queen raised a hand. And immediately Grumpy begins to choke. One of his one hands to grasp at the invisible pressure and remove it. He bene logged off the ground, as the other six dwarfs ran over to try and bring him down, or help him. But, she knocked the other six down.
"Charming!" Snow called out, begging for his help.
Eros aimed an arrow at the Queen's gaurd's, shooting one in the leg, who dropped his weapon to grasp at the injury.
"You can do this. You. You pulled that sword out of the stone." David quickly tells her.
"Let him go!" Snow White charger, and swings but the Evil Queen magically disappears. Until, she appears behind Snow White, who immediately swings around and strikes the Evil Queen.
Eros shot down the rest of the guards. As Grumpy falls to the ground, gasping for air. The six other dwarfs and Charming move to check on him.
"You told me to stop denying who I really am. Well, that's exactly what I'm doing. This is my kingdom, and I will fight for it!" Snow tells her.
The townspeople had returned.
"Then I'll see you on the battlefield." The evil Queen grounded out.
"We'll be ready," Snow halted back.
The Evil Queen disappears in a cloud of purple smoke, and the townspeople cheers. The dwarfs had rushed over to Snow, cheering.
"You okay?" David held Snow's face.
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Emma was still staring at the blank piece of paper that Pan had given her. Jason tilted his arrows in his hand, examining it. It was one of the arrows that held an explosive.
"I can't believe you made those arrows," Regina huffed, upset.
"It's not like I shot a kid with them," Jason dismissed. "I shot the tree next to him."
"Who had you made them for?" Regina questioned.
Jason looked up. "If you want me to say sorry for making them, when you manipulated a whole town, forced Graham into a relationship with you, tried to kill me, my sister, and the dwarfs multiple times, when you planted a spell that would kill the entire town, in case we did ever-"
"Okay. That's enough," Regina snapped.
"Really, no. I've only done the ones that come to mind. There's a lot more," Jason replied.
Regina walked off.
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Eros sat next to Charming, at the lake. He had handed over a small bag, something he had managed to make the prior day, and handed gotten the time to hand it over to the ex-Shepard.
"Mind if we join you?" Grumpy asked, walking up to the two, being folded by the other six dwarfs.
"Please." Charming replied.
"We may owe you a slight apology." Grumpy speaks.
"Slight?" David asked, exaggerated.
"Don't get greedy. Take it."
"We should have never have doubted your intentions." Grumpy takes out a cup and pours Charming a drink.
Prince Charming stands up. "You were only looking out for her best interests." Charming then raises his cup. "Here's to starting over."
Happy had handed Eros a cup, before they all clinked the cups together. Only, Snow walks by, angrily. "We need to talk."
Charming follows behind.
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"The map is working. We know where Henry is," Emma rushed over.
"Where?" Regina quickly asked.
Hook and Alister examined the map. "Uh...We're here at the southern tip of the isle, in the middle of the Dark Jungle, and Pan's camp lies due north."
"That's where he's keeping Henry." Emma says.
"What are we waiting for?" Regina asked.
"Well, the terrains not easy. There will undoubtedly be some nasty impediments along the way," Hook says.
"We should prepare. We only made it out of our last encounter because Pan let us. We need a new plan." David suggested.
"Agreed. It's time we stop playing his game and he starts playing ours." Emma says.
"And if I disagree?" Regina asked.
"Then you'll be alone with Pan. Because we are all going to make a plan," Jason says. "but I think you know our best chance is together."
Regina sighed. "You better be right." The. Left.
"Excellent show of patience, luv. And that's what defeats a nasty little boy." Alister tells Emma.
Jason glared at the man. "Is your brother, flirting with my niece?" Jason asked Hook, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I hope so." Emma replied to Alister , unsure of Jason's questioning.
Hook takes out a bottle of rum.
"Is rum your solution to everything?" Jason questioned.
"It certainly doesn't hurt." Hook takes a drink, he hums before offering it to Jason.
"So just how did you unlock the map?" Alister asked Emma.
"I did what Pan asked." Emma replied.
"And just who are you, Swan?"
"Wouldn't you like to know?"
"Perhaps I would."
Emma walks away.
╚»★«╝ ₮ØĐ₳Ɏ ₩₳₴ ₳ ₣₳łⱤɎ ₮₳ⱠɆ ╚»★«╝
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