Twenty One | 𝓣he Sun Rises Over The Rain
JUNE 7, 2023.
I rolled the bike we brought onto the empty street. I looked at my watch: 6:32 PM. Gyeowool hopped off the curb and onto the asphalt, looking both ways before she joined me on the other side of the bike. "Okay, we have some time on our hands before it storms later tonight. I'm praying that we get enough time, but I know that rain can come at any time."
"I'm not going to lie, I'm a little nervous," She laughed awkwardly, rubbing the nape of her neck. Beomgyu does that too when he lies or when he's flustered. It's a cute habit. "It's also a little bit embarrassing to not know how to ride a bike to this day. Don't you find that a little shameful for me?"
"What for?" I laughed, shaking my head. "Gyeowool, humans have their flaws, even as they grow up. Just because you're just now learning how to ride a bike, you shouldn't feel ashamed."
Then, as I stuck down the kickstand, I grinned. "And even if you do, don't be that way in front of me. This is an opportunity for us to learn more about each other in strength and weakness. We have to figure out how to benefit and help one another the best we can."
"Yeah... yeah, you're right, Yewon," Gyeowool determinedly nodded, sticking up her fist. "Alright, let's do this."
I grinned wide and pointed to the handlebars, beckoning back and forth to both. "These are your handlebars. When you turn, these direct you. It keeps you going in a stable direction, so try not to twist them around a lot. You will lose balance easily if you can't keep them controlled–and if you do lose control, you have these brakes."
I pressed on one. "They stop the bike if you press on both, and if you press on one, it stops one of the wheels. Which one, I don't know, never considered it," She giggled at that one. It was good seeing her starting to overcome the anxiety. "To accelerate, you use your feet to pedal and move the platforms. That's pretty much the basis. People tend to have a hard time balancing above all."
"Okay, got it," Gyeowool sucked in her upper lip, chewing on it. "I got this."
"Yes, you've got this, Gyeowool. I'll hold onto the back of the seat when we begin so that I can coach you," I explained, helping her lift a leg over the bicycle. I fixed the pedal so that her right leg started the acceleration, and pointed to it. "Put your foot there, and when you're ready, start pedaling."
I quickly moved my hands to the back of the seat, watching as Gyeowool pressed the brakes for comfort. Then, she took in a breath, and her feet began moving. "That's it, Gyeowool!" I laughed slightly as she hesitated, her feet stopping every so often when the bike began to tilt a certain direction. "You're doing great!"
She started going a little faster, and I sensed that a collision was going to come. "Maybe we should–!"
All of a sudden, Gyeowool squeaked as she tilted too far over, losing balance. She fell to the ground and I stumbled back, landing on my ass. "Shit, Gyeowool! Are you okay?!"
I dusted off my hands as she hissed, soon laughing through the pain. "Fuck. That was fun before it fell to shit," She commented, making us both chuckle. I helped her onto her feet and we stood together, dusting one another off. "Alright. I'm ready to do it again!"
"Already?" When I fell the first time, I cried for an hour, sitting on the curb. "You're strong, Gyeowool. Okay, let's do it!"
So, she got back on the bike, riding away. I jogged as I held onto the seat, both of us giggling as she tried to continue balancing, falling short when she'd tilt to one side and panic, leaning onto the other. "Do you want me to let go of you yet?"
"Huh?! No!" I let go, and immediately, she fell. She whined as she tumbled slightly, the bike falling onto the concrete once more. "Why did you let go?!"
"You seemed to be doing just fine," I shrugged, hands on my hips. "Shall we go one more time? I promise I'll hold onto the seat."
"Promise?" No. But, I nodded slowly, convincing her to get back on the bike. "Okay. Let's do it once more before the rain comes."
Then, she started pedaling, and I held on very gently. "Are you still holding onto me, Yewon!?"
"Yes, yes I am. I'm right behind you, Gyeowool!" The rain came in gentle precipitation. It drizzled onto my head and skin, and even Gyeowool was basking in it. At one point, she was going so fast that I was jogging to keep up–and realized that I should let her go. I won't tell her that I did. I'll just... let her go. "I'm right behind you!"
And, when she did one last turn to go back the way we came, I let go. I watched her balance and ride the bike at a good pace, perfectly going straight without any slip ups. I smiled proudly and crossed my arms, seeing myself in her. It was like I was letting old Yewon roam free, allowing her to take flight. Gyeowool was laughing and enjoying herself, talking to what she believed was me.
But, it brought me to tears–I was able to be there for someone who needed my help. The rain was pouring by this time, but I remained standing, sobbing. I was healing. I was watching someone grow, even if it was just by helping them ride a bike.
I was becoming someone, old Yewon. I'm going to revive you if I can.
The sun continued to shine through the downpour, and I saw Gyeowool turn back. I thought she'd have a rough time stopping, but she braked, both feet landing on the slippery terrain. "Yewon!" She gasped as she put down the kickstand, jogging over to me. We collided slightly with her arms wrapping around my neck, fingers brushing away my distinct tears. "Why are you crying?! Did I accidentally injure you?"
"No, I was just so... so proud of you," I laughed through my tears, putting my hands on her shoulders. "I'm so proud of you, Gyeowool. You're a fast learner, and now look! You can ride a bike."
She stared at me sadly, her eyes switching between mine. Soon, she engulfed me in her embrace, sighing with relief. "I know what this is about, Yewon," She spoke, tightening her grip. "Everything will be okay. Everything will... be okay, I promise."
In this timeframe, both of us made weary promises. I said that I wouldn't let go of her bike, and she said that everything will be okay.
No matter how optimistic we can be, we can't be sure of such things in this life–but just this once, I hugged her tighter, nodding.
"I... believe you."
"Aren't you guys cold?" Startled by a man's voice, two umbrellas–one orange and one blue–appeared over our heads. We separated and looked at the two men: Taehyun and Beomgyu. Taehyun must've been the one to speak. "We've been watching such a youthful scene for so long, wondering when you guys would get sick of this–literally and physically."
"Some of us are too strong to get sick in the rain, Taehyun," Gyeowool giggled, nudging him. He liked that and began grinning. "We were enjoying ourselves. You should've stopped stalking and joined us."
"And ruined such a beautiful moment? I'd hate to do that," Taehyun gazed over at Beomgyu, beckoning to me. "Once you've dealt with your girl, how about we meet up at the diner beside campus for dinner?"
Your girl? Pfft. Beomgyu, you better deny that– "Sounds good. See you guys in a little bit."
Really? Gyeowool waved as she and Taehyun strolled away, presumably to find shelter and get dry. Beomgyu and I remained on the empty road, his hand lifting something over my head. "Could you hold the umbrella?"
I obliged by doing so. Within seconds, a towel was put over my head, his hands gently massaging it to get my hair dry. "You're soaked," He commented. "I hope you don't get sick. I wouldn't want to see that."
"Well, it's not your body, so you should be okay," I teased, causing him to glare. "Sorry, sorry. I'll be safer next time. It just moved me that I got to teach Gyeowool how to bike."
"I know. You were crying. I saw all of it happen," Beomgyu snickered, eyeing my hair as he continued getting me dry. "I'm glad you're happy, Yewon. It's a reminder that the light–whatever light it could be–will reign. There will always be better days."
I chuckled, gazing at him. "I know," He clicked his tongue. "There are many better days ahead. Most of them... will be with you, Beomgyu."
He paused, eyes flickering to mine. His dissatisfied lips turned into a romantic smile, and with one of his hands, he tightened the towel around my face. Taking back the umbrella, Beomgyu used his other hand to wipe off a raindrop from my cheek. "I suppose we should go now, hm?"
I nodded, smiling wide. "Let's go."
"So, what are your plans for summer break?" I asked everyone, watching as Taehyun scarfed down food like it was nothing. Gyeowool looked up from her plate, curious. "I mean, besides filming. Do you guys have family you're visiting, or?"
"I'm going to travel abroad for this short advertising thing in August after filming ends," Taehyun began, nodding. "Other than that, I've pretty much cleared my break for filming."
"Same thing with me. I'm probably going to go to a few summer parties, maybe head to the beach with Yoona since she said she'd like to go, and of course, that means you're invited, Yewon," Beomgyu's eyes were filled with curiosity. "I might go company searching, but I'm sure that after this film, I'll have them coming to us."
"What would you be going to the beach for?" Beomgyu asked me, envious. "With just them two?"
"It's not in the plans yet, idiot," I commented, smacking his hand with the back of my chopstick. "Don't be so jealous. I'm going with just them if it comes down to it. I'll probably be too busy editing the film anyway. Now, Choi Beomgyu, what's on your summer itinerary?"
"Accompanying you everywhere," Taehyun rolled his eyes and Gyeowool snorted, going back to eating. I sighed, shaking my head. "What? I mean it! With filming and taking you out for dinner, I don't think there's anything else I can really do."
"Hyung, don't you have a life?" Taehyun inquired, beckoning to me. "Don't you think Yewon wants to visit family and stuff? Right?"
The question was now on me. "I don't have a family to return to," I replied honestly, and damn, the silence was loud. "It's not a bad thing. It's better that it's this way. It means that all I have to do is focus on my own things, and maybe, if I even have a sliver of time, I'll return to my hometown to see my grandma. She's the one paying for my education since my parents didn't want to."
"Is there a reason?" Gyeowool nudged Taehyun harshly. "What? We're already on the topic."
"They don't like me," I shook my head, separating my rice from my sauce with my chopsticks. "Shit happened and it exploded in my face. They technically disowned me, but I say they abandoned me. It was mutual, I suppose, so disownment is the correct term."
"I'm sorry to hear that," Taehyun frowned. "If you have spare time, you should hang out with us. Away from filming, Yewon, you do know you're our friend, right? Of course Gyeowool's and Beomgyu's, but me too. I hold you in high regard."
Friends can be family, too, Yewon. "I'm honored. I consider you a friend too."
"Well, that's great. Now that we've gotten closer, I think this will be the best film yet," He grinned, taking a big bite of rice. "Once final exams end, what is the first scene we're filming?"
"The ending scene. It's on Yonsei's campus," Beomgyu looked uneasy, knowing what that meant. It was when Soobin and I met again. "It'll be a quick one. Just a few words, and then we'll fill in the plot from there."
"Exciting!" Taehyun exclaimed as Gyeowool furrowed her eyebrows in distaste. I guess she still couldn't get over the fact that it was all reality. "Yewon, can I ask you something?"
"What is your favorite scene in the script?"
"How about you eat?" Gyeowool hissed. "You're so talkative today about the film. Typically, you don't want to be put away from your element and don't like talking about it out of character."
"It's not a lot! I'm just–!"
"My favorite scene..." I began, sensing Beomgyu looking at me from the right. "Is when Gyeowool's character is riding a bike. It's the longest running scene. It's a minute and thirty seconds of the camera panning out on her riding into the sunset, sobbing as she wiped away her tears. I love it because it's the scene that alters the rest of the film. It's the epitome of the sun rising over the horizon. It is the sign that there is hope."
I licked my lips, lifting my gaze from my plate. "And, I have hope."
Not a lot of it, but just enough.
I will continue to hope– until that hope becomes reality.
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