Everything around me is blurry. The music is blaring in the club and in my ears. Pounding takes over my head. It does nothing but make me even more nauseous than before.
Taking a deep breath, I grab my head with a groan. I take a stumble as I get up from the bar stool. With a quick look around, I can't spot my cousin or the kid he brought with us. In fact, I can barely see anything with the spinning room.
A noise leaves me; something like a mix between a gag and another groan. I pound my chest as I slowly make the trek to the exit. The club is too stuffy for me now. Fresh air is the only thing I can think about, the only thing I want right now.
I fall against the wall and it helps me keep my balance. Distantly, I can make out someone calling out to me. I think it's the bartender, but I can't be sure. Like the whole night, I ignore everything around me and continue forward.
Somehow, outside feels worse. The loud cars make my migraine worse as they zoom past and honk their horns. The rancid smell of garbage mixes with cigarette smoke creating one that turns my stomach.
I look left then right before choosing a way to go. I'm unsteady on my feet and everything feels heavy. Reaching out doesn't help since there's nothing to grab onto.
That's when I bump into someone. I hadn't even realized I closed my until I was opening them. The world is spinning around me, worse than before and it's like nothing is making sense. A shiver passes over me before my stomach clenches. I gag once, then twice.
"Hey, are you okay?" The voice that speaks is delicate yet strong at the same time. Soft, but with a firmness. "Are you going to vomit? Come over here."
Whoever this woman is yanks me to the side. With a final gag, I retch harshly. Each action sends my body slightly forward. The putrid stench of my vomit only makes me gag more.
"Jesus, is that you, Chance?" the same lady asks. How she knows my name, I genuinely don't know. But given the situation, I don't really care right now.
"Stranger danger," I mumble. The words come out in a pitiful slur before I vomit once again.
When everything is out of my stomach, my eyes begin to droop. After that session, I'm ready to just knock out. Against my better judgement, I shift until I'm laying on the concrete. The movement makes me realize that the mysterious woman has her hand on my back. It only helps to lull me to sleep fast as she rubs circles on my clothed skin.
"Don't go to sleep here, okay?" she commands, patting me in what I assume is a way to keep me awake.
A reply comes out of my mouth that sounds like a bunch of garbled noises. Exhaling, I settle against the concrete, finding the cool sidewalk somehow comforting. Even with closed eyes, my head is spinning. Dizziness becomes my best friend.
"No, no, no," she speaks again. Her hand disappears from my back, leaving me with disappointment. That's until I feel her grip on my arm and she begins tugging. "I need you to get up. Is there someone I can call?"
I mean to say Chandler, but again, it's nothing but garbled slurs and mumbles. An exasperated sigh leaves her and she goes quiet for a moment. People pass us, if the talking and laughing is anything to go by. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm who they're laughing at. A grown man lying drunk on the sidewalk must be a sight to see.
"Chance, phone." She sounds frustrated, like there are plenty of other things she could be doing right now. I don't blame her. Whoever this lady is must be a saint to try and help some dude she doesn't even know.
My arm feels dead as I try to dig it out of my pocket. When I'm clutching the device, I struggle to get it out of my pocket. Once it's free, I hold it out to her. She takes it from me and I let my arm fall back down to my side.
Again, nothing but gibberish. Right now, all I can put effort into is sleeping which this lady won't even let me do. I barely feel the sting in my cheeks as she lightly slaps them repeatedly. Something is mumbled under her breath that I can't completely hear.
"Okay, Chance, I'm going to get a cab. I need you to get up for at least a little bit, okay?"
The hopeful tone of her voice makes me feel guilty. Taking pity on the nice woman, I pry my eyes open and turn my head to finally get a glimpse of my nagging savior. Though I can barely see because of the bright lights, I squint to try and make her out. It doesn't help since my world is still moving in circles despite me not keeping up with it.
When I can finally get a grasp on my motor skills and sight, I stare at the beauty before me. I'm not completely sure if her looks are taking my breath away or if it's because my nausea has returned tenfold. What I do know is that this lady before me is a true sight to behold.
Her chocolate brown eyes stare at me with annoyance and her burgundy colored lips are pursed. The familiarity in her exotic face stuns me for a solid minute as I just stare at her. She narrows her almond-shaped eyes at me and I wonder if her ridiculously long eyelashes will blow me away with her next blink.
"Up," she commands, her voice coming out a lot more forceful than ever before.
Despite my previous disregard for her wishes, I want to listen now. Slowly, I brace myself to get up and with the help of the beauty, I get to my feet. Stumbling to the side, I almost want to laugh at how embarrassingly unsteady I am.
How could I look like such a fool in the presence of a goddess?
"Here, lean against this." She leads me to a nearby pole and slightly pushes me to rest against it.
The cool surface of the metal helps somewhat. My body is in overdrive; hot and sweaty from the alcohol in my system. Closing my eyes, I try to ignore all sounds around me. It's hard when every second that passes, I hear a car, laughter, talking, or something else. Every noise only helps to make me aware of my current drunkenness and how I might blow chunks again.
"Let's go, Chance." A hand takes mine and pulls me somewhere. When I open my eyes, we're headed towards a taxi.
I want to tell the lady that maybe I shouldn't. There's been too much movement and the constant clenching of my stomach doesn't fare well. But I can tell she's reached her limit with me, so I keep my mouth shut and get into the vehicle.
It's much too hot and the car freshener this guy uses sucks with its combination of pine and sweet candy.
The beauty lists an address off before the cab falls silent. The only noise is the radio and our breathing. Laying my head on the window, I wonder just where we're going. Somewhere far or maybe still in the city? There's also a chance she gave the name of a hotel and not her actual place.
I can't be bothered to think too much about that. Not when I might blow chunks any second now.
Swallowing, I follow the flow as the driver takes a sharp turn. My body pulls away from the window and I fall to the side. In a strange turn of events, my head lands into the lap of my savior. The soft cushion of her thighs is unbelievably comfortable; like they were made just for me.
She sighs, but doesn't move me off or make any motions to do so. I take this as an affirmative and get comfortable against her.
I can only worry about how perverted this is later when I'm sober. For now, I just have to take comfort in the warm body next to me; something I've been missing.
*Yikes, next chapter will be way better, I promise. I am so, so, so sorry.*
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