The Monster is Her(e) - Part 1
AU: In which the infamous Arachnid has been captured by SHIELD.
TW: Mentions of words like r*pists, gr**ming, m*lestation, r*pe, bl**d, and s*icide but there's no graphic detail of it happening in this story just a brief explanation.
There will be swearing as well.
Backstory: The Skip Wescott thing happened when Penny was 9.
Ben is still dead (killed when Penny was 12)
May is alive.
Penny got bit at Oscorp (this happened when she was 13)
The bite turned her into some vampire thing since she can only drink blood.
A fact she found out after accidentally murdering Flash.
After that incident, she ran away too horrified at her actions.
Three days later, she was walking through the city when she hears it.
A woman asking for help and a man saying that no one is going to come and help her.
Penny goes to the scene and rage overtakes her.
She drains the man to the point of ripping his head off (it's been three days since she last ate).
The woman looks scared for a moment Penny before coming to her and hugging and thanking her.
And that's when the 'Arachnid' surfaces.
Penny only refers to herself as the Arachnid because she thinks that whatever humanity she had left had died with Flash Thompson.
The Arachnid kills a lot of people over the past 3 years. (Penny is now 16)
Penny is classified as dead.
Tony Stark is distraught over this fact.
Because he's Penny Parker's Bio dad.
A fact he only found out after her disappearance.
He and May have been working to find her, not believing that she's dead.
The Arachnid is caught by SHIELD when she decided to visit Uncle Ben's grave.
This leads us to our current scene with The Arachnid staring blankly at Nick Fury.
"Are you even listening to me?!" Fury shouted, giving in to his frustrations at the anti-hero in front of him not even paying attention to him.
The Arachnid kept her narrowed gaze at the double glass when she asked Fury, "Why are the Avengers here?"
Fury tensed momentarily before relaxing his shoulders but the Arachnid had already caught it.
"How are you certain that the Avengers are here?" Fury asked, with a raised eyebrow trying to get her to slip up.
The Arachnid shifted her gaze to Fury and said mockingly, "Is this how you conduct your interrogations? By asking me one idiotic question after the other?"
Her lips tilted up slightly when she heard Tony Stark let out a snigger.
Fury slammed his hand down on the table.
The Arachnid raised an eyebrow, unimpressed at the attempt at dominance.
"For the past three years, you've been killing hundreds of people. You don't discriminate between men and women. You don't keep a pattern. You attack during the day and night. The only thing we have to connect you to these murders is the fact that there is no blood left in the victim's bodies."
The Arachnid crossed her arms and said, "And?" in a bored tone.
"And?" Fury asks incredulously, "Do you not feel remorse for any of these kills?"
With a dramatic hand, he threw down images of the victims that were unfortunate to have fallen into the Arachnid web.
All of the Avengers froze when they saw the Arachnid pick up one of the images and began to laugh.
"Tones," Rhodey begins in a comforting tone, (he doesn't know who he's comforting at this moment because what do you say or feel when your goddaughter is laughing at pictures of the people she had killed?)
But Tony had shaken him off, signalling him to pay attention to the interrogation.
"This guy," The Arachnid began to talk after she calmed down from her laughing fit, "This guy had pissed his pants when he saw me on his ceiling." She let out a cackle and pretended to wipe away imaginary tears, "Oh, you should've seen the look on his face."
"He was a father to three kids," Fury said, trying to see if there was a part of her that still belonged to humanity.
The Arachnid froze at those words before she began to tremble.
Fury went to signal Natasha to enter the room but stopped when he saw the Arachnid lift her head up and look him in the eye again.
"Why did you think I killed him?" Red eyes stared back at Fury and he found himself unable to move.
"Did you think that I kill these people just for fun? Just because I want to kill them?"
The Arachnid scoffed before pointing at the picture in her hand, "This father that you have deemed an innocent person in your eyes was a man who would go into his kids' rooms and touch them in places no father should ever touch."
Clint froze from his place across the window, rage coating every inch of his body.
If anyone had done that to his kids...
The Arachnid asked in a faux curious tone, "Do you still think that he deserved to live when his own kids had called out into the night begging for my help?"
The girl with red eyes didn't let Fury talk as she moved on to the other images on the table.
"This cop decided to take advantage of a tourist and pinned her against the wall, shoving his hands down her pants."
"This woman had decided to ruin the innocence of the boy she babysat by molesting him and taking pictures of his naked body. He was 12."
"These three people had decided to be a part of a human trafficking project and I found them chloroforming children who were walking home from school."
"This man had raped his own daughter. And when she found out she was pregnant with her father's child, she killed herself."
"This piano teacher had sexually harassed and assaulted his students, especially the boys, for the past five years."
Fury cut her off before she could move on to the rest of the pictures, "You can stop now. I get it-"
The Arachnid slammed her hand on the table now, making Fury and the Avengers flinch back.
"Do you? Do you honestly get it?" She questioned with venom dripping from her tone, "What do you understand, Fury?"
Fury sighed, placing his folded hands on the desk, "You kill the bad guys."
The Arachnid tutted in disappointment, "Wrong. I get rid of the people who wake up and decide that they're going to ruin another person's life and they can get away with it. I've killed a lot of people these last three years, Fury. What does that tell me about you?"
"Me?" Fury asks sceptically.
The Arachnid nods, "Yes, you."
"I'm not sure what you're trying to say or ask me."
The Arachnid leaned forward, taking in the pleasure of smelling Fury's fear, before hissing in his face, "It tells me that you're shit at your job of protecting the people. I mean isn't that what SHIELD is meant to do?"
(S.H.I.E.L.D. is an espionage and security organization that defends Earth and its people from groups that pose advanced technological—and sometimes supernatural or extraterrestrial—threats. S.H.I.E.L.D. is shorthand for the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.)
Maria Hill slammed open the door at that moment and told Fury to switch.
When Maria sat down and began off with, "Look here, little girl.." The Arachnid stood up, breaking the metal cuffs on her arms like they were nothing and slammed Maria against the mirror that was separating her from the Avengers.
"I am no little girl and you are not the one I want to talk to."
Maria gripped onto the hand that was slowly tightening around her neck and choked out, "Well, who do you want to talk to?"
Instead of answering Maria, the Arachnid's gaze fell perfectly onto Steve Rogers, who looked shaken at her staring directly at him, even with the mirror separating them.
"Mr Rogers, stop hiding behind this glass and come and face me."
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