chapter 55
the christmas socks were filled with goodies for all of us, including the little children — our pets. each one of us received a new winter sweater to wear to the christmas eve celebration at our dorm, which is happening in a few moments.
my gaze landed on the pretty decorations in the windows of the building across the street, and i suddenly, overwhelmingly missed my parents. few more hours lalisa, and you'll be back in your hometown, i reminded myself.
in fact, this would be the only time for this month that i'll get to spend time with my family. due to our hectic schedule for the past few weeks, and our upcoming projects, it would be totally impossible to fly back and forth to thailand. i would've spent an entire week there for the first week of november, but kook got himself into a car accident.
i was worried that time that i managed to get into the first flight back to korea asap. i felt bad that i would leave home despite only staying for a day, but it was my dad who insisted that i go and check up on my boyfriend. funny how even though they haven't met yet, he seems so fond of him.
chaeng was standing there in the christmas tree, in her christmas hat with the dangling mistletoe. i smiled as she walks up to me.
"do you remember this scarf?" she asked.
"how could i not?" i giggled. i remember it as if it was only yesterday. it was during our trainee years, a day before christmas to be exact, when i disappointed her. i recalled getting cold one time, while we were having a walk outside. she lent me her scarf before she went away, to which i ruined due to my recklessness.
when i showed it to her, she got sad and said that it had a sentimental value to her as it was given to her by her former crush in school. i felt bad and so i tried repairing it with the little knowledge i have regarding sewing. we were trainees back then, and i didn't have the right amount of money to get if fixed. she laughed when i gave her the scarf, and jokingly teased my sewing skills.
just when i finished brushing my hair back into place, jennie called me from the other side of the room. i looked myself at the mirror, before heading to her.
"lisayah, could you help me put this decoration right there?" she asked, as she pointed to the shelf that she can't reach. i chuckled then put my hands on her waist before i carry her.
"human ladder, jjang!" she exclaimed as she got down, causing me to laugh a bit louder.
"ya eonlini," jisoo unnie shouted, "gather around the table!"
in an instant, we were like children who sat around the dining table and further waiting for the instructions of our mother.
"a minute left before christmas eve, and i would just like to say how proud i am for how far we've come."
"ya unnie, what's with you and your cheesy words, eh?" jennie asked. jisoo unnie scrunched her face at us, making us laugh. chaeng, jen, and i then looked at one another, and it seemed like we got the message as we rose from our seat all at the same time.
"yeoreobun, prepare for an attack!" i announced. we all then gave jisoo numerous smacks on her cheeks, despite her making us stop.
"saranghae, unnie! the best mother figure and older sister we ever had!" we shouted in unison, to which she just laughed.
all of us counted down to christmas eve, and as soon as "1" came, we all made noise and hugged one another. chaeng then eagerly took her gift to me under the christmas tree. it was a 'present' she was so excited about, that she didn't give it to me to open it and see. it was her who unwrapped my gift, and took out a fancy wrist watch with a black dial and brown leather belt. she then took off the watch i was already wearing and strapped the new one on my wrist, which she had bought for me. "merry christmas, lalisa!" she said and kissed my cheek.
"wear that more often lili, so that hubby won't be reminding you to hide your couple watch with your boyfriend every now and then." jen stated, in between chuckles.
"that boyfriend of you really loves you. i mean, it reflects so much in his actions." jisoo said.
"the man even changed his hairstyle similar to gong yoo's ever since lisa can't stop talking about him."
"right? and don't get me started on the same brands. i wonder how much more kook will show in the future." chaeng wondered.
for the following minutes, we tried everything: freeze dance, musical chairs, pin-the-crown-on-the-queen, and karaoke. i even snatched chaeng's mic once my favorite line in iu sunbaenim's ending scene came. usual bickerings.
"god, when are they coming? the award show ended like an hour ago!" jennie complained. just then, the door bell rang and as soon as jisoo unnie opened it, there revealed the seven boys of bangtan sonyeongdan.
"missed us?" jimin oppa announced. chaeng then headed towards his way and hugged him, with her legs around his waist. "mochi!" she shouted. good thing oppa has fast reflexes, or else the would've fallen to the floor.
"atleast let us in first before you eat each other out." immediately after hearing yoongi's words, jimin and chaeng moved from the doorway. we just laughed at their reactions, then jisoo went to the kitchen.
"just because you won't be eating out someone doesn't mean you should last out to others." jennie unnie said. ah yes, the bickering duo is back. i never knew how they overcame their 'awkwardness' stage after that jenkai dating scandal. to think that they would have been in a relationship by now if it weren't for that cover-up. still beats me up to now.
"try me, mandeukie." yoongi oppa whispered as she leaned towards jennie, enough for only her and i to hear. it was cute how her cheeks reddened in an instant.
"unwrap me now, santa claus." a voice suddenly came behind me. of course, with that pervert comment and husky voice, i quickly knew who it was.
"or i wrap your mouth instead to stop you from saying those nasty things?" i answered as i turn my head towards the side. he then kissed my cheek and handed me a little box, "merry christmas, cupcake." my mouth formed an o shape as i got to see what was inside.
"it's nothing much baby, sorry. i just want you to have a new ring apart from our matching ones. something to still remind my love for you."
"it's beautiful," i sighed. "come here." i patted the couch and hugged him tight. "you're much more beautiful, lisa."
"say the part about loving me, and just kiss me." he continued, leading me to giggle. "i love you jungkook. seriously." i smiled and he kissed me. his lips met mine unerringly, as if they'd found home, and every cell in my being rejoiced.
"ehem." an authorative voice interrupted, causing us to break away from each other. "kids, i know you're in that lovey dovey stage, but atleast don't make out in front of us all!" namjoon oppa said.
"agree." taehyung stated.
"tch, if only you made your move towards tzuyu, then maybe you have someone this christmas."
"ya, hyung! it's not like you have someone too!" he defended.
"yeah, both of you and hoseok hyung are loners this season." yoongi said. "you forgot to mention yourself, oppa." jen sarcastically answered.
"not with you by my side though." he answered, causing her cheeks to get flustered again.
"eh? what about namjoon oppa?" chaeng innocently asked.
"that man has someone! next year, he might even get married and have a baby." jimin answered in between laughs.
"if there's someone getting married, it's jungkook!" he jokingly told, and winked at kook. a smirk just flashed in his lips, and confusion hit me like a truck.
jisoo unnie, together with jin oppa stepped out of the kitchen and headed towards us, carrying a cake. "mary christmas," the cake said, the letters spelled out in smudged icing. i beamed up at her with my brightest smile after realizing she spelled merry wrong.
namjoon oppa was about to tell her her mistake, but jin glared at him with that 'do-not-dare' look. "it's beautiful!" he just said.
jin oppa hovered off to the side, looking as proud and hopeful as if he had baked it himself. he could've certainly helped, yet i sense that unnie stopped him. still, he did all the gathering of the ingredients and making sure unnie had everything she needed.
"sometimes i wonder if i would be marrying a master chef!" jin oppa said, putting his arm around her waist.
"you like it?" jisoo asked, a note of doubt in her voice. "i know the writing isn't perfect, but the penmanship has never been my strong suit. also, i know i spelled merry wrong."
"it's alright, unnie. it's still wonderful!" i exclaimed. i know that it's how a cake tastes that matters, and it just happens to be that whatever jisoo unnie bakes or cooks is much better than anything else.
chaeng then returned with a bottle of champange and several glasses, with the help of jimin oppa. she smiled mischievously as she approached me. she shook the bottle vigorously, and when the champange looked loaded, she took off the cork and started spraying it around. she looked so happy that it looked like she accomplished some sort of mission. she poured some into the glasses. as she was not a regular drinker, a single glass was enough was always enough to make her go crazy.
we finished the champagne from our glasses, and the others insisted that we have more. so i poured some more into our glasses again. as i finished the fourth drink, the after effects were very visible in chaeng's behavior. even i was starting to get dizzy, as i do not have high tolerance to such drinks. taehyung kept on pouring more drinks, with the request of jennie unnie. as i was about to reach for my glass, kook blocked my hand.
"you had enough baby. i don't want you puking all over the place later." he reprimanded. chaeng then grabbed the leftover cake in her hand and smeared it on jisoo's face and ran away. few seconds later, laughter filled the room and everyone has cake frostings on their cheeks.
everyone was chasing someone around the room, considering that we were all somehow drunk. i somehow ended up in the balcony and kook surprisingly caught me in his arms tightly, then licked my cake covered cheeks. "delicious," he seductively said.
he then lifted me in his arms and kissed me, while i kiss back passionately. "those lips shall better belong to me only, arasso? i'm a selfish lover." he warned.
his hand skimmed down my hair. "God lisa, i love you so much. you're everything i have ever prayed for, even when i didn't know what i wanted."
i flashed a smile at him. "you do have a way with words, don't you, international playboy?" he heaved out a sigh and pouted, as if i hurt him with my comment.
"i'm kidding! i am so inlove with you jeon jungkook. you're even like a disease that infected me. i can't think about anything or anybody, i just love you. all the time. every minute of the day, i love you." i responded, to which automatically brightened up his face.
"oh, and i almost forgot," i took out a small box from my pocket and handed it out to him, "merry christmas, baby."
he instantly pulled out the ribbon and opened the box. his eyes, even though showing a little confusion, glinted upon seeing what i gave him.
"a thai bracelet. it's for protection. i don't want you to get into another accident because of your shits, jungkook. i hate worrying about you." i deadpanned said.
he pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight, "i'm never gonna put you in that position again, baby. ever." he then backed out and kissed my forehead.
"do you still remember the promise i told you when we were in the ferris wheel?" he asked as he looked up into the night sky full of stars. "even when the moon no longer lights up, and the stars stop sparkling,"
"as long as you're here, you will forever have my heart." i cut him off. he smirked seeing as to how i recalled his exact words.
he sniffed a laugh. "no more playing it safe. i want to be in this for everything. the good times and bad times."
i could not remember a time i had been so happy and secured. i no longer feel that my happiness is going to end; all i could see was the love in my future, standing right in front of me.
he then pointed below causing me to look at his direction. my eyes widened at the sight of seeing my parents arriving. "i knew how much you wanted to celebrate christmas with them, so i got first flight tickets for your parents and asked them to come."
i placed my arms around his neck and kissed him warmly on the lips. funny how i could still feel a tingle at the touch of his. "oh and we'll be meeting my parents the next day. i can't wait for them to see my wife." he said.
i blushed upon claiming me as his wife. despite us not knowing anything in the future, he's still sure about one thing — that we're meant to be.
"i love you, jungkook. i'll love you always, even when we hate each other. no running, ever. nobody walks out, no matter what happens. and we'll take care of each other even when we're old, smelly, and senile. this is forever." i said.
"i'm not going to stop loving you, lalisa. i can't live without you. i don't want to live without you. i will always love you. to the moon and stars."
"in 10 years, will it still be me?" i asked.
"in forever time, it will always be you." he answered, and from there i knew that what he and i have is a lifetime guarantee.
to the moon and stars jungkook, neol neomunado saranghae.
- jk spoiler (ex: changing his gesture to "shh" for the choreography, days before lisa's teaser drops + butterfly outfit of jk = butterfly top and necklace of lisa)
- rolex watch
- similar gestures / outfits
- thai bracelet
- car accident
- marriage
- other evidences
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