chapter 26
time surely does fly so fast; it feels like it was just yesterday when we had our comeback stage. everything went so smooth, we even managed to win 11 times! plus, we had our concert in japan, and to see a sea of pink warmed my heart too much.
yet, there were personal issues i've faced as well. that time when we attended the radio show and a fan cussed at me really affected me. i know some of our fans don't like me, some even comment on my posts and all; but can't they just respect me as a human? i'm aware of how racist some knetz are to idols who are of different nationality, but i'm also a person like them who's capable of feeling emotions. the least thing they could atleast do is give respect; i think i deserve that.
i planned on hiding it from jungkook since i know how worried he gets whenever i get sad or hurt. unfortunately, the news trended and my fansites demanded for an apology. actually, kook was about to reach out to them through his connections but good thing they apologized instantly, or else there'll be trouble once they find out how jungkook made use of his interrelations just to communicate with them and defend me.
oh jeon jungkook
just by thinking about him makes my breathing phase unstable. well, nothing changed between us, except for the fact that he gets sweeter as day passes by. he always reassures me how he'll wait for the day i reciprocate my feelings to him while he stays faithful to me. honestly, if he would just read between the lines, he'll realize i've fallen for him. it's just that i'm waiting for the right time to tell him.
"damn, i'm still not used to your black hair." jisoo unnie commented as she closed the zipper of my backpack. we were packing since tomorrow's the day i'll be entering the korea military for the filming of real men. it was required to dye my hair back to its natural color, it's fine with me though. what's not fine is how my bangs are required to be clipped! my holy bangs will finally be revealed to the public and i'm cautious about what others will say — not to mention how we'll face the cameras with no make up at all.
i guess unnie noticed how anxious i was getting so she flicked my forehead causing me to squeal. i furrowed my eyebrows at her and she just laughed at me.
"aish! you look like a cute baby when you're bare faced, i think blinks will also point that out. stop zoning out limario!" this is what i love about unnie, yes we bicker a lot — she even calls me monkey sometimes, but she knows when i am in need words of encouragement.
the doorbell suddenly rang and unnie quickly went to open it. we were surprised to see 7 men standing infront of the doorway. they didn't even give us a heads up before coming here!
"chipmunk! i'm here!" jimin oppa announced while they enter causing chaeng unnie to come out of her room. she was just laying all day since her cramps were giving her a hard time.
chaeng quickly jumped onto oppa, with her legs automatically locking onto his waist. he almost went off balanced but good thing he was able to control it. he held onto chaeng's back with his free hand.
"ya mochi! i've missed you!" she cried, damn periods do make girls emotionally unstable. oppa quickly showed her the bag of bread he was holding to with his other hand, to which made chaeng squeal in excitement. she gave him a quick peck on the cheeks before they headed towards the living room.
a hand then held mine and i glanced at him. she parted my bangs and smirked.
"kyeopta, you look like a baby!" his eyes were sparkling as he stared at me intently. i looked down since i felt my cheeks burning already.
"but it'll be nicer if you can be my baby." i punched him playfully in his chest before we sat with the members who were unpacking the foods they've bought.
"why is it so loud in here?" a half-awake jennie appeared. the moment she arrived back from the meeting they had with the running man producers, she jumped onto her bed and never left her room — until now.
"damn, you look like an amazona." suddenly, jen unnie's eyes suddenly widened once she realized that the boys were here. she gave a death glare to yoongi oppa before storming back to her room making him giggle.
"but why are you here guys? we were about to get into our beds!" jisoo unnie asked. it was almost midnight so we never really thought about them dropping by.
"well we wanted to bid farewell to our dongsaeng here before they send her to the military." hobi oppa answered while he munched onto the pizza he was holding. aw, they thought of me, how cute!
jin oppa then brought out video games from his bag, which made jisoo unnie's eyes glisten.
"omo! overwatch! come on let's play!" she shrieked as she pulled oppa by the arm. aish, these video game addicts.
namjoon oppa turned on the television and started punching letters onto the remote. music then started to fill the whole atmosphere of the room.
jennie unnie then came out, looks like she lowkey fixed her appearance. she squinted her eyes at yoongi oppa again before she grabbed a pizza.
"what do i still look like an amazona?" she complained as she sat across him. we all burst out laughing because of how shallow unnie is.
"yeah," he answered. next thing we knew, a pillow was flying towards his face. she rolled her eyes at him but smiled like an idiot when oppa told him that it's fine, because she's his amazona.
we exchanged few stories; taehyung hyung for an instance, who shared how he always find notes containing phone numbers on his sandwiches. he also shared how tzuyu asked him out on a coffee date. i smiled upon hearing it, we were close with twice and are aware of the fact how tzuyu was crushing over tae here.
she was always anxious about asking him out since she thinks men should be the ones to ask that question — but soon realized that genders shouldn't matter when it comes to these things, just take the risk, as what she would always remind herself.
plus the fact that taehyung oppa here is so dense in regards to love. he'll probably wouldn't notice if tzuyu was flirting with him.
i then looked at jimin and chaeng; if we were in a drama, they would be the couple who would be envied by everyone. they suit each other so much that hearts and flowers can be seen popping around them. you see, they have this innocent type of love, i swear they're so pure.
one time, chaeng shared how she got annoyed at him for 'indirectly' flirting with other girl idols. next thing we knew, he was barging in our dorm serenading her with an own song he composed. sadly he can't release it as park chaeyoung is spelled vertically at every start of the stanza; whereas the last letter of every sentence composes the word 'saranghaeyo' in an upright manner. but it was hell catchy that armys would sure love to hear it.
that day was also when they became official. jimin oppa declared his love for her and how he wants to wake up every morning knowing he has the girl of his dreams. they were so fucking cute, sometimes i would even hear them harmonizing in her room. imagine how talented and good looking their kid would be.
we suddenly heard groans and shouts in jisoo unnie's room. after a while, they both came out revealing a very satisfied look on unnie's face; jin oppa, on the other hand, was sulking.
"i don't care about losing, at the end of the day i'm still good looking, so who's the real winner?!" he proclaimed. the members ignored him since they've become used to how he always praises himself, except for jisoo unnie. she always like being savage to oppa.
"keep talking and maybe someday you'll say something intelligently." she arrogantly said before sitting beside us.
"shut up both of you, you two look alike." jen told. i mean, where's the lie in that? our fans would always point out how their faces resembled each other so much.
just then kook clasped my hand and buried his face on my neck. he was gently rubbing my hand with his thumb and the hairs on my back rose once i felt his warm breath on my nape. he was that close that he was making my body shiver.
"hey, can we have a private time together?" he whispered. i fixed my posture and stared at him. why does he always look good? God is so unfair!
he then pulled his bag and revealed a mini projector. he flashed his bunny smile to me before he said bye to our members and pulled me in my room. i clearly heard how jin oppa told us to not break things and not be that loud.
he started to set up the mini projector and inserted the flash drive. he picked the movie zootopia because he said the main characters somehow remind him of us — bunny and foxy, pertaining to my line in our song.
after clicking the play button, he laid down on my bed and pulled me, causing me to fall on his chest. he enveloped me in his arms and i can clearly hear how loud my heart was beating.
i looked up at him and started ti admire his face. since when did his jawline started to become prominent? his nose which was always well structured ever since. those eyes which gazes always make me feel butterflies in my stomach. and his lips, how plumpish they are. i wonder if it's as soft as i've always thought.
"ya manoban, stop eye raping me and focus on the movie." he said while not removing his gaze from the screen. my eyes suddenly widened and i quickly removed his arms around me and sat down. he giggled and got into a sitting postion.
he held my chin and made me face him. i seriously need to wear shades next time to avoid being blinded by his shining eyes.
"you know i want to fuck you, right?" i choke on his words. how straightforward can this man get?! he seemed to enjoy my reaction since he cackled.
"no lies, babe. you do make me hard sometimes, but most of the times you make my knees weak." i felt confused. i don't know if that should make my heart flutter or punch him in the face.
"pervert as always, jeon!" i shouted. he pulled me back into his arms and we ended up lying down again, with me on top of him. somehow, i didn't want to push him away from me.
he was intently staring at me when i noticed how his gaze went down, just right at the level of my lips. i swallowed hard and felt a slight jolt running through my lower lip. he must have noticed how nervous i was so he gently fixed our position, with me laying beside him now, his arm still wrapped on me, while the other was resting behind his head.
"jungkook," it was almost inaudible since my heart was beating so fast and it amazed me how i still managed to utter his name.
he was smiling while he tucked my hair behind my ear. how is it possible for someone like him to make me feel various emotions all at once? anxiousness, happiness and all.
"i love your smile." i confessed. i think he needed to hear it just because. his grin became wider, showing his bunny teeth.
"well manoban, this smile only exists when i'm with you." he smiled and licked his lips then leaned in and gave me a kiss on my forehead before tucking his face into the crook of my neck.
can this night never end?
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