chapter 13
"ya jendeukie ppali! cant u be any quicker?" jisoo unnie threw the pillow in jennie's face.
"ya!" she shouted. since we everyday practiced for our comeback, yg sajangnim gave us a whole day to do anything we want. instead of resting, jisoo unnie decided to finally meet up with the boys.
"why are we going anyway?" jennie snorted. ah, i think im sensing why she doesnt want to go.
"just tell unnie u dont wanna see yoongi oppa." we all laughed, of course except for her.
"aish! i dont even care if he's there or not i just dont wanna move around thats all"
chaeyoung shook her head and started to pull jennie's leg. she signaled me and jisoo unnie to do the same thing. next thing she knew, we were already standing in the front door of their dorm.
"chipmunkie! u came!" jimin oppa welcomed us gladly and gestured us to go inside.
"mochi, not here." he giggled and i swear i saw chaeyoung's cheeks blush.
chipmunk? mochi? since when do they address each other by nicknames?
"hyung! give me back my seaweed!" i immediately recognized that voice, hence i looked to my left
and there i saw jungkook, jumping to reach namjoon oppa's hand as he was holding a
thai seaweed?
"ommo! thats my fave seaweed!" as soon as he met my gaze, he stopped reaching out for the seaweed and went to my side.
"since when were u all here?" he asked while fixating his gaze on me. i cant help but to feel shy so i looked away.
how can he look so handsome with that messy hair and pajamas?
"uhm just now, jisoo unnie cooked breakfast for you guys." i answered. the other boys started to come out of their rooms. jisoo and jin oppa went to the kitchen to fix the table while chaeng and jimin took selfies and videos.
"how's your comeback doing so far?" he asked.
"tiring. sajangnim makes us practice all night. there's a breakdown part in the mv, i'll bet you'll like it once u see it." i shared
"i'll like it as long as you're there." my eyes widen, how can he say that in the morning!
we continued talking about different things, like how they're preparing for a new song as well. their plans and all.
"you mentioned back in there that u like that seaweed?" i nodded.
"i came to knew of that food ever since i found out you liked it." he smiled.
he freaking smiled. that bunny smile. my freaking weakness.
"children, come! and enjoy the meal!" jin oppa announced.
"where's the other one?" jennie unnie asked out of nowhere.
"what other one?" hoseok oppa questioned back.
"you know that annoying gum freak."
"you mean yourself, babe?" we all looked to where that voice was coming from, and a sleepy yoongi came out of the door.
"now they'll start annoying each other." taehyung whispered.
"my gums aren't annoying! it's you who i was pointing out, ugh! and besides, i look cute with these"
"yeah, you do." he answered back. we all looked to him as we were shocked by his statement. he agreed? with jennine unnie?
"excuse you! this gummy smile of mine is adored by — wait did you just..." i can tell by her expression that she was shocked. ofc, she wasnt expecting for oppa to just agree with her. it's their habit to annoy each other.
he just pat unnie's hair and messed it up. what the fuck is going on?
we continued to eat our meal, gossiped and the like. jin oppa continued to tell his dad jokes
"you know what guys?" he asked
"what?" the guys asked
"how come u dont appreciate my jokes?" he acted sad. jisoo unnie cringe, actually almost all of us. but i found it cute so i giggled
"you like hyung?" i was blown away by kook's question. my eyes showed a big question mark
"you laughed at him acting cute" and he ... pouted as well. wtf
"not to hurt u hyung but ur jokes are la—" taehyung wasnt able to continue his statement as jin took over again
"my jokes are le'jin'dary." and he ended with a windshield laugh of his. which made the boys sigh and my members laugh a bit, except for jisoo unnie of course.
as soon as we ended our meals, we went to the living room
"lisa-ssi, u wanna come to our dance studio? ill try to teach u a dance" hoseok oppa asked. i quickly nodded but kook stood suddenly
"just the two of u?" i gave him a weird look. what was he thinking?
"aigoo, ofc you can all come. lets have a dance and rap battle." oppa suggested, which we all agreed by.
as i was about to go out the door a hand grabbed my arm.
"hey doll, i need to keep an eye on u always. so stay by my side." and he wrapped his arms around my shoulder, which earned grins from his members and shrieks from my girls.
what is he even doing?
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