He froze. What? "I've always loved you." What did she mean? Always?
She took a deep breath.
"I fell in love with you ever since you confessed. Maybe even before that."
"If it weren't for this other guy. He was sweet. The sweetest. I thought he was a jerk and put gum on my seat on the first day or school."
He pondered. Why does that sound so familiar?
"I got mad, and refused to talk to him thinking he was just a rich brat who he thought every girl fell for. I was wrong."
"At the end of school, it began to rain. I had no umbrella and he called out to me. He explained that he didn't put the gum there and was trying to remove it."
There it goes again. So familiar. Why? Chat thought.
"Then he offered his umbrella. I looked into his eyes, and understood he was genuine. He wasn't lying. And then....and then..." she began to shed tears but managed to keep them from coming any more.
"I fell in love. But a year later, actually, a year and a half, he found a girlfriend. She was a liar. I confessed a day before something big happened. Didn't matter, he told me he had a girlfriend. Everyone thought I betrayed my best friends greatest secret. I didn't. This girl overheard us. She told everyone that I told her too. I lost everyone. My classmates. My best friend. And even worse, the person I loved most...."
He understood. Everything. It all made sense. He knew he was more stupid than ever. That day, when Marinette confessed a day before the incident. Ladybug was Marinette. He rejected her. He was the reason everything was screwed up. The reason his lady rejected him. The reason she cried. The reason of...everything.
"But, I kept going. I kept fighting. And fighting. And fighting. I won, barely with the help of either Rena or Carapace. I didn't want to keep on, and well....Here we are. With me about to surrender."
He was speechless. He....Lila...everyone ruined her life. Especially him and Lila. He couldn't believe it. He wanted more than ever, to be with her. And even worse...
"Pound it!" They cried in unison.
"Chat, can you promise me something?" Asked Ladybug.
"Of course m'lady. What is it?" He replied.
"Will you always stay by my side no matter what? No matter the pain or scenario?" She asked gripping his hand.
"Of course m'lady. Even to the bitter end." He said as he hugged her
End of flashback
He wondered. What had he done? He had broken his oath. But his mother...
"Mom, will I meet a princess?" Asked Adrien.
"Yes of course dear. You'll love her and get married and have children. Maybe even a hamster called-" Emily said before being interrupted.
"But mom, how will I know if she loves me?" Asked Adrien. He was always surrounded by girls who wanted his fame not love.
"Well. She'll truly love you. Every side of you. She will always be by your side. She will fight with you at times, and make up after them. No matter what. You will both love each other no matter what. Even to the bitter end."
End of flashback's all my fault. I'm the mother wouldn't want me to bring her back...not this way. He had realized his faults. His father however, appeared.
"Chat Noir, if you are going to take her miraculous, do it now!" Hawkmoth yelled.
"No." Chat replied. "Mom wouldn't want this. She wouldn't want us to bring her back like this." He said.
Ladybug clutched her chest. She was about to get back. She wasn't going to give up...almost. No. She knew it would just happen again. Her best friend would never come back. He would never come back. She raised her arms and....
Fell. She fell and Chat Noir screamed "NO!!!" He jumped. Hawkmoth was both furious and terrified. He didn't want this. His son too?
Ladybug however, used her yo-yo to save Chat. She dropped him off and glared at him. But, she instantly took off her miraculous, put it in his hand, and fainted. Chat Noir stared in horror. Behind her was hawkmoth. He knocked her out cold. Hawkmoth took the miraculous. As well as Chats. He said something, and they began to glow. They faded, and it was a ring. He put it on, and Marinette woke up.
"NO!" She screamed. She wasn't going to give up. Not yet. But she was to late. He made a wish.
"Bring her back."
The lights flashed, and Emily Agreste stood next to Adrien. But then...Marinette fell over.
"No no no no!" Yelled Chat as he caught her. He instantly checked her pulse, but it wasn't there. He cried. His mother bent down next to him after being embraced by her husband.
"Was this your princess?" Emily asked.
"Yes...but I....betrayed her...when I promised I'd stay the bitter end..." Chat said between sobs.
"Then save her." Emily said simply.
"Save her."
Chat didn't understand. Didn't his mother know she was dead? He looked at his father. His father was troubled. He didn't want his sons love to die. Why, he didn't even want ladybug to die in the first place. Hawkmoth never hated ladybug. He only wanted his wife back. Not only that, but he actually thought she was brave. Especially when Chat betrayed her. But instead, she was the sacrifice. The sacrifice to bring his wife back. What didn't his wife understand? Didn't she know that the girl was dead, and would stay dead?
"D-dear. I don't think..." he broke off. How could he tell his own son that his love would never come back?
"She won't come back will she?" Asked Chat.
"I....I don't know." He replied.
"Yes she will. Save her," Said Emily again.
"How..?" Asked Chat.
"She's your princess you figure it out." Said Emily, finally standing up.
"But..." Chat stopped. His eyes widened in realization of what he had to do.
"Mom, can you read me a bedtime story?" Asked young Adrien.
"Of course dear. How about sleeping beauty? Or maybe Snow White?" Asked Emily.
Her husband stood at the doorway, leaning against the arch with milk and cookies.
"Papa can I have some?" Adrien asked.
"Of course. Just don't make a mess." He chuckled as he walked over and sat on the bed next to his wife.
"Well, I could read the book, or I could simply put it in my way." Emily said.
"You should just tell him. A story is a story after all." Her husband replied feeding his son a cookie dipped in milk.
"Fair point." She replied.
"Once upon a time, there were two kingdoms." She started.
"They had a celebration as the queen had given birth to child. A girl to be precise."
"They invited 12 fairies and their neighboring kingdom."
"But, due to lack of invitations and gold plates, they left out the 13th fairy."
"At the celebration, each fairy gave a gift. But then, the fairy whom had been left out appeared. She demanded to know why she had been left out."
"They explained their lack of gold plates and she was angry. She said that leave a different fairy out. But, as a consequence, she too gave a gift."
"She said that on her sixteenth birthday, she would prick her finger on a spinning wheel and die."
"With that, she disappeared. The kingdom was terrified. But, not all hope was lost. The last fairy had yet to give her gift."
"She said that she wouldn't die, but fall asleep until true loves kiss awoke her."
"Years passed, and she indeed did prick her finger and fall into a deep sleep. However, years had passed and the legend said that whoever woke the beautiful princess would be rich and marry her. Several men tried and failed. One day, a prince was exploring and came across thick briar roses covering the castle. He cut across, and found the entire kingdom in a deep sleep. He continued to explore, and saw a girl, Falling in love instantly, he wanted to wake her. He didn't know how. The fairies however, never fell asleep. They told him what happened and he quickly went off to defeat the evil fairy. After he had done so, he kissed the girl, almost instantly, she woke up and asked who he was. He said who he was and explained what had happened."
"He even apologized for kissing her without permission. He simply wanted to save her."
"And so after several years, they were wed. And they lived happily ever after." She finished, and her husband chuckled.
"You know, in the original he never apologized." Her husband said.
"I know, but I told the story. Not the book."
"True. Doesn't matter. Adrien fell asleep." He chuckled.
While it was true his eyes were closed, he wasn't quite asleep yet. His parents gazed at him, before getting up to kiss their child's forehead, and then turning off the lamp for him to fully sleep.
End of flashback
All he had to do was kiss her. He was a bit nervous however. What if it didn't work? But in the end, he managed to convince himself to kiss her. He did and....
She woke up.
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