Puppy Shows His Loyalty
Joey breathed in, and let out a small yawn. He rolled over from his side to his back, letting out a larger yawn, moving his arms in a wide arc until they fell on the bed and... He opened his eyes and looked over to see Kaiba laying on his side, opening his eyes slowly. Joey just hit him on the head, and probably took him from a peaceful sleep. Joey blinked and rolled over, getting tangled in all the sheets in the process, bringing Kaiba with him, and fell off the bed.
"Joey..." Kaiba growled. Both boys were tangled up on the floor in sheets, and both still trying to wake up. Joey rolled around again, not learning from the previous mistake, and entangling himself even more, dragging Kaiba still with him. Kaiba groaned.
"Will you stop rolling around? You're making it worse" Kaiba grumble. At this point, Joey's rolling had led them in front of Kaiba's bed instead of at the side.
"What was I doing in your bed?" Joey exclaimed, still rolling. Kaiba glared at him.
"Do you not remember last night?" He asked. Joey stopped rolling and thought.
"Oh... I fell asleep... That's right." Joey said, trailing off. Kaiba nodded, still entangled in the sheets with Joey, all his rolling made them a giant taco snuggly together. Kaiba wasn't wearing his shirt, obviously, and black pajama pants. Joey was tried to wiggle out of the sheet-taco to no avail, because Kaiba was on top of him, unable to move either.
"I'm going to kill you when we get out of this..." Kaiba growled, low and blood-thirsty. Joey winced.
"I didn't expect it to end up like this Moneybags!" Joey yelled as loud as he could, which was not very, considering Kaiba's weight and he was still in bandages, mind you. Kaiba opened his mouth in protest, but didn't get to say whatever it was he was going to, because the door opened.
"Big bother, I heard yelling and-" Mokuba started, but then looked at the two on the floor in their taconess. (I really like the idea of them in a taco for some reason...)
Mokuba stared at the two.
"I can explain this," Joey said, breathlessly. Mokuba just slowly closed the door, and walked right back into his room. He shut and locked his door, and crawled into a corner.
In fetal position.
Sucking his thumb.
Saying to himself 'I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything,' over and over.
Ahem, well, back to the taco.
Kaiba was still on top of Joey, and having realized what they probably looked like to Mokuba. He tried getting out of the sheet-taco as fast as possible, while Joey was still rolling to try and get out, thus causing the two to become even more knotted in the sheet.
"Wait, stop it you stupid mutt!" Kaiba roared at Joey who was rolling senselessly. Joey stopped rolled, and raised an eyebrow at Kaiba.
"What, do ya have a better plan?" Joey glared at Kaiba the best he could.
"As a matter of fact," Kaiba pushed himself up into a sitting position, while Joey still lay on the floor "I do." Kaiba finished.
"Well spit it out, I don't plan on lying here forever!"
"Be patient!"
"Okay, I got it, now, sit up if you can." Kaiba flicked his eyes toward the sheet wrapped around Joey like a straight jacket. Joey followed the orders best he could. With much difficulty, he wiggled like a worm from side to side, until he was sitting practically on Kaiba's lap.
"Now what?" Joey huffed.
"Now, this." Kaiba wiggled his long arms out of the sheet, until they were free. He reached forward, and carefully, in mind of Joey's wounds, got Joey's arms out. Kaiba and Joey both stood on their knees in unison, causing Kaiba to lose his balance and fall forward, he put his arms out to stop him, but that didn't help much. Joey's eyes widened at Kaiba flying forward at him.
"Kaiba!" Joey exclaimed, as the taller boy fell on top of him once again, but this time, directly. Kaiba's hands were on the floor on either side of Joey. Joey stared dumbfounded at Kaiba. The two stared into each other's eyes for a few moments.
"Seto?" Joey asked.
"Yes?" the brunette asked.
"Why did you kiss my forehead at the hospital?" He asked, a certain seriousness in his eyes. A barely noticable blush started to form on Kaiba's cheeks.
"You... You were awake?"
"You're not answering my question."
"I-I'm not sure." Kaiba looked, down, ashamed. Joey was obviously not oblivious to emotions. He grinned.
"We're untangled, y'know." Joey said. Kaiba quickly got up and Joey followed.
"Go make breakfast or something, I need to get dressed." Kaiba muttered.
Joey complied and left the room. Kaiba went and sat on his bed. The mutt was nerve-wracking, and he had to spend the day at home with him all day due to the fact that Mokuba had given their chauffeur a day off, and messed with Kaiba's alarm clock himself so Kaiba would take a day off.
Kaiba sighed and layed back on his bed. This was going to be a long day. He stood up and went over to his window, the sky was full of dark clouds. It was going to rain. He went over to his dresser and got dressed.
Joey went down and started on a small breakfast, cutting up some fruit, knowing where everything was. As he was cooking, he lost himself to thoughts about his morning. It was made obvious that Kaiba had no idea how to deal with anything but hate.
As he was thinking and cooking, Mokuba had found his way from his corner and went up to Joey to ask him what was with this morning.
"Hey Joey!" Mokuba said. Joey was jolted out of his deep thought, and ended up cutting a deep line through his palm. Red oozed from the new cut and Joey threw the knife towards the sink, making sure not to kill Mokuba in the process. Mokuba started running around the kitchen screaming, while Joey was doing the best to calm him down, ignoring the blood that dripped onto the white tile floor. Kaiba then walked into the kitchen, straightening his typical black turtleneck. His eyes widened at the sight in the kitchen, and then he saw Joey's hand. Joey was clasping his hands together, blood covering both. Worry flooded through him.
"Mokuba. Calm down. Now." Kaiba warned. He walked over to Joey calmly and gently pushed him along to the closest bathroom.
"Sit." The tall brunette ordered. Joey hesitated.
"I'm ok, real-" Joey started. Kaiba shot him a look.
"SIT." Kaiba said again, cutting Joey off. Joey blinked and sat down against the shower while Kaiba grabbed a first-aid kit and sat down cross-legged in front of the injured blonde. He took out gauze and took Joeys hand, not minding the blood, and pressed the gauze against the cut. Joey winced.
"Seto, you really don't need to-" Joey said, but stopped with the glare that Kaiba gave him. He decided it best to be quiet for the moment.
A few minute passed of silence with Kaiba pressing gauze to Joey's wound, and then he moved onto putting antibiotics on it.
"We should get a new chef." Kaiba said. Joey raised an eyebrow.
"And you shouldn't be allowed in the kitchen... Ever." He continued.
"Eh? Thinkin' of replacing me?" Joey asked, chuckling. Kaiba went onto wrapping his hand with a bandage. He looked up at Joey.
"I don't want you getting hurt." He said, calmly and seriously.
"Hey, hey, hey," Joey said, trying to move around. "It's ok! Worse has happened, an besides, it won't happen again!"
Kaiba glared at the blonde. "Stop moving, I'm almost done."
Joey grumbled but stopped moving as was asked.
"I think your jus' overreacting."
"...Perhaps..." Kaiba finished bandaging Joey's hand.
"It won't happen again, I promise, Seto!" Joey flashed him an award winning smile. Kaiba held still to Joey's hand, and they sat there for a few minutes. Although Kaiba wanted to break their gaze, something made him unable. Joey spoke in a barely audible hushed whisper.
"Hmm...?" He replied absent-mindedly. Joey snapped out of it.
"M-my hand... You're still..." Joey said, flustered. Kaiba quickly looked down, and saw his fingers somehow intertwined with Joey's. He jerked back.
"Go... Eat some cereal or something, no cooking today." Kaiba said quietly. Joey stood and left the room silently. Kaiba stared at the floor for a few minutes, before standing and putting the medical supplies away.
Joey walked out of the bathroom and went back to the kitchen, finding that Mokuba had cleaned up and already found himself some breakfast.
"Is your hand ok?" The raven-haired boy asked. Joey grinned and held his bandaged hand up.
"Yep, Seto fixed me up!" Joey laughed. He grabbed a bowl and spoon and got some cereal for himself. The two ate in silence, before Mokuba broke the silence.
"So what was that this morning?" He said through a mouthful of cereal. Joey laughed.
"I didn't realize I was sleeping in the same bed as Seto, and I was rolling around." Joey answered. Mokuba snorted.
"Yeah, I messed with Seto,'s clock last night, and you two were cuddling like no tomorrow! It was really adorable!" Mokuba wiggled his eyebrows. Joey nearly swallowed his spoon whole.
"W-we w-what!?" Joey said, face turning a deep shade of red. Mokuba
"You know, you two would make a great-"
"DON'T finish that sentance," Joey warned. Mokuba gave a smirk.
"It's true and you know it. Seto too."
After they ate, they went to their ritual of playing video games until Mokuba pointed out something strange.
"I haven't seen Seto since this morning... I forced him to have a day off, maybe he walked to work anyways?" He said, shutting off the console.
"Are you implying I go look for him?" Joey asked. Mokuba shrugged.
"Well, if you do, check his room first." He implied. Joey rolled his eyes and left for Kaiba's room.
He found the young CEO working at his desk. Joey went over and sprawled out on his bed. Kaiba made no notice of him.
"Richboy," Joey said, using his nickname for Kaiba. "Moneybags... Seto?"
Kaiba's head snapped up at the last part, and he swiveled around in his chair to face Joey.
"Yes?" He said monotonously. Joey raised his eyebrow.
"You do know Mokuba kept you home from work for a reason, right?"
"I'll never be able to run my company if I never work." Kaiba said matter of factly.
"Well, the kid worries 'bout your health an all. He doesn't want ya overworked." Joey scratched the back of his neck. Kaiba stood, and sat on the edge of the bed.
"I skip work too much."
"But ya work too much." Kaiba sighed at Joey's last remark, but then remembered something.
"Hey, Joey." Kaiba shifted a little until he was full on the bed.
"Hmm?" Joey turned his head from where he still lay.
"What was life like... At your house?" Kaiba said quietly. Joey bit his lip, Kaiba definitely struck a nerve.
"Well... Ya see... Uhh..." Joey stuttered. Kaiba scooted over, and lay next to Joey.
"He beat you, didn't he?" Kaiba looked over at Joey, who stared with wide eyes. How could Kaiba have known that? Mokuba of course, remember?
"Uhh... Yeah..." Joey barely whispered. There was no use hiding anything from Seto Kaiba.
"You don't have to go back you know."
"I've already been too much on ya. Also it wasn't that bad there..." Joey fidgeted on the bed.
"Take your shirt off. " Kaiba instructed.
"Now." Kaiba demanded. Joey complied hesitantly. He laughed to himself, remembering how a few weeks ago, he ordered Kaiba to do the same thing.
"Now roll over." Kaiba said when Joey did.
"Jeez, Seto, you sound like you're tellin your dog to do a trick... Hey!" Joey said as he rolled onto his stomach. Kaiba ran a hand down Joey's back, sending jolts through Joey's spine.
"Your scars..." Kaiba commented, looking over Joey's torn and healed back. Joey let out an uneasy laugh.
"Yeah... He likes to kick, and smash bottles over, well, me..."
"That's it. I've decided you're not going back to that place. You're scars are worse than I thought..."
"What? You don't have to!" Joey sat up, and reached for his shirt.
"I insist. Tell Mokuba that I'll take a short break." Joey smiled brightly at that.
"You better keep that word, Seto!"
"I intend to,"
"Good." Joey got up, and left, while Kaiba remained on the bed, staring at the ceiling.
He shook his head, and walked out his room. He was going to take a little break from home as well.
Joey looked outside. It was a few hours after noon, and the sky was becoming increasingly dark, but not a drop of rain fell yet. He went up to his room, and found a missed call from Yugi. 'Welp, let's call 'im back' Joey thought to himself, dialing Yugi's number.
"Hello?" Yugi's voice came through a few rings after.
"Hey Yug! Sorry I missed your call earlier, I must've been busy or somin'" Joey laughed.
"Joey! I haven't seen you in a while, what have you been up to?"
"Oh you know, the usual, being in the hospital, nearly dying, being trapped inside a sheet with Seto Kaiba, almost cutting my hand off, stuff like that, you?" The other line was silent for a few moments.
"You were in the hospital close to death?"
"Yeah, long story, too many small details, I'll fill you guys in later."
"Why were you trapped inside a sheet with Kaiba...?"
"Ahah, also long story with too many little details that I could point out."
"And what about you cutting your hand off?"
"Almost cutting my hand off. Mokuba scared me when I was cooking breakfast. Unfortunately, I was holding a big sharp knife."
"Oh... okay. So, anyways, since we haven't seen eachother in so long, the gang and I were thinking of going to the movies, wanna come along?"
"Sure thing little buddy! I'll be over at the game shop in no time!"
"See you then, Tristan's excited to see you." Joey hung up the phone. 'I wonder why I haven't seen them much even though they got back from the tournament?' Joey thought to himself. He was too busy with the Kaiba house, that's why.
Joey slipped on his shoes, and walked out of his room, and walked to the living room.
"Yo Squirt!" Joey shouted to Mokuba. Mokuba looked over.
"Hey Joey! Ready to get whipped in another game?" Mokuba smiled.
"Nah, I'm going to Yugi's for a bit."
"Aww," Mokuba pouted, crossing his arms.
"Don't give me that!" Joey laughed, walking away. Mokuba pouted deeper, clearly defeated.
"Oh, by the way, your big nasty bro decided to take a break, used my charms to get his butt unstuck from the screen." Joey called over his shoulder. Mokuba snickered at the many mental images.
Joey left out the door, happily walking his way to Yugi's game shop.
When Joey arrived at the shop, he stood outside the door. It had only been a week since he'd seen them, but seriously, when did this group of friends ever detach for more than a day? He knocked on the door, to be greeted by a very short Yugi.
"Hey Yug!" Joey said happily, stepping into the shop. The two friends walked into the small living room, greeted by Tristan and Tea on the couch. Joey sat on the couch, and looked around the room. The room was kind of small, and since Joey's been spoiling himself rotten over at the mansion, he was kind of feeling claustrophobic.
"Hey Joey!" Tristan smiled.
"Hows it been?" Tea said.
"I miss you guys a bunch, wish I could hang out with you guys more, but I've been getting lots of plans, ya know?" Joey rubbed the back of his neck.
"You? Plans? If by plans you mean a hot date with a microwave meal, then what's with the sudden plans?" Tristan joked.
"Oh, funny Tristan, you're such a comedian."
"I try."
"But seriously, where have you been?" Tea piped in.
"Been hangin with the Kaiba brothers still to be honest. Mokuba is the type of person who wants lots of attention." Joey replied.
"You're still hanging with the spoiled rich guys? I mean, Mokuba's not all that bad, but, Kaiba?" Tristan said with a disgusted face.
"Now, I think it's great that Joey and Kaiba are friends." Yugi said suddenly.
"Yeah, they ain't that bad. I mean, Mokuba needs a lot of attention, but Seto needs way more than him. The guy's got issues." Joey laughed. Tristan, Tea, and Yugi stared at Joey.
"What? Do I got somin' in my teeth?" Joey said, running his tongue over his teeth.
"Since when did you call him 'Seto?'" Tristan asked, breaking the three's silence.
"Huh? I did?" Joey asked. "Force of habit I guess." Joey shrugged it off.
"Anyways, we should head to the movies before it starts." Yugi said. Joey looked over.
"Yeah, let's go!" He yelled, pumping his fist in the air.
In the movie theater, Tristan caused a scene as they always do. Popcorn was thrown, insults were spewed, and everything along the lines. Eventually, they got kicked out, like normal.
"Can't you two even stay quiet in a movie?!" Tea screamed, smacking Joey upside the head.
"Oww..." Joey rubbed his head. Tristan laughed as they walked outside.
"Aww man! It's pouring out!" Joey yelled.
"What's up, man?" Tristan asked.
"I've gotta walk home."
"Home as in Kaiba mansion?"
"Need a ride?"
"Thanks man!"
Tristan ended up driving Joey back to the mansion since Joey would have had to walk back in the soaking weather. As they drove, they chatted happily like any other time. Joey's chin was propped on his hand, as he was staring out the bleary window. They were driving past the park, when Joey suddenly shouted:
"Stop!" Tristan slammed on the brakes, and looked at Joey.
"Don't kill us, man! What're you doing?" Tristan asked. Joey saw something out the window, something he didn't expect. Instead of answering, Joey dug through the glove compartment of Tristan's car, until he found the umbrella that he knew Tristan kept there. He opened the door, and popped it open, and strode quickly across the park, towards the large sakura tree. Underneath it was Seto Kaiba. He sat under the tree, just as he had with Joey a few weeks ago. Instead of welcoming bright sun, rain poured down from black skies. The umbrella Joey was holding was being hit hard with rain, but kept him relatively dry.
Kaiba looked up slowly, seeing a blurred figure in the rain, getting closer. He moved his wet hair out of his eyes to try and see who it was, and he found it to be a familiar blonde.
"What're you doing out here in the rain, Seto?" Joey asked, now standing next to Kaiba and holding the umbrella above him instead.
"Thinking," He muttered, closing his eyes. "What are you doing out here anyways? I don't need you getting sick along with all your injuries."
Joey shrugged. "I got kicked outta the movie theatre, I was just about to go home when I saw you."
"What did you do this time?" Kaiba asked.
"I'll tell you in a sec," Joey said running back to the car where Tristan was waiting.
Tristan rolled down the window at the sight of Joey.
"What was that all about, man?" Tristan asked. Joey smiled.
"You can leave, I think I'll stay here with a certain brunette..." Joey pointed in Kaiba's direction. Tristan made a face.
"Don't catch any disease from that guy, kay?" Tristan said jokingly. Joey nodded, and said
"What's called, 'Egoitis?' I think I'm fine." Tristan rolled up the window.
"Those two will be all over eachother in no time..." Tristan grumbled under his breath. When Tristan drove away, Joey walked back to Kaiba, who expected Joey to just get in the car and drive away. Joey sat himself on the wet ground next to Kaiba, and held the green umbrella over both of their heads.
"So how does one manage to get kicked out of the movies?" Kaiba sideways glanced at Joey.
"Haha, yelling insults at people, and stuffing popcorn in old ladies purse's!" Joey smiled in that smile of his.
"You know, you look like a wet dog right now."
"And you a drenched kitty."
"Hrm." Kaiba looked in front of himself again. He then noticed their closeness. In order to keep the umbrella over both of them, Joey had to be scootched extremely close to Kaiba. So close that their shoulders were touching, but some reason, Kaiba was comfortable with were he was.
"Hey, Seto?" Joey asked, looking up at Kaiba with his wide honey colored eyes.
"Hmm?" He simply replied.
"You said you came here to think... about what...?"
"Everything? Care ta share?" Kaiba sighed, knowing Joey'd pester him until he told him what was on his mind.
"It's not just me and Mokuba anymore. It's you too. I before was only barely able to protect him, how can I protect you too?"
"You seemed like you were doing a pretty good job to me."
"Have you seen how many times he's been kidnapped? If I can't protect my own flesh and blood, how can I you?" Kaiba sighed.
"I think you're overthinking it. When you're so worried over who you're gonna protect an' all..." Joey looked down at his lap. "Who's gonna protect you?" Kaiba looked over at Joey.
"I never thought of it like that."
"Why don't you let things happen? Jus' let it happen, and it'll play out as it's supposed to, right?" Kaiba stared at Joey. What was that supposed to mean? 'Why don't you let things happen? Jus' let it happen,' Kaiba thought this over, and decided it probably was the best thing to do other than worrying as he had. The two boys stared at each other, unable to break gaze like that morning. Joey's heart pounded in his ears, so loud he could barely hear the rain anymore. Against his will, Kaiba lifted his hand to Joey's cheek. He moved the wet hair out of his face with his other hand. The whole park seemed to move in slow motion. The rain seemed to disappear, and the umbrella handle slipped from Joey's hand, falling onto the dirt, but neither seemed to really care, or take notice that it was raining on them once again. Somehow, their faces had become extremely close. Neither could think straight at the moment. Kaiba leaned down, and pressed his lips against Joey's. Tiny electrical jolts went through Joey's lips. Joey lifted his hands to Kaiba's shoulders. Kaiba opened his eyes, and realized what he was doing. He slowly broke away, and let his hand drop to his side. Joey did the same. He shifted awkwardly on the ground.
"Did that... just happen...?" Joey asked. Kaiba nodded, and looked over at him as if to blame him for it.
"Can we agree it was both of us?" Joey asked, noticing Kaiba's silent accusation. Kaiba nodded.
"Uh... I think it's best we go home. Mokuba must be worried." Kaiba said finally. He stood, grabbed the umbrella which lay there neglected until then, and reached a hand down to Joey. Joey smiled, and took his hand. Both boys were soaked from the rain and muddy from the dirt, and left with unexplained feelings for later. Kaiba held the umbrella this time, because he was to tall for Joey.
The two walked back to the mansion in silence, but not an awkward silence. More of one of those silent moments people have because there is no need for words.
When they arrived, Mokuba greeted them with a smile.
"Hey guys- Woah, what happened to you two? You look like you just bathed eachother in mud and then washed it off by dumping water on your heads!" Mokuba exclaimed. (Which was pretty accurate)
"Sorry Squirt, I'm real tired, and I bet he is too." Joey flicked a thumb towards Kaiba who was headed down the hallway to the bedrooms.
"I understand." Mokuba smiled, but looked a little disappointed, for he wasn't finished beating Joey in video games earlier. Joey began walking behind Kaiba to the rooms.
"But hey, Joey! Try sleeping in your own room tonight!" Mokuba called down the hallway. Joey flushed pink, but thankfully, Kaiba didn't turn around.
Kaiba lay on his bed, dry and tired as ever. He reviewed the very abnormal events of the day. Most of it involved getting lost in Joey's eyes, and wanting to punch his lights out. He decided to just take Joey's advice and let it happen. Kaiba rolled onto his side, and drifted to sleep.
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