A Diamond Dog Show
The next morning, Mokuba was sitting up in bed, stretching and yawning, (or pandiculating. Look it up!) as he had just woke up. He went downstairs, hoping to find Joey cooking breakfast already in the kitchen, but the kitchen was empty. 'Maybe he's still sleeping?' the raven-haired boy thought. He went to the living room, figuring he'd entertain himself with video games until Joey got up. Mokuba yawned again and stopped as he entered the living room. [1]Splawled on the couch was Kaiba, contently reading a novel. Not an unusual sight, but what was different about it made Mokuba jump back out the room, and peek through the doorway. Kaiba's head was resting on Joey's lap, who was playing a video game vigorously, seemingly taking no mind to Kaiba's position. Kaiba smiled up at Joey, and said something to make him let out a small snort. Kaiba pushed the black reading glasses he wore further up the bridge of his nose, and continued reading.
Mokuba stood there for a few minutes, watching to make sure this was real, and snuck silently back to his room. He was so going to record this...
Joey ferociously smashed on the tiny buttons of the hand-held device, biting his lip. It was early, around 5: 00 AM to be exact, but he'd awoken with a nightmare of his old house. His dad was probably still in the hospital, but he couldn't help but feel a little guilty over his mess. After all, his father had a knack to make sure all Joey felt was guilt.
Joey sat on the sofa while the Kaiba's slept peacefully. Or, so he thought. Kaiba had rose early too, not from bad sleep, but because he had just felt a disturbance within the mansion, he wondered groggilly to see what had risen him half an hour before he should. That's right, Seto Kaiba always rose early as 5: 30 AM just to catch up on work, until he was certain the others were up. He'd found the mutt in the main living area, taking out his anger on a poor electronical device.
"Joey..." Kaiba said quietly as he approached the clearly angered blonde. He paid no mind to the approaching brunette, and focused his attention to the game.
"Joey." Kaiba said, more stern. It caught Joey's attention all right. He had been startled from Kaiba's voice. The blonde peered behind him to see Kaiba standing with his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.
"I can explain." Joey groaned. He wondered if he was loud getting up, and if so, how long had he kept Kaiba up.
Kaiba, however, said nothing as he walked over and sat on the opposite end of the couch. For a few minutes they sat in silence, the air seeming to grow heavier between them. At one point Joey no longer cared and moved to grab the portable gaming system he had long since discarded due to Kaiba's presence. Kaiba then spoke up and Joey brought his hand back to his lap, luckily for the small device.
"Why are you awake?" The brunette questioned. Joey bit his lip, not wanting to tell the other boy his reason for his early awakening. Usually it took a lot to get Joey up even half an hour late, let alone hours earlier. Joey chuckled and scratched the back of his head.
"Oh, y'know, just wakin' early to score a few levels." He pointed to the device. Kaiba furrowed his brow.
"Mind telling me the real reason?"
"An' why wouldn't that be the reason, eh Kaiba?" Joey shifted a little until he was facing the brunette.
"I can just tell. I'm not stupid you know." Kaiba said with half lidded eyes.
"How could you tell?"
"You're either a bad liar, or I just know you that well."
Joey grumbled. "Well I can assure you, I ain't a bad liar."
"So is it the latter?" Kaiba asked, raising an eyebrow.
"No! It's neither." Joey said, crossing his arms.
Kaiba smirked. "So, I don't know you at all?" He leaned forward, and let his smirk grow.
"W-what? I never..." Joey stuttered suddenly, forgetting all about his nightmare. He turned his face away from Kaiba, his ears blushing light pink and soon creeping to his cheeks.
"So what are you saying?" Kaiba asked. Joey looked back towards Kaiba to retort, when he found that Kaiba had leaned closer. Their noses brushed gently against each other, and Joey took no time in moving and turning away, his whole face a bright shade of pink, both out of embarrassment and anger. By the look on Kaiba's face, he could tell he was doing this out of amusement, and he could tell he was enjoying every minute of it. Joey could feel Kaiba's breath they were so close.
'Two can play at that game...' Joey thought, turning back to face Kaiba. He couldn't help the pink on his cheeks, but he had a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Kaiba was curious at that, but he had a feeling he'd find out soon, and didn't mind a bit. Joey smirked, and swooped his head up, directly in front of Kaiba's face.
"I'm saying that my reasons aren't important." Joey whispered. Kaiba was caught off gaurd by Joey's sudden action, but quickly regained himself as usual. Kaiba looked Joey dead in the eyes, but Joey kept his cool.
"Oh, I doubt that, any reason is an important reason if it's something that got the lazy mutt out of bed early."
Joey bit his lip, and swallowed.
"I just didn't get good sleep is all."
"Any particular reason for that, Pup?" Somewhere during this close conversation, Kaiba leaned closer, so they were so close their noses almost touched.
"Why don't you mind your own business, eh?"
"You are an idiot..." Kaiba had said this with sadness, maybe even longing in his voice. This surprised Joey, but he kept calm and made sure it wasn't visible through his face. The space between their faces grew smaller as their noses touched, and this time Joey didn't turn away. They stared with stern eyes for a few minutes before Kaiba spoke.
"You don't have to worry." he said.
"Huh?" Joey said, blinking and pulling away slightly from Kaiba.
"I already told you, I'm not letting you go back there." Kaiba stated simply. Joey's eye's widened, but before Joey could figure out how to respond, Kaiba stood and left the room, returning with a first aid kit. He sat close to Joey and took his bandaged left hand without saying a word.
"What are you...?" Joey questioned. Kaiba started unwrapping the gauze.
"I need to check it and reapply the bandages." he replied. Joey blinked, curious as to why Kaiba suddenly was doing this. He was checking out the wound and applying more antibiotics to it when Joey spoke up.
"What's with the sudden subject change?" he asked.
"I might not have time to do this later." Kaiba said, wrapping Joey's hand in new bandages. Joey raised his eyebrow.
"We have all morning."
"No." the brunette stated simply. He finished with wrapping Joey's hand and stood to leave the room again, but this time Joey grabbed his wrist.
"Wait." he said, causing Kaiba to stop in his tracks. He turned and looked back at Joey.
"Uhh, nothing, nevermind." Joey said quickly. Kaiba stared for a moment, but then left. He returned not moments later, without the first aid kit. He sat across from Joey.
"So what now?" Joey asked.
"Sleep." Kaiba said plainly. Joey cocked his head to the side.
"Eh? But it's already morning, might as well stay up, right?" Joey stated.
"You're still hurt. You need to rest." Kaiba scolded. Just because he was told to, Joey didn't want to sleep.
"Nu-uh, nope." Joey crossed his arms and shook his head.
"You will rest, even if I have to force you."
"And how do you plan on doin' that, wise guy?" Joey looked up at Kaiba with a 'Oh really? Try me' look in his eyes. Kaiba stood, and grabbed a blanket that was draped across one of the sofas. He sat back down, as Joey watched him. Kaiba stared at Joey, and Joey stared back. Kaiba narrowed his eyes, and leaned forward, wrapping Joey in his arms, leaving Joey in complete and utter shock. He dragged them both down, until he was laying there with Joey wrapped tightly against his chest so he couldn't struggle to break free. He moved a free arm for the blanket, and draped it over the two. Joey snapped out of his shock, an realized just what position he was in. Held close against Kaiba's chest, he could hear the steady rhythm of his heart. Well wouldn't you know, he does have one!
Joey glanced at Kaiba, who's eyes were fixed directly in front of him, not paying mind to Joey. Joey then looked at the blanket, the soft blue silk wrapped around the two. The color reminded Joey of Kaiba's fierce blue eyes. Joey then realized something he'd not before. The soft lick of spicy cinnamon drifted through the small space between them. It smelled good.
"Fine I'll sleep..." Joey mumbled, not actually hating his situation. Kaiba smiled at Joey.
"I knew you'd see it my way, Pup. Now get some rest." Kaiba rested his head on top of Joey's. Joey snuggled deeper into the warmth of Kaiba.
Soon Kaiba noticed the steady rise and fall of Joey's chest, and he heard the soft sound of his breathing along with it. The corner of Kaiba's mouth tipped into a half smile at watching the blonde sleep peacefully.
"Ahh, doughnuts..." Joey mumbled in his sleep, and snuggled even deeper into Kaiba's arms if possible. Kaiba settled into the couch as he felt his eyes droop.
Kaiba opened his eyes, and lifted his head. He's fallen asleep for a short time too. Daylight poured through the partially drawn curtains. Kaiba silently, sneakily, kissed Joey on the top of the head, and relaxed into the fine leather seat cushions.
The slight movement caused Joey's comfort to go off-balance, and to fix it he started moving around, nearly falling off the couch. Kaiba pulled him closer before he could, which was a point of awakening for Joey. His eyes peeked open slightly, trying to get use to the sun.
He started mumbling incoherent things and he struggled to stay asleep, and he turned away from the sun, thus facing Kaiba, who gave him a glare, which startled Joey into falling off the couch.
"Ahh!" Joey rolled off, dragging the blanket with him. Kaiba sat up on the couch, and just stared at Joey, slightly amused. Joey's head popped up, and he looked around the room.
"Anything the matter, Pup?" Kaiba smiled slightly. Joey looked up at him with his blonde mop of hair messy and covering his face.
"We... wait... sleep... what?" Joey replied through blowing hair out of his face.
"Speak English, Pup. I can't understand dog." Kaiba pat him on the head like a dog. Joey growled, and jumped up. He sat on the couch, and crossed his arms with a pouty face on.
Kaiba was still laying on the couch, and decided to use Joey's lap as a headrest.
"Wh-Whaaaat?" Joey stuttered, sticking his arms up. He certainly didn't expect that. Kaiba just shrugged, and reached to the coffee table for his novel and glasses. Joey disregarded it, and grabbed his discarded video game, and began to play.
They stayed like that for a while, with small bits of conversation floating in from time to time. Then, Joey heard the door creak, but paid not mind to it. He was far too engrossed into his game to care much anyways. But then, Kaiba lifted his head, and spoke for the first time in about an hour.
"Mokuba's watching us." Kaiba muttered to Joey, not looking away from his book. Joey gave out a small snort, and resumed his game. He wondered why in the world Mokuba would be watching them, and then remembered his position.
"Oh." He whispered under his breath. Kaiba looked up at Joey.
"Hahaha... you are such an idiot..." Kaiba laughed. Joey began to paste on his pouty face, but then stopped, and stared at Kaiba. He brought his hand up, and scratched the back of his neck.
"Ya'know, you actually look kinda like a normal human bein' with glasses, Seto." Joey continued staring at Kaiba, who only blinked at the remark.
Mokuba started screaming and hollering before either boy had said anything else.
"Joey! I WANT TO EAT A DINOSAUR. I'M SO HUNGRY" the raven haired boy yelled.
"Not this again." Joey sighed. Kaiba sat up, and Joey left to the kitchen to get started on breakfast.
When he was setting the table and Mokuba was already at it, Kaiba walked in and sat down with a newspaper in hand. Joey had finished setting the table and took his seat next to Kaiba. Both Mokuba and Joey dug in immediately, but Kaiba being Kaiba took his time. None of them said anything for a few minutes.
"What were you going to be doing in the living room this morning?" Kaiba asked Mokuba, breaking the silence.
"I-" Mokuba started, but was cut off by the sound of the buzzer on the gate intercom. Kaiba looked up from his newspaper, obviously not in a hurry to go see who it was. Joey sighed and got up from his seat. He walked over to the wall with the panel for the gates. Through the camara, he saw Mai waiting there with her hand an her hip. Joey eagerly pressed the button to talk to her.
"Hey Mai! How's it been!" Joey said excitedly. Mai's eyes brightened.
"Hey Joey! I need to talk to you and Kaiba for a sec, is that okay?" She replied.
"Yeah, totally." Joey presses the button opening the gate. Mai walked in, and Joey was quick to meet her at the door, all the while Kaiba watched from over the rim of the newspaper. The paper crinkled between his now clenched fists
"Oh Seto, it's okay, don't be jealous. I mean, we all know that he loves you most." Mokuba whispered across the table, startling Kaiba. He turned slowly towards his brother, and stared at him with disbelief.
"What?" Kaiba just stared at his brother who had a mischievous grin on.
"It's true Seto, so don't get jealous over the little things."
"How do you... what?"
"I know things, Seto. I'm a Kaiba after all." Mokuba smiled widely. Kaiba shook his head, and turned back to the newspaper.
Joey opened the door, and greeted Mai.
"Hey Joey! Where's Kaiba?" Maiba said, giving Joey a tight hug.
"Over here, c'mon. Why you need us to suddenly?" Joey asked, leading her into the kitchen.
"You'll see."
They stepped into the kitchen, cattering away happily.
"Mai said she had something that involved the two of us." Joey said to Kaiba. He raised an eyebrow.
"Like what?" He asked.
"You have to agree to it before I can tell you" Mai piped up. Kaiba narrowed his eyes.
"And why is this?"
"Just because." She smiled.
"I'll do it." Joey said.
"Great! What about you, hun?" She turned to Kaiba.
"Fine..." He mumbled.
"So what will we be doing?" Joey asked.
"Since everyone else already agreed, let's meet at the Turtle Game shop, and me and Tea will explain everything then." Mai winked, and headed out of the kitchen. Joey stood.
"I'm missing another day of work." Kaiba said sighing.
"Looks that way." Joey stated simply before leaving the room to get ready.
Soon they were both walking out the door.
"Let's walk." Kaiba said simply. Joey nodded in agreement and they set off to the Turtle Game shop to see what Mai had in mind for them. They walked in silence for a little while, no words between either of them, yet both were thinking of the event that occurred the day before. Kaiba was the first to break the silence.
"So, what did make you rise early this morning?" Kaiba threw a side glance at Joey. Joey sighed.
"I guess there's no point of keeping it from you. You were right, Seto, I did have some nightmares of my old house." Joey admitted.
"Hmm. Thought so..." Kaiba said, staring straight forward. They walked in silence for a moment.
"You know, after he recovers... You really don't have to go back to him." Kaiba said, continuing to stare ahead. Joey looked up at him.
"Can I do that to ya? Could I really live with you?" Joey said quietly after a few moments of silence. Kaiba chuckled.
"Yes, of course. The mansion would definitely be so much quieter without you, which for years I'd led myself to believe I'd prefer, and besides, you are a better cook then any of my five star chefs could ever be."
"I dunno..."
"Do you want me to force you to stay or what? I've learned my lesson about letting you run away once before."
"Yeah... Oh look we're here!" Joey pointed at the store. Seems they were indeed there, thank you for pointing that out to get out of a sticky situation Joey.
Kaiba looked up to see Joey practically jump to the door and knocked. Kaiba went and stood behind Joey, a glowering look on his face. Yugi happily opened the door, and ushered the two of them in.
"I haven't seen you in a while, Kaiba! We should duel sometime!" Yugi chirped. Kaiba crossed his arms, and pasted on a deadly look. He growled something, but obediently followed behind Joey. They entered the small living area, which was even smaller due to the amout of people in it. Also it was still small to Joey and Kaiba because they were used to a massive room to [2]splawl out everywhere. There was no room on the couch, so Kaiba and Joey sat shoulder to shoulder on the floor. Mai walked in, took a glance at Kaiba and Joey, and walked into the middle of the room. She clapped her hands together.
"You have all agreed to do this mystery thing for me. And I bet you're all eager to know what it is, right boys?" Mai looked hopefully around the room. Joey looked around and realized that only the guys of the group were there.
"So what will we be doing. Spit it out already, woman." Kaiba growled. Mai rolled her eyes, and blew some air out of her eyes.
"You will be putting on a fashion show!" She clapped.
"What!?" Was what most of the reactions from the room.
"What kinda fashion show." Joey said hesitantly.
"I've already chosen clothes for all of you, so you'll see. I need money, okay? Your fans all wanted this. So you boys will be on the catwalk in three hours, and go get dressed! Meet back here in two! Tea has your outfits." Mai left the room, and everyone was freaking out. Except for Kaiba of course.
Tea handed out bags of clothes with everyone's names on it, and went back with Mai. Joey and Kaiba ended up calling the limo because Joey wasn't in the mood to walk. They got back to the mansion, and went to see what they had to get changed into.
Joey reached into the bag, and felt around for things. He picked up something that was soft, and came out with a bright pink feather boa. He shuttered.
"Jeez Mai. Kill me why don't ya?" Joey muttered, and went to grabbing the other things out of the bag.
Kaiba sat on the floor of his room, trying to get the strappy black wedges onto his feet. How do women do this!? Kaiba was used to heels, but this is ridiculous! Kaiba managed to get on on, and was working on the other. The door opened.
"Seto, I was wondering-" Mokuba started, then stared the scene in front of him. Kaiba wore baby blue booty shorts with a white spaghetti strapped shirt with frills going all the way down, front and back.
"I can explain everything." Kaiba said quickly. Mokuba just shut the door, and went into his now familiar hiding corner.
Kaiba stood once he got his newly acquired heels on, along with some blue eyeshadow and light pink lipstick with black mascara and eyeliner, and walked out the door to go check on Joey.
Kaiba's mouth dropped open once he opened the door and saw Joey. He was angrily applying a soft shade of red lipstick bright red lipstick, wearing ridiculous clothes. He wore tall black pumps on his feet, and ripped black skinny jeans, with silvery-white showing underneath instead of skin (thankfully for Kaiba and the fangirls. Lulz). He was wearing a tight, female leather jacket with a white baby-tee underneath. Plus, the bright feather boa we mentioned earlier.
"Joey, what are you wearing?" Kaiba asked. Joey, startled, looked over at Kaiba, and laughed.
"No, Seto, what are you wearing!?" Joey laughed, all the previous anger melting from his face.
"We should probably head to the Turtle Game shop now."
"Yeah, let's go."
Joey and Kaiba took the limo, because they were too afraid to show their faces in public.
Once they got to the shop, they stopped. The whole street was closed off due to the fashion show. A small stage had been put out as a catwalk. And there was many people waiting to see a bunch of crossdressing boys. Kaiba and Joey shared a look of annoyance.
They snuck out of the limo before any crazed fangirls could see them, and went into the Turtle game shop, where a large racket of noises and two girls met them.
"Will you guys shut up back there?" One of the girls yelled in the direction of the agitated arguing. She was slightly shorter than Joey. She had short poofy blonde hair, and she wore rectangular black rimmed glassed. She had a clipboard in her hand and a microphone headset on. She smiled when she saw them, and waved eagerly.
"Hi! I'm Dana, and this is..." She said, trailing off and elbowing the girl next to her, who also had a microphone headset on. She was a little bit shorter than the other girl, and didn't seem to have the same enthusiasm. She had straight brunette hair that was longer than Dana's, but not by much. Her eyes were blue-green and showed a certain disdain or boredom. The corners of her mouth were tipped down into a frown.
"Hmm, I'm Sam" She spoke, assessing both boys outfits. She nodded in approval.
"Who are you two? And where's Mai?" Joey asked. Dana just giggled at that. She threw her arm over Sam's shoulders.
"We're Mai's personal assistants for the fashion show!" Dana said with a grin. Sam just shrugged the arm off her shoulders.
"Personal assistants?" Joey raised his eyebrow. Dana nodded enthusiastically.
"It's wonderful, isn't it? Anyways Mai had some things to do before the show, so she left us in charge. Besides, she figured everyone would probably murder her with what they had to wear. And before you ask, Tea's collecting the entrance fee's." the smiling girl replied. "So before anymore questions are answered, I'm going to have to ask you both to go wait with the other boys." Dana shoved them in the direction of the door, and Sam just rolled her eyes.
"They know where they are. It's not a huge place here." Sam then proceeded to glare at a wall nearby. Dana leaned over and whispered to the two confused boys.
"Sam actually chose everyone's outfits today, we're actually running the show, but Mai's getting most of the money because Sam already makes too much... She just really wanted to be here. Can't you see how happy she is?"
Both boys looked at the angry looking girl and shook their heads. Dana shrugged and pushed them off.
Kaiba and Joey began walking towards the others, feeling quite uncomfortable with their clothes.
"Those girls were... weird..." Joey stated. Kaiba nodded.
"Yes, Dana had an air of bubbliness while Sam seemed... like she wanted to rip our throats out." Kaiba crossed his arms.
"You mean like how you usually look at people, Seto?" Joey laughed.
Meanwhile in the corner of the room:
"Sam! You can't act like that with your slightly older, taller, and prettier twin in the room!" Dana whispered to Sam, who proceeded to stick out her tongue.
"I bet he's the one copying me. I'm just acting like me, jeez, what are you, my mother?" Sam crossed her ams.
"Well, I'm off to go kick the fans in the heads, bye!"
Back to Joey and Kaiba. When they reached the room, everybody was silent, and trying to hide themselves from the shame of what they were at that moment. Kaiba and Joey hid off in one corner of the small room, because everyone seemed to be hiding anyways. Well, except for Tristan. He seemed to actually like what he had on. Duke too. They sat on the couch as if nothing were wrong.
Not long after everyone arrived, Sam walked into the room, with a slightly more excited look in her eyes.
"Alright, you guys seen how a catwalk works before? If not, you're an idiot, and I'll have to tell you. You step onto the stage, strut your stuff, flaunt it, whatever you want, just don't trip in your man heels, alright ladies?" Sam said, putting a hand on her hip. Everyone looked up at that, and looked down at their heels.
"Okay, so with the acceptance of Kaiba, Duke, Tristan and Yugi, you all need to practice you're strutting with heels. And some of you, strutting all together." She shot a glare Joey's way.
"Why Kaiba, Duke, Yugi, and Tristan?" Ryou asked from underneath the couch.
"Isn't it obvious? Since they always wear heels, they know how to use them." Sam rolled her eyes. Everyone sent skeptic glances Tristans way.
"Where's Dana? I like her better." Someone said from the opposite end of the room.
"She's busy kicking the fans in the head with steel-toed cleats, nimrod. Be outside in ten." And with that, she left with a flick of her hair.
Joey turned to Kaiba.
"You know, she's really familiar..." He started.
"Don't you dare say it." Kaiba growled.
"Okay, okay." Joey put his hands up in defense, and got up to practice his strut. Kaiba just stared off into the distance, thinking. At one point, Dana was forced into the room to help the boys with their struts, and after a half an hour, everyone was outside and ready to step through the curtains and onto stage.
"Guys, don't make us look like idiots." Sam warned. Dana smiled at them, and held up her custom made steel-toed cleats and bounced her eyebrows up and down. Everyone sweatdropped. Both girls had changed as well, probably at the request of Mai to be proper fashion show announcers. Sam was wearing (Something), while Dana was wearing black flats, red skinny jeans, and both were wearing an 'I 3 Crossdressing Boys t-shirt.
Sam stepped onto stage, Dana quickly trailing behind. Sam stepped on one end of the stage, and Dana on the other.
"Welcome welcome, ladies and gay gentlemen, pizza rolls and deoderant sticks, we welcome you to our crossdressing fashion show, featuring the King of Games, the creator of holographic games, the creator of Dungeon Dice Monsters, and everyone else who would look hot in a dress!" Sam shouted to the crowd, who shouted widly. She smiled, and waved her mic in the air.
"That's right, now get those hot buns out here!" Dana squeed. Loud music began to play, corasponding with each who walked on. First was Duke, who stepped onto stage happilly. Bring Sexy Back began to play. Duke wore a dice bakini top, with matching booty shorts, with white heels.
"Here's our first, Duke Devlin! He's obsessed with dice, smells like smores poptarts, and ninety percent of his fanclub is made up of guys!" Sam announced, her voice reaching over the crowds of screaming fanboys. Duke made his way to the front of the stage, posed several times, and strutted back to the entrance of the stage as told.
"Next up!" Dana grinned. "He dresses in womanly clothes, has the body for it, and buys chick magazines for everything but the girls! Marik Ishtar!"
And out from behind the curtains, came a dazilling egyptian, wearing a lavander belly dancer dress, with gold bangles snaking up his arms and legs. Gold dangled off the top, embeded with green and red jewles. A top of his head, a gold belly dancer headpiece dangled down on his hair on his forhead. He wore lavander matching flats lines with gold. The bangles clinked together as he walked up the stage, grinning willdly and making sure to sway his womanly hips.
The crowd went absolutely wild, liking Sam's choices of clothes so far. Some even threw money onto the stage, which a staff member quickly swept up for Mai. Sam and Dana looked at each other from the opposite ends of the stage and grinned.
"Next up is,"Sam started, pausing for affect and to listen to the fans screaming. "A guy who you could accidentally step on if your not careful, his hair is three times the size of me and Kaiba's ego mixed together, and he's just too cute! Yugi Motou!"
"More like barely a third of just YOURS, nevermind Kaiba's." Dana muttered. Sam threw a death glare Dana's way, but quickly disregarded Dana's comment as a sudden burst of idiocity. A head poked out of the curtain, and stared at the eager fans. He nervously stepped out, and started walking shyly up the catwalk. Fans screamed and shouted when they saw he was wearing a girls school uniform with a little blue bow in his hair. The pink shirt was nicely fit around Yugi's small frame. The short blue skirt complimented the bow, and pink buckle shoes with small heels. Even Dana, who knew what he was wearing and had seen it previously, was squeeing.
Soon enough a staff member was up on stage again, sweeping up the money.
"This is great so far, huh guys?" Dana asked, a grin on her face. "Next is Ryou Bakura! He's possesed by the equivelant of Satan, one of our favorite shippings is his Yami and Marik, and he uses designer conditioner! Here he is folks!"
Ryou walked out to the front of the stage. He was wearing black and white striped knee high stockings with lace at the top, dark blue buckled shoes, and a poofy sky blue dress with an apron over it. Yes, he was dressed as Alice. The crowd went wild for this, and soon he was off the stage.
"The most adorable boy you will ever see, ladies." Sam piped up, surprisingly becoming comftorable with the event. "and gentelmen." She added as an afterthought, remembering the fanboys in the crowed. Weird, but very profitable. Sam cleared her throat from thought, and shouted excitedly into her microphone. She'd picked the next dress out with one certain in thought...
"Next up is, Tristan Taylor! He's got no important role to the series, secretly watches re-runs of Barney in his room, and practices with the heels to feel more important!"
Tristan strutted to the front of the stage with extreme prowess, and his head held high. He struck a pose, with his hand in the air and the other on his hip. He wore a bright red strapless cocktail dress, that showed off quite a bit of leg, which did just what he wanted it to do, made the fangirls and boys squeal in excitement. After a few more poses, he strutted off, clinking his bright red pumps on the catwalk.
Many more boys dressed much to their distaste, and walked onto stage, but finally, it was Joey's turn.
"Now, now children, we've got a few boys left for you to see." Dana said grinning. She looked over at Sam, who grinned back.
"Yep, my favorite couple ever, OTP over here, am I right?" Sam whispered to the crowd, although Joey and Kaiba could obviously hear it from backstage, and quietly inched away from eachother. The group of shamefully dresses boys all looked at them, and shrugged.
"Well, here's Joey Wheeler, he secretly wishes to own a puppy, he's not actually from Brooklyn, and in a past life was a golden retriever." Sam said to the crowd.
"Also, stepping onto stage with Joey, is Seto Kaiba, a rich billionaire with a soft spot for kids, cares for no one but himself, Mokuba, and Joey, and is clearly the male version of my sister over here." Dana pointed to Sam across the stage, who just glared back. Reluctantly, Joey and Kaiba stepped onto stage, strutting next to one another in time to the others steps. Since the catwalk wasn't very wide, they had to walk close to one another, but the fans only enjoyed the finale even more. They both strutted, and posed, almost naturally, their outfits causing nosebleeds to many young girls and boys. The two of them threw glances at each other and left the stage, Joey with a flick of his boa.
Dana and Sam walked into the room full of chattering boys that were now dressed according to their wardrobe.
"Alright ladies, it was a good show while it lasted, some of you may even come to see you were good at this sort of thing all along, yada yada yada, go home." Sam said in a loud voice to attract the attention of the now startled boys. Dana smiled at them, and left with her sister.
Kaiba sat in his bed, and rubbed his eyes. It had taken ages to get the make up off, don't even get started on the heels. Whatever, all Kaiba really wanted was some rest. Kaiba reached for the lamp on the bedside table, but stopped. He let out a quiet kitten sneeze, and sniffled. Perhaps he was coming down with something...
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