Chapter 20
I've been avoiding Octavian for the past... lets just say two weeks. I want him to know that he's not going to treat me the ways he's been treating me anymore. I've been doing things on my own even though I'm still wounded from the accident.
It's like I shut the whole world out. I haven't seen him in a long time. Not because of my avoiding but because he's been in his own little world also. When we walk by each other is the hallway it's like we don't even know each other.
I've healed quicker then I thought and I'm walking with a black boot on now. I walk down the stairs and go to the kitchen. It was my routine. I would make my green tea and sit down on the porch all day. I had not much to do considering I had no one to talk to and tv just bores me.
Anna left a week ago, saying she had to get back to her family. I didn't mind family is family. Even though I don't have one anymore. Considering that my dad is probably off getting drunk somewhere and my mom, who knows we're she is.
I close my eyes for a moment and smile. It was such a beautiful day indeed. I feel a presence among me and I open one eye and jump falling out of the chair and my hot tea spelling on me. I yelp and look up at Octavian.
"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you like that." He helps me up and stares at me. "Oh Rose I missed you so much!" He hugs me so tight I can barely breathe. He kisses my forehead and smiles.
"I couldn't take you ignoring me anymore. I was lonely and bored even with doing my work. I told that girl to get lost because I didn't want to lose you." I looked up at him and smiled. I was thrown off when he kissed me with his soft lips.
I did miss his kisses to be honest. He took me inside and into the room were I changed my wet shirt. "Do you want to go on that date like I promised?" I smiled big and nodded.
"Don't think I'm forgiving you at this moment because trust me that's going to be some time from now."
He nods his head and goes into the closet.
I go and take a shower decided I wanted to and then I dried my hair and I curled it. I put on this dark blue glittery dress. Octavian picked it out. He said we were going some where really special.
"Octavian were are we going?" I ask him as he looks me up and down and smiles. "We're going to a ball." My face lite up and I smiled. He took me by my hand and gently held my hand. "I'm so excited!" We go home outside to a limo! Anna was inside waiting with a guy I did not recognize.
"Hi Anna!" She smiles at me and says hi. "This is my Boyfriend Karl." I smile at him and shake his hand. "Hi Karl I'm Rose." He nods his head. "Nice to meet you madam." I scoot over enough form Octavian to get in and he holds my hand tight the whole ride to the ball. I was nervous and I didn't know why.
We got out of the limo and Octavian held me close to his chest. He opened the door and opened the door and everyone was slow dancing. We found a table and got situated. Then Octavian guided me onto the ballroom floor. I could tell most of them were vampires but I put that aside.
"I'm not the best dancer Octavian." He chuckles and shrugs his shoulders. "It doesn't matter to me love." I almost fall for it but I keep my cool. He's just going to go back to cheating and saying he's sorry over again. I can't let that happen this time.
I smile and we start dancing to the slow song. I'm close to his chest and I rest my head on it. I knew that this was going to be the best night ever! Even if it took a long time at to get to this point.
New update! There will be two parts to this chapter! I hope you guys enjoy and let me know what you think💜
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