Chapter 2
Devine POV
"Devine?" A head popped into my office.
"Yes?" I looked up from my computer screen.
Allan, my assotiate, walked forward. "Devine, another threat was made against you." He sighed and I motioned to the seat across from me.
"By whom?" I stood. My heels clicked against my black marble floors. I walked to the window and looked out at the thundering skies.
"A gang leader." He shrank as I turned my gaze on him.
My smirk faltered and a hardened frown appeared. "What was this leaders name?"
Allan sat upright and then he stood and walked over to me. "I already called Chris, he is on his way over-"
"Who is it Allan?" I cut him off. "Who. Is. Threatening. My. Life." I grit out between clenched teeth.
"Devan Valentador." He looked over at me. "I am sorry."
My face drooped. "Well then he really does want me dead." I sighed. "Strengthen the guard."
He nodded and walked out. I sat down and a tear ran down my face. I picked up my phone and dialed Chris's number.
"Chris?" I asked when he picked up.
"Baby, I am on my way." He sounded worried. "Are you okay?"
"Not really." I whimpered. Devan had left me, and now he wanted to kill me.
"It's okay babe. We will figure this out together." He soothed. "I am here I will be right up."
"Don't hang up." I begged.
"I am not going to sweetheart."
I listened to him ramble as he made his way to my office. He opened the door and walked over to me. I stood and he folded me into his arms.
"Shh." He soothed. I sniffed as he pet my hair.
"I just don't get why these people hate me?" I looked up at him. "I am not mean." I blinked. "Wait. Am I mean?"
"No baby you are the sweetest person I know." He kissed my lips.
"Thanks love."
Devan POV
I drug my hand through my hair. She was crying, wait the door was opening. A man, who I assumed to be her boyfriend, walked in and she threw herself into his arms.
I let out a low growl as he touched her. My fist slammed on my table. The teetering glass broke and my hand went back to my hair.
She was scared and he was comforting her. He had flown to her aid and now she would reward him.
You might be wrong
My brain echoed. She could still love us. Have hope.
I watched as she tipped her head and let him lower his lips to her's.
Another growl ripped from my chest and I slammed both hands on the table and stood. My breathing was shallow and my heart hammered.
"IAN!" I roared. The burly russian walked in and bowed slightly.
"Yeah boss." He asked in his thick accent.
"Why do I not have Miss Bennet yet?" I paced. "I thought I spicifically asked for her?"
"You did boss, but we are trying to find the right time to make the move."
"I don't care. Get. Me. My. Girl." I ordered. "Or it will be you who dies."
Ian visibly shrank. "Yes boss."
He backed out of the room and I turned back to my screen. Devine was curled in Chris's embrace and I threw a mug at the wall. This girl was driving me insane. She will be the death of me.
"Yeah the boss wants the girl tonight." I quipped through my phone. I turned the steering wheel on the black BMW I was ordered to drive. Two SUVs followed me at a safe distance full of weapons and men.
The boss followed at a safe distance in his Lambo. I sighed. I really didn't understand his weird obsession with this girl, but I was paid to follow not to question.
"Ian, I don't know." The voices came through.
"I know. The boss is following us and he will know. I have the girl's address and the darkness is falling." I turned down a street. "Watch for her boyfriend. He will be hard to get through."
"On it. Turning on fourth street. Meeting at ronde vou point in 5." Ash cut out and I knew he was on his way to help the master.
"Ian." A cold voice broke through. My hands quaked slightly as I gripped the steering wheel tighter.
"Yeah boss?"
"She is alone. I sent a decoy for her nosy boyfriend to deal with the complications." I turned as his cool tone sent shivers down my spine.
"Okay boss I am on it." I turned down fifth street and checked my mirror. A matte black Lamborghini followed my BMW.
We stopped in front of the mansion Devine Bennet called home. Waiting was not my strong suit never was.
A movement caught my tired eyes.
"I see her boss."
Devine POV
Chris had to go back to work and I was ready to go home. I slipped into my Mazerati and slammed the door. My fingers tapped the wheel.
I pulled out and sped to my home on the ocean. When we had first made this purchase many wrinkled their noses and looked at us funny, but we loved our home and didn't care what anyone said.
I pulled in to the street, noticing a black Lambo and a BMW parked outside of our drive. Strange. The windows were all blacked out and I hustled to get into my garage. I turned off my car and the door rose up. My Louboutins clicked and I grabbed my brief case. I got out and the door swung shut.
"Miss Bennet?" A voice sounded from the drive way.
I turned. "Yes?" I squinted trying to see.
The darkly dressed man came into view. "I am sorry ma'am." He wrapped his arms around my body and pressed a clothe to my mouth.
I tried to scream and kick but it was useless. Unconsciousness over took my senses and I slipped out of reality.
Devan POV
I slipped out of my car and gently placed my hand on Devine's shoulder as Ian placed her in the car seat next to me.
"You may let the boyfriend leave." I spoke into my blue tooth.
"Boss. Where do you want to go."
"I am feeling like Italian for awhile." I shrugged. "Call the jet."
"You got it boss."
I quickly got into my car and pet Devine's sleeping hand. "Mi amour we are heading to Italy. Far away from your meddling boyfriend and from your concerning parents. And mi amoura when we get there you will remember your love for me."
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