Chapter 16
I looked out at the men, the woman, the young, the old. Devan's arm was tightly secured around my waist and he was marking his territory, by running his mouth along my neck. His hand was continually touching his gun, just to show them, that should anyone try anything, he would destroy them.
My gown trailed behind me and the heels I had on made the strides even longer. Everyone in the room was clothed in black, whereas I was in deep crimson. I stuck out, and Devan knew I would. I glided across the marble flooring and watched as they bowed before me. Devan smirked and moved his head from my shoulder. We walked through the ranks of women, men, and guards. My loyal black wolf sat next to the throne in front of me.
I walked on as Devan let me go, and sat on his throne. I smiled and knelt before the officiant.
"Today we are gathered for the crowning of Devine Bennett, she is better known as the Crimson Killer." A gasp crossed the room. It lined up finally. Why else would the most powerful Mafia boss want a woman in power? Why else would their 'king' want a queen? "She is now your queen. No longer your equal." The officiant looked down at me and I glared back at him. His eyes widened and I smirked. "She has come as a princess and will leave as a queen." He gently removed my glittering tiara and placed it near my wolf. She sniffed it and turned her nose up, as if she knew it was no longer good enough. He took a pure golden crown from the tray next to him. I looked up at him through hooded eyes. My fingers wandered to the bracelet I always wore, my suit was hidden inside of it and at the tap of a certain button, I would turn. He set the crown on my head.
"This is only the beginning." He announced. "The world will fall before her. A proper ceremony will be held soon. But until then." He glanced at Devan. "She is temporary."
He set the glittering crown on my head and I stood. I walked to my throne and swept my gown around it to sit.
"Behold, King Devan, and Future-Queen Devine."
"Long live the King!" The shouts began. "Long live the Queen."
I smirked. My darling black wolf, Adolphne, sat to my left and looked out proudly. I placed a hand on her head and looked out at the people.
"My people, your queen will show you her worth." Devan smirked and I stood. I touched the button and slowly my gown lifted me as my gown transformed into my skin tight suit. My hood crept up my head and my thigh holster tightened to my leg. I grabbed my mask and tied it up. I smiled and pulled my guns aiming above the guests heads and firing a round of shots. They all gasped and ducked, still in shock from the transformation. I smirked and stalked into the middle of the room. A fake attacker walked to me and I wrapped my body around him and pounded both elbows into his scull lightly. I jumped down and in mid spring grabbed my ropes and caught hold of the ceiling. I swung up and released, doing a flip and landing like spider man in a widened lunge.
My entire being screamed at me to stop but I could not. I knew I must continue. I pulled my hidden gun and turned aiming at the throne.
"Clear the room." My order came out gruff and clear. "CLEAR IT NOW!" I screamed at the guards. They hurried to push the men and women out, leaving only one person left.
"Chris, I said go." I looked him dead in the eye. "I don't want to hurt you." I looked at Devan. He chuckled and clapped. Adolphne ran to me and growled at him, her eyes glowing red.
"Devine, I know, but I can't leave you again." Chris looked at me.
"Christopher Evans, if you know what is good for you, you will run from this room right now." I gritted out.
"No." He looked at me.
"Devine, Devine." Devan clapped. I snapped my head back to him. "Did you not think I knew you would try to rid the world of me." He looked at the man standing a few feet from me. He pulled his own gun and aimed at him. "Did you truly think I didn't know you would try and leave me for him?" He looked me dead in the eye. "Shame. You could have saved him." He squeezed the trigger and the bullet flew. I scrambled to get to Chris first and block the bullet but I didn't make it on time. The wiz of the bullet and the scream of pain, alerted my senses that Chris had been hit.
"No!" I screamed. I curled around my loving, handsome boyfriend of four years. "No Chris, stay with me." I tried to put pressure on the bleeding wound in his chest. "Please baby, stay with me."
"De, I love you." He gasped out. "I love you so much."
"No baby, stay with me." I screamed. "Don't you dare leave me. I love you!" Adolphne came over and began to lick up the blood. I let her tongue touch the wound hoping some of the healing powers she possessed would help.
Chris looked at me and her. "I love you both." He leaned up to kiss me. "I love you and I love our baby."
"Our baby?" I questioned as the panic flooded my eyes. "What do you mean?" He coughed. "No, no, Baby, stay with me." I plead as the tears flowed freely down my face.
"I was going to ask you to marry me." He smiled. "Guess I shouldn't have waited."
"You are going to make it." I promised.
"I love you Devine. Make me proud." He kissed my lips.
"I love you too Chris." I pressed my mouth to his and cradled his head in my arms. He went limp in my arms and I tore my mouth from his.
"NOO!" I screamed. "NO!" I stood shakily. "You monster." I screamed. My rage was blinding and I could no longer care if I needed Devan or not. "You complete and total monster." I began to run, only for 7 guards to appear out of no where and flank Devan.
"You see Devine, you see what it is like to lose someone you love?" He asked. "I lost you when you were 14, and I will never get you back."
"You lost me, because you LEFT me!" I screamed and shot blindly at the guards. One by one they fell. I felt the sting of a bullet graze my arm and a cry tore from my mouth.
As the last one fell, I could feel the power surge through my veins. "What did you do to me?" I screamed. "WHAT DID YOU DO?"
"What I knew I needed to." He smirked. "You wonder who was behind the calls when you were an assassin?"
"YOU!" I lunged for him and he ducked. "You low down dirty bastard." I yelped as he swiped a knife across my arm. My suit reformed but the blood was seeping through. I looked at my loyal wolf and released a soft whistle. She understood and trotted over to Chris, grabbing his pant leg and gently dragging him out of the room.
"Aw, how precious, still looking after him even in death." Devan chuckled. I heard a whirring and then the ceiling broke and glass rained down on us. I shielded myself as best as possible. A helicopter slowly lowered into the room. "Well this is where I leave you to die, all alone." He stalked closer. "I loved you Devine. I truly did. You were my all." He kissed my lips harshly. "And yet you could not accept me for me." He grabbed my throat, cutting into my wind pipe. I struggled for breath and he smirked. "You a whore." He spat in my face. "You do not deserve my love." He threw me down. I gasped for breathe and looked up at him.
"You are right." I heaved. He furrowed his brow. "But you do not deserve life." I whipped out my gun and shot at his arm. He screamed in pain and I shot again hitting his thigh. He landed with a thud. "You are a scum bag. And to think I gave you my heart." I stood and kicked his leg. "Now you will die alone." I crouched down. "I did love you once, Devan, but your demons, they have clouded your vision. You do not see that what you wanted all along was standing, crying, waiting for you. All you had to say was I love you and I am sorry." I pressed my mouth to his, and pulled away leaving my crimson stain on his mouth. "Goodbye, You will regret this for the rest of your days."
I stood and walked away. I heard his men lift him into the chopper and I counted as I walked waiting for the explosion. I grabbed my tiara and ran from the room right as the bomb blew. I looked out the window and saw the Helicopter fly away.
"Blast it all." I growled. "I will kill you Devan, you can count on it." I watched it turn and look at the large sprawling home and then fly away.
I ran to Devan and I's master bedroom and quickly gathered up all of the clothing, shoes, makeup and jewelry, and headpieces. I stuffed everything into the three huge trunks Devan had left laying there. I grabbed the first trunk and sent it down the Elevator. The second and third followed and then I got in. I grabbed the trunks and moved them into the waiting Heli. I quickly ran to find Adolphne.
"Adolphne!" I cried. "Here girl!" I yelled. I heard her whines and followed the sound to the garden. "There you are girl." I pet her and she seemed to smile. "Come on lets get out of this place." I grabbed Chris's lifeless form and Adolphe and I ran to the Chopper. My captain had the blades going as I handed Chris in and then Adolphne and I climbed on board.
'Miss Bennett." The captain smiled. "Good to see you again."
I let tears run down my face. 'Good to see you too." I cradled Chris's head in my arms and Adolphine licked my hand as if saying 'I tried all I could to bring him back.' I smiled at her and nodded.
I looked into his beautiful face. "What were you talking about Chrissy, when you said our baby?" I kissed his cold face. "I love you baby." I smiled and a tear landed on his perfect cheeks. "More than anything, and I will avenge your death." A cold, dead smile filled my face.
"Where to miss?"
"Take me to Russia." I smirked. "To my home."
"Alrighty." He looked worried as he put in the calculations and redirected the flight. "Why Russia ma'am?"
I looked up from my phone, a small tracking signal lighting up the display. I looked out the window and watched the clouds fly by, as I cradled Chris closer. A cold, dead gleam settled in my eyes. "I have unfinished business there."
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