Part 1
She scrutinized the files, evaluating and making changes to her plan. They had given her one try. The Avengers where holding a top secret meeting in Stark tower; her job was to get in, kill the captain and get back out again. Her biggest problem was the Demi-god, she couldn't match his strength or his abilities. It wasn't easy finding a tranquilizer to knock out a demi- god, but she did it. One dart fired from her gun and the God of Thunder would be out for at least 4 hours. Then there was the other guy, Dr Banner was easy to deal with. The Green guy? Not so much. He was her next target, knocking him out before he got angry, she certainly didn't feel like fighting the hulk. The rest of her plan was simple, deactivate Stark's suits, distract the master assassins and the Psycho twins while hopefully avoiding the mysterious Winter Soldier. He was the only one she was worried about, before a job she liked to gather files on her target and anyone she might face; yet she had nothing on him. No weaknesses, no records, only whispers and rumours. A ghost story.
And she didn't like fighting ghosts.
Disabling Stark's security system had been easy enough; it took nothing more than a couple of minutes to dismantle the communications and alarms. Now this was the difficult part, getting rid of the Avengers acquired several attacks on several people executed at the same moment, and she only killed if necessary, she didn't want to kill the Earth's Mightiest Heroes for free. Now all she needed was a distraction, she hoped Tony Stark didn't mind too much...
The whole garage exploded, sending shrapnel and bits of car flying. She ran, taking her opportunity. They had been scattered by the blast, giving her time to pick them off one by one. She took the gun, loaded with the tranquilizer, and ran up to the God of Thunder. He hadn't really been fazed by the blast and, as he saw her running towards him, began to swing his hammer. She pulled the trigger, releasing the dart that sunk itself into his neck. He grunted before dropping to his knees and lying on the ground. One down. A flash of blue rushed across the opposite side of the room, one of the twins. She stayed where she was, certain he would try to attack first. She heard him before she saw him and managed to grab onto his arm stopping him in his tracks. She then slammed his head against the ground until she was certain he was unconscious. She made her way through stark tower, she turned a corner and saw Banner, a hint of green crawling up his skin. He was obviously struggling to stay in control. She walked up to him and swung her fist, it connected to his jaw with a satisfying crunch sending him failing to the ground.
"I'd stop right there if I was you," she turned around to see Tony stark, a smirk playing at his lips. She noticed the band on his wrist, he was trying to call his suit. And now it was her turn to laugh.
"What's wrong Stark? No suits to protect you," she ran at him, bringing her leg up and slamming it into his torso. She grabbed the first thing on the side; an empty glass consequence of Tony's drinking. She smashed it against the billionaires' head and it shattered against his skull.
She was being followed, she could feel it. She felt a shift in the air on her right side, and lifted her arm to deflect the oncoming punch. The Black Widow stood before her - this was going to be one hell of a fight. The widow moved first, aiming for a jab to the side, what she didn't see was her leg that managed to catch her thigh nearly sending her tumbling. She readjusted her position, and then changed it again, forcing her opponent to keep moving. She continued this, making sure her enemy never stayed still. She managed to flip over her, catching her unaware and giving her a chance to attack from the behind. She swung her leg low and her arm high, knocking the red head of her feet. Taking one of the widow bites she placed it against the Russians arm sending a jolt of electricity through her.
The witch had been surprisingly easy - she had managed to sneak up on her whilst she was cradling her Brother. Everything went smoothly until an arrow flew past her head, narrowly avoiding her ear. She cursed and ran up to the Archer, hoping to get up close. She drew a knife and threw it, aiming for his arm. She didn't miss, and heard a cry of pain as Hawkeye struggled to remove the knife that had implanted itself into his flesh. Now he was struggling to use the bow. She barged shoulder first into him, sending him flying across the room. She turned to face the Witch, who had just stood up. She picked up the bow that lay on the ground, getting one of the stun arrows she tensed her arm, pulled the string and released sending the arrow flying onto the witches' forehead. Her body jolted and she collapsed to the ground.
"That was quite impressive," the captain stood at the doorway, shield raised.
"That's not all I've got."
She had taken the precaution of installing magnets into her sleeves, she prioritized practicality. She wore black leggings which didn't interfere with her flexibility, a black tank top so she could swing her arms freely, black boots that came up to her knees; they kept her feet warm and where easy to run in. Finally she wore a simple mask, just something that covered the upper half of her face as she was determined to keep her identity secret. The shield flew out of the captain's hand, drawn to the magnet. She began wildly firing her gun, one bullet catching the captain's calf and the other his shoulder. She raises the gun, ready to finish the job.
And then the door opened. She didn't know who he was, he had dark hair that hung just above his shoulders. On closer inspection, she saw there was something wrong with his arm. It had been severed just below the shoulder, instead of flesh and bone there was metal and wire. This had to be the mysterious Winter Soldier.
He didn't speak a word, he just lunged at her, she barely had time to react. He was fast, and strong, and she struggled to stop his metal fist colliding with her face. She tried to swing low, but he had already moved; aiming a punch at the back of her head. She was overwhelmed and at a disadvantage. He ripped the shield out of her hand and threw it to the captain, who was struggling to deal with the two bullets that had sunk into his skin. She took the knife that was strapped to her calf. It was her favourite knife, the handle fit her hand perfectly and the blade was sharp and sturdy. She swiped, desperately trying to cut him. Her posture began slacking, her attack was sloppy and the grip on her knife slowly began to weaken. The knife was knocked out if her hand and sent flying across the room and she was left defenceless. The last thing she saw was a flash of metal and then she was knocked unconscious.
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