Chapter 1
He was just trying to get to work. He was pulling out into the intersection, after making sure he had the right of way. He never saw the car come over the hill at full speed. The sound of metal crashing against metal made him scream as he felt the impact, his car standing no chance as the door caved in. The window shattered, and he screamed again, this time in pain, as glass embedded itself into different locations of his skin. Then the world suddenly turned upside down. Then back to normal. Then upside down again. It took him only a second to realize that the car was flipping. His body lurched forward, and his head smashed against the driving wheel. He bounced around as the car continued to flip, and his head banged against the roof of the car at least four times before his world went black. Four seconds later, the car went still.
"What happened with this one?" Nurse Laurens asked, wincing in sympathy at the sight of the man being rolled into the examination room on a stretcher. He turned his attention to Doctor Washington, partly to pay attention to what he had to say, and partly to get his eyes off the gruesome sight in front of him. He'd seen worse, yes, but it was never a pleasant sight.
"The patient has been identified as Alexander Hamilton. He was in a pretty bad car wreck. By the looks of it, he took several blows to the head, and there is glass embedded into different locations in his body. He has a broken leg, and we think he may have a broken rib, but we'll need an x-ray to be certain. We're taking him in now so we can see the severity of the damage."
John nodded and looked back at the man, Alexander Hamilton, scanning over his body. Blood was still leaking out of wounds, which meant the accident happened not too long ago. He helped out around the room, just as always, as the doctors took care of the more important stuff, like the x-ray scans and checking vitals and such. He watched the x-rays come up on the screen, observing the injuries the patient had sustained. It turned out, he did have a broken rib, along with what looked like at least a concussion. Lucky for Alexander, there was no internal bleeding, so no one had to worry about that.
"Nurse Laurens, can you see if Mr. Hamilton here has any contacts to call?" Doctor Washington asked him.
"Yes, of course," Laurens said before being handed the unconscious man's cell phone. Of course, there was a password. He sighed and tried a few guesses. Somehow, out of a stroke of luck, he managed to guess correctly on his fifth try. Smirking in victory, he found the contacts list and pulled it up, scrolling through. There weren't very many, and most with nicknames. "Doctor Washington, would you like me to contact any of his friends?" He looked up at the doctor.
"Yes, please do so, Laurens."
He nodded and opened the group chat labeled The Revolutionary Crew. He pulled up the keyboard and typed out a message before sending it.
Nonstop: Hello? I'm afraid that as you're reading this, your friend, Alexander Hamilton, is in the emergency room.
Almost immediately, the phone blew up with replies.
TailorBoy: What do you mean? Who are you?
BurningLetters: What happened? Who's talking?
GunsAndShips: Why do you have his phone, why did you hack into it, and is he okay?
NoAngel: Why is he in the ER? What happened?
SmileMore: Who are you, and is he okay?
LesbiHonest: What happened to Alex? Is he okay? IS HE ALIVE?!
GunsAndShips: Hey, whoever you are, answer us, won't you?
NoAngel: Yeah, tell us what happened.
Nonstop: Give me time to type.
GunsAndShips: Sorry. You have one minute.
Nonstop: Your friend was in a car accident. I'm a nurse that works at the hospital, and I was handed the phone by a doctor. I guessed the password when I was told to try and contact any friends and/or family.
LesbiHonest: So he's alive, right?
Nonstop: Yes.
NoAngel: What hospital is he at?
Nonstop: St. Francis.
There were more replies, but John didn't bother to look at them as he set the phone down and started to help with removing glass shards from the patient's body. It took about twenty minutes to get the bigger pieces out, even though plenty of large shards were already taken out before. There was a lot of glass. The rest of it had to be taken out with tweezers. Once the last of the glass was out, they cleaned and wrapped his wounds before taking him to another room, hooking him up to the IV and heart monitor. As the doctors finished the work, Laurens was told to go see if there was anyone there for him yet. He walked to the waiting room and saw groups of people waiting for news of some kind. The largest group was a group of six, by the look of it. The rest of the people varied from groups of two or three, or just singular people just sitting by themselves.
"Is there anyone here for an Alexander Hamilton?" I called out, and immediately, the group of six looked in my direction. I had a feeling they were the people from the group chat. One of the girls waved me over to them, and I made my way towards the group. There was a barrage of questions and it took me about ten seconds to get them to stop. "Hey, I can only answer one question at a time."
"Of course, right. Sorry," one of the guys said.
"So when do we get to see him?" the girl in the blue dress asked.
"Well, first off, I should mention that there's a limit of three visitors at a time. With that said, you should be able to visit him in about an hour and a half, when visiting hours start."
"Then why'd you call for us?"
"Updates," John said with a shrug. "I just figured you'd want to know how he's doing, considering you seemed so concerned in the texts."
"Wait," the tall guy with the beanie on his head said, "that was you?"
John nodded. "Yeah. And with any luck, Alexander should be awake by the time visiting hours start."
"Alright," the girl with the pink dress on said. "Thank you, Nurse..."
"Laurens. Nurse Laurens."
"Okay. Thanks, Nurse Laurens. I'm Angelica. That's my sister, Eliza, and this is-"
"Peggy!" the girl in the yellow Sunday dress cuts her off.
"Yeah, Peggy," Angelica said with a soft smile. She continued to introduce people. "That's Hercules, Lafayette, and Aaron."
"Um, okay, I'm only going to remember, like, one of those names," John said with a smile.
Hercules laughed. "That's fine. At least she didn't tell you his full name." He nudged the taller guy next to him, Lafayette.
"What's so bad about a full name?" I cocked my head.
Lafayette smiled. "My name is Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette, Marquis de Lafayette."
John blinked. "...Oh."
"Yeah. Seriously, he's the only one who can say his full name," Aaron said with a small laugh.
"Anyway, I should get back to work," Laurens said, giving his farewells to the group before going back to do his rounds, check up on patients, and help out when needed.
He was called back into Room 274, so there he went to find the patient awake and looking around in confusion. "What was I called for?" he asked the Doctor. He didn't really have a last name, just preferring to be called 'The Doctor.' He was weird, but smart, and always knew what he was doing, so everyone just went with it.
"Well, he's not talking to anyone. Not even me." Yeah, that was weird. He could usually get anyone to talk. "I was wondering if you could use your friendly vibe and charm to see if you can get anywhere with him."
"Um, well I guess I could give it a shot," John said after a moment. The Doctor nodded and Laurens walked over to Alexander. "Hey," he said quietly. The patient snapped his head to his direction, chocolate brown eyes staring into his own hazel ones. "Can you talk to me?" Hamilton's eyes focused on the Doctor, then back at him. John looked back and forth between the two men. "Do you want him gone first?" he asked gently. The patient nodded softly, and Laurens made a motion for the Doctor to go away. Getting the message, he left, closing the door behind him. "Okay, it's just you and me. Can you talk to me now?" He gave his best friendly and smile.
"I... I don't know anything," Alexander whimpered quietly. He looked at John with scared eyes. "Why don't I know anything?"
"You probably just hit your head too hard. I'm sure you'll remember something soon," the nurse said reassuringly, though his mind was racing. Just how much damage was done to his head? They'd have to do another observation. It was definitely amnesia, but was it temporary or permanent?
"I d-don't even know my own name," the patient said, his voice wavering as he tried not to cry.
"Hey, it's okay. Your name is Alexander Hamilton."
He nodded softly. "And... what's your name?"
"John Laurens," the nurse said with a soft smile.
Alexander nodded again with a weak smile of his own. "I like that name."
"Thank you. I like yours too. But... can you try and answer some questions for me?"
"If it's about myself and my life, then I can't. I'm sorry."
"It's perfectly fine. These are just some basic knowledge questions, alright?" When he nodded, Laurens asked "What's five plus seven?"
Hamilton looked a little surprised at the question, but answered with "Twelve..."
"Nine times nine?"
"Eighty one."
"Sixty five divided by five?"
He thought for a second. "Thirteen?"
"Mmmhmm. What's pi?"
"Um... three point one four one five nine two six five three... I don't know any more. It goes on forever, right?"
"Yes it does. How many planets are there in our solar system?"
"Uh... nine."
"Can you name them?"
"...Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, um... Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, and Pluto?" He sounded hesitant.
"Well, you mixed around Jupiter and Neptune, but you did name them. How many minutes are in an hour?"
"Hours in a day?"
"Twenty four."
"Who's the first President of the United States?"
"Um... Chris Jackson?" Just like with the planets, it came out as more of a question.
"Correct. Do you know who the current President is?" He thought for a moment before shaking his head no. "Donald Trump."
"Who's that?"
"Someone who shouldn't even be President. Don't worry. You'll hear enough about him."
"Do you know what's going on between America and Russia right now?" He shook his head again. "Okay. That was the last question. You did pretty well." He smiled in relief. "Okay, I'll be back in in a little bit, alright?"
"I promise, yes. Give me twenty minutes. Watch some TV in the meantime, okay?" He nodded and John walked out of the room to be greeted with the Doctor, Doctor Washington, and Doctor Lewis.
"So?" Doctor said. "Could you get him to talk?"
"And? What did you find out?" Lewis asked.
"He's got amnesia. He knows the basic knowledge, but isn't up to date on current events."
"Alright. I'm assigning you to him," Doctor Washington said.
"What?! Why?"
"Because, he for some reason seems to trust you. You're the only one he's talked to, and I'm fairly certain you're the only one he's going to talk to. Therefore, you're going to be the one looking after him until we either find his family, or he gets his memory back."
John sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing. He was the head physician, so basically his boss. "Yes, sir."
"Good. I recommend asking him if he's comfortable with visitors. His friends are still waiting in the waiting room."
"Seriously? It's been basically two hours."
"Yeah. They're concerned for their friend."
"Alright, I'll ask him." Great. Laurens hated assignments. Especially ones that could prove to be long-term. He preferred doing rounds and checking on different patients in the same day. With an assignment, your sole focus was on one patient. John liked to help as many people as he could. But for now, he was stuck with his orders, and that was to take care of Alexander Hamilton.
Okaaaaayyy I NEED TO STOP WRITING STORIES BUT THIS IDEA WAS TOO GOOD NOT TO DO! I have too many stories for my own good. But I literally wrote all of this in like two hours. and it's like, 2114 words! Okay, so I didn't do too much research for this, so I may come back and edit the hell out of this if I feel it's necessary after doing more thorough research. Also, I'm trying a third person narrative here. What do you think? What do you like better? The first person, or the third person? I'm just sayin', (it's silly when we get into these crazy hypotheticals) there were so many times that I accidentally typed "I" instead of "he," it was crazy. But still, I like writing in third person. And first person. Which do you prefer? For future reference. Okay, so I hope you enjoyed the starter chapter, and I'll see you in the next update! Until then, adios, Mishamigos!
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