Desdemona (navi) pov.
"Before we go back to the castle I have some business I need to tend to, I want you to come with me." I state looking at Jacy as we walk off the jet.
"Of course my queen." Jacy follows me as we go to a car with two guards waiting.
They bow and open the door for me. I get in with Jacy getting in after me.
"I am loving this treatment of royalty." Jacy leans back casually.
I smirk at her words. "You stay loyal to me and you'll get this treatment all the time."
"Of course my queen."
Soon enough we pull up at Hannah's parents house. I quickly get out and Jacy follows behind me.
I knock on the door and wait a moment before a boy around the age of 13 answers the door.
He looks like a younger Male version of Hannah.
His eyes widen as he quickly bows his head. "He-hello my Queen." He then backs up. "Come in." I walk in as I look around.
Pictures of Hannah and her family are hung on the walls. The decor is simple. A brown couch faces a large flat screen tv that sits on an entertainment center.
"Are your parents here?" I ask the boy. He nods as he quickly looks towards a door on the other side of the living room.
"Mom! Dad! The Queen is here!" The words leave his mouth and I smirk at the nervousness that plays with his words.
Soon an older version of Hannah steps out followed by a man that has some similarity to Hannah.
The woman smiles at me, it's a sad smile but it is tied with welcoming.
"Hello Queen Navi how are you?" She bows her head at me, as does the man.
"I'm not here for pleasantries." I state getting to the point. "You are all being charged with accessory to murder of the king and his family. " my words cause their eyes to widen.
"But-but your highness-"
"Silence!" I glare at the man who dare to speak against me.
I look to Jacy. "Make sure they can't move."
Jacy turns to them. "You three sit on the couch and don't move no matter what, please dear." With out hesitation the family sits.
I nod "Now if you'll excuse me I must be on my way." I turn and motion Jacy to follow, with out hesitation Jacy does.
I walk out of the house and Jacy closes the door. I look at the two guards and motion to the house. "Burn it to the ground, if their are any survivors kill them."
The guards eyes widen as hesitation fills their features.
I glare at them "Do not make me ask again or you will be joining them."
With a hesitant nod the men get to work on burning the house down.
I get in the car followed by Jacy as screams fill the air like music to my ears. The smell of burning wood fills my senses making me wish to make a candle of this very scent.
People from other houses look out their windows seeing what is going on as the screams grow louder.
"Drive," I command the driver and off we go to the castle.
Annie's pov ( this is after the meeting )
"Riley?" I knock on her door and hear a grumble of come in.
I open the door and my eyes widen as I see her packing a bag.
"Riley? What are you doing?" I ask as she quickly zips up a bag and throws it over her shoulder.
"I'm going to find a witch or a fairy to bring Bain back. Then Navi will go back to normal and I can kill Jacy and we can all live happily ever after!" Riley spits out as she quickly rushes out the door.
"What?" I say as I turn and follow behind her. "You can't just leave. What about Navi!" I shout angry that Riley is leaving, as normal.
"I'm doing this for Navi, there has to be a way to bring him back." Riley states as she quickly descends the stairs.
"Okay say you do bring him back, you know what they say. They don't come back the same. What if he fuels the darkness in Navi?" I argue as she turns back to me.
"Simple, I'll kill Bain and then put Navi in a straight jacket until she goes back to normal." Riley shrugs as if talking about having tea time.
"Riley I can't do this by myself, I mean Navi is talking about mass murder on new born babies!" I yell as I follow her to the main entrance of the castle.
"That's why Daniel is staying here, if Navi gets to out of control Daniel is going to kill her." Riley whispers making my eyes widen.
"You're joking." I spit at Riley, my glare is strong, my hands ball in to fist.
"Yes and no, I told Daniel to put her in a straight jacket but if it comes down to it, and I mean this as a last resort, yes, Daniel will kill her." Riley explains as she opens the door.
I quickly grab her arm. "Riley you are not leaving me here, alone." I say strongly as my eyes plead her to stay.
I knew Daniel was here to help but I'm not close to him, I'm not even that close to Riley but Riley and Navi have history, Riley is supposed to be Navi's savior, if anyone can talk sense into Navi, it's Riley.
"Look I'm really proud that you've stepped up and became a feisty big sister but, I'll still kick your ass." Riley narrows her eyes at me as she peels my hand from her arm. "Now, I'll call and check in from time to time but I've got to figure out something to help Navi, right now she is to far gone for us to just try and rationalize with her. We need more than that."
I sigh out in defeat knowing Riley is right.
"As soon as you find something call me." I plead.
"I will I promise. I'll call and stay up to date with what's going on. I want to get this done before that stupid fairy and witch thing starts." Riley rolls her eyes and scrunchs her nose up at the thought of Navi's plan.
I nod my head and watch her close the door.
I feel a gentle squeeze on my shoulder as I turn and see Daniel. He gives me a slight smile.
"Hey Daniel." I breathe out as I look back towards the door wishing Riley to just walk through and say she has changed her mind.
"When is James coming?" Daniel asks a smile on his face as he tries to help me look for something to look forward to.
I shrug my shoulders a smile gracing my lips. "Soon, hopefully tomorrow."
Daniel nods, "I heard Navi, or should I say Desdemona, is holding a ball, celebrating the approval from the council about her, idea." I grimace at his words.
"Supposed to be held tomorrow I think." I sigh at his words.
Everything is moving so quickly, I was hoping whatever Navi was planning the council and I could fight it off so it never actually happened, but with Jacy around that isn't happening.
"Where is Fraiser?" I question tilting my head as I look at Daniel.
A sad look takes over Daniel. "He made a whole bunch of dresses and left to the Pure Blood Kingdom, he needed a break, he needs time to mourn." Daniel sighs.
"We all do." I say out loud.
None of us had a chance to truly mourn Bain and his parents death. Not even Navi.
When a king dies a lot of work is to be done, there isn't much time to properly mourn, especially with Navi planning her crazy ideas.
"Dude I feel like I could throw up. I've never had to do something like that before I mean they were innocent people." I turn my head at the voice, I see a couple guards talking in the distance.
My head tilts in confusion at their words.
"Yeah I can't believe the queen would have made us do something like that. I thought she was suppose to be nice."
I look at Daniel and he looks at me as we both turn towards the guards. I walk to them.
"Excuse me, what are you talking about?" They both jump and look at me.
"Um-um nothing?" One of the guy squeaks.
I shake my head. "You can tell me, what happened?"
The other guard breathes out heavily as a guilty look crosses his face.
"You know the girl that killed Bain and his parents?" I nod slowly.
"Earlier today the Queen made us burn her family alive in their house." My eyes widen as I look at Daniel.
I look back at the guards. "Was there a little boy to?"
The guards slowly drop their heads in shame.
Oh goddess no.
Surprise. I've been debating on posting this or not but I am ready for our evil queen to show her self so here she is. Plus I'm extremely ahead schedule lol
Of course this is just the beginning. *insert evil laugh*
Behind the making of Glitch: Bains and Navi's relationship was extremely hard to write, anytime i wrote about them it sounded forced. Because I hard core shipped Navi and Riley.
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