Annie pov
At her words James steps closer to me, placing his hand on my waist. Riley takes a step, placing herself between Jacy and me.
Jacy turns to a guard that followed her in here. "Go get Desdemona."
The guard nods and quickly rushes off. When the guard is out of sight Riley pulls out a small pistol and aims it at Jacy. My eyes widen, I didn't even know Riley was armed. By the look on Daniel's face he didn't know either.
"Ah, Ah, Ah. Now Riley, you and I both know Desdemona would not be happy with you pointing a gun at me." Jacy clicks her tongue as she crosses her arms.
"I can handle Navi," chills go through me at Rileys voice, stern and cold, the assassin showing itself. Jacy narrows her eyes at Riley.
"Look bitch, drop the act. I haven't seen you do a damn thing, other than take someone powers, what a cheap shot." At her words the gun clicks as Riley turns the safety off. The sound causes Jacy's eyes to widen.
"I'm an assassin Jacy, I don't play fair, it's not what I'm paid for." Nonetheless Riley lowers the gun as Navi enters the room with the guard behind her.
"What is going on?" At Navi's confusion, Jacy smirks as her eyes meet mine again.
"Your sister is pregnant." Jacy states causing Navi's eyes to widen as she looks to me.
"Pregnant?" Navi says out loud as if to taste the word.
Chills go through me at the way Jacy looks at me. Navi just looks at me in awe and wonder.
"Yes, you know I was thinking, she would be a marvelous test subject for the fairies. Maybe instead of waiting till the baby is born we can do it while the person is pregnant." Jacy muses and James grip on my waist tightens as a growl leaves him and Daniel. Daniel even takes a step towards me, making eye contact with James and giving him a quick nod.
I look to Navi as a smile takes over her face. "Jacy that is brilliant!" Navi claps her hands together as she looks to me. "Annie I'm so happy we get to test this theory on you!"
My eyes widen and my heart seems to break at her words. "No Navi, you will not get near my baby." Instinctively my hands go to my stomach. Navi gives me a concerned look.
"Annie, it won't hurt you. Infact it won't even hurt the fetus." I shake my head at Navi's words.
"No Navi, it is not happening." Navi glares at me and takes a threatening step to me.
"Yes it is Annie, as your queen I command you to allow my fairies to scan the baby, if the baby has corrupt energy it will be killed." Another growl leaves James as he places me behind him.
"Over my dead body." James growls out and my eyes widen at his words.
"You want the baby you'll have to go through us first." Riley states as she takes a threatening step. "And just for you Jacy, it'll be a fair fight." Riley smirks as she takes the small bag with the potion and puts the small pistol inside of it before gently placing it on the ground a couple feet away.
"Guards!" Jacy shouts and a couple guards come in behind her. "Do not harm Annie." Jacy commands as she looks to Navi and Navi smirks.
"The others are free game." Navi finishes and I see Rileys eyes widen slightly before narrowing.
"Fuck fair fighting." Riley states as she quickly grabs something from her pocket and throws it hitting a guard in the head. My eyes widen at the throwing star lodged deep in the guards forehead.
And with that chaos ensues. I see Riley shut down her emotions as her movements become calculated and cold. No hesitation in her movements as she dodges a punch from a guard and quickly takes a dagger from her pants and plunges it into his neck, My eyes widen in shock as I realize Riley does this with out breaking eye contact with Jacy.
James doesn't leave me as Daniel takes on another guard, Instead of killing the guard, Daniel dodges a few punches before hitting the guard in the jaw and knocking him out. My eyes widen as Navi puts her hand out stopping the next guard walking to Daniel. Instead she pushes him back and steps up.
I notice Daniel's shoulders tense, I know he doesn't want to fight Navi, infact, I know he would much rather kneel before her. Yet he knows what she is doing, is wrong. So he let's the blossomed friendship, they once had, wilt as he gets into a fighting stance.
My attention goes back to Riley as she kneels down swiftly as a guard jumps at her, he rolls over her back. Riley still does not break eye contact as she makes her way to Jacy. When the guard makes his way back around to Riley, grabbing her from behind, she takes her dagger, coated in the other guards blood, and swiftly drives it into the mans stomach. Quickly taking the dagger out as the guard grabs his stomach.
I look back to Navi and Daniel my eyes widen at them fighting. Navi dodging each punch with a smirk and for a moment I curse Riley for showing her how to dodge.
James watches them both, observing each move, while standing infront of me protectively.
I look back to Riley as her and Jacy finally start fighting. Jacy's moves are careless and arrogant. Rileys are smooth and thought out, as if she already knew Jacy's fighting patterns.
My eyes widen as a smirk fills Riley's face and her eyes darken as she quickly grabs Jacy's arm mid punch and pulls her closer while plunging the dagger already coated in blood, into Jacy's chest causing a gasp to go through the room. Riley twist the dagger before taking it out and taking a step back.
Jacy falls to her knees, holding the bloody wound, her hands drenched in her own blood.
A screech goes through the room and I turn my head and see Navi looking at Jacy, eyes wide and frantic, she then looks at Riley as Jacy falls to the ground motionless.
Navi looks to Daniel before quickly holding her hand out and blasting ice straight from the palm of her hand. I wince as it hits Daniel straight in the chest throwing him back. He hits a wall, hard and crumbles to the floor, unconscious.
Riley goes to lift her hand but before she can Navi beats her to it sending ice her way, but instead of flinging her back, Navi slams Riley to the wall and ice surrounds Riley, only keeping her shoulders and up free.
"Navi no!" I scream causing Navi's head to snap in my direction. My eyes widen at the darkness of Navi's eyes.
"How many times do I have to tell you Navi is dead, my name is Desdemona! Do I have to rip that baby out for you to understand?" My eyes widen at her words and James growls as he gets into a defensive stance.
Navi then glares at James. I shake my head, "No, you are not Desdemona, you are not a monster." I say as calmly as possible. At my words Navi smirks.
"Fine, if ripping that fetus out is the only way to show you, you are wrong, then so be it." With that ice forms around Navi's nails forming claws.
My eyes widen as she comes at us and James growls as he holds a hand out, letting green vines leave his hand. My eyes widen at the green vines rushing towards Navi, wrapping around her arms and hands.
Earth dragon, James is an earth dragon.
Though as the vines wrap around Navi she quickly claws at them cutting them, she then let's her hand out and ice escapes her. The ice wraps around James and she quickly throws him to the wall that holds Riley, Riley squirms as she tries to work her way out of the ice.
"Navi stop this, this isn't you." Riley states sternly making Navi roll her eyes.
"You're right Riley, I'm just a robot pretending to be Navi, jeez you guys are killing me here." Navi then puts her hands out. "If you can't accept this then you can not be apart of my life." At her words ice shoots out and thickens the ice around Riley and James.
"Navi stop!" I shout in tears. This can't be happening. I don't know what to do.
"I can't Annie, I told you I am not Navi anymore!" Navi looks at me, her hair is starting to grow back, her eyes are wild as she looks at me.
She isn't Navi anymore. I need to accept that. Yet my heart just can't.
"Navi please!"
She ignores me as she continues, the ice is building up to their necks.
With no other choice I breath in deeply, the fire in my heart erupts and I put a hand out quickly, as a ball of fire shoots to Navi, it hits her, throwing her to the side and stopping the ice coming from her hands.
A look of betrayal goes through her as she looks at me.
"Annie what are you doing? You are supposed to be on my side, I am your queen and your sister!" She shouts as she stands back to her feet.
I shake my head, the irony in her words. "No Navi, you are delusional I'm sorry, you have to stop." Navi glares at me aw the words leave my mouth.
She puts her hand out towards me as ice shoots out, I quickly put both hands up letting fire leave my hands, the ice and fire hit in the middle, fighting each other.
"Navi stop." I strain out as I try to keep my breathing even, to keep the fire going .
"Stop calling me that! My name is Desdemona!"
"No its not, Its Navi!" Riley shouts, causing Navi to quickly step aside making my fire shoot past her hitting the wall. I stop as she does, she then turns towards Riley quickly flicking her wrist sending a shard of ice Rileys way.
"No!" I state as I shoot a fire ball hitting the ice shard melting it.
"Get the bag Annie, get the syringe, I put some of the potion in it earlier!" Riley shouts and I turn my head to Riley's bag.
I look at Navi who also looks to the bag, suddenly we both rush to it. Navi throws ice at me and I dodge each attempt.
I jump to the bag, sliding on the floor grabbing it, Navi jumps right after I do as she also grabs the bag.
I kick her in the stomach as we wrestle for the bag.
I look through the bag as Navi wrestles me for it. I grab the syringe and let go of the bag causing Navi to fall in the direction she was pulling. The gun and a dagger falls out of the bag and slides slightly.
I take the cap off the needle and run to Navi.
Her eyes widen and she quickly shoots ice at my hand knocking the syringe out of my hand.
"No!" I scream as I try to catch it but it rolls under a cabinet.
"That's it!" Navi screams causing me to look at her. "Everyone dies!"
She then looks towards James and Riley putting her hands out towards them.
My eyes focus on the dagger that fell out of Rileys bag. I quickly rush to it and grab it with out a second thought I run to Navi as ice leaves her hands. If I could just weaken her long enough to get the syringe everything would be fine.
I throw my self at her but Navi moves suddenly and the dagger goes into her chest instead of her side, we fall to the floor.
Navi sucks in a deep breath as the dagger plunges into her chest area, she winces as she breathes in, confirming I have stabbed her in the lung.
My lip trembles as I look into the haunting eyes of Navi, realizing what I have just done. Her eyes are lifeless, dull, hopeless.
Tears stream down my cheeks, my lip trembles as a sob escapes. "I'm sorry." I say hoarsely. My hand is on the back of her neck, holding her close as my other hand rest on the dagger handle that is plunged deep into her chest.
Navi shakes her head. "No." A sob escapes my lips at her words.
Navi coughs up blood, her breathing starting to become labored.
"I'm sorry I let this happen." Navi whispers and I shake my head, my hand moves to her shoulder and I bring her body closer to me.
"No Navi it's okay. You'll be okay." With determination I try to lift Navi up causing a cry to leave her mouth weakly stopping me.
"No I don't want to. Let me go Annie."
I shake my head as I bring her to me. "No, no you're going to be okay Navi. We can get you patched up." I reason as I again try to pick her up, another cry leaves her and I stop, looking down at her. My tears drop and fall on her cheeks, as if I am crying for us both.
"I know I'm going to be okay, everything is going to be okay I know it." Navi states and I see the life fleeting from her eyes.
"No, Navi, No stay with me." I beg "Stay with me!" I shout as blood starts to come from her nose.
Navi gives me one more smile, this one is like the ones before the death of Bain.
Before the trauma.
"Love you Annie Bananie."
I shake my head as my hand goes to her cheek. "No Navi!" I shout as her body relaxes in my arms, her eyes half close.
A scream leaves my mouth.
I pull Navi to me. I bury my head in her neck.
A scream leaves my mouth.
I hold her tightly, tears race down my cheeks and sobs fight their way out of me.
How stupid can I be. I thought maybe if I just wounded her enough to bring her down so I could get the syringe everything would be okay.
I rock slightly holding her. I beg the moon goddess to bring her back. I beg the moon goddess to take me instead.
I feel a gentle hand on my shoulder and turn to see Riley. Tears escape her, she pushes me back gently, taking Navi from me. I try to fight, I couldn't let Navi go.
Strong arms grab me and pull me back away from them. I scream out as soothing words enter my ear as I'm carried from the room. I spot the water near the wall where Navi had Riley and James pinned on the wall. I spot guards rushing to Daniel and lifting him up.
Then the room is out of my sight as James walks into the hallway.
James runs soothing fingers through my hair as I bury my head in his chest and cry.
Like my body, my soul shakes.
This is not the end.
A few more chapters you guys!
So thoughts?
Also dont forget to vote and comment!
The making of Glitch:
Todd. (Frays mate)
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