Annie pov
"Aye yo bitches." I turn my head as I take a step back and smile as I see Riley walking from behind the castle, she holds up a vial. The potion. Relief fills my body at seeing Riley so soon.
"I found the drag-well actually the dragon found me!" Happiness goes through me knowing we now have the potion ready.
"You just left a couple hours ago." I say in surprised at how fast she had met the dragon. Riley nods as she approaches us and adds a little shrug of her shoulders.
My heart races in anticipation to know what happen.
"So you met Ittzy? What happened? What did she say?" Riley quickly looks around as she shushes me.
"We need to go somewhere private. It's to much of a risk here." I nod at Rileys words and follow her into the castle. Looking around we make sure Jacy and Navi aren't around to follow us and we quickly walk into the meeting room where Daniel meets us. He brings Riley in his arms and holds her tightly.
"Well. What happened, what was Ittzy like?" I ask causing James to look at me confused.
"Ittzy? As in the dragon as in my great great and a lot more greats, grandmother?" I nod my head as my eyes widen, realizing the Ittzy is infact related to James.
"Yeah her, and she is a drunk for starters." Riley states as she rolls her eyes and sits in a chair. "Plus she thinks no matter what we do Navi dies." Riley sighs. My eyes widen at her words and my stomach turns.
"What? what do you mean she dies?" I ask as Daniel rubs the back of his neck.
"Why would she finish the potion if Navi dies anyway." Daniel ask causing Riley to shrug.
"I don't know its confusing. Supposedly Navi has been reincarnated. Every life Navi has lived, she has had a tragic ending." Riley explains causing Daniel to tilt his head while his eyebrows pull together. I sigh harshly as I sit down in another chair close to Riley.
"That's not all. She only mentioned it like twice maybe, but she said there was another soul. I guess it also gets reincarnated? But she never said who." Her words cause Daniel's eyes to widen.
"Maybe Bain?" Riley shrugs her shoulders at his words.
"I don't know. She almost told me what Navi was but stopped her self. It sounded like she was going to say Goddess." Riley sighs harshly as she scratches the back of her neck. Daniel rubs on his chin in thought.
"A goddess?" James suddenly ask tilting his head. "A goddess of what?"
Riley shrugs. "I don't know, I don't even know if that is what she was going to say."
"Maybe the goddess of tragedy? Since she lives a tragic life each time she is reincarnated." Daniel guesses and all of us shrug. The only person that knows is the moon goddess herself and Ittzy.
"Maybe they are opposites. Navi is the goddess of tragedy and the other soul is the goddess of happiness or something?" James adds causing Riley to roll her eyes.
"Well I don't care what goddess or whatever Navi is she is not dying on my watch." Riley crosses her arms and I nod as does Daniel and James.
"So how are we going to go about giving her this potion?" I ask and Riley pulls on the vial and syringe.
"I say just stick it in her while she sleeps." I shrug my shoulders at Riley words.
"Yeah that could work. Who would give it to her?" I ask and Riley narrows her eyes. I look at her in shock, is it something I said?
"That's another thing, if the wrong person touches this, death would follow." Riley holds the syringe and vial closer to her. "So no one touches it but me."
"Well maybe Ittzy was talking about Jacy." Daniel reasons and I nod my head.
"Yeah that would make sense."
"I don't know but I am not risking it."
A knock sounds at the door causing us all to jump and look towards the door. Riley quickly puts the vial and syringe away. The door slowly opens and Jacy pokes her head though.
"Hi guys what are you all having a meeting about?" Jacy ask with a smirk as she steps in.
"About minding our own business. You should take notes." Riley states with a glare.
Jacy steps in as her smirk grows. "Well I just got done employing twenty fairies. They are going to the major hospitals to start reading the energy of new borns. If the newborns have more that ten percent of corrupt or evil energy, they get sent off where they are then killed." My eyes widen at Jacy's words as I stand up quickly. "They all start in three days."
I narrow my eyes at Jacy. "When was this approved by the council." My stern voice takes hold of the room and I notice out of the corner of my eye James eyes widen slightly as he looks at me.
"Well a couple minutes ago, I saw you were busy and decided to just have the meeting with out you." Jacy shrugs innocently but the smirk on her face suggest other wise.
"Right, of course." I say sternly as I cross my arms. "Well looks like I have three days to reverse this."
Jacy cringes slightly. "Yeah about that, I figured you would say that so I went ahead and had all the council men sign so that it could not be reversed. Oops?" I glare at Jacy who shrugs in feign innocence.
Damn her, we need to hurry up and give that potion to Navi. Which brings up other complications with the plan. I turn to Riley. "Okay so what happens after we give this potion to Navi. She is going to wake up thinking it's the day of the masquerade only to find out she is queen and Bain and his parents are dead. How do we explain all of this."
"Annie has a point." Daniel states as he looks at Riley. "Navi won't even know me much either, seeing as we meet after the masquerade." Daniel observes and I nod my head.
"Navi and I didn't get close again until after the masquerade either." I shrug before looking at Riley. "The only one left is you." Riley glares at all of us and then proceeds to huff.
"Of course I have to do everything, get the potion and deal with the aftermath. Damn." I roll my eyes at her.
"You won't be dealing with everything, just Navi, I'll deal with Jacy." I start and James jumps in.
"I'll deal with my brother."
"And I'll deal with this war mess." Daniel finishes with a nod and I stand with a sigh looking at Riley.
"So what are you going to tell her?" I ask causing Riley to groan in frustration.
"I don't know, I'm just going to wing it honestly." Riley shrugs as she stands up causing me to shake her head at her.
"Probably not the best idea to wing it Riley." I say giving her a pointed look.
"Well do you have any bright ideas Annie?" Riley spits as we walk out of the room with James and Daniel behind us. We walk down the hall before walking through the the throne room.
"Hey I think someone is following us. Do you hear that?" James stops as he looks towards Daniel with a confused look. James words cause me and Riley to stop and turn towards them.
My heart seems to skip a beat in anticipation as I strain my ears to listen. Of course I don't pick anything up, my hearing is not as sensitive as James and Daniel's.
"I hear it. It's a heart beat." Daniel confirms as he looks around scanning the room. He then tilts his head and sniffs the air.
"I don't smell any new scen-" Daniel cuts himself off as James and him make eye contact. Both of them slightly confused.
"You smell it? I don't recognize it " James stated and I look to Riley who is also scanning the area and in a defensive stance.
If the wrong people heard is, Navi or Jacy for sure were on their way.
"I don't recognize it either, it's close though, the heart beat is to, though it's faint, which is odd." Daniel states and at his words Riley relaxes.
"Wait, the smell is close but the heart beat is faint?" Daniel looks at her and Riley snorts before looking to me. "I know what it is you goof balls."
I look at her in confusion. My hands start getting sweaty at Rileys smirk. The way she is looking at me is making me nervous.
"Annie is pregnant." At Rileys words James face brightens tremendously. Yet I feel my face turn sickly pale as the energy drains from me.
"Pregnant huh?" At her words my blood goes cold and I turn with wide eyes to see Jacy with a smirk taking over her face.
So we are approaching the end. Are you ready?
There is more to this. There are more books coming out soon. Some will have happy endings some will not. And each book will tell you a little more about the mystery of the two important souls.
What are your theories?
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Making of Glitch:
How I imagine Mae Flower:
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