Flashback (warning mature content)
Annie's pov
I grab my books from my locker and quickly walk down the hallway with a huge smile on my face.
"What you smiling so big for?" Todd chuckles as he walks quickly to my side, my smile widens at his question.
"I have a date tonight." Todd smiles at the happiness in my voice.
"Oh is it that Tanner guy?" Todd teases causing me to blush. "You have been crushing on him all year. I can't believe you have a date with him." Todd states obviously happy for me.
"I heard he picks his nose." Todd teases as he scrunchs up his nose. I roll my eyes at him.
"No he doesn't, he is way to cool to do that." I giggle as we exit the school.
"You need a ride?" Todd ask as he waves to his mom, who pulls up at the school.
"No I'm just going to walk to Tanner's, it's only a couple blocks." I say as I point down the road.
"Suit yourself," Todd shrugs. He then gives me a hug as we say our goodbyes and rushes off to the car.
I wave to his mom as she drives away.
I then start my walk to Tanner's.
I blush at thinking of how cute he is. He wasn't the brightest star in the sky but he was definitely nice to look at.
Plus he is a quarter back and a senior, I am only a sophomore. His bright green eyes seemed to pierce through your soul and his dark brown hair just teased you to run a hand through it. He also has as dimples that complimented his smile, that could light up the room. He had just moved here two years ago from the Flight kingdom, so he still had the accent. Plus he is a dragon shifter how cool is that!
The most important part, is he knows me, he paid attention to me. He asked for my name, I didn't have to awkwardly introduce myself. Everything was so right when we first met, I wouldn't be surprised if he is my mate, sadly I won't find out till I turn 16, though it's only a couple months away!
I turn down the road to his house and quickly walk up the drive way. I knock on the door but tilt my head when it seems to already be open. Maybe he left the door open so I could see my self in. With that thought I quickly push the door the rest of the way and walk in.
I breath in deeply and smile at the smokey smell. That is something we both had in common, I had the power of fire, and he was a dragon that had the same power. I quickly walk in and look around the living room. It has a nice tan colored couch that sits on hard wood floors. The walls are a off white color and hold many of his trophies.
I walk through the hallway and down another one. His house didn't have an upstairs like mine.
I tilt my head as I start to vaguely hear noises. Like moaning?
I go to the door at the end of the hall and grab the door knob and open it while walking in slowly. I gasp loudly at the scene before me.
Hannah is on top of Tanner, both of them are naked. Tanner quickly throws Hannah off of him.
"Oh my gosh Tanner I was about to cum!" Hannah shouts in a high pitched whining tone. Tanner looks at me wide eyed. He then quickly jumps up grabbing his gym shorts ignoring her.
"Annie I can explain." Tanner states nervously as he looks at me, face full of guilt. I then look at Hannah, still laying down in all her glory smirking at me.
"It's kinda weird you are going to explain all of the things we have been doing, kinda kinky." Hannah laughs causing Tanner to glare at her.
"Shut up Hannah." She rolls her eyes as she stands and starts putting her clothes on. I still seem to be in shock as my feet are stuck where they are. Hannah smirks as she walks by me.
"See you later, and tell your sister I said hi." Hannah laughs causing Tanner to sneer at her.
"Fucking bitch." He then looks at me with a grimace.
"Annie, I'm so sorry, let me explain." Tanner pulls me with him as he sits me on the bed, because that should make me feel better, sit me on the bed you were just screwing Hannah on moments before.
"Annie, Hannah and I have been playing around for a couple months." Tanner states as he looks deep into my eyes, those green eyes piercing my soul.
"Today I was breaking it off with her, because I want to be with you." Tanner smiles at me and my heart skips a beat at the thought of someone choosing me over her. "But she came over and attacked me. I didn't want to have sex with her, she forced me."
"See Hannan has naked pictures of me, she black mailed me. She Said if I didn't have sex with her she would send them all over the school. That would ruin my football career." Tanner explains and I nod my head at him. It was something I could see her doing.
"So how do you know she won't continue to black mail you." I ask tilting my head.
"She gave me her phone so I could delete them," Tanner replies smoothly. I nod my head.
"Okay, I forgive you." I sigh as I stand. I still felt like I could throw up but I understood.
I start walking to the door before he grabs my hand. "Where are you going? I thought you forgave me?" I look back to Tanner and see he has a confused look on his face.
"I'm leaving, I forgive you but, you've been with Hannah. It's kinda weird." I laugh with a shrug.
"Well I don't want you to go." Tanner states and I shrug.
"Well I mean we can be friends. But nothing more." I sigh, Tanner clenches his jaw but nods his head.
He then smiles at me as he tugs my hand forcing me to sit on the bed. I try not to cringe knowing who was naked on this bed minutes prior.
"So what are you planning to do after school?" Tanner ask as he turns his body towards me.
"I'm thinking of going up north for fashion design, I already signed up for the process to see if I can even ge-" suddenly I'm interrupted as Tanner's lips meet mine. I quickly push him off though shaking my head. I can't seem to speak, in shock over him stealing my first kiss.
"Sorry Annie, you are just so tempting." Tanner shrugs with a smile that would have any girl swooning.
"Well its wierd, you were just with Hannah, I don't want to kiss you." I explain shaking my head, Tanner shrugs.
"Okay understandable. What if I go brush my teeth?" My eyes widen at his question and my stomach starts to turn.
"No, I don't want to kiss you." I state firmly causing him to throw his hands up in surrender.
"Okay, I'm sorry. Continue." Tanner tilts his head as he waits for me to continue speaking.
《Mature content: trigger warning.》
"Right, anyway, I should be starting the process soon, I'll know next year if I even get into the scho-" again I'm cut off as Tanner comes at me again. His lips meet mine and his other hand goes to the back of my head pushing me to his lips so I can't back away.
A muffled yelp leaves me at the sudden actions. I try to push on his chest to push him away but it doesn't work. He pulls me closer to him as one hand stays on the back of my neck as the other goes to my breast, he rubs on my boob over my shirt before traveling down grabbing the bottom of my shirt. He un-tucks my shirt from my skirt and goes up my shirt and under my bra, taking my boob in his hand.
My heart beats frantically as if it could rip out of my chest. My eyes start to water. I then breath in deeply causing him to stop kissing my lips. He kisses his was to my ear.
"I wouldn't do that, remember I can do the same thing you can." A strangled sob leaves me as I let the flame in my heart die out. His lips go back to mine as he roughly rubs my boob. He then moves his hand down to my skirt. I quickly grab his hand stopping him.
"Hey baby it's okay." He whispers to me and I shake my head.
"No please I don't want this." I say as I try to say it firm but it comes out in a weak whisper. My body shakes as his hand forces past my grasp as he goes to my thigh and lifts my skirt up. His hand feels like ants biting up my thighs to my panties. He moves my panties to the side and I shake even more as I start to feel like I can't breath.
My breath hitches as I feel his finger on my lips before he rubs between them. "Its okay baby, just relax, I'm going to make you feel so good." Tanner whispers in my ear as he sticks a finger completely in me causing me to cry out at how uncomfortable it feels. "Damn you are fucking tight Annie," I whimper again as he moves his rough finger in me.
"Shhh its okay, you will start to get wet soon enough." Tanner whispers soothingly in my ear.
I don't know why but my body went against my feelings and I did get wet like he said, soon he added two fingers and he laid me on my back. I couldn't seem to move or talk any more. I just stared at the ceiling cursing myself for not fighting back. Cursing my body for acting like it enjoyed this. Cursing myself for letting him explain himself.
This was my fault, I stayed here, I'm not fighting back, my body acts like it enjoys it. What the hell is wrong with me.
Soon Tanner pushes up my skirt till it is right below my boobs, he lowers his gym shorts and gets on top of me. More tears leave me and he hushs me. "I'm not going to go in you this time, I will wait until you are ready." Tanner whispers as he gives me a kiss on my lips.
Tanner rubbs himself on me, practically dry humping me. Then he takes my hand wraps it around him, then wrapping his hand around mine guiding me, to jerk him off.
He moaned my name as he cummed on my stomach. He grunts again as he stands from the bed. I close my eyes as I feel the warm sticky substance on my stomach.
I feel a cloth land on my face. I reach up and numbly take it and wipe the cum off of me. On shakey legs I stand, throw the cloth to the ground and pull my skirt down. I feel hands go around me causing me to flinch.
"Ah I'm so glad I broke up with Hannah for you. I'll see you next time okay babe." I numbly nod my head at his words, he kisses my neck and I walk from his embrace. He slaps my ass as I walk by him. I walk out of his room and quickly out of his house. By now its dark and I feel I could throw up. I promise myself to never go back to that house.
I feel the tingles over my body as I turn myself invisible, a comfort blanket for me.
I get to my house and numbly walk up the steps to my room. I barely make it to my bathroom as I vomit into the toilet. The tingles go through me as I turn my invisibility off.
When I'm done I wipe my mouth, I brush my teeth and start a shower, making sure only the hot water is on.
"After sex shower huh? I heard you went to Tanner's." I jump at my sisters voice, and like that, the switch to my emotions is back on, the damn breaks lose and suddenly I'm drowning in all the emotions.
I look at my sister and see her smirking. My heart pounds. I feel the pulse in my eardrums. My body shakes all over and I feel I can't breath.
A concern look takes over Iris. "Annie what's wrong.?" I shake my head and a sob leaves me and Iris comes to me grabbing my shoulder. "Did he reject you? Did he tell you he didn't want to be with you or something? " Iris looks desperately at me as if the answer is on my face. I shake my head at her. Iris pulls me to her embracing me in a hug.
"No, I said," another sob leaves me and I shake my head, closing my eyes.
"I said no," I say as a sob harshly takes over, and I feel Iris tense around me before holding me tightly.
"Annie, did he-did he rape you?" I cry harder as she breaks away from me to look at her.
I shake my head. "I mean he didn't go in me with his, thing, just his fingers so I don't know." I stammer as my sobs grow harsher.
"That ass hole." Iris curses.
Iris helped me in the shower, she helped me get dressed after. She laid down with me and didn't leave until after I fell asleep.
The next day Iris begged me to come forward, to report it but I couldn't do it, I felt like it was my fault.
So instead Iris attacked him at school, Tanner got kicked off the football team, not long after that his family moved. It was probably the nicest thing Iris ever did for me.
Neither of us spoke about it after, I tried to bury the feelings of him touching me, I tried to forget it all.
I promised to never let myself get into that position ever again.
Please remember that this is a flashback and Annie is only 15 in this chapter. I will not tolerate victim blaming for a 15 year old.
Other than that.
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The making of Glitch:
How I pictured Iris:
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