Flashback (Iris is 5, Annie 4, Navi 3,)
(Mispronounced words are on purpose in this chapter )
Annie pov
I grab my two dolls and rush after Iris. She giggles as she looks back at me from the bathroom door. "I beat you An! I beat you!" I roll my eye at my sister.
"Yeah whatever, I got my dolls you get yours?" I ask as I raise my dolls to show her. She nods as she shows me hers as well.
"Yeah come on," Iris walks to the bathroom and I spot mom who is turning off the water in the bath tub.
"Okay girls hurry up, you both have school in the morning." Iris takes her shirt and shorts off as mom helps me with my clothes.
Iris gets in and I quickly get in after her giggling at the hot water. Just how I liked it.
Mom doesn't waste time as she quickly washes us both. "Mom can we play for a minete?" Iris asks making my mother chuckle at my sister's way of saying minute. She gives Iris a quick kiss on the head.
"Yes dear, I'll be back soon to put you both to bed." Iris and I both nod before grabbing our dolls as my mother walks out of the door pulling the door so it's only cracked open.
"I'm gonna be Queen Ittsy! The crazy dragon lady!" Iris states as she takes the little doll sized brush and starts brushing her dolls hair.
"I wanna be Queen Tyra! I saw, I saw a picture of her the other day, she is so pretty." I sigh thinking back to her picture. I wished I could look like her. I think mother does to, mother has been trying different diets so I have a princess body, that's what mother says.
I over heard mother talking to one of her friends, the next diet mom says we are trying is a low carb diet. Mother talked about teaching me how to count calories. I sigh as I look at Iris. She isn't chubby, she is perfect, I wish I could look like my big sister.
"Ring ring." Iris says and I giggle as I make my doll pick up a phone. It's not really one there but I'm pretending there is one.
"Hello?" I say in my mostest elegant voice I can do.
"Is this Tyra?" I giggle at Iris attempt at a dragon accent.
"Yes this is Tyra!" I say excitedly as I move my dolls hair.
"Hi Tyra this is Ittsy. I wanted to know if you want to come swim with me in my pool."
"Of course! I'll be over in a minute!" I state and hang up the phone. I then walk my doll over to Iris doll. "Hello Ittsy I'm here!"
Suddenly the door creeps open and Iris and I turn to see Navi looking in.
"Hi NayNay. Want to play?" A shy smile over takes Navi's face as she shyly nods her head.
Navi creeps in after looking behind her to make sure mother wasn't looking. "You not gon tell moter right?" I smile at Navi, she always over says her T's.
Iris quickly shakes her head no causing Navi's smile to widen as she walks closer. "Thank you Irist."
Iris shakes her head at the 't' that follows Navi's 's' as always. Iris then hands her a doll. "I'm Queen Ittsy, An is Queen Tyra." A smile lights up Navi's face as she quickly grabs a doll and gets on her knees at the side of the tub.
"I'm Queen Serro." Navi smiles as Iris laughs.
"Its Zerro Nav, not Serro."
"Oh Serro."
Another giggle escapes Iris.
"Z Nav, Z, Zerro."
"Oh, Z?" Iris smiles in delight at helping Navi pronounce Z.
"Yea, now put it together." Iris encourages.
"Z, Serro?" I laugh as Iris shakes her head and over dramatically face paums.
"Try again, Z,"
"S-errooo" I giggle loudly at another failed attempt.
Iris shakes her head. "Okay I give up. I will never say minete right and you'll never say Zerro right." Iris shrugs before looking at me. "I'm ready to get out." I nod agreeing with her looking at my fingers that have the weird lines in them.
Navi stands and quickly grabs a towel for each of us and hands it to us as we get out and quickly towel dry. I put my clothes on while Iris only puts her panties and shirt on.
"Navi can I braid your hair? And Annie can braid mine. We can start a braid train!" Navi smiles and nods her head quickly and Iris grabs the brush on the counter then sits on the floor and pats the spot in front of her. Navi quickly does as told and sits infront of Iris.
"Come on An." I shrug.
"Iris. I do not know how to braid." Iris tilts her head at me before her eyebrows scrunch together and her nose wiggles like always when she is thinking of something.
"I'll teach you." She finally says and I quickly nod my head and walk to her and sit down beside her.
She quickly brushes Navi's hair, Iris always played with her hair as much as she could. I think she really liked the white blonde color Navi had.
"Okay, you take three pieces kay? You got that?" I nod my head quickly at Iris. "Now you gotta take the outer piece and put it over the middle piece? Kay?" I nod my head.
"Now you take the other outer piece and put it over the new middle piece kay?" I start chewing on my nail, maybe this was easier said than done. Yet I nod my head.
"Then you repeat, simple as that. Now you try." Iris commands as she gives me a brush. I quickly get behind her and sit down and brush her hair. I pick up the three strands.
Though before I have a chance the door opens causing us all to look to the door as fear creeps into us all. My father narrows his eyes at Navi who is frozen solid, her eyes already watering.
"Navi! What the fu-"
"Daddy! It wasn't Navi's fault! It was Annie's! Annie wanted to learn to braid and I had to have a person to show her so I had to use Navi." Iris interrupts my father causing him to look at her before looking back at Navi who is now looking down.
All of us wait a moment, holding our breath waiting on what dad was going to do. With out saying a word daddy walks out.
"I can't believe that worked." Iris whispers causing me to look at her.
Soon dad comes back holding a white cord. "Navi what did I tell you."
"Tay in tahe attic." Navi whispers and Iris looks back to dad.
"Shut up!" Iris eyes widen as does mine at dad's raised voice. He has never yelled at Iris before.
Iris doesn't say another word.
"Then what are you doing Navi?" Navi shrugs at my dad's scary tone.
"You fucking brat, you disobey me and you don't even know why?" Navi continues to look down and doesn't say anything, after a second dad quickly stomps to Navi grabbing her up by her upper arm as he raises his hand holding the cord before starting to hit her with it.
The whipping of the cord going through the air and the sound of Navi's screams fill the room. Dad drags her out as he continues to hit Navi with the cord as she screams how sorry she is.
"I told you to keep your worthless ass up-" the rest of what he says is muffled as Iris quickly covers my ears with her hands.
Minutes go by before finally Iris moves her hands. I hear muffled screams but mother comes into the bathroom with a smile plastered on her face. "Look at you two! Getting dressed by yourself!" Iris smiles at mothers words as she grabs moms outstretched hand.
"Come on Annie " mother calls and I follow then behind. Mom leads us to Iris room, she tucks Iris in and kisses her on the forehead.
I look up at mom as she walks out motioning me to follow her.
My mother hums in reply.
"Why can't Navi play with us?" My mother stops at my bedroom door and opens it.
"Because Annie, Navy is cursed. She is bad luck for the family so we can't have her bad luck rub off on you and your sister. Now go to bed." My mother points to my bed and I nod and walk in and climb into bed. Before I can ask another question, mom shuts the door. I sigh and lay down.
I didn't believe mom. Nothing bad ever happened when Navi was around.
I sigh again and quickly close my eyes and fall asleep.
What are some nicknames you call your siblings? My sisters name is Jaden, I call her JayJay or JuJu .
Dont forget to vote and comment!
The Making Of Glitch:
When Navi was originally a vampires slave her name was originally Hadley.
After I changed the story completely i changed her Name to Desdemona Almana. Before changing it again ti Desdemona Navi.
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