Chapter Thirty-Three: Hybrid Juice
Jackson comes to a halt dropping his hands on his knees. His heart is racing and it hasn't in years. He wipes the sweat that is gathered on his brow.
In the distance a twig snaps and he braces. It's instinctive. He knows it's Naomi before he sees her but he cannot stop his body from tensing. Throughout the course of his long life many have attempted to bring his demise. None succeeded.
But today death became a quick possibility. He could feel the life drain from him and it was cold. Like cold fingers gripping onto his toes and slowly making their way up his legs. To his torso, across his arms and lastly it gripped his chest, his heart.
Then it was just darkness. Complete and utter darkness.
Naomi comes to a halt just in front of him. He can hear every inhale and exhale she makes. The way her blood rushes in her veins. The slight smell of blood lingers around her. His blood. He clenches his fists.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just a little high strung. Is Raur okay? You saved me. Your quick thinking saved me. I am eternally in your debt, my Queen. I'm sorry I can't stop talking. I feel like I've been electrocuted back to life. I'm not even sure if I really died. Forgive me. I'll stop now."
Naomi grins at him. She walks beside him and nudges him. "Race you to the gate."
Before Jackson can respond she's taken off in a gust of wind and snow. Jackson chuckles and follows suit behind her. He comes up just behind her as the two of them approach the gate. Naomi does not stop and she continues running.
She glances over her shoulder at Jackson with a loud laugh. Jackson cannot contain his own. The two spend a two hour space working off the excess energy they both feel. Naomi skids to a halt at the front door and she drops her hands onto her knees.
She inhales and exhales deeply with a glance at Jackson. Jackson drops clumsily onto the steps leading to the front door. He raises his arms over his head.
"You're fast, baby vamp. One of these days I'll catch up to you. Thank you for this. How did you know I needed this?"
"Let's just say I have my way of knowing. Can I ask you something? And I'm sorry if it's a little tone deaf."
"What was it like? When you went under?"
Jackson glances at her and he swallows. "It was just darkness. I was aware that I was there, in the darkness. But that was it. It's like lying down with your eyes closed, waiting to fall asleep."
Naomi nods slowly. "Hey Jax?"
"Yes Naomi."
"I'm scared."
Jackson offers a sympathetic smile and he reaches for her, tugging her against him. Despite her best efforts her eyes fill with tears.
"You'd be a fool not to be. You want to know my theory?"
Naomi nods.
"It's just a distraction. Attack first to leave us scrambling. I don't even think we should take this seriously."
Naomi straightens away from Jackson with a deep frown.
"That's ridiculous Jax. This was an attempt at your life! It could have liked you! We have to figure out who did this. Track them down and-"
"-And leave ourselves vulnerable because we're focused on retribution? Come now Naomi. Even you know better than that."
Naomi bites down hard on her teeth. "Alright then. We keep it quiet, continue with our plans. But please don't expect myself or Raurlin to take this lightly."
Jackson nods with a chuckle. Come on. I'm sure that's him now."
Naomi forces herself to her feet and she follows Jackson in through the front door. Raurlin and Sarah are both making their way downstairs. There seems to be an air of fire around her. A slight glow. Her magick is palpable and Naomi shudders. Prickles shoot across her skin and scalp.
"Jax, are you okay?" Sarah demands. Her eyes gleaming deeply.
"Yes I'm fine. Good even. Come here, are you okay?" Jackson holds his arms open and Sarah steps into his hug.
"I'm fine. I'm angry. I'm sorry that I froze like that."
"Hey," Raurlin says gently, "we both did. It's not your fault. None of this is. But now we know that we've been too vulnerable for too long. Let's get some wolves down here."
Stellan strides into the foyer from the lounge. He stops as if unsure of himself. He opens his mouth to speak then falls silent again.
"I know who attacked you, Jax. And it's because of this that I am going to ask that we keep it here at least for now. Please do not mention this in front of Horatio."
Raurlin steps toward him with a deep frown. "You can't be serious, Stellan. I thought I smelt it but it was faint...God's when I get my hands on that witch."
Sarah steps forward but Naomi holds a hand up causing her to stop.
Stellan drops his head with a slow open mouthed exhale.
Jackson steps forward too with a pointed finger at Stellan. "You better be sure of what you're saying! That's a very loose accusation to make!"
"I'm certain Jax. Certain."
Jackson curses and he walks back to the front door. He swings it open but doesn't walk outside. He instead stands against the winds trying to steady his breathing.
Sarah breaks the pained silence. "It's possible for a witch to inhibit the body of another person. It's blood magick, a temporary spell. It has a timer if you will. It's possible that she's able to inhabit Horatio's body because she's strong. Incredibly strong. She's the first of her bloodline. If we can trap her in a body and kill off that body then we kill her too."
"We can't just kill an innocent person," Naomi counters with a frown at Sarah.
Sarah folds her arms. "It doesn't have to be an innocent person. We can find the lowest bottom of the barrel-"
"Sarah," Naomi cautions and Sarah rolls her eyes but falls silent.
"I need a drink," Jackson declares. Raurlin nods his agreement. He drops a hand on Jackson's shoulder and guides him to the kitchen. Sarah raises a hand and the door swings closed.
Stellan retreats back into the lounge. Naomi glares at Sarah once he's out of sight.
"You can't just say reckless things like that Sarah."
"Oh please had it been Raurlin you wouldn't just say reckless things."
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