Chapter Thirty-One: Dagger
There is a gust of wind that bangs the front doors open. There is movement within the house with such speed that Raurlin springs to his feet. He holds a hand out and just as he opens his mouth to speak Jackson is pulled from his chair and dragged to the lounge. There is a loud painful shout that Raurlin and Naomi rush to follow after.
Jackson is lying in the middle of the lounge with a dagger buried deep in his chest. He is shaking and struggling audibly to breathe, blood splattering out his mouth and staining his face. Sarah rushes into the room and collapses to her knees with a mighty scream. The fireplace bursts into flames and the windows fly open. Horatio appears at the door and Raurlin points past him shouting "Go!"
Naomi falls to her knees beside Jackson and she cradles his head in her lap. Raurlin closely examines the dagger. With every ragged breath Jackson grows paler, his breathing weak and raspy. There is a glass crest on the top of the handle of the dagger and the glass has been broken. Naomi reaches for the dagger and Raurlin snatches her hand back.
"Don't. This is poison. You pull it out, it will only work faster. If we can figure out what poison it is we can reverse the effects. Sarah your grimoire. Sarah!"
Sarah remains at Jackson's side, wide-eyed and incomprehensive. Naomi looks from her to Raurlin. "She can't help right now. What if we taste the poison? If we know the effect it has on us we may be able to work around it?" Naomi reaches forward again but Raurlin is quicker. He picks up a piece of the glass and sucks on it. His eyes immediately turn gold.
"Wolf resin. If it's in his bloodstream..."
Naomi pushes herself to her feet and she sprints to the kitchen. She throws the cupboards open until she comes across a medical kit. She rushes back into the lounge. Raurlin is holding onto his hand and he is silently crying. Jackson forces a smile then a laugh.
"Hey...Raur...remember...when we...were kids?"
Jackson coughs and a pool of blood splatters out his mouth and runs down his chin. He lifts a hand and holds it out to Raurlin. Raurlin takes hold of his hand shaking his head. "This is now how you die, Jackson, this is not how you die."
Naomi falls clumsily to her knees beside Raurlin and she rips open the bag. "Here take this needle, a hybrid can't be affected by wolf resin. We're going to do a blood transfusion. Come beside him here. Lie down."
Raurlin complies and he drops his body alongside Jackson, clasping onto his hand tightly. Naomi tightens a rubber band around Raurlin's upper arm then along Jackson's. She waves a hand at Sarah who is still frozen in place. "Sarah, hey I need you to be here right now I need your help. Sarah!"
Sarah seems to snap back into her body and she looks at Naomi wide-eyed. She shimmies on her knees to Jackson's free arm. "Okay, I can do a spell that will pull out the infected blood but you need to make sure that the clean blood is flowing in. Do it."
Naomi presses Raurlin's arm for a vein and once she's found one she eases the needle into his skin, immediately after she finds a vein in Jackson's arm and presses a needle into his skin. The two needles are connected by a thin long tube. Raurlin's blood pushes through the looped tube. Naomi focuses on her hand intently for a moment and as if on cue her nails protrude into long claws.
She stretches over Jackson who is barely breathing and claws at his free wrist. Sarah places an open palm over the torn flesh and begins exhaling an incantation, first slowly then faster and faster. The faster she speaks the more his blood is drawn out of his body. His skin becomes increasingly pale. His breathing grows weaker and weaker with each breath. Beside him Raurlin is lying. He is crying silent tears as he watches his best friend.
"Yes, I remember when we were kids. I remember your mother and father.Oh what a beast of a man. Yet so kind. Do you remember when we used to travel to the holy place? And we would race each other along the path? And there was that other boy too, what was his name? The boy with the red hair. What was his name?"
Jax wheezes a laugh then struggles through a cough. He rolls his head to the side to face Raurlin. His wheezing continues. "Braylin. His name was Braylin." he laughs again and a single tear falls from his eye down his cheek. "It has been an honour living this life with you Raurlin," Jackson whispers. "It's okay. You're going to make a good life with Naomi and protect Sarah, always. You have always been king." Jackson's eyes flutter and with a final breath he manages to get out "I love you, my brother." His eyes flutter then shut completely.
Raurlin's eyes fall closed. A sob shakes his chest. Sarah's voice cracks but she continues her chant. More and more blood gathers on the floor, spreading along the floor, staining Sarah's knees. She sobs and inhales sharply continuing her chant. Naomi reaches forward and grips the handle of the dagger. Her hand tightens around it and she pulls it out of the cavity of his chest.
She drops the dagger onto the floor and once it's out of his body there is a single line of smoke that rises from his heart. His non-beating heart. Naomi looks from Jackson to Raurlin. Raurlin has started to pale now. There's a slight shake in his body but Naomi is sure it's because he's trying to hold back tears. She reaches for the needle in his arm. Raurlin grips onto her hand.
"Wait, not yet."
"Raur...please, let me help."
Raurlin shakes his head. "Not yet."
Naomi drops onto her haunches. She runs a hand over her face as the magnitude of the situation begins to settle. She looks down at Jackson's motionless body. Beside her Sarah falls silent. She draws a blood covered hand to her face and covers her mouth. Her torso drops forward and she wraps an arm around his neck. Her body shakes.
There's another bustle at the front door and Naomi lifts the dagger, pushing herself up onto the balls of her feet. She clenches onto the dagger and looks up and just as she's about to push herself off the ground Stellan and Horatio skid into the room. Both are breathless. Stellan freezes as he spots Jackson. He drops to his knees. Raurlin coughs, his chest sounding painfully tight.
Naomi reaches for the needle again and Raurlin catches her hand but his grasp goes weak almost immediately. "Not yet," he pleads looking up at Naomi, his eyes a pale gold glow. Naomi's eyes swell with tears. A lump forming in her throat. She forces herself to swallow. Raurlin's eyes begin to flutter. Naomi feels a dizzy spell. The room around her spins.
She shakes the feeling from her mind and as she looks up it's clear that Stellan and Horatio are feeling the same. Raurlin grows still, his eyes fluttering still. Naomi reaches forward and she shakily pulls the needle from Raurlin's arm. She covers the skin where the needle was inserted and squeezes down on it tightly.
Jackson inhales a sharp ragged breath. His eyes shoot open and they are a ruby head with a deep gold ring around the deep red. Sarah scrambles to her knees and she eases Jackson up. Stellan exhales a loud sigh of relief followed by a short laugh. He wipes at his wet cheeks and he strides forward, covering both Jackson and Sarah into a hug. Horatio sits down on the couch, his body trembling.
Naomi shimmies on her knees to where Raurlin is lying limp, his breathing shallow. Naomi uses the needle to drag across her wrist. She presses her wrist to Raurlin's mouth. She squeezes her eyes shut, resting her head backwards. There is a well of emotions that grows within her and threatens to swallow her whole. Jackson reaches across to her and places a hand on her forearm. She opens her eyes with a shaky smile.
"You scared us," Naomi tells him with a voice crack. "I'm so relieved..."
"You saved my life," Jackson tells her as the colour rushes to his face. He glances at Sarah. "You both saved my life. Is he okay?"
Naomi nods her head with a chuckle. "Yes, he's going to be fine. Maybe a little weak for a little while. I'll get him to bed."
Jackson pushes himself up to his feet and he stretches slowly, flexing slowly. His eyes are still an intense red. "Let me help." Naomi nods her agreement. Jackson crouches forward and he slips his arms under Raurlin's body. Raurlin's eyes fall closed but he has a small smile on his face. Naomi pulls her wrist back. "Take him to bed, I'll be there shortly."
Jackson carries Raurlin out of the room and Sarah drops down onto her behind with a loud exhale. She looks up at Naomi, "I don't know how you knew to do that. You saved him. I owe you my life. I was so scared. I thought I was going to lose him. My God..." Naomi pulls Sarah into a hug. "We're okay, Sarah. I promise. Come on, let's get cleaned up. Stellan, Horatio, are you two okay?"
Horatio looks up at Naomi. A blank look on his face. Naomi guides Sarah to her feet and the two step around the pool of blood carefully. Stellan tightens his arms over his chest. He clears his throat.
"Your Grace, if I may, for the rest of the day we need to close up. Shut in. We need time to recover and recuperate. I will see to the cleaning and to your aunt. I am going to make a phone call to Mikain, we need bodies and we need them now."
"Do what needs to be done, Your Majesty. Tell Mikain we need Benedict and three men of his choosing. Tell him that we will let him know when we need him but for now we need the distance. I need to be with Raurlin. Sarah you need to get something to drink, something for the shock. Jackson will be amped on the hybrid blood. Don't be alarmed if he's antsy, like he's had too much coffee. Stellan you Jax and I will rotate on shifts to secure the perimeter. Sarah, let's get you a drink and upstairs. Have you got it from here Stellan?"
Stellan nods and encourages, "go on. We'll regroup in a bit."
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