Chapter Thirty-Nine: Family Dinner
The car pulls to a halt just at the steps of the front door. Horatio pulls the key from the ignition and hops out of the car. He walks to the back and opens the door for Naomi and then for Raurlin. Naomi steps out of the car and stretches slightly, her body feels stiff and uncomfortable.
"Sir Jax and Miss Sarah have left the house, Your Graces. They went into town and will be back soon I believe. His Majesty and Lady Delilah have not yet left their rooms upstairs. The house itself has been cleaned and I have taken the liberty of contacting a local security company to get a quote for cameras. Your Grace the quote is on your desk in your office."
Raurlin wraps an arm over Naomi's shoulders as they begin their walk inside.
"Thank you, Horatio. I think we'll have dinner as a family tonight and I'd like for you to join us. Any suggestions for dinner?"
"Yes Your Grace perhaps a roast beef with a vegetable medley? I can ask Sir Jax to collect what is needed while he is in town."
Raurlin nods his agreement as he and Naomi step into the foyer of the house. The house is in complete silence except for the faintest sound of classical music playing from above.
"Please see to it that the table is set for dinner too Horatio. And I will see to it that we get some help for you around the house soon. Thank you, Horatio, for everything."
Horatio bows his head and walks into the dining room. Naomi follows Raurlin into his office and she settles down in a chair in front of his desk. Raurlin walks around the desk and sits into his chair, lifting a piece of paper from his desk.
"Alright with this quote we should be looking at two cameras at the gate, two at the door and one on every perimeter of the house as well as flood lights. What do you think?"
"Sounds good but I think we should consider getting more for the kitchen door and the doors that lead out to the garden. Perhaps we should set up a guard house at the gate to control the coming and going? Maybe the wolves can assist? You're right we're going to need to build."
Raurlin runs a hand through his hair. "Yes well I'll ask Horatio if he can place the order for the cameras and equipment. Once Stellan is available we can find out if he was able to get through to Mikain."
As if on cue Raurlin's phone rings. He fishes it out his pocket and answers it, putting it on loud speaker and setting it down on the desk.
"Raurlin, hi, I'm sorry that I've missed your and Stellans calls. The little man has been keeping me rather busy. Is everything alright?"
"No, unfortunately not Alpha. There has been an attack, an attempt on Jackson's life. We suspect it to be Sigrid but we're not able to confirm anything conclusive as of yet."
"What the...unbelievable. Okay I'm packing a bag and I'll be down there within the day."
"Mikain," Naomi states, "perhaps it may make better sense to send a few of the young wolves. We are working on extra security measures and we do not have the space to house everyone right now. Maybe Ben and three wolves of his choosing?"
"Naomi, how good it is to hear your voice. Alright let me call Ben. He and the wolves will be there within the day and if not today by tomorrow morning latest. Is Jax okay? Are you all okay?"
"Yes we're fine." Raurlin assures him. "We can discuss things in detail at the next new moon. I'd like to formally invite you and Sandy to our home for the new moon feast. We will be inviting influential families from back home. If there is anyone else from your side that you think should be here then please let me know in advance."
"The feast of the new moon. Gods, it's been centuries since we've celebrated that. I think it's a perfect idea. I'll speak with Sandy and let her know. I'll message you with a follow up once I've spoken with Ben. Raurlin, Naomi, I am terribly sorry that this has happened."
"It's not your fault, Alpha." Naomi glances at Raurlin. "We were anticipating something and this is it."
"Thank you both for letting me know. I'll send a message in the next ten."
"Thank you," Raurlin echoes before cutting the call. He leans back in his seat, his fingers intertwined. "You know...something isn't adding up. We know that the witch is trying to distract us with menial nonsense. But that means she's planning something. We know she didn't want me to come into power as the hybrid. That's why she tried to kill you. But what is she up to? What is she planning? We'll need to speak to Sarah."
Naomi nods her agreement. "I'm getting real tired of people trying to kill me. One of them has already succeeded. I'll be damned if another does too. As of tomorrow I want everyone, including you, working through self defence drills with Jax and I. It's too cold to do it outside so we will do it here in the gym. But every morning before breakfast."
"Yes I agree. Everyone here needs to be able to defend themselves."
Naomi's eyes fall to the floor and she clears her throat. "Hey Raur?"
"Yes Naomi?"
"Will we be able to keep everyone alive?"
Raurlin doesn't answer. He rubs at his temples, shutting his eyes. Instead he says "come, let's give Horatio the okay for the cameras and things. Maybe we touch base with Stellan and Delilah too."
Naomi nods and stands up. She steps out of the office and as she does Stellan and Delilah are making their way downstairs, hand in hand. They both seem better although neither were particularly sick before. But there is colour in their faces and their eyes.
"Good to see you too together," Naomi directs at them with a smile.
Stellan and Delilah come to a halt at the bottom of the stairs. Delilah drops her head into a low bow. "Your Grace," she says "thank you for your kind words."
"Come let's sit in the lounge, Raur will you speak to Horatio?"
Raurlin nods. "Of course, I'll also put the kettle on for some tea."
"You will do no such thing Your Grace," Horatio responds from the kitchen.
Raurlin chuckles and follows his voice into the kitchen.
Naomi guides Stellan and Delilah into the lounge and she sits down on a couch with Stellan and Delilah sitting to her left.
"How are you feeling? Both of you."
"Better now, Naomi. Your aunt is doing better too, with the withdrawals. I think the worst is over."
"Because of your bond," Naomi confirms. "We'll be having a family dinner tonight. There we will discuss strategy and the way forward but for now we can have a conversation about our plans for the hospital locally. We have intention to build a unit for the vampires who have been affected by the Illness. We have intention to get in contact with the sympathisers from Cruymoore to establish a workable system here that won't affect the locals all that much. Stellan I'd like for you and Delilah to take lead on this. Stellan you already have a rapport with the vampires from Cruymoore."
"Of course Your Grace it would be an honour. Perhaps Dee and I could swing by tomorrow, have a look around. Get a feel for things?"
Raurlin walks into the room and Naomi turns to him with a look of question. Raurlin sits down beside her, resting a hand on her knee.
"Yes, that sounds good my queen. From now going forward no one but Horatio will be travelling or going anywhere alone. We will always be in pairs. Your Majesty if you're happy with what you find tomorrow feel free to start gathering quotes for the building, material and labour if necessary. I'm sure Sarah and Jax will be home soon and when they are we can have an in depth conversation about the way forward but for now this is a good start."
Raurlin pauses hesitantly with a look at Naomi.
"Delilah, if you don't mind me asking, how are you doing? I understand you were experiencing some...illnesses..."
"Withdrawals Your Grace. And I am feeling much better." Delilah glances at Stellan with a short smile. Her cheeks flush red. "His Majesty has been very helpful."
"Good. I'm happy to hear that. I trust that a relapse is the least of our worries?"
Delilah flushes again and she nods. "Yes. I know that I have caused a lot of pain and there is a lot I need to make up for." Delilah pauses, her eyes landing on Naomi. "You look so much like her, you know. Your mother. She would be proud of the woman you're becoming."
Naomi offers a small smile but says nothing. The front door swings open and Sarah's and Jackson's loud chatter can be heard as they step into the foyer. The group falls silent as they listen to Horatio taking the ingredients for supper from Jackson and informing both himself and Sarah that they are all in the lounge.
Sarah and Jackson stride into the lounge beside each other. Sarah sets a few plastic bags down just at the door frame and settles down on the couch in between Naomi and Delilah. Jackson folds his arms and rests against the door frame.
"Glad to see you up and about son," Stellan tells him, his voice slightly hoarse. "Had us worried for a moment there."
Jackson nods once. "Thank you Stellan. I'm happy to still be here. Very happy indeed. Now what have we missed out on?"
"Not much," Naomi tells him, "we've tasked Stellan and Delilah with gathering information for the building at the hospital. Stellan will contact the sympathizers from back home. Horatio will prepare us dinner and we'll have dinner as a family. We can talk in depth then."
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