Chapter Seven: Trespass
The light flicks on and Sarah and Naomi turn to look behind them Stellan steps into the lounge. He looks down at Naomi and Sarah with an amused smile.
"Ladies. I hope I'm not interrupting girl talk or anything."
Naomi can literally feel Sarah's heart jump as Stellan walks into the lounge. He settles on the couch a little further down as Sarah untangles herself from Naomi.
"You're not interrupting anything, Stellan. We're just touching base with each other. Are you spending the evening with us?"
Stellan nods his head saying "yes if that's okay with my queen and my queens right hand." Stellan winks at Sarah and she blushes a ruby red from her cheeks to her ears.
Naomi tucks her legs up on the couch and she looks to Stellan with a serious expression unwavering on her face.
"Did you say queen's right hand?"
Stellan nods his head. "Yes. Of course the queen will have a right hand should she choose. Typically in what is customary the king and queen rule equally. You and Raurlin will have to have a conversation about how you intend to rule. If you will take the throne alongside him. That is ultimately your decision but just as the king has a right hand so does the queen."
Naomi looks at Sarah with an inquisitive raised eyebrow and Sarah shrugs. Naomi turns back to Stellan.
"I had no idea," Naomi admits. "It seems I'm at a loss here with just a general lack of information. More than a right hand I need an advisor. Stellan would you-"
"-My queen, it would be an honour to be your advisor. Perhaps I might stay here a while longer."
"Yes!" Sarah snaps eagerly with an unexpected urgency.
Naomi and Stellan turn to her, confused. Sarah stands up suddenly almost as if she's unsure of herself. She runs a hand through her waves then with a glance at Stellan clears her throat.
"Yes I need to find Jackson. Please excuse me."
Sarah makes for the door before anyone can say anything. Once she's out of sight Stellan looks at Naomi with a confused frown. "Is she okay?"
"She's okay. She just has a lot of questions about how Jackson and Raurlin are tied to the history of witches."
"That's fair. If she speaks to Jackson he will be honest. And what about you? Any thoughts on taking the throne?"
Naomi shrugs just as Raurlin is walking into the lounge with a large plastic bag of firewood. He drops the wood in front of the fireplace with a smile at Naomi. Shortly after Jackson and Sarah walk into the lounge hand in hand. The two share a secret mischievous smile. Naomi can't help but smile at the two of them. Jackson drops onto the couch beside Naomi and Sarah perches down on his lap, resting against his abdomen.
"So now that we're all here," Jackson begins, "I had an idea. A little contest really."
Stellan settles into the couch with a chuckle.
"It seems we are fortunate to be in the presence of the first hybrid and a newly turned baby vamp. I think we should see who is faster."
Naomi grins and Raurlin who merely looks unimpressed. Raurlin levels a look at Jackson as he shakes his head.
"You would challenge your king?" Raurlin demands with a fake air of disdain.
Naomi stands up with her hands on her hips. The prospect of something physical sounding like exactly what she needs. She faces Raurlin saying "I would challenge my king."
Naomi winks at Jackson then turns back to face Raurlin who is looking at her amused. His eyes ooze into an intense amber glow and he slowly grins cheekily. Naomi can feel her eyes pulsating just as Raurlin's have changed colour. Jackson drums his hands across Sarah's thighs.
"And it seems we have a contest! Let's start with curtains."
Sarah stands up and she fishes her phone out of her pocket. She motions for the foyer and Stellan woops then jogs out after her. Jackson rests a hand on Raurlin's shoulder as they walk into the foyer. Naomi walks alongside them until they come to a halt at the bottom of the staircase. Naomi feigns a series of stretches as Sarah cheers her on. Jackson jokingly coaches Raurlin as Raurlin springs up and down on his toes as a boxer would before a fight.
Stellan claps his hands together twice and he instructs Naomi and Raurlin to assume the starting position at the bottom of the staircase. Sarah falls into place beside Stellan as she opens the stopwatch on her phone. She looks to Stellan with a nod of her head.
"Alright king and queen, on your marks, get set...and go!"
Instantly Naomi and Raurlin with what feels like a great gust of wind that pulls Sarah, Jackson and Stellan forward Once they're out of sight Stellan strolls back into the lounge. He walks over to the fireplace. He rips the bag open and begins stacking logs into the fireplace. Sarah follows in after him and she stands alongside him. Once Stellan straightens he looks over at Sarah.
"Sarah, a hand please."
Sarah nods and raises a hand to the fireplace and the logs burst into flames. It feels amazing to have that surge of power run through her and goosebumps fly across her skin just as Jackson is settling down on the couch.
"Are you cold?" Stellan asks as he ushers Sarah onto the couch beside Jackson, with a hand on her back. Sarah flushes but shakes her head.
Jackson lifts the fluffy blanket and covers Sarah with it. "Oh no I'm okay," Sarah insists.
"You're covered in goosebumps," Jackson says gently.
"Ah" Stellan exclaims "it's the magick. How long has it been?"
Sarah sighs. "Since the wolves. After everything went down the spell I did to purge the black magick. It took it out of me and I think I've been recharging but it always feels better to practice."
"About that sweetheart," Jackson says resting his hand on Sarah's thigh "Raurlin would like to have a vertical garden built for you. Maybe tomorrow take some time to look about the property and see where you would like it done."
With that Naomi comes skidding into the room with Raurlin coming in shortly behind her in a fit of laughter. Naomi rests a hand on her side and leans forward as she tries to settle her breathing in between laughter. The exercise had been amazing. And hilarious. Naomi had no idea she could move so quickly. It was exhilarating to just scratch the surface of what Naomi now knows is possible.
Raurlin scoops Naomi up, pressing a deliberate and fast paced kiss against her lips. There's cheering from the audience that's watching on. Raurlin sets Naomi on down and she turns to face Jackson flushed and breathless.
"Well Jax I do believe I won that round. Perhaps you would like to conduct a quality check?"
Jackson nods and glances at Sarah who nods. Jackson and Sarah walk out the room hand in hand. Raurlin pats his stomach.
"I think I could do with a snack. Naomi? Stellan?"
Stellan stands up with a grunt following Raurlin out the room. Naomi watches as they disappear out of sight completely. She folds her arms over her chest as her breathing finally settles. She can hear Jackson and Sarah laughing upstairs. Raurlin and Stellan chatting in the kitchen. There's a grey space between the words and comfortable silence.
There's a sharp snapping sound that causes Naomi to jump. She glances quickly around her. Naomi takes a few hesitant steps towards the glass doors and almost briefly it seems as if there's something out in the distance watching her. Silence envelopes her completely even if just for a second. It's too loud. Too noticeable.
Naomi jumps again and she turns to face Raurlin who is watching her with a frown.
"You okay? What is it?"
Naomi nods her head with a forced shrug. "Yes I'm fine I just thought I saw something out there."
Stellan appears from behind Naomi with a steaming mug. The warm rich tones of coffee fill the air. The fire crackles radiating heat. Home. This feels like home. Stellan settles down on the couch.
"Well yes this area is known for its foxes. It was likely one of those little buggers."
"Yeah probably."
Jackson and Sarah clamber back down into the lounge. Jackson clears his throat and raises a hand, commanding the attention of those in the room.
"Okay. We've reached a verdict. We need another round just for tests sake. A level of control."
Raurlin groans as he holds a hand out to Naomi. Naomi chuckles and pulls him to his feet.
Authors Note:
This book is a Wattpad exclusive if you're reading this anywhere else then my work was published without my authorisation.
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