Chapter Forty-Four: Awake
Naomi jerks awake, forcing herself up in her bed. Beside her Raurlin quickly pushes himself up and pulls Naomi against him. Naomi settles against him, trying to settle her breathing. Raurlin clears his throat then rubs Naomi's back.
"You okay? Bad dream?"
Naomi nods then rubs at her eyes. "It wasn't the fox, something else. Don't know what but I was scared. I haven't had nightmares in a while. It just feels like it's starting up again. I didn't mean to wake you."
Raurlin drops back onto his pillows as he holds Naomi against him. "Don't apologise. It's a lot to try and come to terms with, everything that's happened. But I promise you we're okay. The cameras are set up, the wolves are here and Sarah and Jax are working hard at figuring out what the witch is up to."
Naomi mumbles an agreement as she shuts her eyes with an exhale. "Been thinking about the feast. It will be soon afterall."
"Yes it'll be two weeks away now. What are you thinking?"
"Thought of a theme, will make invites today and we can send them out. Some influential wolf families and some from the vamps. Will go over lists with Stellan and Dee today. What time is it?"
Raurlin exhales a soft snore. "Late. Suns out."
"We should get up," Naomi insists. "I can't believe we've been sleeping so much."
"We're processing. Being the king and queen is bound to take it out of us. Okay let's wake up. And besides you've been working through your gruelling routine every morning."
There's a soft knock at the door. Sarah pokes her head into the door then walks into the room, flopping on the bed. "You two can't hide away all day. You know we've already been out and about? Axel has just left the sheriff's station."
Raurlin sits up straight. "Thank you for letting us know Sarah. Have Jackson send word that we want them here this afternoon by four. Naomi, you ready for this?"
Naomi forces herself up and out of bed. She nudges Sarah who stands up too. "Yeah let's do this."
Sarah takes hold of Naomi's hand and the two walk out of the bedroom. Sarah guides Naomi to her bedroom. The bedroom is bare and the doors leading to the balcony are open. Naomi follows Sarah onto the balcony. There are an array of plants growing around the edge of the balcony, vines snaking over the fence.
Sarah runs a hand over the delicate plants. "These are growing perfectly now. I know you wanted to see them and I'm sorry to drag you out of bed. I know you've had quite a few late nights. We all have. But I wanted to show you something."
Sarah walks back inside and Naomi follows closely in tow. Sarah pulls open a cupboard and produces a long thick cylinder candle that is wrapped in a variety of different herbs and leaves.
"For as long as this burns there will be a defence set up around the perimeter of the house. It's spelled and it will not run out. I'm going to light it now. Jax and I will also be heading back into town today as well. Continue mapping the witch."
"Thank you Sarah. I'll send a list of things we'll need for the feast. Is Horatio okay?"
"Yes, fine. The wolves are downstairs."
"Let me get dressed and head down, you and Jax don't leave until we're down."
Sarah drops onto her knee with arms splayed outward. "Understood, Your Grace."
Naomi rolls her eyes at the gesture and walks out of the room and back into her own. Raurlin is tightening the laces of his boots.
"I'll wait for you,"Raurlin tells her. Naomi nods and walks into the bathroom, she makes quick work with getting dressed and ready. The two emerge from their bedroom, hands clasped.
With a look of reassurance the two walk down the stairs, steps in time with each other. There is a bustle coming from the dining room. Naomi cannot hide her smile. The two walk into the dining room.
The table is fuller than usual. Jackson and Sarah are in their usual seats with Stellan and Delilah across the table. Filling the rest of the table is Benedict, Rhonan, Beau and Clem.
Rhonan, Beau and Clem have grown dramatically since the awakening. The wolves arrived in the early hours of the morning. Benedict drove them through the night and he brought with two of the younger female wolves.
Angelica and Brianna. A petite blonde with curious blue eyes and a built brunette with the mouth of a sailor. The five of the younger wolves bustled into the home in a burst of noise. There was an air with excitement and fear that the wolves carried around them.
Jackson and Sarah were able to find a motel downtown perfect for the wolves. Something very low key close to the king and queen. Over the space of a short two weeks they all fell into a comfortable routine with the wolves spending the day at the house and the nights at the motel. All meals are shared and the two girls work closely with Horatio.
Raurlin and Naomi settle in their seats and the chatter around the table continues. Angela and Brianna walk into the room setting trays of food down on the table. Horatio stands at the door with a tray tucked under his arm.
Angela and Brianna turn to Horatio for direction and he bow's slightly. Angela and Brianna mimic the bow and just as they're turning to the door Naomi holds a hand up. The table falls silent.
"Angel, Brie come and sit. You too Horatio. Did you all have a good night last night?"
Rhonan perks up as the unannounced leader of the young wolves. "Yes thank you, Your Grace. Looking forward to a good meal as always here. Do we have a specific plan for the day?"
"Yes. Stellan, Axel was spotted at the sheriff station earlier this morning. We will be receiving him at four today so that means everyone is in by four. Rhonan I want you here today. Beau and Clem you two divide between his majesty and the king's resolute. Let me know what you decide. Tomorrow we regroup with updates. Questions?"
The wolves look to Raurlin, instinctively. Raurlin has already begun dishing breakfast for himself and Naomi. Raurlin looks at them, raising an eyebrow. "Your Queen has asked a question," Raurlin reaffirms gently.
Rhonan clears his throat, nodding his head. "No questions, Your Grace. Understood."
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