Chapter Eight: First Night
Naomi slips under the thick blankets of her and Raurlin's shared bed. Raurlin pulls her onto his bare torso. His body is radiating warmth that Naomi finds she desperately needs. Since her death the cold seems to seem it's way into her bones threatening to cramp her muscles to a standstill. Raurlin gently strokes Naomi's hair with a few kisses on her head.
"Hey Raur?"
"Yes beautiful."
"Will I always feel this cold?"
Raurlin presses a kiss against Naomi's forehead. "I should have warned you about it," Raurlin admits. "Winter months are harsh for us. I've heard of vampires who freeze solid in the winter and quite literally defrost in the summer. It's important to stay as warm as possible. As soon as we have some staff in here we'll likely have fires going in every fireplace until the weather warms up. Summer is now your best friend."
"I always did prefer summer," Naomi mutters. She falls silent a moment then probes again "Raurlin?"
"Yes beautiful."
"I don't think we should have the balcony room, Raur. I think we should give it to Sarah."
Raurlin peers down at Naomi with a confused frown. "Sarah? My sweet Naomi, I don't know about that..."
"It makes more sense for her, Raur. She can have some herbs growing on the balcony. Get some fresh air if she needs it."
"And what will that say about us? The king and queen giving up their living quarters?"
"That we know how to take care of our people, Raurlin."
Raurlin can't help but smile. "Our people."
Naomi huffs with an eye roll. "I'll be going into town with Sarah tomorrow. Soon she's going to start asking questions about Idonea and Sigrid. Please be honest with her. And with me Raur. There's so much I don't know about how these systems work. I have so much catching up to do."
"You're going to be okay. I'm going to help you anyway I can. Tomorrow Jackson and I will move the rooms. Sarah will have this room. I would like to ask her to spell the rooms for some level of privacy. Tomorrow you and Sarah do what you need to do. I don't like the idea of you two being out there alone. Please consider allowing Stellan to accompany you. For now get some rest, Naomi."
Naomi settles against Raurlin and Raurlin pulls the heavy blanket up to her shoulders. He runs his hand up and down her arm gently as goosebumps prickle across her skin. Raurlin knows it's a mixture of the cold and her new-found hypersensitivity.
"Raur?" Naomi asks in a sleepy hushed voice.
"Yes my sweet Naomi."
"Why aren't you cold?"
"I'm the hybrid."
Naomi stirs in her bed, twisting and stretching with a groan. She drags her eyes open. The curtains are open and there is light streaming into the bedroom. The ensuite bathroom door is closed and the shower water is pounding loudly, ricocheting off Raurlin's body and landing heavily on the shower floor. Naomi shuts her eyes. She can hear Raurlin humming, she can smell this minty body wash. She can hear Sarah rummaging through her suitcase with music playing from her phone. Downstairs Jackson and Stellan are moving things around in a room Naomi can't place.
The bathroom door opens and a gust of steam pools into the bedroom. Raurlin walks into the room with a towel tight securely around his waist. His hair is dripping and steam is rising off his torso and arms. Naomi props herself up with a familiar smile. Raurlin winks at her as he walks to his wardrobe.
"Like what you see?" He probes playfully.
"Good morning Raur," Naomi responds, choosing to ignore his comment.
Raurlin glances over his shoulder at Naomi. "Your words say one thing but that blush in your cheeks tells me something completely different." Raurlin pulls out some clothes. He walks over to the bed laying his clothes out then drops his towel. Naomi's blush deepens.
"I'm going to hit the shower," she tells him as she slides out the bed.
"No need to rush off," Raurlin whispers and he reaches for Naomi. Naomi swats his hand away with a playful smile. "You should have woke me," Naomi tells him as she walks into the bathroom "I would have joined you."
Naomi swings the door closed and she settles against the door with a chuckle.
"Left a towel for you on the rack," Raurlin shouts. Naomi waits until he has left the room then sets to work with a quick shower. Naomi turns the shower handle on and after a few short minutes the water has completely warmed up. Naomi strips and steps under the water. She leans her head back allowing the water to run all along her face and hair. The water raining down on her skin is intoxicating. The feeling of each drop landing on her skin feels as if each drop is waking her skin up. It's electrifying and warm. Naomi squeezes her body wash onto her loofah. She rubs it in her hands and it foams up with a burst of vanilla and baby powder fragrance filling the air.
Naomi tightens her towel across her body. She runs a towel through her hair then wipes the mirror. Naomi looks up at her reflection and takes a step back. Her eyes are a deep ruby red and only upon seeing them she feels the pulsating behind her eyes. Naomi squeezes her eyes shut, willing her eyes to settle. Once the pounding has stopped she slowly opens her eyes. Her eyes seem to almost have an amber glow around her usual light hazel. Naomi takes a step forward as her heartbeat begins to rise. As Naomi leans into the mirror the amber glow seems to disappear.
Naomi walks quickly into the bedroom. The air around her skin is cold and crisp. Naomi pulls her wardrobe open. She rummages through then settles on a thick tracksuit with a matching hoodie. Naomi dresses quickly then settles on the bed and slips on a pair of socks and running trainers. Naomi swirls her hair into a loose bun atop her head then she pulls Raurlin's wardrobe open. She flicks through his hangers then pulls out a large leather coat with fur lined on the inside. Naomi slips the coat on. It seems like Raurlin. Like home.
Naomi pulls the bedroom door open and she jogs downstairs. There's chatter coming from the dining room and Naomi follows the noise inside. Raurlin is sitting at the head of the table in a long sleeve cotton shirt. To his right Jackson is sitting in a thick wool jersey and a thick scarf. Sarah is sitting diagonally across from Jackson allowing a space beside Raurlin to his left. Sarah seems to be engaged in a disagreement with Jackson. Jackson is frowning at her deeply and his arms are folded tight across his chest. Raurlin is rubbing the bridge of his nose and his eyes are shut.
Naomi steps into the dining room and as she does Raurlin looks up at her with a soft smile. Jackson looks up at her then falls silent, wide eyed. Naomi can feel herself flush as she walks round to the empty seat beside Raurlin. She drops into the seat between Raurlin and Sarah and in front of Jackson. Raurlin reaches across the table and he takes hold of Naomi's hand. He gives it a small squeeze and Naomi looks up at him with a smile. His eyes are misty.
"I hope you don't mind me using your coat. I don't think I have anything that can beat this cold. I'll see about getting something when Sarah and I go into town."
"It's okay my queen. It suits you. You look beautiful."
Jackson glances at Raurlin as Raurlin wipes at his eyes. Naomi drops her eyes to the plate in front of her with the unwavering feeling that she's done something wrong. The table is beautifully set complete with cutlery and crockery. Stellan walks into the dining room. He has an apron wrapped around his waist and a spatula in hand. His eyes land on Naomi and he stops in his tracks with an exhale. Stellan clears his throat.
"Good morning everyone. I hope you don't mind. I've taken the liberty of cooking us all a hearty breakfast. I figure from this point things are going to be quite hectic and we'll need all the full meals we can get. My king and queen would you do the honours?"
Naomi glances at Raurlin. "Thank you Stellan. Jackson, will you give me a hand? Perhaps it will be easier if we dish from the table."
Jackson and Raurlin make for the kitchen. Once they're out of sight Stellan settles into a seat beside Sarah. Naomi looks across at Stellan with wide eyes.
"What did I do?" She demands in a low and urgent whisper.
"The coat. It's traditional clothing that is passed down from father to son when the son has reached his manhood. It's something that is typically worn in the winter time and it is a great honour. I can imagine Raurlin hasn't worn his in a long time. He's likely not seen it since the death of his father."
Naomi exhales a deep breath and she rubs at her temples. "I had no idea," she mutters, then bangs a fist onto the table. "I'm sick of not knowing."
Sarah drops a hand on her leg with a concerned, almost sad look. "It's okay Naomi. Today things are going to start falling into place."
"When you get back I will have more information for you. Books for you to learn from. History and family trees. You will start learning then and I will teach and advise you. For now let's have breakfast and start the day right. What do you and Sarah intend to do in town?"
At the question, Jackson and Raurlin walk into the dining room each with platters in their hands. Jackson sets down a platter of meat; bacon, sausage and smoked chicken. Alongside the meat he sets down a platter that has toasted bread slices with mini butters and jams. Raurlin sets down a platter of scrambled eggs and another with fried tomato and onion slices. The meal in its entirety smells delicious. Naomi inhales and her stomach rumbles loudly. She chuckles.
Raurlin drops into his seat and he looks up from his plate. All eyes are on him. Again. He raises his hands with palms facing upwards. "Your majesty, thank you for gracing us with this incredible breakfast. You have an open invitation to cook here as long as you'd like." There's laughter around the table. "Alright please dig in."
It seems there's hesitation around the table. Stellan clears his throat again. "Uh would be appropriate for the king to dish first."
Raurlin nods his head. "Yes I'm aware but this king does not eat until his people have eaten." Raurlin glances at Naomi with a quick smile of acknowledgement. There is still hesitation. Naomi returns Raurlin's smile and she picks up her plate. She scoops scrambled eggs onto her plate then toast and lastly each type of meat. At her action Stellan lifts his plate and begins to dish. Sarah and Jackson follow suit.
"What did we miss?" Jackson asks as he begins digging into his breakfast.
"Sarah was just telling me what she and Naomi will be doing in town today," Stellan states. Jackson raises an eyebrow Sarah seemingly unamused by Stellan's response.
"I was not," Sarah responds with a hint of irritation. "We have things to take care of that do not require scrutiny."
"But I've already told you I'm not happy with you two going alone, Sarah" Jackson cautions.
Sarah rolls her eyes and shoots back "we're not these fragile little things Jackson. We do not need babysitters. We do not need supervision. I pity the fool that should attempt to challenge us." Sarah levels a glare at Jackson and as she does the candles on the candlesticks behind her flare up in large flames.
"Enough," Raurlin says casually but confidently. He does not look up from his plate and he continues to slice into his sausage. At his words the flames fall to nothing and both Sarah and Jackson lean into their seats.
Authors Note:
This book is a Wattpad exclusive if you're reading this anywhere else then my work was published without my authorisation.
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