Chapter Fourteen: Autopsy
Naomi stumbles, falling clumsily to her knees. She gasps inward, air rushing painfully into her lungs. She looks around her. Naomi eases to her feet slowly. She is standing at the wall of a building. She recognises the building. Naomi looks down at her hands and they are covered in blood. Her fingers begin to shake. She looks down at her feet and blood is gathered in a pool in front of her. She looks down at her arms, her chest, her body but she sees nothing. No cuts, no harm.
Naomi spins around and her bag is on the ground behind her, half open with her papers blowing threatening to get lost in the wind. Naomi rushes forward and she picks up the bag. She can hear cars on the road behind her. Naomi holds her bag against her chest and she rushes around the building, slipping in through the front door. It's the hospital. The human hospital. The smell of decay, blood, sweat and perfume gathers in her nose. Steriliser, bleach and tears.
Naomi stumbles down a hallway, trying to distance herself from the noise of people behind her. She pushes into a bathroom and locks the door. Naomi drops her back onto the floor and she walks to the basin, pausing when she spots her reflection in the mirror. Her hair is a mess, she is caked in snow. How long has she been out? What time is it? Raurlin must be worried. Naomi flicks the faucet upward and water gushes into the sink. She runs her hands under the water, trying to wash the blood clean.
The water mixes with blood and it floods down the sink. The blood is real. Where did it come from? Naomi heaves over as bile surges upward in her throat. She forces out several loud exhales, scrubbing her hands against each other roughly. Her eyes fill with tears and they blur her sight until all she can see is a river of red in the sink below her.
Raurlin pauses, turning his head with a frown. He inhales, holding the breath in his nose.
"Mr Tormundson?"
Raurlin turns to face the chief who is watching him with a deep frown. Raurlin glances at Jackson who is trying and failing to remain stoic.
"Forgive me, I thought I heard something. Please, as you were saying."
The chief clears his throat. "I don't understand why this shit is falling on my doorstep. It was on the border as far as I'm concerned it's not my jurisdiction but strictly between us our neighbouring towns are struggling with the amount of bodies piling up. It looks to be some kind of twisted serial killer and I want to stop him before he manages to tear his way through here."
Raurlin and Jackson follow the man into an elevator. The doors shut and he presses the button with the label 'morgue.'
"You can imagine my surprise when I find out that we've got two detectives here in our midst. I knew some people had moved into that old place but never expected two detectives. Oh a Godsend! I am very grateful that you have decided to help with the investigation."
Jackson clears his throat. "No, we have not come to a decision. I did make this clear. We will merely observe what you have thus far and see if we can assist."
The chief glances at both of them with a huff. "How'd such young guys become detectives anyway? Must be miracle workers."
Raurlin glances at Jackson and Jackson shrugs. The elevator doors slide open and Raurlin steps out into the hallway beside Jackson. He sucks in a breath, the smell of death and chemicals mixing in his nose. He bites down hard as the chief leads them into a double doored room. A young woman dressed in a white coat and with a name tag reading 'Jennifer' is standing over a body, writing down on her clipboard.
"Jenny," the chief directs, "these gentlemen may be able to assist us here. Please take us through what you've found."
Raurlin examines Jennifer closely as she turns to face them. He can hear as her heart begins beating faster, her cheeks flush. Raurlin steps forward, extending a hand. Jennifer looks down at his hand and hesitantly shakes his. Her palm is clammy. She clears her throat.
"Gentlemen, this here is our Jane Doe. Still haven't been able to ID her. It is probably the most gruesome thing I have seen in my career. I hope you don't have weak stomachs."
Jennifer tugs the sheet off of the corpse and Raurlin steps forward. He looks up at Jackson as Jackson walks around the table and stands on the other side of the table. Jackson leans down slightly with a soft inhale. Jennifer stands at the foot of the corpse.
"The eyes, it seemed at first as if they were being surgically removed by the lacerations of the eyelids and around the eyes but the eyes themselves have been ripped out. They weren't damaged on the removal; there are no actual residual fragments of the globes themselves."
"He was interrupted..." Jackson mutters, arms tucked behind his back.
"The teeth," Raurlin asks "can we see the teeth."
Jennifer nods. "Of course." She walks to the table side next to Raurlin and pulls out a pair of latex gloves. Jennifer steps beside Raurlin and her breathing shallows. Raurlin glances up at her, frowning. He walks to the foot of the table.
"Look," the chief says, examining his phone, "I'm sure you can handle this. I need to get going. Mr Tormundson, you have my personal number, please give me a call once you've made a decision."
Raurlin nods his head then turns his attention back to the corpse. Jennifer gently lifts the upper lip of the corpse. Jackson leans in close again, his eyebrows tugged together tightly. Jackson stands up straight and looks at Jennifer with a raised eyebrow.
"The teeth were removed with precision. The canines on both the left and the right were carefully cut out with little damage done to the gum themselves. I would have to assume that the teeth removed were in perfect condition. Have you seen anything like this before?"
Jennifer steps back pulling her gloves off and wrapping one into the other and throwing the ball into a metal bin next to the table. Raurlin looks up at Jackson, pursed lips.
"Jennifer," Jackson walks around the table to where Jennifer is standing. "Could I have a look over your report thus far?"
"It's preliminary," Jennifer mutters quickly, "I am yet to finish it. It won't be complete."
"We understand," Raurlin insists. Jennifer picks up her clipboard and she hands it to Jackson. The three stand in silence as Jackson scans over the pages on the clipboard. Jackson huffs and hands the clipboard to Raurlin. Raurlin accepts the clipboard and looks down at the cursive writing.
"Upon examination following the incident, it was noted that there was a complete avulsion of the eye from the orbital socket. No residual fragments of the globe were observed within the socket, indicating a clean and complete removal of the eye from its anatomical position. The absence of any remaining tissue or structures within the orbit suggests a forceful and traumatic separation of the eye from its surrounding tissues.
"Upon surgical extraction of the teeth from the gingival tissue, it was noted that the procedure involved a meticulous dissection and separation of the periodontal ligament and surrounding soft tissues. The teeth were extracted with precision, resulting in a clean removal of the dental structures from their alveolar sockets. Minimal trauma to the surrounding tissues was observed, indicating a controlled and methodical approach to the extraction process. The absence of residual tooth fragments within the gingival tissue suggests a thorough and complete removal of the teeth from their anatomical position.
determined that both the eyes and teeth were surgically removed pre-mortem. The absence of ocular globes and dental structures prior to death was confirmed through detailed examination and analysis. The findings indicate deliberate and methodical removal of these anatomical features before the individual's demise, suggesting a potentially intentional or ritualistic aspect to the actions taken. The precise and controlled nature of the removal of the eyes and teeth underscores the need for further investigation into the circumstances surrounding these pre-mortem procedures"
Raurlin hands the clipboard back to Jennifer. "Have you done any blood work? Any toxins?"
Jennifer nods her head. "Yes I am still waiting for results. Have you seen anything like this?" Jennifer asks again, looking directly at Raurlin.
"It's possible," Raurlin responds and he is telling the truth. All of this feels familiar and it is as if he's seen this before but he can't remember from when or where.
"Thank you Jennifer," Jackson interrupts. "Please be sure to update the chief with anything else that comes up. Even if the report is yet to be finished. Any information should not be delayed."
Jackson turns and walks to the door. Raurlin follows behind him and as Jackson reaches for the door Jennifer calls out.
"Mr Tormundson...there is something else you should see."
Raurlin turns to face Jennifer as she is pulling on another set of latex gloves. Jennifer looks from him to Jackson. Raurlin comes to a stop beside her and raises an eyebrow. Jennifer sucks in a breath and she lifts the side of the sheet. Jennifer lifts the arm of the corpse and she holds out the hand. Raurlin steps forward and looks down at the hand. The nails on each finger have been removed too. The nail bed is sliced vertically in a v shape leading up to the knuckle.
"It's only like this on one hand. I don't understand..."
"You didn't tell the chief?" Jackson demands and Jennifer nods her head.
"Why didn't you tell the chief?" Raurlin looks from the hand to Jennifer. Jennifer swallows down audibly.
"I was going to but when he told me he had experts coming in I figured I'd wait. I mean no offence to him but we have never encountered anything like this before."
Raurlin nods his head. "Jennifer, this information does not need to leave this room. Complete your report and don't withhold anything but for now it will stay here between the three of us. Thank you very much."
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