Chapter Eleven: Equal Weight
"Sarah has arranged with Horatio for them to find accommodation downtown. I believe he is with them now. Naomi wanted to talk to you about them before making a decision on what to do."
"Doesn't sound good," Stellan probes, holding a hand out to Naomi. Naomi accepts his hands with a glance at Raurlin. Raurlin nods his head once. Naomi follows Stellan out of the bedroom and down the stairs. They settle in the lounge that is warm with the after effects of a toasty fire. Naomi watches Raurlin walk from the passageway into the kitchen.
"Now," Stellan states, "what's on your mind my queen?"
Naomi clears her throat. "These's of course my first interaction with them. But they come in here quite brazenly. Sending decrees from their elders. Trying to enact some laws, trying to put Sarah under those laws. I'd have shown you the document but she burnt it."
Stellan chuckles and mutters "naturally. Now can you tell me the specifics?"
"They added an addendum to rite 30 stating that all witches are subject to record-keeping." Naomi glances at Stellan as Raurlin walks into the room carrying a tray, balancing six glasses.
Stellan strokes his beard. "Well that is certainly news to me. As it were and should be, the record-keepers and more specifically the elders would write to me if they intended on changing or amending any of their rites and with my approval it would be codified officially."
Raurlin sits down beside Naomi, taking hold of her hand.
"What I suspect," Stellan continues, "is that they are using the change in leadership hierarchy to try and implement their own changes. Hoping it will go unnoticed. I take it our witch did not take kindly to that?"
"Not at all," Raurlin confirms with a broad smile.
"They have prepared plans for each of us outlining what they want to discuss and how long they intend on being here. They're very young, told us they prepared the documents themselves and that they did not see fit for the elders to handle this. Us."
"The only course of action I believe necessary is to carry out the procedure as normal. Read through your documents, make your decisions. I will contact the elders, under instruction of my king, and set this matter straight. I will handle it while Delilah and I are abroad if it pleases."
"That will be fine," Raurlin confirms with a nod.
The room falls to silence as Sarah and Jackson walk into the room with Soraya and Delilah following closely behind them. Sarah and Jackson settle down beside each other on the further couch and Soraya stops in front of Raurlin and Naomi. Delilah stands beside her, back straight and confident. Soraya lowers into a deep bow.
"My king, my queen, I apologise for my outburst in action and word. No reasoning can ever be enough to justify my behaviour. My queen, I harmed you physically. I submit myself fully at your mercy, prepared for any consequence."
Naomi inhales a slow long breath, her eyes shifting between Delilah and Soraya. Naomi looks at Raurlin and raises an eyebrow. Raurlin shrugs slightly and Naomi forces out her exhale. She looks at Stellan who is watching on stoically. He meets her eyes and a smile flashes across his face. Naomi bites down hard, battling back an eye roll. She knows there is no point in looking at Sarah and Jackson. Naomi clears her throat.
"Stellan, King of the Vampires, tell me what punishment is used for those harming the King or Queen?"
"The offence is punishable by death."
The sound of Soraya's heart pounding hammers against Naomi's eardrums.
"And tell me, Stellan King of the Vampires, has any person lived to tell the tale of how they harmed the King or Queen."
"No my Queen."
"Then, Soraya, it would seem severe punishment hangs over your head. Stand up straight." Naomi pauses as Soraya straightens. Naomi's eyes linger on her neck that has lightened now and the swelling has gone down. "Luckily I am not a King. Nor am I a King of Vampires. And in fact I am the one who killed you. Technically. I believe it fair to weigh our acts of violence against each other as equal in their severity. But you do not escape punishment. For a fortnight I expect you to be present at the hospital. Sunrise to day-break. You will liaise with Jax and he will outline a workable plan for you to make a physical impact. Jax?" Naomi turns to look at Jackson.
Jackson nods quickly with a warm smile. "Of course, My Queen."
Raurlin stands up and pats Soraya's shoulder. "That settles it then," he confirms, ushering Soraya and Delilah to seats on the couch. Raurlin begins lifting the glasses from the tray and handing them out around the room. He remains standing in front of everyone. "It is no secret that the record-keepers have made themselves known in our town. And it is no secret that they intend on invading our lives like parasites-"
"-Raurlin," Naomi cautions firmly.
Raurlin chuckles. "It is no secret that I do not like record-keepers. However, they are here now and it is more than likely that they will present everyone in this room with their plan and intention on their mission. Delilah, you seem to have taken Soraya under your wing, I entrust her to you in this process. To guide and protect, and wherever you are uncertain you will seek help. Soraya, for you I have an open door policy, at any point that you need assistance I will always be available. I must also apologise for my great display of anger earlier. It was not my intention to scare you. Or hurt you."
Soraya offers a small smile. "Jackson explained the aeturnum bond to me. As far as I understand it. It was a very natural response. If I may, my Uncle..."
"I will speak privately to the King and Queen," Stellan explains with a gentle smile at Soraya.
Soraya nods her head, lifting her glass to her lips and swallowing down a healthy mouthful. Naomi brings the glass to her own lips and the smell of blood reaches up at her nostrils. Her stomach clenches. Naomi hands Raurlin her glass and she walks out of the room and into the kitchen. Naomi opens the door to the garden, standing against the wind, allowing the cold to reach down into her bones.
"It is good for grounding," Sarah tells her from behind her, "the cold. I use it too. A cold shower, running my wrists under cold water. A cold cloth behind my neck. I know it wasn't easy...having to make a ruling against Soraya. But I think you handled it with grace. Are you okay?"
Naomi turns to face her best friend with a smile that she hopes is convincing. "I am. Today has just been a lot and more than anything I want to get this whole thing over with the record-keepers."
Sarah nods her agreement. "I've taken the liberty of putting everyone's proposals on their beds. Not sure where you'll want to read yours but I figured privately for everyone it makes sense."
"Thank you, Sarah. For today. For everything."
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