Sarah drops the box onto her bedroom floor and it lands with a heavy thud that she can feel in her bare feet. Jackson had stayed quite a while, longer than she expected, and much to her disdain Naomi was right; Jackson was good company. They chatted for hours and eventually Naomi called it a night. Sarah found herself opening up greatly. She tried to stop herself but she felt as if she wanted to share every detail of her life with him. Jackson.
Now sitting cross-legged on her bedroom floor she realises she hardly knows anything about him. She makes a mental note to get to know him a little better the next time they meet. She begins digging through the contents of the box yet again. There's some books, some clothes and some jewellery. Underneath it all there's a heavy book wrapped in dirty white tissue paper. Sarah lifts the book and dusts it lightly. An uneasy feeling runs through her a mixture of hesitance and excitement. She tears the paper and crumbles it on the floor beside.
Beneath the tissue is a tightly bound leather journal with a crest branded on the front. The crest is a scale with the word "Libra" branded below it in a twirly cursive. Sarah frowns at picking up her cellphone. "Grandma wasn't a libra?" Sarah types the word into the phones search engine and the immediate result is the star sign. She adds 'translation' and the next result is the translation of the word libra meaning balance. Sarah locks the screen and puts the phone down.
She rubs over the crest before gently opening the heavy journal. A white envelope slips out and glides across the floor. Sarah reaches forward and picks it up. Her name is scribbled across in untidy handwriting and she grins. She eases the journal onto her lap and tears the envelope open. On the inside is a handwritten note on a piece of faded yellow lined paper. She opens the paper carefully.
'My dear Sarah,
If you're finding this then that means I'm gone. By now I've entered into the Great After. I know it's such a cliche but how else was I to start this letter?
But this letter is not about me. It's about the journal you have found. The grimoire. This grimoire has been in our family for centuries and if it has found its way to you that means something has shifted. Something is out of balance and balance has to be restored.
My only regret in my death is that I did not teach you the truth about who you really are during my time on Earth. Your mother wasn't for it. She wasn't for any of it even when I tried to teach her. Perhaps she told you that I was just a rambling old lady. And sure I rambled but there is truth in my ramblings. Perhaps it's best to exclude your mother from the knowledge of this discovery of yours.
There is a great history that you must learn. Start by reading the grimoire and take it slow. You are ready and the grimoire will reveal all of its truth to you. The truth about who you are, the truth about why you are and the truth about why it's necessary for you to know the truth now. Be cautious. Everything around you isn't what it seems and everyone around you is not who they claim to be.
My sweet little Sarah, do not be afraid. You are not alone. You have never been alone. Take charge of your truth, live it to the fullest. Don't doubt yourself or your capabilities. Trust in yourself, trust your gut and follow your instinct with certainty and ferocity!
I love you and I am always with you
Grandma J.'
Sarah folds the letter closed and gently places it back in the envelope. She slips the envelope into the journal...the grimoire and wraps it closed. Sarah holds the ancient book to her chest and as she does it's as if a warmth radiates around her. Like arms holding her tight. Silent tears fall down her cheeks. Sarah smiles and stands up. She leaves the box where it is and walks over to her bed. She lays down, the book still against her chest and shuts her eyes. She is asleep quickly and dreaming deeply.
Naomi flutters her eyes opening attempting to stretch but she jumps back as she does letting out a small yelp, her heart pounding.
"Shit Sarah! You scared the crap out of me! What's wrong?"
Sarah remains motionless at the foot of the bed, tears running down her cheeks. She's in the same clothes as last night and Naomi quickly realises that there is something seriously wrong. She pushes herself up and taps the bed beside her and when Sarah doesn't move she holds a hand out to Sarah. Sarah grabs onto Naomi's hand tightly. She walks round the bed and collapses down beside Naomi sobbing. Naomi holds onto her best friend rubbing her back waiting for the crying to ease up.
"What's going on Sarah? Is it because of your grandma's things?"
The question launches Sarah into even more sobs and Naomi does her best to calm her down. After a few moments Sarah stills and pushes herself up and nestles her head on Naomi's shoulder. Naomi glances at her and wipes at her cheeks. Sarah tries to steady her breathing.
"I found a letter in Grandma J's stuff. In a journal...she called it a grimoire in the letter. After I read the letter I went to sleep but I kept having nightmares. These horrible dreams about people who weren't people...people with fangs...who drank blood and killed people and others with golden eyes that..."
Sarah inhales sharply and Naomi gives her hand a squeeze.
"Hey it's okay. Take a breath! Just breathe, Sarah. I'm sure it's just your mind trying to process everything coupled with that vampire show we watched last week."
Naomi gives Sarah a nudge and offers a smile but Sarah remains still in response.
"You don't get it Naomi. You were in my dream. You were one of them. Your eyes..."
Naomi pulls Sarah back into a tight hug and rocks her back and forth.
"Hey shh...it's okay. You've seen my eyes plenty of times. Nothing strange happening here. Let me run you a bath okay? You lay here, I'll come get you in a bit."
Naomi eases off the side of the bed and Sarah settles into the covers. She pulls them up over her shoulders and Naomi offers a small kiss on the forehead before quickly walking to the bathroom. Naomi rinses out the bath then as the bath water fills quickly brushes her teeth. Once the bath is filled she drops a blue bath bomb into the bath and it fizzes immediately giving off the smell of bubble gum.
Naomi walks back to her room where Sarah is lying, staring off into the distance. Naomi sits down softly on the bed beside Sarah and takes Sarah's had into her own. Sarah looks at Naomi with a small smile and tears tethering. Naomi helps Sarah out the bed and into the bathroom.
"Have a good soak okay? I'll go whip up something for breakfast. Or should I order in? Oh I know I'll get us some waffles!"
Sarah smiles meekly and begins pulling at her clothes. Naomi leaves her to it, closing the door behind her. She listens until Sarah is in the water then walks down the passage and into Sarah's room. There are clothes scattered all over the floor and the curtains and windows are shut. Naomi walks over to the curtains and pulls them open. She opens the window and a gust of cool air flows through the room.
Naomi first starts by pulling the covers off the bed. She sets the bed and then starts picking up clothes and putting them on the bed. Naomi makes quick business with deciding which of the clothes are clean and which need a wash. The clothes that need a wash are piled beside the door. Naomi packs the clean clothes then picks out a simple t-shirt and pair of jeans for Sarah to wear. She tucks the clean clothes between her elbow and rib cage and then turns to leave but her curiosity gets the better of her.
She turns back to Sarah's bedside table where the thick journal is sitting. Naomi walks slowly to where the journal is and she stands over it, wanting to peer inside quickly, to see for herself what's got Sarah so worked up. Naomi places the clothes on the bed and reaches for the leather bound book. Naomi lifts the book gently and as soon as it's in her hands everything inside her screams for her to drop it. Naomi drops the book and then sucks in a big gulp of air. Her heart pounding.
She scoops up the clothes and quickly walks out the room and as she does her bathroom door opens. Sarah walks out wrapped up in a robe. Her hair is wrapped in a white towel twirl on the top of her head. She looks over and Naomi then holds her arms open. Naomi walks briskly down the passage and promptly into Sarah's arm. Sarah gives her a tight squeeze and Namoi laughs.
"Thank you for looking out for me. You're right the dreams are just dreams. Oh did you bring me clothes? Great, thank you!"
Naomi smiles and hands Sarah the clothes "come on. My phone's on the bed. Let's check which waffles to order."
Sarah walks into Naomi's room and Naomi walks in after her. Sarah changes quickly then flops down onto Naomi's bed. Naomi sits down beside her and unlocks her screen. There's a message from Jackson that Naomi ignores. She opens the delivery app and begins scrolling through. She settles on a restaurant and then hands it to Sarah. Sarah places the order then hands the phone back to Naomi.
Sarah hops off the bed and turns to Naomi and announces "okay I'm going to get the grimoire and you are going to get ready and then we are going to dissect it together."
Naomi nods and returns Sarah's smile to hide her nerves at the prospect of touching that book again. Sarah turns the door and Naomi can hear her skipping down the passageway and into her room. Naomi opens her cupboard and pulls out a tracksuit set that she decides will do for the day. Naomi changes quickly then walks into the kitchen. Sarah has music playing off the TV and the kettle boiling.
Naomi sits at the kitchen counter, the grimoire in front of her. She leans away from it and folds her arms over her chest. Sarah hands her a cup of coffee with a smile and Naomi accepts it. She sips it and as she does there's a knock at the door. She hops off the stool and walks to the front door and accepts the waffles delivery. She sets the bag down on the counter and opens it. On the inside four styrofoam containers. Naomi opens each before setting one down in front of her and one on the other side of the counter.
Sarah settles down on the opposite side of the counter. She puts her coffee beside her waffles then sniffs at the waffles and mumbling "mmhh smells so good!" She picks the grimoire up effortlessly and Naomi watches on as she slowly begins eating her waffle. Sarah unwraps the leather journal and produces a white envelope. She hands it to Naomi then puts a chunk of waffle into her mouth.
Naomi reads it quickly once then once again slowly a deep frown tugging at her brows. She looks up at Sarah who is still chewing. Sarah motions to the letter then shrugs as if to say she has no idea what it means either. Naomi realises it was probably the mystery of it that put Sarah's subconscious into overdrive. Naomi waits for Sarah to stop chewing.
"I know right! It's absolutely wild! I have no idea what it means but I don't want to do this without you."
Naomi nods slowly "I'm with you all the way. If this is something you want to do then let's do it!"
Sarah lifts the grimoire and opens it. On the first page there is a leaf print with a finger print over it. The finger print seems to have been placed in blood. Sarah drops her fork then runs a finger over it. She flips the page completely intrigued and Naomi watches on eating at her pancake. On the second page there's a list of names scribbled in old ink. The page folds out to reveal even more names that make up a large and extensive tree. A lineage. Sarah follows the tree until she finds her grandmother's name. Her finger lingers over it.
Instantly she's teary-eyed. She lifts the heavy book and holds out to Naomi. Naomi watches on hesitant to touch the book. Sarah begins to frown and Naomi smiles quickly and wipes at her hands with a napkin. She drops the napkin then reaches out for the book, bracing for the same reaction. Naomi gently holds the book and surprisingly there is no reaction. She places it down gently in front of her and rubs over the page. There's a rush sent through her as she does and she mutters a soft "wow."
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