Naomi can hear Sarah's muffled shouting in her half dream state. Saturday morning had finally rolled around and Naomi was determined to sleep in. The past week has been a whirlwind of unpredictable events and emotions. Naomi's dreams turned from a horror to confusing dreams of Jackson. Every dream was the same. She is lying down in a bed that isn't hers in a room that isn't hers and Jackson is sitting beside her. There's a drip running through her hand and Jackson is telling her that she needs to wake up to save him.
Naomi still couldn't figure out who he was but when she woke there was a lump in her throat and her eyes were misty. Last night she had the same dream but it became distorted. Jackson attached a blood bag to the drip and she could feel the warm blood coursing through her. He started telling her a tale about a Great War and vampires and wolves. Sarah's mother Eileen would have asked if she drank milk before bed. Naomi awoke in the early in the morning before the sun was shining and she laid awake until she fell asleep again.
Had it been a typical Saturday morning Naomi would have woken up at five a.m. She would have made a green smoothie for both herself and for Sarah. She would have woken Sarah up and tried to coax her to join her on her morning run. Sarah would have mumbled something about getting ready and promptly fallen back asleep. Naomi would have left her and went on her run around the block twice if she needed it.
But this morning Naomi decided she would lay in and rest for as long as she could. Sarah comes and knocks on the door frantically and there's more shouting. Naomi rolls over onto her stomach and tugs her head under her pillow. The front door opens and slams shut. Naomi dozes off promptly afterwards. After about twenty minutes the warmth under her blankets becomes uncomfortable.
She groggily pushes herself out of bed and makes for the bathroom, rubbing her eyes. She washes her face with cold water hoping to wake her up but decides it's a job that a cup of coffee will have to fix. Naomi examines her face in the mirror and she has a slight break out on her chin. She chalks it up to stress. She opens the bathroom cupboard and pulls out a wide toothed comb. She loosely combs through her hair but doesn't bother to tie it up. It's due for a wash but the curl covers it.
Naomi wanders from the bathroom to the kitchen and fills the kettle with water. There's a note on the fridge from Sarah reading "can't believe you forgot we meeting Mom for breakfast! I'll cover for you but you better call her!" Naomi smacks an open palm to her forehead. Of course it's month end. After she became acquainted with Sara's family the monthly brunch meet became a sacred tradition. The kettle boils furiously to a standstill and Naomi opens the cupboard and pulls out a mug and as she does there's a knock at the door.
She walks round out the kitchen to the door and opens it. Jackson is standing there, dressed casual in jeans and a grey t-shirt. His dark hair is disheveled and there are deep bags under his eyes. He smiles at Naomi and offers a small wave. Naomi steps back and Jackson walks in hesitantly. She walks back to the kitchen and Jackson closes the door.
"Morning Jax...Jackson. I wasn't expecting to see you, of all people. Coffee?"
Jackson nods and settles on a stool at the kitchen counter.
"How do you take your coffee?"
Jackson shrugs "surprise me."
Naomi opens the cupboard and pulls out two sachets of coffee. She takes out another coffee mug and empties the sachets in the two mugs respectively. Jackson watches on in silence. Naomi pulls a spoon out a drawer then stirs each cup. She walks to where Jackson is sitting and hands him a coffee. He accepts it. She places hers on the opposite side of the counter and rests her elbows on the counter top.
"What are you doing here Jackson?"
"Your friend left something in my car. I just wanted to return it." He pulls her cherry lip balm out his pocket, the smell of it still clinging to his pants.
Naomi lifts it then places it back down. She rubs at her temples.
"Thank you Jackson. And thank you for getting us home the other night. That's the reason I let you in. To say thank you."
Jackson nods with a small smile and responds "you're welcome. I was actually hoping to speak to your friend."
Naomi blows at her coffee, knowing the brunch date could easily turn to a day trip. Naomi sips at her coffee weighing up the pros and cons of having Jackson stay. She could confront him about her weird dreams...as if he would have any answers. But she would have company, someone to talk to.
"She's out for breakfast. I'm not sure when she'll be home. You're more than welcome to wait."
Jackson raises an eyebrow "you're sure?"
Naomi shrugs and sips at her coffee again. She's pensive a moment then says suddenly and unexpectedly "I've been dreaming about. I don't know why."
Jackson settles into his stool and gulps his coffee down. He looks intently at Naomi realizing the real truth in her allowing him inside her home. He wasn't expecting her to bring it up. She needed the clarity and he needed an escape. Since the truth of his paternity Raurlin shut down. He locked himself in his room and his anger became palpable to the point that Jackson could feel it constantly. Raurlin wasn't sleeping and Jackson knew it would be a matter of time until Raurlin closed his eyes indefinitely. He chose then to dream walk, something he hadn't done in years. He began trying to explain the complex existence of himself and Raurlin to Naomi.
"Want to tell me what the dreams are?"
Naomi shakes her head. She finishes the last of her coffee and then picks up both their mugs and places them in the sink, just like Raurlin, Jackson thinks.
"Well Naomi I'm sure it's just your subconscious trying to process the week. Tell me, do you believe there's any truth in dreams?"
Naomi glances over her shoulder as she washes the mugs.
"I don't know Jackson I suppose so." Naomi clears her throat, calling him Jackson feeling foreign to her tongue.
"Call me Jax. You know my grandmother used to tell me stories when I was younger about people with the gift or ability to dream walk. She used to tell me that they were messengers. Some, she said, were psychics who would warn about tragic events about to happen."
Naomi leans against the counter top completely submerged in what Jackson is telling her. Jackson pauses a moment surprised that Naomi is so intrigued by his story. In truth dream walking ran in his family starting with his grandmother and possibly ending with him. Naomi's eyes widen.
"Have you ever experienced anything like that Jax? Dream walking?"
"Yes when I was younger, after my grandmother died, I saw her in a dream. She told me to prepare. She said that something big was coming."
"Well my father died shortly after."
Naomi inhales sharply and her eyes drop to the counter.
Jackson reaches over and gently places a hand over Naomi's and says "it's okay. He died a long time ago. We can talk about it."
"How did he die if you don't mind me asking?"
"Not at all. He died during the war."
"I'm so sorry to hear that. He died a hero."
Naomi reaches across the counter and rests a hand on Jackson's. Jackson looks at the hand then up at Naomi who is looking at him wide-eyed. Jackson smiles and nods but remains silent. Naomi straightens and clears her throat. She draws back her hand slowly. Naomi chuckles and gestures to the lounge and Jackson hops off the stool and follows suit.
"I'm sorry for prying into your personal life, Jax. Make yourself comfortable. I'm going to hop in the shower."
Jackson settles down on the couch and Naomi hands him the remote. Naomi begins walking towards her bedroom then turns back to face Jackson.
"I meant it when I said thank you and so far you seem like a good guy. Please don't give me a reason to have to resort to violence."
Naomi is frowning and speaking seriously and Jackson does his best not to laugh. He nods and watches as Naomi disappears round the passage. He listens as Naomi gathers her things then shuts the bathroom door closed. Her heartbeat is steady and Jackson knows she feels safe with him unattended in her home. Jackson swears to himself and to Raurlin to never do anything violate that trust. He instead turns the TV on and begins flicking through the channels.
Sarah bustles for her keys and there is audible laughter and chatter from the other side of the door. She grins wondering who Naomi could possibly be entertaining in her absence. Brunch had as anticipated turned into a day spent together and Sarah was grateful for it, she missed her mother. Her mother finally had time to sort through her grandmother's things and she had brought Sarah a box of her things to see if Sarah wanted anything. Sarah was close to her grandmother even in her final days. Sarah opted to rummage through the box in the safety of her room to avoid becoming emotional in public. She flings the door open and kicks the box from the passage in through the doorway.
Jackson looks up as the door opens. Sarah kicks a box into the room and Naomi and Jackson both watch in intrigued. Naomi hops up but Jackson is quicker. He scoops the box up effortlessly all while smiling at Sarah. Sarah flushes red when she sees him. She gives Naomi a quick look that Jackson doesn't miss. Naomi shrugs and taps on the counter top where Jackson sets the box down. There's a faint smell of lavender lingering around the possessions in the box and Jackson isn't surprised.
He turns to Sarah with a smile and Sarah seems flustered, maybe even embarrassed. Sarah brushes past him into the kitchen and pulls the fridge open. Jackson settles back onto the stool beside the counter and watches on as Sarah pulls a bottle of water out the fridge and twists the lid off. She swallows down a big gulp of water then turns to Jackson.
"What are you doing here Jackson?"
"You left something in my car I just-"
"-Yes a cherry lip balm. You could have just thrown it away. You didn't have to come all the way here. What do you want? Is this about the kiss? Don't think too much into it, okay?"
Jackson laughs warmly and reaches out to Sarah. He grasps her hand tightly.
"Hello Sarah. I won't think too much into it. I just wanted to see you again. Maybe talk?"
Naomi opens a cupboard and pulls out a bag of chips. She empties the chips into two bowls and places one bowl between Jackson and Sarah. There's silence and Naomi adds "he is good company."
Sarah glares at Naomi and remains silent until Naomi is back in the lounge and in front of the TV. Sarah turns back to Jackson, his hand still holding firmly onto hers. Sarah looks from his hand to back up to him and remains silent. Jackson smiles gently.
"Naomi tells me you spent the day with your mother. How did that go?"
Sarah is hesitant then responds "it was okay I guess...You know how mothers are. We catch up at least once a month. I hadn't seen her since my grandmother...This is a box of her stuff. If I knew you were here would have called from the car so you could carry it up."
Jackson peers over the box and pulls out three books. They are covered in a thick layer of dust and he wipes at one with his hand. He examines the romance novel then hands it to Sarah who chuckles at the sight of it.
"She was a sucker for these romance novels. What else is in there?"
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