Sigrid turns to the wolves and her voice is loud and certain "bring out the half-blood and we will let you all live."
Jackson pushes forward and Naomi follows close behind him.
"This is not a negotiation, Sigrid. Release these men from your spell. I won't ask again."
Sigrid laughs and she faces the vampires.
"One of your own threatens me, the witch who created all of you! You're right Jackson! This is not a negotiation! Bring him out now!"
Sigrid lifts her hands and the trees begin to sway and the snow falls heavier. The wolves begin roaring each in turn and they shift to their half shift state. Adrenalin pushes through Naomi and there's a ringing through her ears. Sigrid drops her hands and the vampires rush forward. Naomi exhales and she looks around her.
The wolves are running forward and Jackson is making for Sigrid who is walking away, her back turned to the fray behind her. Naomi swallows and she balls her hands into fists. Her feet are carrying her forward, each step is certain. The gap between the vampires and wolves almost comes to a close and for a brief moment Naomi can't believe that this fight is actually happening. She pushes the thought far out of her mind, not allowing it to fully grab hold of her, bringing with it fear.
The windows of a room of the house suddenly burst and shatter outwards in a loud explosion. Just as Naomi lifts her hands to cover her ears there is a severe gust of wind and she is thrown to the ground. She struggles against it. It feels as if the wind has arms and they are keeping her on the ground. Naomi inhales painfully not realising the fall had winded her.
She looks around her and the wolves are on the ground struggling against the wind. She can't see Jackson or the vampires and once realising how helpless she is a deep fear begins to spread within her body. The fear quickly turns to panic and Naomi struggles harder as tears stream down her cheeks.
From the now open windows Idonea reaches a hand forward and she allows a handful of snow to settle on her open palm. She brings it back to the room. She hands Raurlin the knife and he holds it up to his chest and he hesitates as an intense panic suddenly runs through him. He frowns and looks out past Idondea.
"Raurlin!" Idonea snaps.
Raurlin drags the knife across his chest and the cut it creates is a searing hot. He bites down with the pain and then drops his hand into the bowl. He smears his hand that is coated in blood across his chest and he turns to Idonea. She presses the hand with the snow onto the cut and she shuts her eyes uttering an incantation. She throws her head back continuing the incantation and as she does the cut begins to smoke and Raurlin shouts out in pain.
He reaches to either side of him and to his left Mikain takes hold of his arm and holds him steadily in place and to his right Stellan does the same. Raurlin struggles against Idonea doing his best not to move. He shuts his eyes, his breathing heavy. He shouts out again and the shout turns to a roar as fangs drop from his gums.
The cut continues to smoke and Raurlin's skin pulls together and the burning settles just under Idonea's hand and just above Raurlin's heart. He feels his legs go weak but he forces himself to remain standing. Beads of sweat form all across his skin and he shouts out again with the pain. Idonea let's go suddenly and Raurlin drops to his knees. He tries to steady his breathing.
Naomi can hear footsteps approaching her in the snow and she stiffens. Her chest rises and falls more rapidly as the footsteps grow nearer and nearer. They stop just beside Naomi and Naomi squints to see who it is.
"Oh little Naomi..."
Sigrid smiles down at Naomi and she gently pushes hair out her face.
"Things could have been so different if we had met prior to all this. I'm sure you would understand the method to my madness. We could have been something great you and I...but now I have to let you go."
Sigrid reaches into her boots and she produces a small pocket knife. She flicks it open and Naomi's sobs grow louder. Sigrid runs the blade carefully across Naomi's forehead and then down her neck. She runs the blade across Naomi's neck and she continues to speak.
"I mean did your little friend Sarah think I was here for Raurlin?" Sigrid laughs loudly "no no I knew I was too late. He's already undergone the awakening and now nothing can kill him...well the only thing that could kill an immortal without supernatural hand is heartbreak. I'm here for you Naomi and they've delivered you right to me."
A single tear drops from Sigrid's eye and she leans forward and kisses Naomi on the forehead. She runs the blade down Naomi's chest and it hovers over her heart. She wipes at her tear with her free hand and she lifts the blade slightly then pauses.
"Well Naomi you deserve to at least die with peace. After my death I spent a lot of time watching my creation. I spent a lot of time watching how their lives could play out. When you met Raurlin your death became inevitable but had he not met you he's death would be inevitable too."
Sigrid stands up suddenly.
"You see, Naomi, Raurlin shouldn't exist. A supernatural anomaly that could bring death to my creation. Your parents death would not have been in vain had your mother not gone into labour early. Raquel played her role perfectly of course...but it's okay little Naomi, you will be with them soon."
Sigrid drops back down, a knee landing heavy on Naomi's chest and she clasps the knife with both hands and she raises it above her head. The front doors burst open and with it Sigrid is sent flying backwards into the snow.
Idonea steps forward and beside her Raurlin is standing. Stellan and Mikain stand on either side of them The wind and snow comes to a sudden halt and almost instantly the vampires and wolves are back on their feet and charging at each other. Naomi scrambles to her feet and she rushes to the front door. She comes to a halt at the bottom of the stairs.
Idonea holds her hands out and she shouts loudly "enough!"
The vampires turn to her and they walk to the bottom of the stairs. Idonea continues to hold her hand out and the black magick slowly starts pouring from the vampire's eyes and ears and noses. The wolves slowly begin to gather around the group. Idonea drops her hand.
"Sigrd, enough. I knew you would find a way to worm back to this world."
"So you followed after me?"
"Who says I ever left."
With those final words Anya's body collapses into the snow and one of the younger wolves lifts her up into his arms. They all turn their attention to Idonea.
"Vampires I know this spell was intended to bring out your deepest darkest feelings but understand it was mere manipulation again. Here stands your king and yet he does not fight among you. Wolves here stands your alpha yet he does not fight among you."
Idonea takes a step forward and Raurlin steps forward beside her. Just on the skin above his heart is what appears to a snowflake branded into his skin. Naomi remains standing amongst the vampires and the wolves.
"For years our species have been made to believe that constant war is necessary. You have all been made to believe that your species is the better species, the faster species, the stronger species but that mindset is the only thing that will die here today."
Idonea holds an arm to Raurlin.
"Vampires I present to you the king of kings, wolves I present to you the alpha of alphas. Vampires, wolves I present to you your half-blood king. The hybrid king!"
Raurlin's eyes turn to an intense amber and his claws extend with ease. They are large and long. Fangs drop from his mouth and there's a rumble starting all around Naomi. Naomi looks all around her and then back at Raurlin. Raurlin throws his head back and roars and it is almost deafening. There is loud cheering that falls to silence as Idonea continues speaking.
"Every vampire bloodline runs through his veins, every wolf bloodline runs through his veins. To bring death to your king will bring death to both species."
Stellan drops to one knee and he curves his head to face the ground and Mikain does the same. One by one they vampires and wolves fall to their knees. Naomi looks around her as they do and she follows suit. There's movement from the back of the crowd and Jackson falls into place beside Naomi. Almost as soon as he does Sarah's body collapses. Jackson catches her effortlessly and he turns to Raurlin who nods once. Jackson carries Sarah in through the front doors.
Raurlin walks down the stairs and he stops in front of Naomi. He holds a hand out to her and she takes it. He pulls her to her feet and tucks her under his arm. Naomi leans against him and she looks out in front of them. The sun slowly begins peeking from the clouds.
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