Naomi and Raurlin trot downstairs. After their conversation Naomi felt better. She had a quick shower and then got dressed in a pair of black leggings and comfortable trainers. Raurlin insisted on her wearing one of his hoodies. The hoodie engulfs her but it smells like him and Naomi is happy to be wearing it.
Jackson and Sarah are standing at the bottom of the stairs and Sarah is visibly nervous. She is examining and pushing her cuticles back while tapping her right foot. Jackson wraps an arm around her and kisses the top of her head.
Mikain and Sandy walk from the kitchen to where the four are waiting. Beside them is an intriguingly beautiful woman with dark chocolate skin and long dreads that glitter with good jewellery.
"I hope you all had a good night" Mikain states "today we get down to business. I hope you're already for it. Sarah, this is Dez, our resident witch."
They shake hands and Sarah says suddenly "you're not nearly strong enough." She flushes a bright red and mutters "I'm so sorry I have no idea why I said that."
Dez chuckles and shakes her head "it's okay. I am much weaker than you by comparison, sister. I can't wait to get to work with you! Are you ready?"
Sarah turns to Naomi who nods a look of encouragement and Sarah turns back to Dez who is holding out a hand. They clasp hands and walk back through the kitchen.
Sandy winks at Naomi "you seem ready for your day, Naomi. Come on, let me show you where the trainees meet." Raurlin kisses Naomi on the cheek and watches on as she walks slowly with Sandy.
Mikain grins at Raurlin and Jackson. "I'm really happy that you're both here. Come, let's talk in my office. There's someone I'd like you to meet."
They follow Mikain through the house and into a large office. There is another man, a wolf, who is pouring four drinks. He is tall and sleek and dressed in a crisp grey suit.
"Gentlemen, this is Armon, he's my right hand man."
He hands Mikain a drink and then one to Raurlin and Jackson. "Welcome both of you. I haven't been around vampires in such a long time and I'm so thrilled that we're able to meet in this way."
He gestures to two chairs in front of Mikains desk and Jackson and Raurlin sit down, sipping on their whiskey. Mikain sits down in a large leather chair on the opposite side of the desk and Armon perches on the edge.
"Raurlin, I suppose we should begin with what you already know," Mikain says, opening a drawer and pulling out a file. "I hope you don't mind if I make notes of this. We wolves like to keep a codified account of our history."
"By all means. As far as I know my birth father was a wolf named Maddox."
Armon looks at Mikain and it's a look that doesn't go unnoticed to Jackson. Jackson frowns and leans forward slightly.
"Maddox was the Alpha that led our people into the great war. He was my great uncle. They called him Maddox the Destroyer. He was instantly able to control the shift."
"Control the shift?"
"Yes, Jackson, on full moon days when the moon is at its apex we're unable to control shifting into our full wolf form. Once in that form it's pure animal instinct."
"I see. And we all know that Selby caused an eclipse during The Great War so that wolves would experience their first shift."
"Exactly. But Maddox was something of a legend. On a normal day we're able to partially shift. Fangs and facial hair is about as good as it gets. But not Maddox, when Selby pulled the sky together Maddox continued to fight in a partial wolf state. It's said that he was the most at peace with his wolf form and that's why he could control the shift. He's been the only wolf in our history to control the shift."
Raurlin lifts a hand and inhales and exhales sharply once then twice and his eyes change to that bright gleaming red. His nails in the raised hand extend painfully and suddenly it's clear to Jackson. They extend into claws. Mikain tenses and he makes a note then glances at Armon.
Raurlin drops his hand and there's a tense silence. Raurlin suddenly feels ridiculous for immediately showing Mikain and his right hand his partial shift state. Mikain grins suddenly at Raurlin.
"Well there is definitely a wolf in you! You're definitely one of us! This is good. So good. We can throw you right into the awakening."
"Mikain slow down, for our guests sake."
Mikain can see that Raurlin is confused and Jackson is tense. He chuckles and leans back into his chair. "Forgive me gentlemen. I never thought it possible to ever encounter a half wolf half vampire...hybrid."
"I still can't believe it's possible," Raurlin says, an uneasy feeling settling in his stomach. "What's the awakening?"
"We are approaching a new month and another full moon. The awakening is a process that our teen wolves go through to fully awaken their wolf side. It's their first shift. I think we should get you into the programme. I don't think you'll need as much work as our younger boys."
Jackson shakes his head "no I don't think this is the best course of action." Raurlin looks at him with a frown. "We don't know what will happen to you Raur. We don't know enough. Before you make a decision at least talk to Naomi."
Raurlin walks out into the field where Naomi is running through some drills with the trainee wolves. She is red in the face and her bun is slowly unravelling. The sun is at its apex but the air is cold and chilly. Another wolf, perhaps the leader of the training, approaches Naomi with a few pointers and they share a joke.
Raurlin can feel a sudden burst of jealousy course through him. He bites down hard on his teeth to stop his fangs from sprouting. He marches to where they are and calls out "Naomi."
Naomi turns to him with a big smile. She jogs to where he is standing and is embraced in a big hug and deep kiss. Naomi grins up at Raurlin as he sets her down.
"What was that for?"
"I missed you, doll. Can you sit for a minute? I need to talk to you."
Naomi sits cross-legged and Raurlin sits down beside her. "Sounds serious. What's up my boyfriend?" Raurlin holds Naomi's hand. "I've just had an interesting meeting with Mikain. I'm sure you've heard talk of the awakening?"
"Yes I have. Sandy mentioned it this morning."
"Okay so basically it's a process that the young wolves go through to awaken their wolf side and experience their first shift. Mikain would like for me to undergo the process."
"Why are you hesitant?"
"Jackson isn't keen. He says we don't know enough. I wanted to talk to you first."
Naomi muses on the idea for a few moments. "Tell me something, what would happen if I stabbed you through the heart?"
Raurlin frowns "I would pull the knife out and I'd definitely be confused."
"Alright, why about if I broke your neck?"
"I would break it back into place but I think that would piss me off."
Naomi laughs and Raurlin stays frowning.
"You're immortal honey. Last time I checked you can't be killed. I say do it! It could be doing you more harm to keep a part of you suppressed."
Raurlin chuckles and gestures to where the other trainees are still busy. "Best you get back to it my little warrior princess. Although I'm concerned you're getting some violent tendencies."
Naomi smiles and shakes her head as she walks back to the wolves. She simply calls over her shoulder "see you at lunch."
Raurlin walks back to the large building and Jackson is sitting at the kitchen table watching everything in front of him. Raurlin sits down beside him.
"So Naomi thinks it's a good idea."
"Yes she does Jax."
"I see. Ultimately it's your decision, Raur. I will always support your decisions. Except the stupid ones. You know I've been thinking..."
"Oh Gods. Lay it on me."
"Maddox is your birth father. If I may be blunt, your mother had an affair with a wolf either at the time the curse was placed or just before. We know that Sigrid and Selby placed the curse on family lines which is why it makes sense that you could potentially be both vampire and wolf. But if you're able to awaken your wolf form and you're Maddoxes son doesn't that make you the Alpha? And further Tormund may not have been your birth father but he raised you as a son. You know you're meant to be king. How do you think these wolves would react to that knowledge? We're outnumbered here, Raur. We need to think smart."
Raurlin clenches his fists, knowing that Jackson is right.
"Maybe I'll be the first hybrid Alpha King. And you will be my right hand, so figure it out, Jax. I've got a wolf to awaken." With that Raurlin stands up and walks away, leaving Jackson alone in his thoughts.
Behind the large house Sarah and Dez are walking through a neatly planted herb and vegetable garden. The garden is fenced off with a small smile fence and enclosed inside it is a small cottage.
"Is Dez short for something?"
"Yes, Dezra. So this is my little herb garden. My Earth Magick ensures that I can have as much grow as is necessary. I'm not sure how much you know but I was always taught that my magick is a cleaner, purer form of magick."
"Like the wolves are a better species because they don't feed on blood?"
Sarah fights back an eye roll and states "technically none of us should exist."
They sit on an old wooden bench and despite the cold in the air it's quiet and peaceful. Sarah leans back and shuts her eyes, deep in thought.
"Hey Dez, can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"Do wolves have soulmates the way vampires do?"
"Yes. Wolves mate for life. Why do you ask?"
"No reason."
"Is it because of Jackson?"
Sarah eyes Dezra dubiously.
"Look I don't need to be a witch to know that there is a clear chemistry between you two. My husband is a wolf so I get it."
"You married a wolf? But you're a witch?"
"An Earth witch destined to the wolves for life. Who else was I supposed to marry?"
Sarah chuckles "okay that's fair. But what about his mate?"
Dezra pulls out her phone and opens a document that she shows to Sarah. It's an unlinking spell.
"We spoke about it and decided it would be best to unlink him from his mate. We "killed" off the parts of both of them without her knowing or even being affected by it."
"You didn't give her a choice."
"There's no guarantee that there is even a her at all Sarah."
The two fall silent for a moment. Sarah hands Dezra her phone back after closely examining the spell. It's simple and she could do it easily.
"I think we should dive into some magick practice, Sarah, what do you think?"
"Yes, absolutely. Let me get my grimoire. Walk with?"
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