There's a loud ringing and instantly Jackson is against the door with his hands covering his ears. Sarah jerks awake and looks at Jackson wide eyed, her heart pounding. The ringing comes to a stop.
"What the hell was that?"
"Wolves, I'm not sure, I'm sorry I jumped like that."
Jackson walks to the curtains and pulls them open. The sun is slowly rising in the distance but the area around them is dark albeit a few glimmering lights.
"It's okay. The ringing must have been so loud for you. I suppose we should figure out what that's all about?"
"I'll go. Why don't you get ready and meet me downstairs?"
Jackson pulls a t-shirt over his head and sits on the edge of the bed and slips some thick socks on. He turns to Sarah with a smile. She flushes slightly and dips back under the covers pulling them completely over her head.
Jackson walks out into the hallway where Raurlin is standing with his arms crossed. His eyes are bright red although the golden halo almost looks to engulf the red sea.
"Raur, your eyes."
"I know. I can't shake it. I feel like there's something waking up inside."
"Aw a fluffy wolf pup?"
Raurlin laughs and punches Jackson's arm as they trot downstairs. There's a bustle of noise coming from the left side of the house. They follow the noise. There is a large kitchen filled with people, all werewolves.
The kitchen leads to a dining area with an enormous table. The table is set with crockery and cutlery. Mikain is sitting at the head of the table with a little boy on his lap. There is a vast amount of movement and chatter.
It's loud, warm and uncomfortable. Jackson looks at Raurlin dubiously unable to focus his senses on a single thing. Mikain spots the two and he stands up immediately. A tall woman with big wispy curls and a large belly walks from the stove to where the two are standing.
"You must be our guests. You must forgive Mikain for not introducing us but I couldn't stay up late last night."
She rubs a hand on her belly and states "this little one is really exhausting me. But I suppose it's like that when you're closer to the end of term. My name is Sandy."
She holds a hand out and shakes Raurlin's hand first. She then shakes Jackson's hand. Her handshake is firm and strong but she has a soft, kind smile. Mikain places an arm over her shoulders.
"I see you've met the missus. You're both up early."
"Of course they are Kain you were clanging that bell like your life depended on it."
Mikain roars with laughter "I do apologize. I forget your hearing is phenomenal in comparison to ours."
Sandy turns back to the stove and directs a question to Mikain "maybe we can get Dez to do a little spell to soundproof the rooms?"
Mikain nods as a group of children run around his legs.
"How many are yours?" Raurlin asks.
Mikain shrugs "in a sense they all are but we got our first one on the way. I mean no offence but maybe we can arrange to have your breakfast brought to your rooms? I worry your eyes may scare the little ones."
Raurlin nods and he and Jackson walk back to their rooms in silence, feeling slightly overwhelmed. Raurlin's bedroom door is open and they can hear quiet chatter coming from Jackson's room. They walk in to find Naomi and Sarah laying in bed engaged in an intense conversation.
Naomi turns and looks at Raurlin and Jackson. "What was the bell about?" She asks. "The signal for breakfast. They'll bring our food up" Raurlin explains.
"Great. Can you two give us a minute?"
Raurlin walks to where Naomi is lying down and kisses her gently on the forehead. The gesture causes his heart rate to steady and as he opens his eyes the red is replaced with a gold gleam. Naomi smiles at him.
Jackson smiles at Sarah and walks to Raurlin and Naomi's room. Raurlin follows suit and he shuts the door firmly behind him. Sarah and Naomi give it a few minutes before continuing they're conversation.
"I was literally drooling on his chest, Naomi, drooling!"
Naomi giggles and flops down onto the pillow "you should have slept on the couch and you know it. How did you think suggesting you both share the bed would go?"
Sarah rolls her eyes and hits Naomi with her pillows before tucking it back behind her neck. "How did it go with you and Raurlin last night?" She demands.
Naomi flushes and covers her cheeks with her hands "I fell asleep actually. I was worried that things would be awkward after the car ride but I woke up wrapped up in his arms."
Sarah smiles and her mind drifts to Jackson with a sense of longing. "So you two didn't?"
"Oh no. I just don't think I know enough about him yet."
Sarah frowns at her best friend and echoes "know enough?"
"I meant like as a...species. Can vampires even reproduce?"
"Mmh, that's a fair point..."
There's a knock at the door and Sandy gently opens it and peaks onto the room. Naomi and Sarah smile at her unsure. Behind her is another smaller built woman carrying a tray.
"Oh sorry to interrupt. We're just bringing breakfast." Sandy walks in and gestures for the other woman to set the tray on the bed and she does then leaves.
"We haven't had an opportunity to meet yet. My name is Sandy. I'm Mikains wife." She settles onto the bed and Naomi can't help but look at her large belly. "I wanted to officially welcome you both. I wanted to assure you're both welcome and safe here."
Naomi smiles warmly at her and digs into her breakfast, not expecting the sudden wave of hunger she feels. "Thank you so much, Sandy. I'm Sarah and this is Naomi."
"The balancing witch and the vampire bride. Oh don't look so concerned, news travels fast amongst the wolves. It's been so long since I've engaged in any girl talk."
Sarah stands up and gestures for Sandy to sit where she was sitting. She sits down in the middle of the bed and digs into her breakfast.
"We were just wondering if vampires can have babies" Naomi states between mouthfuls.
"Oh that is such a good question. From my understanding it's not uncommon. I've heard it's happened before but it's highly unlikely. How do you feel about Raurlin going through the awakening?"
"The awakening?" Naomi frowns deeply and looks at Sarah who just shrugs as she bites into a slice of toast.
"Oh no need to be worried, dear. Our teen boys usually go through it once they reach about sixteen. It's a ceremony that fully awakens their wolf side. I think Kain wants to see if Raurlin has access to that wolf side."
"And if he does?"
"Then we wake the wolf up I guess."
There's an awkward silence. Sandy is the first to say "well I've asked Kain to arrange with Dez, our resident witch, to do a little spell just to soundproof your rooms a little bit so our noise won't be too overwhelming."
"Oh thank you, Sandy. I'd love to meet her and maybe assist with the spell."
Sandy struggles to stand and Sarah helps her to her feet. She sighs with the effort and wipes at her forehead. Sarah can feel the wolf radiating off of her. It's calm but territorial. Sandy walks to the door and Naomi calls after her.
"Uh, Sandy? I just had a question...Raurlin will be training with the younger wolves and Sarah on witch training...is there some sort of training I could do?"
Sandy is thoughtful for a moment and she says with a frown "we do some of our older wolves who train in the likes of self defence and maintaining our perimeter. It's mostly a precaution but we do take it very seriously."
Naomi smiles excited at the prospect of being able to learn how to take care of herself. Sarah gives her leg a squeeze feeling her excitement.
Sandy opens the door and then looks over her shoulder "I know Mikain won't have an issue with it but I figure you'd have to have a conversation with Raurlin. Why don't you get dressed and meet me downstairs? I'd love to show you around."
Naomi stacks the plates on the tray and then sets the tray down gently on the bedside table. She stretches intensely.
"How are you going to explain this to Raurlin? You becoming a vampire warrior bride?"
"Delicately. I feel like our communication has been so off I don't want to push him. Wish me luck."
Jackson and Raurlin settle into the two couches in front of the bed. A woman wolf had brought up two large mugs of blood. She was nice but hesitant and neither Raurlin nor Jackson blamed her.
"So I guess we should regroup with Mikain after this?"
Raurlin nods "the girls first then Mikain. I wonder how this will take shape. Things have been a little tense with Naomi. The last thing I need is more distance between us."
"You two just need to talk, have a blunt open honest conversation."
There's a soft knock at the door and Naomi pokes her head in. Jackson smiles warmly at her and stands up. "I'll leave you two to it. I've got a witch to rally."
Naomi walks in and hesitantly sits down in front of Raurlin. She watches him and he swallows down the rest of the contents of his mug. He sets it down on the table and turns to Naomi.
"I didn't like waking up without you" Naomi states.
Raurlin nods "I'm sorry. I didn't want to wake you."
"I woke up in a strange place alone, Raur. I feel safe when I'm with you."
"I'm sorry, doll. I will always protect you. I want you to know that."
"About that...I had a conversation with Sandy this morning. I asked her about doing some self-defence training with some of the wolves..."
"You don't trust that I can protect you."
"I never said that Raurlin."
There's a tense silence. Raurlin rubs at his temples and exhales deeply. He didn't mean to snap at Naomi but he couldn't deny that he felt unsettled ever since arriving.
"I'm sorry for snapping at you, Naomi. I think we just need to have an honest conversation. I know there's a lot you need to get off your chest and I will do my best to be objective."
Naomi inhales deeply and nods. "I asked Sandy because between the four of us I'm the only one who can't defend herself. I'm just human...for now anyway. I feel...scared...because everyone around me is going through some monumental change and I'm just here. I'm scared because we don't even know what will trigger my vampire side and until that happens I could die. I could never trigger it and I could grow old and you won't age a day."
Naomi realises she's babbling and shuts up. She slumps into her chair fighting back surprising tears. She wipes at her eyes. Raurlin stands up and rests on the edge of the table in front of Naomi. He takes her hands into his and it feels good.
"I'm sorry that I didn't wake you up when I woke up this morning. And I'm sorry for making you feel helpless with everything that's going on. If training with the wolves is something you would like to do then you have my full support. When we get back home and I take you to meet the King, maybe he will have an idea about your vampire side. For now I don't want you to worry, we will figure this out Naomi, I promise."
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