Naomi sits the large bag resting on her shoulder onto the couch. The air around her is cold. She pulls a hoodie over her head and the motion sends a few strands of hair around her face. Her fingertips are cold. She unlocks her phone and checks the time. It's a quarter past five. Exactly a week had passed and she made it through her exams with ease. Raurlin picked her up and dropped her off.
She spent most days with Sarah and helped her delve deeper into the grimoire. They used the time to try and rationalise the new reality they find themselves in. Naomi felt as if the well of emotion she felt would swallow her whole and most days she waited for it but it would rise and just as quickly as it rose it dissolved into nothing.
She and Raurlin arranged that he and Jackson would pick her and Sarah up on this Friday morning at half past five. The sun starts rising later and setting earlier. Winter was rolling in and with it her winter vacation. She would spend the duration of the vacation with Raurlin, Jackson and Sarah in another town in the mountains where they would meet Raurlins pack.
"Sarah! Are you okay in there?"
Sarah's bedroom door flings open and she heaves out a bag that is stuffed to the brim. The zips threaten to burst open. Naomi shakes her head, amused at the amount of clothes that Sarah had packed. She knew that during the winter break Sarah would have to compile a piece to submit in class once they were back on campus.
"Sorry I took so long. I want to be prepared. Think this is enough stuff? I mean we don't even know how long we're going to be there. We don't even know where there is. This is crazy. Is this crazy?"
Before Naomi can respond there's a knock at the door and it opens. Raurlin and Jackson walk in both dressed casually in tracksuits with scarves and gloves. Raurlin's nose is flushed pink with the cold outside air. He smiles at Naomi and holds his arms open. Naomi walks into them and he lifts her in a tight hug. Naomi laughs.
Jackson offers a small hug to Sarah. Sarah hugs him and does her best not to linger in the hug. She motions to the bags on the couch.
"The huge one is mine."
"Of course it is. I do think you're prepared enough, by the way."
Sarah flushes. She watches as Jackson lifts both bags and carries them out the door. Naomi and Raurlin are still embraced in a hug. She walks past them and follows Jackson to the car. He opens the boot of his truck and settles the bags beside his and Raurlins.
"We've put some pillows and blankets in the back for you and Naomi. It's quite cold and I think we're going to be on the road for a while."
Sarah peers through the window and she smiles. There are two pillows, one behind the passenger seat and another behind the driver seat. There are two fluffy blankets rolled up in the middle between the two pillows.
"That was nice of you guys. Thank you. Where exactly are we going?"
"Just two towns over really. Into the mountains."
Sarah leans against the truck and folds her arms across her chest.
"How long will we be on the road?"
"We can make it in a day. If we leave at six I'm sure we'll be in around midnight but we can make a stop in the next town. We've got a few options."
Sarah nods her head and chews at her lip. She tries to ignore the nerves she feels. There is a part of her that doesn't want to get into the truck. There's a sense of no going back.
"You're nervous."
"Yeah. I can't explain why I just feel like we should stay here."
"It's okay to be nervous Sarah," Jackson holds a hand out and Sarah takes it, "I want you to know that I will always protect you. You have nothing to be fearful of."
Jackson squeezes Sarah's hand and she smiles. He pulls her into a hug and kisses the top of her head. Sarah hugs him and after a few deep inhales and exhales she takes a step back. She smiles up at Jackson.
"Thank you. I'm excited to meet the Earth Witch. I've been having this feeling lately like a beacon went off inside me. I can feel everything."
Jackson pulls Sarah back into his arms and asks "what do you feel now?"
Sarah shuts her eyes and her breathing settles "I feel calm, peace."
Sarah opens her eyes and Jackson looks deep into them. He looks serious and he speaks with intention. "When you need to feel that calm and peace, you find me."
Sarah nods in agreement then steps back out his arms and leans against the car again. Raurlin and Naomi walk to where they are, hand in hand. Naomi looks at ease but there is no hiding the deep bags underneath her eyes. Sarah figures she told Raurlin that it was the exams but Sarah knew she was hardly sleeping. She was worried but figured Naomi would be better once she was back with Raurlin. Raurlin offers a small smile and Sarah reciprocates.
"You guys ready to get going?"
There's a general consensus that everyone is ready to go and Raurlin continues to speak.
"The drive will be a couple hours. We can take a pitstop when we're halfway. We're going to be meeting with...my pack. The pack is called sanguinem luna, it means blood moon. The King, Stellan, has called ahead and made the necessary arrangements. They're expecting us."
Sarah nods her head then pipes in "there's an alpha?"
"Yes. His name is Mikain. Shall we get this show on the road?"
Naomi and Sarah nod then they get into the car. The car is cold inside and Naomi immediately wraps the blanket around her legs. Sarah pulls the blanket over her shoulders and fluffs up her pillow. She turns to face the window. Naomi glances at Sarah. She too carries a secret concern for a friend. Sarah seems unsettled, more unsettled than usual.
Jackson hops into the driver's seat and turns the car on. Raurlin sits in the passenger seat and puts on a pair of sunglasses. The time on the radio reads quarter to six. Jackson turns the volume up on the radio and Creedence Clearwater Revival Have You Ever Seen The Rain is playing. Naomi hums along to the radio.
The car pulls out of the parking lot and into the road. The road is quiet and the world seems peaceful. Sarah shuts her eyes and tries to make sense of her thoughts and feelings. With the hum of the car and the soft playing music she dozes off to sleep. Naomi watches her for a few moments before doing the same.
Once Jackson is sure they're asleep he turns the radio up slightly and says to Raurlin "we might have a problem."
Raurlin tenses slightly but says nothing. Jackson continues speaking.
"Sarah says she feels like a beacon has gone off inside her. She says she can feel everything."
Raurlin inhales sharply and purses his lips. He grits his teeth and turns to Jackson.
"Like Idonea. We're no longer dealing with two witches..."
"Yes we're dealing with three. I'll send a text to Stellan. What else did Sarah say?"
"She said she felt like we shouldn't go. She could just be nervous."
"She's a witch Jax. She's not just nervous. Alright, let's see how this plays out."
Raurlin types a message to Stellan then puts his phone in the middle compartment. He listens to the methodic rhythm of Naomi's breathing. Sarah's breathing is haphazard and deeper. He glances at Jackson who is frowning deeply. They come to a halt at a garage just before the highway. The girls are still asleep and they choose not to disturb them.
Both Jackson and Raurlin get out of the car and after filling up the truck they walk into the garage shop. There's a small cafe and they order four coffees and two muffins. They sit at a table in front of the counter while the barista makes the coffees.
"Something about this does feel funny, Jax. I have this feeling that I can't shake...it's like we shouldn't be going just yet."
"I know, but we're on order of the king. And besides, the only place that's safer for the girls aside from being with us is with Lyjil and Stellan. You're the only other person I would trust Sarah with."
Raurlin nods his head in agreement, "you're the only other person I would trust Naomi with. The wolves are not violent people. Since the war there's been peace. Stellan and the Alpha are on good terms. I know we'll be safe there. And we'll be with two witches...although all we'd really need is Sarah."
Jackson nods his head.
Naomi cracks an eye open and then sits up. She can feel that Raurlin is no longer in the car but that he's close. She clears her throat and rubs her eyes. She nudges Sarah who jerks awake. Sarah looks confused; she looks around as if uncertain of where she is.
"Sarah, hey, are you okay?"
"Yeah...weird dream. Where's Jackson? I mean the guys. Where are the guys?"
"Must be inside. Let's go check."
They both get out of the car and walk into the shop. Raurlin and Jackson are sitting at a table in front of a small coffee shop. They're engaged in what looks like an intense conversation. Naomi frowns as they approach the table. Raurlin looks up at her and smiles brightly. Jackson looks up at Sarah and he can see that something isn't right.
"Hey, you're awake. We just stopped to fill up and get some breakfast. Come sit."
Sarah sits beside Jackson and Naomi sits beside Raurlin.
"What's wrong?"
Sarah sighs and crosses her arms. She looks up to find all eyes on her. The weight of her position weighs heavy on her.
"Just a bad dream, guys. I'm fine, really."
Raurlin gently places a hand on hers and he looks at her intently and encourages "it will do you a world of good to get it off your chest. We're all here to listen."
Sarah looks at Naomi and she nods. Sarah sighs.
"I dreamt that I was standing in the snow and there was blood dripping from my hands. It was warm when it landed on the snow. I could feel the warmth of it as it landed on the snow and the longer I stood in the snow the more the blood was flowing."
Sarah shivers and rubs her hands together. She looks at the table. Raurlin gives her hand a squeeze and she looks up at him.
"I think it's just a bad dream, Sarah. You come from a lineage of very powerful witches. It could just be possible that you're seeing certain images from their lives. You're okay."
Sarah nods, accepting the explanation that Raurlin has given. She pulls her hand away from him and settles it in her lap, intertwined with her other hands. The barista brings the four coffees over and settles them down in the holder in the middle of the table. The group falls silent. The barista then brings the muffins over and places them on the table. Raurlin hands one to Naomi and then the other to Sarah.
"Chocolate chip I hope that's okay."
Sarah opens the muffin and it's warm and chocolatey. Her stomach growls and she breaks it into two pieces. She puts a piece in her mouth then says in between chews "what are you two going to do about blood in the mountains?"
Jackson blows on his coffee then responds "I do believe the necessary arrangements have been made."
Naomi looks at Raurlin and Raurlin can't bring himself to look at her. She sips her coffee then directs her attention to Jackson.
"Hey, Jax, I have a question."
"Ask away, Naomi."
"Technically I'm human right?" Jackson nods his head and Naomi continues "so technically speaking a vampire could-"
"-Naomi, don't."
She turns to Raurlin with a frown and Jackson falls silent. Sarah's eyes widen and she looks to Jackson who merely shrugs. She takes another bite of her muffin and then has a sip of coffee.
"Raurlin, I have a right to know the truth."
"You do but this is hardly the time or place."
"Yeah? Then when is the right time or place because from here we're going to a pack of werewolves to figure out who you are and all I'm trying to do is figure out where I fit in."
Raurlin turns away from Naomi and Sarah looks to Jackson with raised eyebrows. He shakes his head and Sarah nods her head. Jackson rolls his eyes and Sarah slumps into her chair.
"Yes, Jackson."
"If I may...I understand why you would want to offer yourself to Raurlin in this way, but this doesn't change the fact that you're human. When we as vampires experience that kind of hunger it's intense and it's primal. We are very old and we may still lose control on some occasions. Do you think Raurlin would forgive himself if harm came to you by his hand?"
"Or fang" Sarah chirps in and Jackson gives her a look.
Raurlin looks at Naomi with a defeated look. Naomi says nothing for a few moments. She responds to Jackson "how would I become like you?"
Jackson leans back in his chair and folds his arms "I don't know." Jackson stands up, coffee in hand and Sarah mimics him. "Come on, we need to get going. We've got a lot to figure out, all of us, but none of us is in this alone. The only way we figure this out is together."
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