"I know it's a lot to process and I'm very sorry that this is how you both had to find out this way. But Naomi, Sarah is right. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. Other than on a little road trip. You two should head back to your place. Live. When you're ready you know where to find me."
Naomi nods slowly knowing that it's a good idea. Perhaps arguably the best course of action. She looks at Sarah and Sarah merely offers a small smile. Sarah looks at Jackson and at their entwined hands. Sarah gently pulls her hands back and Jackson let's go completely. He turns to Naomi.
'It's a sweet sentiment, Raur. But I think Naomi may find it difficult to leave you. That's the whole point about being soulmates. I think you and your soulmate should spend the week together. We can afford a week."
"And what will you do?"
"If you'll have me Sarah...I was thinking I could crash by you. Help you through the grimoire. I figure you'd rather practice on someone immortal."
Sarah smiles and merely responds "offer accepted vampire."
Jackson stands up. "I'll pack a bag and we can get going. We'll leave you two love birds to it. I'm a phone call away. Raur, text me later so we can plan logistics."
Raurlin nods. Jackson stands up and walking past Sarah walks to his bedroom. He pulls his cupboard open and pulls out a small travel back which he quickly fills with clothes. He knew that being in Sarah's space constantly was a risk and honestly he merely wanted to be close to her. His immortality, purely an added benefit.
He walks briskly to the lounge where Sarah and Naomi are gathered in a tight embrace. He leans against the frame of the door watching. Raurlinn stands up and walks over to where he is standing. Raurlin stands beside him, arms crossed.
"You know I owe you one Jax. Thank you. I'm going to try and teach her as much about us as I can. I'll try and learn about her too. I gather you're going to do recon on the witch? We may need her...Also take it easy. I see the way you look at her. Don't scare her off. Catch up tonight?"
Jackson smiles and nods. He ushers Sarah to the door leaving Raurlin and Naomi alone. The door shuts and Raurlin walks to the kitchen. He opens the fridge and pours a cold glass of water then hands it to Naomi. Naomi smiles and sips at it, suddenly feeling nervous. Perhaps at the prospect of being alone with Raurlin...after saving his life.
Raurlin can feel Naomi's nerves and chooses to sit on the couch beside her. He offers a small smile and says "so what do you want to do first?"
Naomi frowns and echoes "first?"
"Yes I just mean...what do you want to do first...not like that but like...do you want to talk or rest or maybe watch a show?"
Naomi laughs and reaches for the remote "I think we're actually right on time for my show. Why are you sitting so far?" Naomi flushes.
Raurlin taps the spot next to him and Naomi sits beside him. Raurlin can't help but reach out and Naomi shimmies beside his ribcage untils she's comfortable. Raurlin hands her the remote and Naomi turns it on and quickly flicks through the channels before settling on a show. They watch and all it takes is a few minutes for Naomi to fall asleep. Raurlin tries to lay as still as possible as not to wake her.
Sarah pushes the door open and users Jackson inside. She drops her back with the grimoire on the kitchen counter. She opens the fridge and pulls out a bottle of wine. Jackson watches on amused.
"Don't make that judgemental face at me Jackson. My whole life has changed in a matter of hours so either I scream or drink some wine...or the whole bottle."
Jackson holds his hands up "where are the wine glasses?"
Sarah points to a cupboard then sits down on a stool and drops her head into her hands. Jackson busies himself with opening the bottle and pouring the wine. He sets a glass down in front of Sarah. He settles down in front of her and has a sip of the cold sweet wine. Different to blood but almost just as good. Sarah groans.
"I feel like my head is going to explode. How can everything feel so clear but confusing at the same time?"
She swallows down a big gulp of wine then drops her head in her hands again. They sit in silence and Jackson calmly sips at his wine, watching Sarah unfold before him. Sarah eventually peers at him then crosses her arms over her chest with a huff.
"Seriously? No mystical immortal advice?"
"Oh I know exactly what to do but I can see you want to wallow so I'm letting you wallow a bit. When you're ready to feel better let me know."
Sarah rolls her eyes and holds up her finger then quickly swallows down her glass of wine.
"Alright. What do we do?"
"Magick, Sarah. Something small. A simple spell."
Sarah points to the grimoire that's beside Jackson.
"Oh no I can't touch it unless you hand it to me. Ancient magick and all that."
Sarah nods slowly then says "but you're immortal...and you're here."
Jackson frowns at her "you can't be serious."
"Oh but I am."
Jackson's frown deepens. He pulls Sarah's bag open and reaches for the ancient book. He grasps it tightly and pulls it out of the bag. Every fibre in his being begs for him to drop the book but he doesn't. He holds on tighter until there is screaming in his ears and he's gasping for breath. He doubles over on the kitchen counter blood trickling out his eyes and ears. Sarah reaches forward and snatches the book from him, wishing she never pushed him to pick it up in the first place.
Jackson slowly pushes himself up on one arm, his breathing slowly returning to its regular rhythm. He wipes at the blood from his eyes and turns to Sarah, his eyes a gleaming red. Sarah grips onto the counter, her heartbeat pounding and for a moment it's all Jackson can hear. His eyes slowly return to the black colour and he reaches forward to Sarah who instinctively leans back.
"I'm sorry for making you do that. I had to know what would happen. I needed to see it."
"I understand Sarah. It didn't actually harm me. I know it looked that way but it couldn't have killed me. Just hurt like hell."
There's a tense silence then Jackson chuckles.
"Go ahead, witch. Open your grimoire."
"To which spell, vampire?"
"You are closely connected to this book. It found you for a reason. It knows what you need, even when you don't. Open the book"
Sarah reaches for the book then hesitates. Her hand lingers over the book then she flicks it open and it lands with a large thud sending a gust of dust from between the pages. Sarah pulls the book in front of her and the page has landed on 'a simple levitation spell.' She looks from the spell up to Jackson. Jackson nods.
"Your grimoire is likely divided between Earth and Blood Magick. Earth magick is a more defensive style of magick that uses elements of the Earth to perfect the spell. Blood magick uses your own blood or the blood of someone else. When you did the spell with Naomi you probably used your own blood instead of hers."
Sarah nods and remains quiet.
"Levitation can be used both offensively and defensively. In this case if we don't have the herbs to do the spell I suggest you use your blood...or mine. You need very little. Blood magick is powerful. Now what do you want to try and lift?"
Sarah looks around the room and her eyes fall on the grimoire. Sarah reads over the spell twice then shuts the book. She points to the sink and Jackson walks to where it is and produces a small knife. He hands it to Sarah and she cuts a thin like on her palm.
She presses her palm against the book and Latin flows off her tongue effortlessly. It's beautiful and Jackson can't tear his eyes off her. Sarah lifts her hand off the book and the book lifts at the same level of Sarah's hand.
Sarah's eyes gleam with excitement and she turns to Jackson and as she does the book drops to the counter with a long bang.
Sarah laughs loudly and it's a flowing beautiful sound. Jackson watches on as she walks around the room lifting various things with the mere touch of a hand and incantation.
"Good Sarah you're doing really good. We'll pick up a little bit every day until you're comfortable with the basics. Other witches may have the advantage of having practiced longer but remember you're stronger. Your Magick is a combination of both sides. You can neutralise both sides. Every spell has a baseline, once you tap into that and master it magick will flow freely from you. Soon enough you won't even need a Grimoire...or better yet you'll be writing your own."
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