Naomi and Raurlin walk into the lounge where Sarah and Jackson are sitting peering over Sarah's Grimoire. They look up and Raurlin and Naomi and suddenly Sarah sees it. The two of them together.
"Morning Sarah. Had a good sleep?"
"Morning Raurlin."
Raurlin sits down and Naomi walks to the kitchen and makes a cup of coffee for herself and then one for Raurlin. She walks to where Raurlin is sitting and sits beside him handing him his coffee.
Jackson looks at Raurlin with a look of question and Raurlin nods. Jackson sets his mug down on the table in front of him and clears his throat.
"I believe the time has come for me to tell you the history of us. All of us."
Sarah puts her mug down and turns her focus to Jackson.
"It is said that it all began with the four. Sigrid, Idonea and Selby and Eir. Sigrid was the eldest, and Eir the youngest. Their village was raided and their parents killed. Sigrids heart was turned cold with anger. She raised her younger sisters with the same anger.
Selby challenged her sister not believing that the world was as dark and evil and she made it out to be. The story goes that the trickster God waged a bet with the other Gods that he could get the two to reveal the true nature of human kind by turning each sister against each other.
The other Gods allowed it but prohibited the trickster God to use his Godly influence. The trickster God caused great anger and chaos in their home that drove Sigrid to murder her youngest sister. And then there were three.
Only then once she had acted the trickster God introduced the phenomenon of ancient Magick. Sigrid who was still filled with anger used the ancient Magick to create us, our species. She said that vampirism was a true expression of human nature.
She cast a spell using blood Magick...black Magick that created us and allowed for our offspring to become like us too. In response to her sister creating vampires Selby used Earth Magick, the pull of the moon, to cast a spell creating lycan... werewolves. By casting her spell Selby ensured that werewolves would always hunt vampires.
But that wasn't enough. Creating a species that lives forever and another that was said to hunt the one upset the balance of nature. And so the Goddess of death appeared to Idonea and bestowed on her balancing Magick. A combination of blood and earth Magick. A far more powerful form of Magick.
Idonea cast a spell on our species introducing something we call The Illness. There's no guarantee as to who gets it or how it spreads but it's aimed at ensuring our species doesn't live forever.
The same witch cast a spell ensuring that in both species there would be a soulmate for each person, so that the species would only exist amongst themselves. But over the years some humans were known to carry the vampire gene.
Sigrid rallied the vampires into an army, manipulating them into believing that the lycan species needed to be killed and that's why the vampire species was created.
Both sides rallied for years until it happened. The Great War. The witch Idonea allowed for a day that turned to night. The lycan fought as half wolves until Idonea pulled night across the sun and the lycan shifted to full wolves. Both sides fought fearlessly and the trickster God relished in the chaos he had caused.
Idonea called to the strongest of the lycan and the strongest of the vampires. At nightfall when all retreated to recover the strongest of each met and declared a truce. Idonea revealed the truth about the trickster God and her sisters.
Sigrid was left to the mercy of the vampires and Selby at the mercy of the lycans. The lycan declared an Alpha and decreed a way of living that didn't interrupt human civilization and the vampires declared a king. And ever since we've tried to live alongside human civilization in peace."
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