Chapter 52
I was smiling all the way back to my place, I was smiling as I got out of my car, I was smiling when I saw my mom in the kitchen, I was smiling when I told her everything that happened today. I literally couldn't stop smiling.
"Look at you, you're smiling so much, it's starting to freak me out." My mother chuckled and I tried to press my lips into a straight line.
"He's good for you, it's been a while since I've seen you so happy." She smiled. "I don't know what happened in the last few months, but there was something that had changed in you and I was afraid that change was forever. Seems like Tyler is proving me wrong, huh?"
It's true when they say, nothing escaped a mother's eye. I never told her about anything that happened last year, so that I could go on pretending that everything was fine. Turns out I didn't do a great job at it. But I couldn't even tell her the truth now, and the look on her face just made me feel more guilty.
"I love you, Ma." I hugged her and she sighed.
"Love you too, don't ever forget that, " she said, wrapping her arms around me. "I'm always here for you."
"I know."
"What am I missing?" I heard my dad's voice, as he walked into the kitchen.
"Nothing," I said.
"Tyler is her boyfriend now, " Mom announced at the same time and I cringed.
"Oh?" His eyebrows shot up and he looked at me. "When will I get to meet this boy?"
"He is coming to pick me up for the dance, maybe then?" I said and he nodded. "Please be nice, Pa. Don't scare him away."
"I will make no such promises, " he said, a slight smile on his face. "Also, we wanted to talk to you about something."
"What is it?" I hopped onto the kitchen counter. "Is it about the trip? Are you guys going?"
"Yeah, we are, " Mom answered. "We'll be gone for a few days, maybe for around a week. Is that okay with you?"
"Awesome! That's totally okay. I'll ask Ash to come over and Dad before you say anything I promise I'll be responsible, you have nothing to worry about." I looked at him and he nodded. "You guys need this."
"True. But I have a feeling that more than anything else, you're just excited about the fact that you'll have the house to yourself, " Dad commented and I shrugged.
I was totally excited about it, but I wasn't going to admit that.
"When are you guys leaving?"
"Tomorrow morning and we'll be back by the next weekend," Mom said and then stepped closer to me and whispered, "Try not to go too crazy."
I smirked at her comment, and my Dad narrowed his eyes at us.
"Alright, Ma. Let's see if you can make me beautiful."
I plopped down on my Mom's bed, as she was shuffling around the room and laying out every single makeup product she owned on a small table in front of me.
After about an hour of poking and prodding, she was done with me. She hadn't allowed me to look in the mirror the entire time she was working. Even after she finished my hair and makeup, she insisted on helping me into my dress and shoes before she would let me look at the finished product. Something about getting the full impact.
I turned to face the full-length mirror leaning against the far wall, and my mind went blank. The girl looking back at me looked like a stranger. My dark brown hair gleamed and fell in smooth waves over my back and shoulders. The dress clung to me in all the right places and its deep crimson color complimented my skin tone perfectly. She had painted my lips the same color as the dress and had dusted my eyes with a dark eyeshadow that gave it a smoky eye effect.
"Holy shit balls, " I muttered. "I didn't know I could look like this."
My mother laughed, staring at my reflection. "You look gorgeous."
I gave her a small smile. "Thanks, Ma."
I spent the next fifteen minutes walking around the house, to get used to the death heels I was wearing. When the doorbell rang, I felt my heart jump out of my chest before snapping back into place, like a rubber band.
I let my Mom get the door while I took a moment to focus on my breathing and calm my nerves down.
All my composure vanished the moment she opened the door. Instead, my breath hitched at the sight of him dressed in a classic black tuxedo tailored to his perfect body. His dark hair, although wild, had been combed into an appropriate level of control for tonight.
He looked like a complete knockout, but the thing that made my heart speed up was the way he looked at me. The desire in his eyes was obvious as his gaze raked over me possessively.
"Oh my, don't you look dashing. Come on in, " Mom said, breaking the silence. She stepped aside, and he strode into my house, his eyes never leaving mine.
Finally, he tore his eyes away from me and extended his hand towards Mom, "It's nice to see you again, Mrs. D'costa."
"You too." My mom being the over-affectionate person that she is, pushed his hand away and pulled him in for a hug. "And I've already told you that you can call me Jen."
"Sorry." he grinned, returning her hug.
"I'll be back in a second, " she said and hurried away.
As soon as she was out of sight, Tyler stepped forward, closing the distance between us and pulled out a corsage from a little box, I hadn't noticed he was carrying. It was delicately beautiful and matched my dress perfectly. I held out my wrist to him and he pinned it in place, before lifting my hand up and placing a soft kiss on the back of it.
"You" He stared at me, incredulous. "You look absolutely stunning."
"Thanks, and you look..." I shook my head and sighed. "Overwhelmingly handsome."
"Why, thank you." He chuckled, leaning down to kiss me but was stopped by my Dad, who patted him on the back, hard enough to get the message across. No making out with my daughter.
At least not in front of him.
"Dad, this is Tyler, " I said. "He is my...boyfriend."
Boyfriend. Damn! It sounded strange coming out of my mouth.
"It's nice to meet you, sir." Tyler stuck his hand out for a handshake, which my dad slowly accepted.
"You too. I hope you take good care of her. I want her back home by midnight, " My dad said sternly and Tyler nodded. "If you do anything - and I mean anything at all - to hurt her, boy, you'll be sorry. You'll treat her with respect at all times, am I clear?"
"Dad!" I groaned, but I was ignored.
"Yes, sir," Tyler answered, sounding completely sincere and polite.
"Good." Dad nodded.
"All right - well, time for some photos!" Mom stood in front of us with a camera and motioned for me to stand by Tyler.
Feeling more than a little awkward, I shuffled over. Tyler pulled me in close to his side, his arms going around me and I felt at ease in an instant.
After a couple of shots, my mom said, "All right then. You kids have fun."
"We will!" I smiled and turned to look at Tyler.
"Let's do this, gorgeous." He extended his arm for me to take.
Ignoring the way my stomach fluttered, I tucked my arm through his and smiled. "Let's do this."
The school was decorated with countless Christmas lights that covered the roofs like tiny little stars.
Spotlights were focused on the dance floor and music boomed from the speakers. There were a number of round tables set in one corner of the room, right in front of a low platform.
I could feel everyone's eyes zone in on us, as we entered the room. Thanks to the little spectacle Tyler made after the game today, everyone now knew we were dating. We were the center of attention, the current hot topic in our school, and I didn't know how I felt about that.
When we approached the two tables where our friends were sitting, they all turned towards us with big goofy grins on their faces.
"The star couple has finally arrived," Jace announced and I made a face at him.
"Shut up, " Tyler said, as he pulled out a chair for me to sit.
"Veronica all dolled up and arriving with a date! Someone pinch me, " Neil teased, so I leaned over and pinched him hard. "Ow, I was kidding, jerk."
"I want to sit somewhere else." I turned to look at Tyler and everyone chuckled. Just like that, all my nerves disappeared and I felt at ease.
Halfway through the night, everyone had slowly drifted off towards the dancefloor.
"C'mon." Tyler tugged my arm.
"So you're just gonna stand here the whole night?"
"That's right. Me and my non-alcoholic drink." I raised the plastic cup I was holding, with a smirk.
"What about me?"
"You can dance by yourself, " I answered and he frowned. "I'll watch."
Suddenly the music shifted to a slow and sexy rhythm. Tyler held his hand out, a slow smile spreading across his face. "C'mon, I can't do this by myself."
I sighed and placed my hand in his. I let him lead me to the middle of the dance floor, as the lights dimmed to a soft glow.
He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me closer as I placed my hands on his shoulders. We started swaying back and forth to the music, for a few minutes, before he leaned down to whisper in my ear, "It's not so bad, is it?"
I looked up at him and smiled.
"It's not so bad, " I agreed and he grinned before resting his forehead against mine.
"True confession- I just can't stop looking at you. I don't know how I'm supposed to focus on anything else with you looking like that." He sighed.
"You're such a charmer," I chuckled and shook my head.
"Seriously, some of the guys look ready to rip my head off." He grinned and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "You're beautiful."
"You make me feel beautiful, " I whispered, looking into his eyes.
He smiled and leaned down to capture my mouth in a soft kiss and I melted into him. I pulled away first, and he nuzzled his face against my neck. After a few seconds I felt him place a warm kiss there, making me suck in a sharp breath.
"Tyler...everyone's staring, " I mumbled.
"Then let's give them something to watch, " he whispered against my ear and I felt goosebumps run all over my body.
Heart jackhammering, I looked at him as he placed his hand in the middle of my back. He linked his other hand with mine and held it high. "Just follow my lead."
My upper body was almost flush against his. I curved one hand behind his neck as I stared into the deep pools of his eyes. He was so freaking hot, I almost combusted on the spot.
He started moving effortlessly to the music and I shivered as his big hand guided me, while the singer crooned a sensual song.
He controlled my every movement, whirling me around effortlessly across the dance floor and pulling me back to his chest, before finally, I relinquished to him, my body betraying my long held desires.
"That's it, tiger." He murmured with husky delight.
He dipped me, one hand around my waist and the other trailing up my thigh that was exposed by the slit in my dress.
His touch seared through my dress, igniting every inch of my skin and making me shudder.
He drew me back up and twirled me around, before pulling me back against his chest. I could feel his quickened breath on the back of my neck as he nuzzled me, all while keeping rhythm with the music.
My pulse was racing wildly and my blood simmered in my veins when he murmured. "God, every curve of your body allures me, as much as that incredible mind of yours. Every smile you throw my way draws me in, as much as that feisty attitude of yours."
His words made me shiver and I smiled. "Someone is trying to be poetic, tonight."
He twirled me back around to face him. When I met his eyes, there was an unmistakable promise of heat and passion in them. He cupped my face with both of his hands, as he slowly leaned down and kissed me.
I wrapped my arms around his neck as his mouth slowly invaded mine. Sinking my fingers into his hair, I kissed him back and he pulled me deeper into his embrace.
When the song came to an end, we broke away from each other, our breaths coming out in soft pants.
"Damn, you're good at this, " I breathed.
"You bring out the best in me." He grinned before placing his forehead against mine.
"God, you're so cheesy." I kissed his jaw, and he smiled.
"You love it."
I do.
He held me close, even after the music faded and the lights regained their glow.
I sighed, a smile playing on my lips and looked up at him, our noses brushing against each other.
"What are you doing to me?"
A/n - A slightly longer chapter than usual, because I just couldn't cut out any part. :(
Thank you so much for sticking with me so far ❤
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